Relativistic effects on an electron

In summary, the conversation discusses how to calculate the energy, kinetic energy, and momentum of an electron accelerated through a potential of 10^9 Volts in the lab reference frame. The correct formula to use is the relativistic formula (γ-1)mc^2=eV, where eV represents the electron charge times the potential. The resulting kinetic energy is 1000 MeV, and after solving for γ, it is found that the electron is traveling at a speed very close to the speed of light.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An electron is accelerated through a potential of 10^9 Volts. What is the Energy, Kinetic Energy, and Momentum in the lab reference frame?

Homework Equations

(1/2)mv^2=eV=1.6E-10 J=1000 MeV

The Attempt at a Solution

Solving for the kinetic energy gives 1000 MeV, which then solving for v gives 2E10 m/s, which is greater than the speed of light.. In the rest frame of the electron, E=mc^2=8.2E-14 J, then I need to multiply that by γ to get the energy in the lab reference frame, but I can't solve for v, because I got v>c. What am I doing wrong??

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
You're using the classical expression for kinetic energy, which isn't valid at high speeds. You need to use the relativistic formula.
  • #3
So would (γ-1)mc^2=eV now? I know I have to use relativistic kinetic energy, but I just don't know how to relate it to the potential difference. :(
  • #4
Yes, that's right. What does the eV stand for on the righthand side of that equation?
  • #5
eV would be the electron charge times the potential, right? And also, since it is an electron, wouldn't the Kinetic energy just be 10^9 eV=10000MeV? Then I can use this and E=γmc^2 where mc^2 is the rest mass and E=K+mc^2? Then solving for gamme, I get γ=19570.9, making β=.999999999. This seems a little too high, but 10^9 V is a lot too...
  • #6
khfrekek92 said:
eV would be the electron charge times the potential, right?
Yup, I just asked because you said you didn't know how to work in the potential difference but it was already in your equation.
And also, since it is an electron, wouldn't the Kinetic energy just be 10^9 eV=10000MeV?
1000 MeV, like you said in your first post. You have an extra 0 this time.
Then I can use this and E=γmc^2 where mc^2 is the rest mass and E=K+mc^2? Then solving for gamme, I get γ=19570.9, making β=.999999999. This seems a little too high, but 10^9 V is a lot too...
Yes, that's exactly how you solve it, but your γ is off by a factor of 10. The mass of the electron, 0.511 MeV, is much smaller compared to its energy E, so it's very relativistic. You should expect a speed very close to c.

FAQ: Relativistic effects on an electron

1. What are relativistic effects on an electron?

Relativistic effects refer to the changes in the behavior of objects, such as electrons, when they are moving at speeds close to the speed of light. These effects are predicted by Einstein's theory of relativity and can significantly impact the properties and behavior of electrons.

2. How do relativistic effects affect the mass of an electron?

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, as an object's speed increases, its mass also increases. Therefore, when an electron is moving at high speeds, its mass increases, and it becomes more difficult to accelerate. This is known as relativistic mass increase.

3. Can relativistic effects impact the energy levels of an electron?

Yes, relativistic effects can impact the energy levels of an electron. As an electron's speed increases, its kinetic energy also increases, which can cause a shift in its energy levels. This is known as relativistic energy correction.

4. How do relativistic effects affect the speed of an electron?

Relativistic effects cause the speed of an electron to approach the speed of light as it gets closer to it. This is because the mass of the electron increases, making it more difficult to accelerate further. As a result, the electron's speed cannot exceed the speed of light.

5. Are relativistic effects only significant for high-speed electrons?

No, relativistic effects can also be observed in slower-moving electrons. However, the impact is smaller compared to high-speed electrons. As an electron's speed increases, the relativistic effects become more significant and can significantly alter its properties and behavior.

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