Entries by Bill Hobba

Introduction to Modern Digital Audio Concepts

Introduction First, we need some background in Digital Signals. This can be mathematically quite advanced, but since I would like this article to be accessible to as wide an audience as possible, here is a link that explains what is needed (not even Calculus is required): https://brianmcfee.net/dstbook-site/content/intro.html An important point not emphasized in the above…

What Are Numbers?

Introduction When doing mathematics,  we usually take for granted what natural numbers, integers, and rationals are. They are pretty intuitive.   Going from rational numbers to reals is more complicated.   The easiest way at the start is probably infinite decimals.  Dedekind Cuts can be used to get a bit more fancy.  A Dedekind cut is a…

What Are Infinitesimals – Simple Version

Introduction When I learned calculus, the intuitive idea of infinitesimal was used. These are real numbers so small that, for all practical purposes (say 1/trillion to the power of a trillion) can be thrown away because they are negligible. That way, when defining the derivative, for example, you do not run into 0/0, but when…

What Are Infinitesimals – Advanced Version

Introduction When I learned calculus, the intuitive idea of infinitesimal was used. These are real numbers so small that, for all practical purposes (say 1/trillion to the power of a trillion) can be thrown away because they are negligible. That way, when defining the derivative, for example, you do not run into 0/0, but when…

The LCEVC Coding Standard and 8K Television

Introduction First, for background, here is an overview of the most common video compression standard in use today, H264: https://www.maketecheasier.com/how-video-compression-works/ H265 has improved on this, but for various reasons, it was a bit of a flop. It is in use and will continue to grow, but royalty issues are a problem. To try and address…

Some Useful Integrals In Quantum Field Theory

In my paper on renormalisation I mentioned what most who have studied calculations in Quantum Field Theory find, it’s rather complicated and mind-numbing. I am not sure doing these is that illuminating of anything, but every now and then you got to do, what you got to do, so I would like to go through…

Quantum Renormalisation Made Easy

What Is The Issue With Renormalisation If you have an interest in physics you have likely come across renormalisation before, although what it really is would probably have not been explained.  Instead, you would read Dirac never accepted it, Feynman called it a ‘dippy process’, and if you look under a quantum theorists rug you…