Recent content by saubhik

  1. S

    Undergraduate physics courses in India

    I held the view that the undergraduate physics course at CMI as the best undergraduate physics course in India as the entrance exam is competitive and tough. Very few are selected. But after reading the article: I feel disheartened since getting to...
  2. S

    Why is the 2nd law of thermodynamics equivalent to conservation of momentum?

    Thanks for your answers. I think I have got my answer.
  3. S

    Why is the 2nd law of thermodynamics equivalent to conservation of momentum?

    Thanks for your answer. Doesn't any collision between slower molecules of hotter gas and faster molecules of cooler gas occur? This seems non-intuitive. How does entropy solve this? I am not getting a "physical picture".
  4. S

    Why is the 2nd law of thermodynamics equivalent to conservation of momentum?

    you mean that in some cases there will be no change in velocities of either particles. (i.e. v1=v1' and v2=v2'), it will be as though no collision has taken place. This condition also comes from energy and momentum conservation principles. In other cases we will have v2'>v1'. for the case when...
  5. S

    Why is the 2nd law of thermodynamics equivalent to conservation of momentum?

    suppose you keep a hot body and a relatively cool body in direct contact and take the two bodies as a system. Particles (molecules or ions or atoms) in the hot body have higher energy and thus displays vigorous motion. The particles of the cold body had lower energy and thus their motion is less...
  6. S

    Why is the 2nd law of thermodynamics equivalent to conservation of momentum?

    why does heat flows from a high temperature body to a low temperature body? The above statement can be concluded from applying conservation of momentum to particles of a system containing a high and low temperature bodies. But in texts, its written that the above statement is a consequence of...
  7. S

    What Are the Toughest Physics Problem Books and Texts for Advanced Learners?

    Thanks for that! What book do you recommend for problems?
  8. S

    What Are the Toughest Physics Problem Books and Texts for Advanced Learners?

    Hi all, i've been searching for a great problem books in physics. Right now, I've been solving I.E. Irodov's Problems in general physics, Mir Publishers. Some of the problems are great. Its fun solving it. I want to know, if there are many more such problem books, requiring great skill at...
  9. S

    What it takes to get into M.S. program in MIT

    The title says it all, but I am going to introduce myself first. Right now, I am pursuing (and enjoying) Bachelor's degree course in Mechanical Engineering from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. It has just been a little more than 2.5 months since I joined college. I have been dreaming to...
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    Solving Ampere's Law Homework with Curve C

    If a current does pass through a curve C (we are dealing with magnetostatics so no question of any change in electric fields) then it must also penetrate through surface S. But my problem is: what if a current does not pass through C but penetrates S? Clearly there's a B-field at all points on...
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    Solving Ampere's Law Homework with Curve C

    Homework Statement In Ampere's Law, we consider an amperian loop (suppose a curve C), and any surface with boundary C can be chosen. 1.If the circulation of B is zero along the curve. Does this directly imply B=0 at points on the curve C? 2.Also in some cases there may be surfaces with...
  12. S

    Is the Back EMF of a Transformer a Dynamic Equilibrium?

    If you apply Kirchhoff's voltage law to primary of the transformer, you get the back emf equal to supply voltage. (neglecting resistance in primary circuit)
  13. S

    Exploring Diffusion & Drift in a Zero-Bias PN Junction

    consider we have a pn junction in zero bias. I am trying to find the equilibrium condition. As soon as a p-n junction is formed, electrons (present in conduction band) from the n-side near to the p-n interface diffuse to the p-side of the interface leaving donors in the region. Same thing...
  14. S

    LC oscillations with DC source

    yah... that's right. So the equations don't hold for t=0? is that the DC transcience? what then happens exactly at t=0; how to express this mathematically?
  15. S

    Finding magnetic field from magnetic force / semielliptical conductor

    1.d)biot and savart is for current distributions; why use that? Go on with the lorentz force law. Vectorially add the magnetic forces and equate to (qv)X(B_net). You'll get 3 equations each along x,y and z directions. Solve them and get your field B. regarding 2, what is the centre of a...