Recent content by neongoats

  1. N

    Determining current from ammeter

    Ohhhh oops, I forgot to add the voltage from the battery... This isn't intuitive to me at all. So Δ5 across the 2Ω resistor is 10V. 9V - 10V = -1 V -1 V / 3 Ω = -1/3 A Thank you so much!
  2. N

    Determining current from ammeter

    Okay. I'm still unsure of how to do this. I split the circuit into the loop on the left. Using the fact that the current through the 2ohm resistor is 5A, I found that the change in potential at this point is 10V. I know that the total change in potential must be 0, so the change in potential...
  3. N

    Determining current from ammeter

    Homework Statement The ammeter reads 5.0A. Find I1, I2, and ε Homework Equations ΔV=IR The Attempt at a Solution I've never dealt with ammeters before so I'm very confused. To start, I tried breaking this into loops, and then used Kirchhoff's Law. I started with the left side, since I...
  4. N

    How Can You Calculate the Length of a Ramp Based on Sliding Time and Friction?

    I did draw a free body diagram and I believe my trig relations are correct. After further digging I found nearly the exact same question but when I calculate the velocity with their numbers I...
  5. N

    How Can You Calculate the Length of a Ramp Based on Sliding Time and Friction?

    Homework Statement You are passing a construction site on the way to physics class, and stop to watch for a while. The construction workers appear to be going on a coffee break, and have left a large concrete block resting at the top of a wooden ramp connecting one of the building's upper...
  6. N

    Solving a Physics Homework Problem: Work, Energy, and Conservation

    Homework Statement A student holds a book at rest on the palm of her hand. She lifts the book straight up, bringing it to rest again at a higher point. 1. Is the net work done on the book positive, negative, or zero? 2. Is the change in the gravitational potential energy positive, negative...
  7. N

    Rolling Friction of Bicycle Tires

    Homework Statement Two bicycle tires are set rolling with the same initial speed of 3.30m/s along a long, straight road, and the distance each travels before its speed is reduced by half is measured. One tire is inflated to a pressure of 40 psi and goes a distance of 17.3m ; the other is at 105...
  8. N

    How Do Horizontal and Vertical Movements Differ in Subducted Plates?

    For my homework I was given a velocity diagram of the Juan de Fuca plate similar to this: The first question is as follows: Measurements indicate that the Juan de Fuca plate is moving at a speed of ~40 mm/year. Calculate, and draw diagrams that show, the horizontal and vertical components...