Recent content by oxon88

  1. O

    Electrical position feedback for hydraulic servomechanism

    Homework Statement Assume that you are employed by a company that manufactures hydraulic servomechanisms. You have been asked to recommend an electrical method of providing position feedback rather than the mechanical method used at present (pictured below). The demand signal has been chosen...
  2. O

    Input pressure required to produce controller output values

    ok here is what i got... 33.33% of input scale (0 - 40 bar) is 13.33 bar60% of 13.33 bar = 8 bar 50% of 13.33 bar = 6.67 bar 40% of 13.33 bar = 5.332 bar 30% of 13.33 bar = 4 bar0% Output = 25 - 8 = 17 bar 10% Output = 25 – 6.67 = 18.3 bar 90% Output = 25 + 4 = 29 bar 100% Output = 25 +...
  3. O

    Input pressure required to produce controller output values

    Homework Statement A direct acting proportional pressure controller has a gain of 3, a range of 0-40 bar and is set to control at 25 bar. When the measured value and the desired value are equal, the output signal is 60%. Determine the input pressure required to produce controller output values...
  4. O

    Input pressure required to produce controller output values

    Homework Statement A direct acting proportional pressure controller has a gain of 3, a range of 0-40 bar and is set to control at 25 bar. When the measured value and the desired value are equal, the output signal is 60%. Determine the input pressure required to produce controller output values...
  5. O

    Relative humidity of the air entering a compressor

    Ive had a go at Calculating the Relative Humidity (RH). Have I used the correct method to calculate RH?Inlet conditions 7.9m3 min-1 * 60 = 474m3 / hour Using a Dew-point Chart (at 1.013 bar) to find the amount of moisture present in saturated air at 15°C = 12.5 g Saturation Quantity = 12.5g *...
  6. O

    Relative humidity of the air entering a compressor

    Homework Statement Air is drawn into a compressor at normal temperature and pressure (N.T.P.) and compressed to a pressure of 6 bar gauge. After compression the air is delivered at 1.2m3 min–1 and cooled to a temperature of 30°C, at which point condensate is collected at the rate of 2 litres...
  7. O

    Engineering Pneumatic circuit diagram question

    many thanks. yes i know. just wanted to make sure I'm not barking up the wrong tree before submitting the answer. thanks again.
  8. O

    Engineering Pneumatic circuit diagram question

    Homework Statement Figure 1 shows a pneumatic circuit diagram used for air supply and exhaust in an automatic control system. Question: State how the system works.Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution [/B] Once the system is activated the piston will begin to move cyclically...
  9. O

    V-Belt Drives & coefficient of friction

    not really sure, would that be F1 / F2 = eµθ/ sinα but solved for sinα?
  10. O

    V-Belt Drives & coefficient of friction

    Homework Statement 1. A pulley 150 mm diameter is driven directly by an electric motor at 250 revs min–1. A V-belt is used to transmit power from this pulley to a second pulley 400 mm diameter against a load of 200 Nm. The distance between the centre of the pulleys is 600 mm, the included...
  11. O

    Bulk and Shear Modulus Calculations

    I think the answer in post 4 is incorrect, the formula is not correct. I think it should be G = E / (2(1 + ѵ)) G = 250/(2(1+0.32)) G = 250/2.64 G = 94.7 Shear Modulus, G = 94.7 GPa
  12. O

    Bulk and Shear Modulus Calculations

    I believe the unit for bulk modulus will be pascals. I'm still trying to get the shear modulus.
  13. O

    Bulk and Shear Modulus Calculations

    can anyone help me with this?
  14. O

    Brittle Fracture Self Study Question

    can anyone help with this please?