Superstring Articles

Tag Archive for: superstring


Why Higher Category Theory in Physics?

 This here is my personal story. For an alternative introduction see my talk: Higher Structures in Mathematics and Physics.Initially,…

Emergence From the Superpoint

 In the previous article we saw that the generalization of super-Lie algebras to homotopy super-Lie n-algebras (super L-infinity algebras)…
string theory

It Was 20 Years Ago Today — the M-theory Conjecture

  While the world didn't end, after all, 15 years back at the turn of the millennium, in hindsight it is curious that, almost unnoticed,…

Garrett Lisi’s Superparticle Bet With Frank Wilczek

There is an interesting story unfolding in particle physics. The main motivation for building the Large Hadron Collider was to search for new particles.…