Recent content by blackbyron

  1. B

    How can I survive the future if I have language disorder?

    Hello, I was diagnosed with language disorder(learning disability) since I was a kindergarten. I am having a lot of trouble with reading and writing, and also have poor communication skills when it comes to meet people in general. It also affects my schoolwork no matter what subject I'm...
  2. B

    What is the formula for calculating average power of electromagnetic waves?

    I see, I look at my teacher's notes and saw the exact equation. So to solve for Savg, it only cares about the maximum values right?
  3. B

    What is the formula for calculating average power of electromagnetic waves?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Savg = Em * Bm / (2*μ0 * c) The Attempt at a Solution I solved for S avg without calculating inside the cos, but I got it right. The z and t is given, but is there the reason why you don't solve inside the cos, or is it the bug? it's...
  4. B

    Study Tips for Physics Tests: Overcome Low Scores & Improve Grades

    My grades are based on labs, homework, and tests. Homework I understand it, labs = okay, test --> not really HW 25% labs 15% tests 60% I feel like I understand most of of things. My teacher allows me to have 2 page of cheat notes on the test. I put down all formulas, all basic concepts...
  5. B

    Study Tips for Physics Tests: Overcome Low Scores & Improve Grades

    Hello, I'm now enrolled in a class that talks about charge, electric field, magnetic field, and inductance. I really need help on how to study smart for physics test. I've been studying physics for 2 weeks until the test. Every time I took it, I still get the low scores on the test. The...
  6. B

    Calculating Magnetic Field from Two Perpendicular Currents

    Thanks for your reply, Yes I did learn the right hand rule, and I mostly understood them. But I think I understand how to do it since my friend helped me. But thanks for the link. I'll look into it for future use.
  7. B

    Calculating Magnetic Field from Two Perpendicular Currents

    Thanks for your reply, yes I think I did that, though, but somehow I did B= B * i(hat) + B* j(hat) Is that right, because I'm getting one wrong. I think I'm not understand this.
  8. B

    Calculating Magnetic Field from Two Perpendicular Currents

    Homework Statement Wire #1 carries a current of 8.0A along the +x-axis. Wire #2 has a current of 6.1A along the +y-axis. What is the magnitude of the magnetic field at the point (1.4,1.3)m Homework Equations I'm not sure if Long straight conductor will be the right formula to solve for...
  9. B

    Calculating Magnetic Force on Bent Wire in a Magnetic Field

    bump I got the current, and the length. I'm still having trouble with finding the right B*sin(phi).
  10. B

    Calculating Magnetic Force on Bent Wire in a Magnetic Field

    Homework Statement A wire of length 95m and a diameter of 2.4mm has a total resistance 1.59Ohms. The potential difference between the ends of the wire is 103volts. A section of the wire 15.5cm in length is bent into an arc of 60deg. The magnetic field is parallel to the bisector of the arc and...
  11. B

    How Long Does It Take for a Capacitor to Reach 80% Charge in an RC Circuit?

    Thanks for your reply But how do I find out out the max Q if q and t is unknown?
  12. B

    How Long Does It Take for a Capacitor to Reach 80% Charge in an RC Circuit?

    Homework Statement A 4.1e-6 capacitor is connected in series with a 36V battery and a 851 ohlms resistor. At t= 0 the capacitor is uncharged. At what time will the capacitor have 80% of its maximum charge? Homework Equations I = V/R Q = CV I = Q/t The Attempt at a Solution I...
  13. B

    Determining Electric Field Inside a Hollow Conducting Sphere with Gauss Law

    Now I'm getting it. Just find out the net Electric Field and there I go. Thanks. I appreciate your help :) sorry not "ro > r >ra" meant to say "ro > r > ri"
  14. B

    Determining Electric Field Inside a Hollow Conducting Sphere with Gauss Law

    EDIT: I think I got it. The location of the electric field will be inside the inner shell near the point charge. Now the Electric field of the charge 72 is zero because ro > r > ra. Is that right? Then I use a point charge to find the electric field. Not sure I'm making sense...