Why formula for internal resistance for charging battery v = e + Ir

In summary, the formula for internal resistance (v = e + Ir) accounts for the direction of current flow and the resulting voltage drop across the internal resistor. In the case of a charging battery, the voltage lost by the internal resistance is added to the ideal voltage, as the positive charges are moving towards the positive terminal and energy is required to do so. This results in a positive delta electric potential and delta PE, which aligns with the positive sign in front of Ir in the formula. When drawing the two cases, the direction of the potential drop on the internal resistance can be noted, further supporting the formula.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Why is the formula for internal resistance for a charging battery v = e + Ir?

When the battery is supplying I to the circuit I understand why the terminal voltage, V, equals emf - IR (voltage lost by internal resistance), but if a battery is charging, why is the voltage lost by internal resistance being added to the ideal voltage, e? The resistance is still there right, even if it is charging, so shouldn't the sign in front of Ir still be negative?
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  • #2
Consider the direction of the current flowing in each case. What's the direction of the resulting voltage drop across the internal resistor in each case?
  • #3
In the first case if we use conventional current, the positive charges will be flowing toward the negative terminal. In the second case the positive charges will be flowing toward the positive terminal. (positive charges spontaneously move towards the terminal of lower electric potential). In the first case the positive charges are moving spontaneously toward the negative terminal (delta electric potential or voltage = - and delta PE = - ), but in the second case, energy is required to move the positive charges toward the positive terminal, resulting in delta electric potential or voltage to be positive and delta PE to be positive. That makes sense because you are storing electric energy into potential energy to be used at a later time which is what charging a battery is. So voltage drop is -ve in the first case and +ve in the second case. I'm still having some trouble seeing how this connects with the change in sign in the formula for terminal voltage?
  • #4
It's really very simple. Draw the two cases and note the directions of the potential drop on the internal resistance.
  • #5

I would like to clarify that the formula v = e + Ir is used to calculate the terminal voltage of a battery, not its internal resistance. The internal resistance, r, in this formula represents the resistance within the battery itself, which affects the flow of current and can cause a drop in the terminal voltage.

When a battery is supplying current to a circuit, the terminal voltage (v) is equal to the battery's electromotive force (e) minus the voltage lost due to its internal resistance (Ir). This is because the internal resistance causes a drop in voltage as the current passes through it. Therefore, the sign in front of Ir is negative because it is a voltage loss.

On the other hand, when a battery is being charged, the internal resistance still exists and can cause a drop in the terminal voltage. However, in this case, the voltage lost due to internal resistance is added to the ideal voltage (e) of the battery, resulting in a higher terminal voltage. This is because the battery is receiving energy from an external source, which helps to overcome the voltage drop caused by the internal resistance. Therefore, the sign in front of Ir is positive in this case.

In summary, the formula v = e + Ir is used to calculate the terminal voltage of a battery, taking into account the effects of its internal resistance. The sign in front of Ir can be either positive or negative, depending on whether the battery is supplying or receiving energy.

FAQ: Why formula for internal resistance for charging battery v = e + Ir

1. What is the formula for internal resistance when charging a battery?

The formula for internal resistance when charging a battery is v = e + Ir, where v is the voltage of the battery, e is the electromotive force, I is the current, and r is the internal resistance.

2. Why is the internal resistance important when charging a battery?

The internal resistance of a battery affects the amount of current that can flow through it during the charging process. A higher internal resistance means that more energy is lost as heat, which can result in slower charging times and reduced battery life.

3. How does internal resistance affect the charging speed of a battery?

Internal resistance can cause a voltage drop, which means that the battery may not receive the full charging voltage from the power source. This can result in a slower charging speed and a longer overall charging time.

4. Can the internal resistance of a battery change over time?

Yes, the internal resistance of a battery can change over time due to factors such as age, usage, and temperature. As a battery deteriorates, its internal resistance may increase, leading to slower charging times and reduced performance.

5. How can I measure the internal resistance of a battery?

The internal resistance of a battery can be measured using a multimeter or other specialized equipment. By measuring the voltage drop across the battery while a known current is flowing, the internal resistance can be calculated using the formula v = e + Ir.
