Two problems gettin on my nerve

  • Thread starter O.J.
  • Start date
In summary, the electric field at the origin has no x component and is given by E = 2ke λ sin θ0/y.
  • #1
4. A thin rod of length ℓ and uniform charge per unit length λ lies along the x axis, as shown in the Figure. (a) Show that the electric field at P, a distance y from the rod along its perpendicular bisector, has no x component and is given by E = 2ke λ sin θ0/y. (b) What If? Using your result to part (a), show that the field of a rod of infinite length is E = 2ke λ /y. (Suggestion: First calculate the field at P due to an element of length dx, which has a charge λ dx. Then change variables from x to θ, using the relationships x = y tan θ and dx = y sec2 θ dθ , and integrate over θ.)

for this problem, I am not gettin how u arrive at the E field. (ie part a)

the other problem:

7. A line of charge with uniform density 35.0 nC/m lies along the line y = 15.0 cm, between the points with coordinates x = 0 and x = 40.0 cm. Find the electric field it creates at the origin.

i get the value but not the irection of the E field.

can u please help me out
Physics news on
  • #2
PF requires that you show some work before we help you--sorry!
Now for your other problem, you can perform a vector summation pretty easily. just sum it up like Ex=int((Kdq/distance^2)sin@) where @ is the angle between the line x=0 and the line from the origin to the charge dq. find a way to sum this from one side of the bar to the other. Then get your y-component and then you should have no problem getting your direction.
  • #3
  • #4
I proved that E has no x component but i can't find the y component . can some1 show me a procedure (specially help withg the integration part)

as for ur suggestion for the other problem. i don't think I am familiar with the kind of math ur using... it loox weird
  • #5
Once again, what have you DONE to set up the integral. Show us what you have tried.
  • #6
ooo ok (i will denote lambda by @

dq = @ dx

dE = k @ dx / r^2 = k @ dx /(x^2+y^2)

E = int (k @ dx / (x^2 + y^2)) from -.5L to .5 L

i can't integrate it and i can't find the y component
  • #7
pls also help me out for the other problem. i get the general notion of it already, but its the math where i go wrong. show me the INTEGRATIOn
  • #8
Have you tried the substitution given in the hint in the question?
  • #9
Hello all! I'm trying to work on this problem as well but I'm a bit lost.
So far, I know that the Ex component will cancel, so only Ey will remain.
Then I know that dq = lamda dx.
I'm defining theta as the angle adjacent to y, so cos(ᶿ)= y / [√(L/2)^2 + (y)^2], where [√(L/2)^2 + y^2] = r.
and I know that dE = (kdq) / r^2

Substituting that into the equation for dE gets me:
dE = k (lamda dx) / (r)^2 * (y / r)

From here we can take an integral to get E, so:
E = k(lamda)y ∫ dx / ((L/2)^2 + (y)^2)^1.5
E = k(lamda)y (L/2) / y √((L/2)^2 + y^2)
E = k(lamda)L / 2y√((L/2)^2 + y^2), integrating from L to 0?

I'm actually not sure if integrating from L to 0 is correct... when I tried it I got
(k(lamda)L) / (2√((L^2/4) + L^2) - k(lamda)
which does not resemble the final answer, E = 2k*lamda / y

Any guidance at all would be most appreciated. Thanks!

FAQ: Two problems gettin on my nerve

1. What are the two main problems that are getting on your nerve?

The two main problems that are getting on my nerve are a lack of funding for my research and a lack of collaboration with other scientists.

2. How are these problems affecting your work as a scientist?

These problems are significantly impacting my work as a scientist. Without adequate funding, I am unable to conduct necessary experiments and purchase essential equipment. Additionally, without collaboration, I am limited in my ability to share ideas and make groundbreaking discoveries.

3. What steps have you taken to address these problems?

I have actively sought out grants and funding opportunities, but with limited success. I have also reached out to other scientists and attempted to form partnerships for collaboration, but have faced challenges in finding a suitable match.

4. Are there any potential solutions to these problems?

Yes, there are potential solutions to these problems. It is important for funding agencies to recognize the value and importance of scientific research and provide adequate funding. Additionally, fostering a collaborative environment within the scientific community can lead to more successful and impactful research.

5. How can others support and advocate for scientists facing these problems?

Others can support and advocate for scientists facing these problems by voicing their support for scientific research and its importance in society. They can also actively seek out opportunities to collaborate with and support scientists, and encourage funding agencies to prioritize scientific funding.

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