Recent content by magnetar

  1. M

    Charged particle、neutral particle will hit the ground simultaneously?

    If we drop a charged particle and a neutral particle at the same time(same hight) in a uniform gravitaional field, they will hit the ground simultaneously? on one hand:a freely falling charged particle will radiate according to a supported observer, so the radiation recoil (radiation...
  2. M

    Electron orbital the earth will radiate?

    If an electron orbital the Earth only influence by gravity,does it emit electromagnetic waves? if so, the radius will decay,eventually falling on earth?
  3. M

    Why dark matter can not collapse into a blackhole?

    Why dark matter can not collapse into a black hole under it's own weight?
  4. M

    Why positive or negtive pole of battery can not attract small objects ?

    Because the positive pole accumulate positive charges, it should attract small objects as the charged rubber rod do ?
  5. M

    Why positive or negtive pole of battery can not attract small objects ?

    why positive or negtive polar of battery can not attract small objects ?
  6. M

    Changes spotted in fundamental(α)constant

    Changes spotted in fundamental constant Sep 2, 2010 Billions of years ago the strength of the electromagnetic interaction was different at opposite ends of universe. That's the surprising conclusion of a group of physicists in Australia, who have studied light from ancient quasars. The...
  7. M

    Gravitaional field can store mass?

    Gravitational field can store mass? If i separate two rocks,the total weight of them will increase? If so,the extra mass stored in the gravitational field between them?
  8. M

    Is Gravity Really an Entropic Force?

    Gravity is an entropic force?? Erik Verlinde does not consider gravity as fundamental force .Gravity is an entropic force.
  9. M

    Black hole can regard as most efficency mass-energy convecter?

    Here is an article talking about "Black Hole Drive Could Power Future Starships"
  10. M

    Black hole can regard as most efficency mass-energy convecter?

    Black hole can regard as most efficency mass-energy converter? With black hole and hawking radiation's help, i come up with an idea to convert my apple completely into pure energy without another antimatter apple:biggrin: I throw my apple into a black hole , eventually my apple will convert...
  11. M

    Why Hawking radiation contains other particles besides photon?

    It is seems that i had narrow sense about "thermal radiation". Thank you my friends^_^
  12. M

    Why Hawking radiation contains other particles besides photon?

    Hawking radiation is standard thermal spectrum, thermal spectrum means it only can emit photon. why Hawking radiation contains other particles?(electron neutrino neutron proton etc)
  13. M

    Mirage is refraction phenomenon or total internal reflection phenomenon?

    “mirage” is refraction phenomenon or total internal reflection phenomenon? “mirage” is refraction phenomenon or total internal reflection phenomenon?
  14. M

    Neutron star collapse can produce GBBs?

    If a neutron star accumulate materials from its companion star ,then it's mass exceeded Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff limit, it will collapse into a black hole! My question is ,in this case ,it will produce "gamma-ray burst"?
  15. M

    Can nuclear weapons explosion produce neutrino pluse ?

    As we know,during ''core-collapse supernova"explosion, the hot temprature can produce numerous neutrinos and antineutrinos .During SN1987a, here we on Earth detected them. During the nuclear explosion, the temprature is very very hot in the explosion center,if the temprature is hot enough to...