Do Some Parents Discourage Their Children's Curiosity?

In summary, the conversation discussed the reluctance of some parents to encourage their children's curiosity and interest in learning, leading to the potential squandering of intellectual potential. It also touched on the idea that some parents may prioritize certain activities over education, and the negative impact this can have on the child's development. The conversation also delved into the role of teachers and authority figures in hindering a student's desire to learn. Finally, it mentioned the potential for broken homes and unstable family dynamics to contribute to a child's lack of access to proper education.
  • #1
So, I'm in the grocery store one day, and a precious, little six year old girl asked her useless, dreadlocked, most-likely-unemployed father if they can reinact a science experiment she saw on television.

He asks, "Is this for school?"

She says, "no."

He literally says, "Then NO! You know I only see you every other weekend. Do you think we have time for this?"

After scolding his child for asking to learn something, he was so pissed off, he told his girlfriend to take her outside and wait in the car.

Now, I'm not saying that all white-trash @ssholes are this reluctant to learning, but I believe that too many people are poisoning the minds of the children they are too irresponsible to have. It is a problem.

Physics news on
  • #2
It is a problem.

Did you consider it enough of a problem for you to say something to him?
  • #3
Originally posted by zk4586
Did you consider it enough of a problem for you to say something to him?

What good would it have done?

Had I said something to him like, hey @sshole, I know you're stupid, but why don't you try to learn something so that you can teach your daughter something so she doesn't have to grow up and be a moron like you? he probably would have just gotten angry and beat his kid at home for embarassing him in public.

I was in their life for a total of three minutes. It's not as if I would be a permanent influence in the little girl's life -- making sure everyday that she's receiving a proper upbringing.

  • #4
Entropy, you make an excellent point. Yours is a more extreme example then one usually encounters, but I am familiar with the concept.

I have a friend whose in his late thirties (I think), is of average intelligence, and has three daughters. Now don't get me wrong, I admire this guy in a lot of ways, but he's got much the same problem you mention. You see, his first-born daughter is of about-average intelligence. He treats her like any dad would treat their first-born daughter. However, his second-born daughter has always been extremely precocious (sp?), and she's the one that he (and his wife) always punish harder, and treat less fairly. Because of this, I believe that much of her intellectual potential has been squandered.

Of course, people who aren't very intelligent can also go to the other extreme, and treat the "smart one" better than the rest. This is not good either, because smart children usually learn (rather quickly) to take advantage of such a situation.
  • #5
Greetings !
Originally posted by eNtRopY
It is a problem.
Yep, that's why I think we should kill all the
stupid people and thus get rid of them. Think
about it: No pollution, no religion, no
overpopulation of the planet without means
of sustaining it, salvation for many of the
other life-forms still around, well planned
high level scientific and general development
and much more.

Huh... I got carried away, just kidding of course ! :wink:

Peace and long life.
  • #6
it all depends on what the parents value. in some cases a kid who shows interest in music may be told by the parents that it's a waste of time. same thing could be said about athletics, academic stuff or really anthing.

the broader problem here is parents not encoraging children to explore what may interest them but trying to push them into one thing, whatever it is the parents think is important.
  • #7
Originally posted by eNtRopY
So, I'm in the grocery store one day, and a precious, little six year old girl asked her useless, dreadlocked, most-likely-unemployed father if they can reinact a science experiment she saw on television.

He asks, "Is this for school?"

She says, "no."

He literally says, "Then NO! You know I only see you every other weekend. Do you think we have time for this?"

After scolding his child for asking to learn something, he was so pissed off, he told his girlfriend to take her outside and wait in the car.

Now, I'm not saying that all white-trash @ssholes are this reluctant to learning, but I believe that too many people are poisoning the minds of the children they are too irresponsible to have. It is a problem.


That is absolutely horrid! Boy, I am really annoyed. I can sort of relate to this. I'm doing a persuasive speech on how kids just aren't getting enough edu at their level. And this seems like a very good example of the many deterences kids confront today.
  • #8
Reading your comments, i am fascinated. As a 16 year old, still doing my GCSE's, i am amazed at how people think that education is almost wrong. Teachers are so wrapped up in trying to get their students good results, that they forget that those students may actually want answers - especially when the answer is not on the syllabus. i believe that everyone should be able to fulfill their potential, and parents, teachers, and authorative figures all seem to stand in the way.

I am in top sets for all subjects (I am fairly intelligent), but often I am told that I should wait until next year (when doing A levels), before teachers will teach me what I would like to know.
  • #9
He literally says, "Then NO! You know I only see you every other weekend. Do you think we have time for this?"

Maybe he was upset because it was cutting into their reading time and they were deep into Einstein's relativity.

But really, what did you expect? If the things that stupid people did were intelligent, they wouldn't be stupid people. It sounds like the little girl was from a broken home and only had to spend every other weekend with the moron. Hopefully her other parent is better at nurturing her intellectual curiosity (hey, she was smart enough to dump the bum).
  • #10
People can get too obsessed with education - especially teenagers and young adults who have spent all of their lives learning. There are ways to get ahead in this world without an education, and the 'stupid man' knows that and has his own particular life philosophy.

Just because the girl will not do a science experiment will not doom her to an unhappy life. The poor guy had probably been looking forwards to seeing his daughter all fourtnight and had everything mapped out.
  • #11
Originally posted by eNtRopY

He literally says, "Then NO! You know I only see you every other weekend. Do you think we have time for this?"

The guy is stupid. I mean he could of spend time with his daughter doing the experiment. The time would be quality time rather than doing something she does not want to do.

Originally posted by plus

People can get too obsessed with education - especially teenagers and young adults who have spent all of their lives learning. There are ways to get ahead in this world without an education, and the 'stupid man' knows that and has his own particular life philosophy.

I agree that education is not the only way to get ahead but no matter what is your philosophy about education and life, the dad should respect want his daugther wants (i.e. learning science).
  • #12
The poor guy had probably been looking forwards to seeing his daughter all fourtnight and had everything mapped out.

Don't forget the father's wish to spend time with his daughter is only half of the reason for visitations.
  • #13
Originally posted by spacemanspiff
it all depends on what the parents value. in some cases a kid who shows interest in music may be told by the parents that it's a waste of time. same thing could be said about athletics, academic stuff or really anthing.

the broader problem here is parents not encoraging children to explore what may interest them but trying to push them into one thing, whatever it is the parents think is important.

I had a similar experience growing up. My dad is lawyer, definitley very intelligent and well read. I showed an interest in working on cars and mechanics, and my dad discouraged it because he felt it was for lower educated people, not for his son. The thing is that's what I was interested in.
Now I am studying to be a mechanical engineer, and now dad is like whoa, that's not a low-class career, for sure. I just felt that I would have come to the realization earlier, because I was always in awe of how the engine worked and the physics behind them, plus I was always good at math. But dad just saw illiterate grease monkey. I guess you can't blame him, I grew up in rural HI, and some of my homies will live their whole lives not to far from where they were born, with no more than a high school diploma.
It would have been nice if he supported me then, even though he only wanted what was best for me. I might consider this when facing these choices when I become a parent.
  • #14
yeah parenting can be tough (not that i would know)

I'd like to say that anything my kid would be inerested in would be equally great. but i'd be lying if i didn't say that certain things would be more ok than others. the fixing car things seems cool to me but maybe just because my grandfather is way into that and I'm used to it. I can't think of anything that i would definately look down on enough to try to squash. if my kid were a big time athletic person that would be a little weird but i would be ok with that.
  • #15
Originally posted by spacemanspiff
I can't think of anything that i would definately look down on enough to try to squash.

Hmm... how about:

assistant crack whore
peepshow janitor
heterosexual fluffer for a gay pornstar
STD research subject
tv talk-show host

  • #16
assistant crack whore

Talk about starting at the bottom!

This man has a responsibility to society, one that is often overlooked by parents. That responsibility is to raise their children to be useful members of that society.

Parents now-a-days have a tendency to want their children to be happy with this taking precedence over everything else, performance in school, behavior, sports, etc. That is all well and good, but it is not a requirement. It is a requirement that they should be well behaved (within the bounds of social behavior) and educated to a point where they will not be a burden on society. If they can do this and still be happy, all the better. If not, tough, the kid should be a little sad because he or she got in trouble for skipping school, hitting someone, carrying their dad's pistol to school. I've heard of parents defending their kids for hitting teachers (the daughter of a teacher no less).

You have to ask your self who is being the better parent, the father or the daughter? The parent is supposed to know what is best for his kid (whether it makes them happy or not).
  • #17
Originally posted by eNtRopY

STD research subject

Coming from someone who advocated taking Sting to a brothel.
  • #18
Originally posted by plus
Coming from someone who advocated taking Sting to a brothel.

Hey, Sting patronized plenty of Tijuanan brothels long before I ever came along. How do you think he got the name Sting? I can assure you it had nothing to do with a lack of burning sensation during urination.

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FAQ: Do Some Parents Discourage Their Children's Curiosity?

What is the concept of "Stupid People Want Stupid Kids"?

The concept of "Stupid People Want Stupid Kids" is a controversial and often debated idea that suggests that individuals with lower intelligence or cognitive abilities are more likely to have children with similar levels of intelligence.

Is there any scientific evidence to support this concept?

There have been various studies conducted on the topic, but the findings are inconclusive. Some studies have found a correlation between parental intelligence and child intelligence, while others have found no significant link. Therefore, it is difficult to make a definitive conclusion based on the current research.

What factors contribute to a child's intelligence?

There are many factors that can influence a child's intelligence, including genetics, environmental factors, and individual experiences. While parental intelligence may play a role, it is not the only determining factor in a child's intelligence.

Does this concept perpetuate harmful stereotypes?

Some argue that the concept of "Stupid People Want Stupid Kids" perpetuates harmful stereotypes and unfairly labels individuals with lower intelligence. It is important to remember that intelligence is a complex and multifaceted concept, and should not be reduced to a single factor or label.

What are the potential implications of this concept?

If this concept were to be widely accepted, it could have negative implications for individuals with lower intelligence, potentially leading to discrimination and stigmatization. It is important to approach this topic with caution and consider the potential consequences of promoting such an idea.

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