Adiabatic Expansion Pressure Temperature Relation

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of convection in the troposphere and the relationship between temperature and pressure for an ideal gas expanding adiabatically. The solution involves using the ideal gas law and adiabatic relations to derive a differential equation, which is then simplified to show that the derivative of temperature with respect to pressure is equal to 2 times the temperature divided by the sum of the degrees of freedom and 2. One person in the conversation also shares their method for finding the solution.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The problem is in the context of convection in the troposphere

Show that when an ideal gas expands adiabatically, the temperature and pressure are related by the differential equation

[tex]\frac{dT}{dP} = \frac{2}{f+2} \frac{T}{P}[/tex]

Homework Equations

Ideal gas law PV = nRT
adiabatic relations ##VT^{f/2}= constant##, ##V^{\gamma}P = constant##
where ##\gamma = \frac{f+2}{f}##

The Attempt at a Solution

The first thing I tried was taking the derivative of each of the adiabatic relations w.r.t. the T or P in each of them. Since they are equal to constants, their derivatives are equal to zero and thus each other. I did not take a partial derivative because V is not constant. Temperature, pressure and volume of the air mass are changing as it moves through the atmosphere.

I am rusty with my derivatives right now, and was plagued with simple errors as I went through taking them and doing the arithmetic. Like right now I see a mistake that I made that I didn't notice I had and yeah, I gave up on this route because it was too messy.

Then I tried the idea of dividing the one adiabatic relation by the other, and since the ratio of two constants is a constant, I could then take the derivative of what I got and work from there.

$$PV^\gamma = A$$
$$VT^{f/2} = B$$
$$\frac{PV^\gamma}{VT^{f/2}} = A/B$$
$$PV^{\gamma - 1}T^{-f/2} = constant$$

From there I uh wrote the "implicit derivative" of each. I'm not entirely sure if this is legal, or if I did it right but

$$V^{\gamma - 1}T^{-f/2}dP + PT^{-f/2}V^{\gamma - 2}(\gamma - 2)dV + PV^{\gamma - 1}T^{-f/2 - 1}(-f/2 - 1)dT = 0$$

which is admittedly still messy but whatever. I moved all the Vs to the one side of the equation to leave the Ps and Ts on the other

$$\frac{dP}{P} = (f/2 + 1) \frac{dT}{T} - (\gamma - 2)\frac{dV}{V}$$

From an example in the book I was shown that ##\frac{f}{2}\frac{dT}{T} = -\frac{dV}{V}##. I'm assuming this is true for my problem because the example was about adiabatic compression and so P, V and T were dependent on each other like in the problem I'm doing.

And so $$\frac{dP}{P} = \frac{dT}{T}[(\gamma -2)(f/2) + (f/2 + 1)]$$

so now I'm going to simplify and turn the ##\gamma## into ##(f+2)/f##and holy crap if I didn't redo this a million times but I keep ending up with

$$\frac{dP}{P} = \frac{f+4}{2}\frac{dT}{T}$$

Which is exactly the answer (with some maneuvering) except there's a FOUR where a TWO should be!

Ok I found that I was writing a 1 where the 2 should be in ##\gamma - 2##... which makes the above turn out to be $$\frac{dP}{P} = 2\frac{dT}{T}$$

I can only pore over my handiwork so many times looking for tiny errors until my mind starts to turn off, but I can't help but think I did something stupid. Either that or perhaps that substitution is fallacious? I tried changing the sign of that part: ##\frac{f}{2}\frac{dT}{T} = \frac{dV}{V}## (maybe because the work is in the opposite direction for expansion) but it did not help either.

And ok at this point I'm just confusing myself with all my tiny changes and am going to go take a break. I am very appreciative of any help, thank you.
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  • #2
Start with PVγ=constant, and substitute V from the ideal gas law into the equation. What do you get?
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  • #3
I get $$\frac{dT}{dP} = \frac{\gamma}{\gamma - 1} \frac{T}{P^{\gamma + 1}}$$

Which evaluates to $$\frac{dT}{dP} = \frac{f+2}{2} \frac{T}{P^{\frac{2f+2}{f}}}$$ and I really don't know how to proceed from there.
  • #4
Oh wow wait I think I got it, I took the natural log of the initial substitution and I think that's exactly what I needed to do. I can nicely separate P and T from each other using log properties, and no weird exponents.

I could take the log, of course, because a ln(constant) is still some constant.
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Likes Chestermiller
  • #5
I get $$\frac{dT}{dP} = \frac{\gamma}{\gamma - 1} \frac{T}{P^{\gamma + 1}}$$

That's not what I get. I get:
where C is a constant.
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  • #6
Thanks, that did it!
  • #7
For future people.

VT^{ \frac {f} {2}} = C
V= \frac {NKT} {P}
Enter Equation (2) into Equation (1)
( \frac {NKT} {P})T^{\frac {f} {2}}=C
Combine T's and rearrange to be a function of T
T^ {\frac {f+2} {2}}= \frac {CP} {NK}
Recognize that
\frac {C} {NK} = constant

Enter that information
T^{ \frac {f+2}{2} }= CP
Multiply by exponential \begin{equation} ( \frac {2} {f+2} ) \end{equation} to isolate a single T. (C raised to any power is still a constant).
T=CP^{ \frac {2} {f+2}}
Now take the derivative of T with respect to P.
\frac {dT} {dP} = \frac {2C} {f+2} P^{\frac {2} {f+2} -1}
separate P-1 from P2/f+2
\frac {dT} {dP} = \frac {2C} {f+2} P^{\frac {2} {f+2}}P^{-1}
Rearrange (
\frac {T} {C} = P^{\frac {2} {f+2}}
Input above equation into the differential for matching P.
\frac {dT} {dP} = \frac {2C} {f+2} (\frac {T} {C})P^{-1}
Constants are equal so they can cancel out. Leaving you with
\frac {dT} {dP} = \frac {2} {f+2} \frac {T} {P}
  • #8
Lowell said:
For future people.

VT^{ \frac {f} {2}} = C
V= \frac {NKT} {P}
Enter Equation (2) into Equation (1)
( \frac {NKT} {P})T^{\frac {f} {2}}=C
Combine T's and rearrange to be a function of T
T^ {\frac {f+2} {2}}= \frac {CP} {NK}
Recognize that
\frac {C} {NK} = constant

Enter that information
T^{ \frac {f+2}{2} }= CP
Multiply by exponential \begin{equation} ( \frac {2} {f+2} ) \end{equation} to isolate a single T. (C raised to any power is still a constant).
T=CP^{ \frac {2} {f+2}}
Now take the derivative of T with respect to P.
\frac {dT} {dP} = \frac {2C} {f+2} P^{\frac {2} {f+2} -1}
separate P-1 from P2/f+2
\frac {dT} {dP} = \frac {2C} {f+2} P^{\frac {2} {f+2}}P^{-1}
Rearrange (
\frac {T} {C} = P^{\frac {2} {f+2}}
Input above equation into the differential for matching P.
\frac {dT} {dP} = \frac {2C} {f+2} (\frac {T} {C})P^{-1}
Constants are equal so they can cancel out. Leaving you with
\frac {dT} {dP} = \frac {2} {f+2} \frac {T} {P}
You realize that this thread is over a year old, right? Do you feel that the answer we previously obtained was incorrect?
  • #9
Chestermiller said:
You realize that this thread is over a year old, right? Do you feel that the answer we previously obtained was incorrect?

In this problem you aren't searching for an answer. You are trying to figure out the necessary steps for derivation. So I was just putting this here for future people searching for it.
  • #10
Lowell said:
In this problem you aren't searching for an answer. You are trying to figure out the necessary steps for derivation. So I was just putting this here for future people searching for it.
Well, OK. Since the OP has not been seen in over a year, and there have been no other responses until yours, I think this thread has pretty much run its course. I am hereby closing it.
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Likes Lowell

FAQ: Adiabatic Expansion Pressure Temperature Relation

1. What is adiabatic expansion?

Adiabatic expansion is a process in thermodynamics where a gas expands without gaining or losing heat to its surroundings. This means that the temperature of the gas decreases as it expands.

2. What is the pressure-temperature relationship in adiabatic expansion?

The pressure-temperature relationship in adiabatic expansion is described by the adiabatic equation, which states that the pressure and temperature of a gas are inversely proportional during the expansion process. This means that as the volume of the gas increases, the pressure decreases and the temperature also decreases.

3. How does adiabatic expansion differ from isothermal expansion?

Adiabatic expansion differs from isothermal expansion in that adiabatic expansion occurs without any heat transfer, while isothermal expansion occurs at a constant temperature. In adiabatic expansion, the temperature of the gas decreases, while in isothermal expansion, the temperature remains constant.

4. What is the significance of adiabatic expansion in practical applications?

Adiabatic expansion has many practical applications, such as in the operation of internal combustion engines and gas turbines. It is also used in refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Understanding the pressure-temperature relationship in adiabatic expansion is important for efficient and effective operation of these systems.

5. How is the adiabatic expansion process represented on a pressure-volume graph?

The adiabatic expansion process is represented on a pressure-volume graph by a downward-sloping curve. As the volume of the gas increases, the pressure decreases, and the curve approaches the x-axis (representing zero pressure) but never actually touches it due to the ideal gas law.
