Recent content by horsecandy911

  1. H

    Neuroscientists: What is a Principal Cell Layer?

    Thanks for clarifying everybody, I think the question has been put to rest.
  2. H

    Neuroscientists: What is a Principal Cell Layer?

    Thanks, so, to be absolutely clear, principal cell is just a synonym for projection neuron? And a principal cell layer is just a layer that contains mainly projection neurons, rather than interneurons?
  3. H

    Neuroscientists: What is a Principal Cell Layer?

    Hello neuroscientists, I'm currently working on a neuroscience project and in the course of the papers I'm reading, I keep coming up against the phrase "principal cell layer". The papers I'm reading are about the hippocampus. I gather that this has something to do with the presence of...
  4. H

    Why Are Human Hands Considered Chiral?

    Hi jd12345, I think you're misunderstanding the word "superimposable". This means that the outlines of the hands should be able to match up exactly-- i.e. one hand can occupy exactly the same space as the other hand. One way to see this is to think of a left-handed glove. This glove...
  5. H

    Why Does the Growth-Rate of a Titration Curve Vary?

    Awesome, thanks so much for this explanation. I've been looking for a good explanation of the shape of a titration curve forever.
  6. H

    Launch speed to reach a given orbital altitude

    Homework Statement [EDIT: My first statement of the problem was wrong.] 1. The space shuttle releases a satellite into a circular orbit 720 km above the Earth. How fast must the shuttle be moving (relative to Earth) when the release occurs?Homework Equations F=GmM/r^2 Fc = mv^2/rThe Attempt...
  7. H

    Medical Why Does Permeability Alter Membrane Potential?

    I've just finished reading through the generally well-written Wikipedia article on membrane potential: I found almost everything to be clear, but one question is nagging at me. Why do changes in membrane permeability directly affect membrane...
  8. H

    Force Needed to pull apart hemispheres of an evacuated sphere

    Homework Statement Prove that the horizontal force needed to pull two weightless, thin hemispheres apart has magnitude F = \pi*r^2 * \Delta p where \Delta p is the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the spheres. Homework Equations surface area = 4\pir^2 F = pA The...
  9. H

    Voltage Drop in Electric Circuits

    My textbook tells me that the voltage in an electric circuit only drops across a resistor. I don't quite understand this; doesn't this suggest that the electrons in the current are moving at a constant velocity? I would think that, since they are moving under the influence of an electrostatic...
  10. H

    How Does Bond Formation Release Heat?

    I'm hoping someone can explain how the formation of a chemical bond releases heat. What I imagine is that, when two atoms that are about to bond come near each other, they (or at least some of their electrons) accelerate forward under the influence of an electrostatic force. When these...
  11. H

    Forward vs Reverse Reaction (both endo/exo thermic)

    They cannot both be exothermic or endothermic. Enthalpy (H) is a state function. This means that the enthalpy of a system is completely independent of how one arrived at that system. It's like mass. It follows from this that the enthalpy change in any process is expressed by...
  12. H

    Weird: number of moles of NaOH in 20 ml of 1M NaOH

    As the other posters said, you cannot use the density or volume of the entire solution. If you wanted to take the density approach, you would need to figure out the volume of NaOH in your solution, and multiply that by the density of solvated NaOH. That would give you the mass (which will be...
  13. H

    Why do bubbles form when vapor pressure = external pressure?

    Can someone explain why bubbles only begin to form when the vapor pressure = external pressure? Since vapor pressure is defined as the equilibrium pressure of the gas in a closed vessel, the connection does not seem obvious.
  14. H

    Are These Infinite Series Convergent or Divergent?

    Thanks for the help! I think that my solution to #3 is adequate. I'm not sure how to prove that k^.5 > ln(k), but I can see it from the graphs. I also found this alternative for #1: So that is the solution to all the...
  15. H

    Are These Infinite Series Convergent or Divergent?

    Homework Statement I have been straining to find convergence or divergence of a few infinite series. I have tried everything I can think of; ratio test, root test, trying to find a good series for comparison, etc. Here are the formulas for the terms: #1 1 ------------- (ln(n))^ln(n)...