Satellite motion Definition and 24 Threads

The Satellite Award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture is one of the annual awards given by the International Press Academy. In 2011, the IPA pared down its Satellite nominations in the motion picture categories from 22 to 19 classifications; the change reflects the merger of drama and comedy under a general Best Picture heading, including the Best Actor/Actress headings and the Best Supporting Actor/Actress headings.

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  1. H

    How did the textbook get this answer? (satellite motion question)

    Below is my attempt at the problem: T= 86400= 2πr/v v= 2π(6.68E6)/86400= 4.86E7 m/s r= (86400)(7730)/2π= 1.06E8 m
  2. adammish

    What is the relationship between tension and mass for an artificial satellite?

    Hi, I need to prove that the tension for artificial satellite consists of two points of mass m/2 connected by a light rigid rod of length , the tension in the rod is - $$ T=\frac{3}{4}\frac{Gmm'l}{a^3}-\frac{1}{4}\frac{Gm^2}{l^2} $$ the satellite is placed in a circular orbit of radius a>>l...
  3. M

    A Explaining the Geocentric Celestial Reference System

    Hi there guys, I was wondering does anyone have a layman's explanation of the GCRS as defined in the title. I am confused as to whether this is an inertial or non inertial system. In text modern reference books such as this (chapter 10, section 10.3.2) they define rotating/non rotating...
  4. B

    Apparent (clearly false) contradiction - Kepler's Third Law

    Homework Statement When considering a satellite in geosynchronous orbit, its speed is zero across (relative to) Earth's surface. From Kepler's third Law: T2=(4π2r3)/(GM), we can derive that v2=GM/r This would tell us that as the radius of a satellite to Earth's centre increases, its velocity...
  5. R

    Effects of Varying Satellite Heights on Orbit Motion

    1. The problem statement, all variables, and given/known data Satellites orbiting the Earth are often put into orbit at different heights around the planet. What affect will this have on the motion of the satellite and how exactly would the motion of a very high orbit satellite differ from one...
  6. T

    Satellite Motion Homework: Find 2nd Satellite Speed

    Homework Statement A satellite is in a circular orbit around an unknown planet. The satellite has a speed of 1.70 × 104 m/s, and the radius of the orbit is 5.25 × 106 m. A second satellite also has a circular orbit around this same planet. The orbit of this second satellite has a radius of...
  7. S

    Satellite Motion: Fuel Needed for Earth-Moon-Earth Trip

    Greetings, I have a question asking which one of the following two takes more fuel: 1) Sending a satellite from its orbit around the Earth to the moon 2) Sending the same satellite from moon to its orbit around the earth I am really confused how to proceed in this situation. I think both...
  8. T

    Question about satellite motion?

    This is one of the questions in the book without an answer and it is really frustrating that I can't check if my through process is correct. Two satellites X and Y are seen from the ground crossing the night sky at the same time. Satellite X crosses the sky faster than Y. State with a reason...
  9. Z

    Satellite motion - determining planets' masses

    1. Determine the ratio of the masses of the planets Earth and Mars by using only information about their orbital periods and orbital radii about the sun. Assume the planets can be treated as points with mass and assume circular orbits. Homework Equations Gravitational force: F_g = G m_1 m_2 /...
  10. G

    Satellite Motion conceptual problem

    Hey Dear forum, I know I'm wrong, but I don't know why: Since the Earth's descends 5 meters for every 8km, a horizontal speed of 8km/sec will put an object to rotate around the Earth (neglecting air resistance). I.e. in one second it will fall 5m below it's initial height, but so will the...
  11. M

    Solving Satellite Motion with Drag Force: Analytical Solution?

    Does anybody know if there is an analytical solution for satellite motion with drag force F=-k V ? thanks Steve
  12. K

    Sensor for Relative Satellite Motion

    Hi, What kind of sensor can be used for finding the relative position between 2 satellites? Thanks.
  13. B

    Conservation of Energy in Satellite Motion

    Homework Statement A satellite moves around the Earth in a circular orbit of radius r. (a) What is the speed vi of the satellite? (b) Suddenly, an explosion breaks the satellite into two pieces, with masses m and 4m. Immediately after the explosion, the smaller piece of mass m is stationary...
  14. T

    Help with Kepler's laws and satellite motion.

    Homework Statement mass of the Earth = 5.97 * 10^24 kg Polar Radius of Earth = 6.36 * 10^6 m Satellite = 1.08 * 10^3 Kg Altitude = 2.02 * 10^7 m 3) for any object orbting around a primary body R^3 ∝ T^2 where R is the radius of the orbit and T is the time period for the orbit. show that...
  15. ?

    Satellite motion and Moment of Momentum

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Not too sure to be honest. The Attempt at a Solution Well, r1 cross product m v1 = r2 cross m v2 But, there is a force applied so I have to take that into account. I was thinking, The moment of...
  16. C

    Gravitational Fields and Satellite Motion

    Homework Statement The Earth's orbit is of mean radius 1.50*10^{11}m and the Earth's year is 365 days long. The mean radius of orbit of Mercury is 5.79*10^{10}m. Calculate the length of Mercury's year. Homework Equations F=\frac{mv^{2}}{r} F=\frac{Gm_{1}m_{2}}{r^{2}} d=v \cdot tThe Attempt...
  17. E

    Solving Satellite Motion: Momentum & Energy Principles

    Homework Statement You will need to use the Momentum Principle to do the first part of this problem, and the Energy Principle to do the second part. A satellite of mass 6000 kg orbits the Earth in a circular orbit of radius of 7.4 106 m (this is above the Earth's atmosphere).The mass of...
  18. C

    How Does Satellite Motion Work?

    1. What is Satellite Motion? 2. What are the main concepts of Satellite Motion? I googled these for 6 hours yesterday and never came up with any solid answers. I have also checked the school library and have found no solid answers either. All that I get is a bunch of experiments that...
  19. T

    Satellite Motion - This doesnt seem right

    Satellite Motion / Universal Gravitation - This doesn't seem right... Homework Statement How far is a 1Kg / 10N wieght, from the Earth's surface, when it is 5N? Homework Equations g= GM/r^2 W=mg The Attempt at a Solution => W=mg => 5=1g g = 5 g= GM/r^2 =>5 =...
  20. S

    Is Launching a Satellite Eastward More Efficient Due to Earth's Rotation?

    1. A newspaper article discussing the space program noted that it is easier to launch a satellite into an eastward orbit tan into a westward orbit. Is this true? a.No, this is not true because it is the upward component of velocity that is important in reaching an orbit, not the horizontal...
  21. R

    Calculate Weight of 1.0 kg Mass on Earth's Surface

    a What is the weight of a 1.0 kg mass on the surface of the Earth where the gravitational field strength is 10 N kg–1? how do i work out this question? thank you
  22. K

    Gravitational Potential and Satellite Motion

    Astronomers observing a distant solar system have noticed a planet orbiting a star with a period of 4.44x107 s. The distance from the planet to the star is 4.28x1011 m. Calculate the mass of the star, in kg. ihave used v = 2*pi*r/T and v=(2Gm/r)^1/2 i get 8.75e18 is this the way to...
  23. S

    Satellite Motion: Calculate Speed & Time to Orbit Earth

    A satellite orbits the Earth at a height of 200 KM in a cirlce of radius 6570 km. Find the speed of the satellite and the time taken tocomplete one revolution. Assume teh Earth's mass is 6.0 X 10 exp 24. (Hint: The gravitation force provides the centripetal force) i found Velocity using: v...
  24. K

    Satellite Motion and Electric Fields

    The period T of an Earth satellite is related to the radius R of its orbit by the equation T^2 = A R^3 where A is a constant. The moon may be assumed to move in a circular orbit of radius RM about earth. The period of the moon's orbit is 28 days. The radius of the orbit of a geostationary...