Recent content by Dilatino

  1. Dilatino

    I Particles from a thermal source

    But is there not, due to the time/energy uncertainty, an upper limit to how much you could increase the time resolution to observe a quantum process without distroying the system? Also, how can one observe the measurement process itself, as observing something means measuring it ...?
  2. Dilatino

    Introduction to Young-tableaux and weight diagrams?

    I am looking for a short pedagogical introduction to Young-tableaux and weight diagrams and the relationship between them, which contains many detailled and worked out examples of how these methods are applied in physics, such as in the context of the standard model and beyond for example. I am...
  3. Dilatino

    Confused about isospin conservation in rho to pion decays

    The decay \rho^0 \rightarrow \pi^- \pi^+ occurs with a probability of 100\%, whereas the decay \rho^0 \rightarrow \pi^0 \pi^0 does not occur in nature, due to isosphin conservation. I don't understand this. Looking at the Isospin and its third component ¦I,I_3\rangle we have in the first...
  4. Dilatino

    How can I construct the 4D real representation of SU(2)?

    An element of SU(2), such as for example the rotation around the x-axis generated by the first Pauli matrice can be written as U(x) = e^{ixT_1} = \left( \begin{array}{cc} \cos\frac{x}{2} & i\sin\frac{x}{2} \\ i\sin\frac{x}{2} & \cos\frac{x}{2} \\ \end{array} \right) = \left(...
  5. Dilatino

    Demystification of the spin-sum for massive spin-1 particles

    Assuming that a massive spin-1 particle has momentum only in the z-direction, the polarization vectors are given by \varepsilon_{\mu}(J_z = +1) = (0,-\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}},-\frac{i}{\sqrt{2}},0 ) \varepsilon_{\mu}(J_z = 0) = (\frac{p}{m},0,0, \frac{E}{m}) \varepsilon_{\mu}(J_z = -1) =...
  6. Dilatino

    Why can the omega meson not decay to 3 neutral pions?

    I don't understand how LaTex works here ...
  7. Dilatino

    Why can the omega meson not decay to 3 neutral pions?

    What reasons prevent the decay $\omega \rightarrow \pi^0 \pi^0 \pi^0$ from happening?
  8. Dilatino

    Massive particles in D-brane models ?

    How does a zero separation of parallel D-branes give mass to the particles that correspond to strings stretched between them? Is there a scalar field corresponding to the separation of the D-branes which takes the role of a higgs field, or how does it work?
  9. Dilatino

    Why does the Schwinger parameter correspond to proper length?

    I have just learned from nice article that the propagator of a massive particle can be rewritten as an integral over the so-called Schwinger parameter t as $$ \frac{1}{p^2 + m^2} = \int\limits_0^\infty dt...
  10. Dilatino

    How is the deficit angle due to a relativistic cosmic string derived?

    The presence of a cosmic string does not lead to gravitational attraction of a particle placed some distance away from it. But it affects the geometry of planes orthogonal to the cosmic string, such that the circumference of a circle traced out when moving around it at a distance r is given by...
  11. Dilatino

    How are inflaton particles that drive the early inflation created?

    Thanks for these comments, I rather thought too that the inlation energy scale should be at or above the GUT scale. @Sheaf thanks for the link to the power point talk, this looks interesting @bapowell is there some reference where it is explained how gravitational waves cause tensor...
  12. Dilatino

    How are inflaton particles that drive the early inflation created?

    Assuming that the early inflation of the universe is driven by the potential energy of some inflaton field(s), the "normal" matter is created only after this rapid inflation has stopped by conversion of the latent energy of the corresponding phase transition to particles. Does this mean that...