Our Beautiful Universe - Photos and Videos

In summary: I love it and the clip finishes with a great quote:In summary, these threads are all about the beauty and awesomeness of our Universe. If you feel like it, please share video clips and photos (or nice animations) of space and objects in space in this thread. Your posts, clips and photos may by all means include scientific information; that does not make it less beautiful to me (n.b. the posts must of course comply with the PF guidelines, i.e. regarding science, only mainstream science is allowed, fringe/pseudoscience is not allowed).
  • #596
When I put together the above panorama, I noticed a small interestingly-shaped dust cloud (located in the upper middle section); last night I had the chance to image that cloud with my 400mm lens:

9_5_2019_43m_filterd copysmall.jpg

The density of stars is amazing. Here's a 1:1 crop:


Total integration time was 43 minutes, ISO 500.
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Likes Stavros Kiri, davenn and Borg
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #597
Veil nebula; 3 h total integration time @ 400/2.8, ISO 800:
veil_3 h-2.jpg

Image scaling results in a lot of artifacts... here are some 1:1 crops:

veil_3 h-1.jpg

veil_3 h-2.jpg

veil_3 h-3.jpg
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Likes Stavros Kiri, newbiegirl, Borg and 2 others
  • #598
ISS flyover last night- here's a single frame from a video I am currently assembling. The inset is 1:1 @ 800/5.6, 1/2000 second exposure, ISO 800.

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Likes Stavros Kiri, Bystander and Borg
  • #599
Here's a link to the 'movie'; 1:1.8 enlargement. You may notice that I had to change the ISO a few times during the event. A few frames have both ISS and Jupiter (full frame, not these crops). Enjoy!

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Likes sophiecentaur, Stavros Kiri, OmCheeto and 2 others
  • #600
I attach last image of Saturn (with compact put front of eyepiece Hyperion 80 mm )
two mages corrected just by two click of magic wand and original image :smile:

have nice day


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Likes pinball1970 and Andy Resnick
  • #601
Pardon Hyperion 8 mm :smile:
  • #602
Stars, the Moon and Northern Lights... and beautiful landscapes.

Iceland under Full Moon
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Likes pinball1970, TSny, davenn and 1 other person
  • #603
DennisN said:
Stars, the Moon and Northern Lights... and beautiful landscapes.

Stunning huh !
Iceland is still on my bucket list, just so expensive to get there from my part of the world
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Likes pinball1970 and DennisN
  • #604
Hi, it is really amazing ! and very impressive, :smile::smile::smile: fot me it is as well very expensive to get there :)
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Likes pinball1970, davenn and DennisN
  • #605
Andromeda and the Pleiades are in good viewing positions for me this time of year:


400/4 lens, about 3 hours @ ISO 1250. Stopping down the lens gives the brightest stars a 'starburst effect' and also flattens the overall field enough so I don't need to correct. A nice visual feature is the contrasting coloration of the central pair of stars... which is actually a group of several (1:1 crop):


Here's Andromeda, looking like a Hellmouth:


400/2.8, 6h @ ISO 1000. The noise reduction step brings out the dust pattern, but some of the detail may be processing artifacts - here's a 1:1 crop:


Orion should be in a good position in a month or so... stay tuned!
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Likes pinball1970, Stavros Kiri, davenn and 4 others
  • #606
I realized I hadn't posted my recent ISS flyover timelapses; one was on 9/19, the other on 10/8: each frame was taken with my 800/5.6 at 1/2000 s, ISO 320 (IIRC). Both times I had 'equipment problems' partway through, so I didn't get the full pass:

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Likes pinball1970, OmCheeto, DennisN and 2 others
  • #607
Andy Resnick said:
I realized I hadn't posted my recent ISS flyover timelapses
That's definitely an IFO. Identified Flying Object.
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Likes pinball1970, Stavros Kiri and davenn
  • #608
Constellation Orion is in a good position (for me) this time of year, and it contains a lot of spectacular nebulas to image. I accidentally 'discovered' NGC1999 when I was examining an image of M42, and last night I got a chance to view and image it at 800mm. This is a 1:1 crop [800/5.6, 37m @ ISO 1600]:


The dark patch is not dust, it's a hole through the nebula. If you look carefully, I think was able to partially extract one of the two nearby Herbig-Haro objects, probably HH2, at about the 5 o'clock position in the lower half of the image. I'd probably need at least 4h of integration time to really pull out both HH1 and HH2
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Likes pinball1970, Stavros Kiri, davenn and 2 others
  • #609
Here it is with the exposure stretched 5x, i.e. brightness 0 to 51 is now 0 to 255.
Since the original was .JPG format, a lot of the compression artifacts are showing.

Stretched_5x_ngc_1999_1_1_2020_37m copy.png
  • #610
very impresive ! :smile: :smile: Last night I did my first attempt of Orion Nebula image M42 so I attach it (done just with sony compact putted on Hyperion eyepiece 8 mm. :frown::wideeyed:
Lot of succes !


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Likes davenn and Stavros Kiri
  • #611
Tom.G said:
Here it is with the exposure stretched 5x, i.e. brightness 0 to 51 is now 0 to 255.
Since the original was .JPG format, a lot of the compression artifacts are showing.

View attachment 255079

In the future, if you choose to manipulate one of my posted images, please ensure that you explicitly mention ('properly cite') the original source, thanks.
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Likes Tom.G
  • #612
Another clear night; even though seeing was bad and the waxing gibbous moon was about 40 degrees away from NGC 1999, I was able get 'good enough' images to pick up another 35 minutes of integration time, here's what 1 hour of viewing reveals:


Compare this with a screen shot from Google Sky:

Screen Shot 2020-01-07 at 7.00.37 PM.png

Both HH1 and HH2 are now visible, which I think is pretty amazing.
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Likes berkeman
  • #613
Hello, last night I take photo of Venus- when aplly magic wand click countour emerged -could be Venus (with atmosf) iself which was o origin image hidden in glowing..? :smile: :frown:


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  • #614
That looks like an optical effect in the optics. I suspect chromatic aberration from an off-center lens.
  • #615
Hello and thank you for reaction. Yes.. you probably mean this unregular shape around approx. "half-circle" yellow contour-its surely optics defect.. (Just if you magnifice image, inside yellow approx. half-cirlce contour there is inner "half circle" blue contour which emerged with magic wand click... I just wander if it could reflect some real object or shape...:)
Have nice day :smile:
  • #616
Hi , I attach next Venus image, now with erased (darkened) glowing surrounding. :smile:
lot of succes :thumbup:


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Likes davenn
  • #617
Hello, here is from yesterday Moon (little sharpened) and Venus (with darkened surrounding) :smile:
Lot of succes


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Likes davenn
  • #618
Hello, here is little beter moon image (little sharpened) :smile:


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Likes davenn
  • #619
bruha said:
Hello, here is little beter moon image (little sharpened) :smile:

looking better, keep practicing :smile:
  • #620
Hi thanks, - I would like to get Andromeda galaxy.. (as I get Orion nebula in my countryhouse) do you think it is possible with Newton 600*150 and Hyperion 5 or 8 mm?

have nice day :smile:
  • #621
bruha said:
Hi thanks, - I would like to get Andromeda galaxy.. (as I get Orion nebula in my countryhouse) do you think it is possible with Newton 600*150 and Hyperion 5 or 8 mm?

have nice day :smile:
for sure it would be possible :smile:
  • #622
Hi, these images are corrected by Gimp ( :smile: or :frown:)

Lot of succes


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Likes davenn
  • #623
Hello, I send still moon pictures by Registax..(made just from 3 images)

Hello :smile:


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Likes Andy Resnick
  • #624
Hello, it is my next attempt- Moon detail by registax... :smile: o_O


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  • #625
Maybe this one looks interesting... :smile:


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Likes Andy Resnick
  • #626
and coloured... :smile:


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Likes DennisN and davenn
  • #627
Hi, this is Venus from yesterday- stacked and sharpened ( I am not able to get really planetary (circular) shape... :frown: )


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Likes DennisN and davenn
  • #628
bruha said:
I am not able to get really planetary (circular) shape..
well Venus isn't a full circle at the moment, it looks like a gibbous phase moon
  • #629

NASA APOD, March 1. The hole has a diameter of 35 meters and is about 20 meters deep (hole to surface, not counting the crater depth).
Craters like these show us things that are normally below the surface.
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Likes DennisN, davenn, jim mcnamara and 1 other person
  • #630
Hello, very impressive image ,:) :thumbup: :smile: -its Mars?

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