Time Dilation Articles

Tag Archive for: time dilation

block universe time illusion

Does the Block Universe of Physics Mean Time is an Illusion?

I have written many Insights (and coauthored an entire book) explaining how the puzzles, problems, and paradoxes of modern physics can be attributed to…

Relativity Variables: Velocity, Doppler-Bondi k, and Rapidity

Traditional presentations of special relativity place emphasis on "velocity", which of course has an important physical interpretation... carried over…

Learn About Relativity on Rotated Graph Paper

This Insight is a follow-up to my earlier tutorial Insight (Spacetime Diagrams of Light Clocks). I gave it a different name because I am placing more…

Learn About Spacetime Diagrams of Light Clocks

We demonstrate a method for constructing spacetime diagrams for special relativity on graph paper that has been rotated by 45 degrees. Many quantitative…

Learn Time Dilation and Redshift for a Static Black Hole

The following is an overview of the time dilation and gravitational redshift effects of a static (Schwarzschild) black hole. By general relativity, a strong…

Learn About Neutrino Masses and Speed

It was hard to miss the 2011 OPERA neutrino speed measurement that indicated superluminal neutrino speeds (and turned out to be a measurement error), but…