Recent content by Ado

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    Can You Solve These Differential Equations with Constants and Functions?

    Oh yes, it is a mistake ! it is not Z but Y.
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    Can You Solve These Differential Equations with Constants and Functions?

    Hi! I need your help for solving a couple of differential equation: dX/dt = a - b*X dY/dt = b*(c*exp(-E) - Y) - d*exp(-E)*Y X = X0 + f(Y, E) with X0, a, b, c and d are constants and f, a function of Z and E. Thank you in advance
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    Python How to solve this electrostatic potential integral equation with Python

    Hi! I would like solve this kind of relation: \phi = \int_0^r \phi (r') 4 \pi r'dr' But I don't know how to proceed... Can you advise me ? Thank's in advance !
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    B Angular distribution to energy distribution

    Exact :) the Photoelectric effect does not involve energy distribution, it is convenient =)
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    B Angular distribution to energy distribution

    Hi! I wonder, in the case of elastic reactions with nuclear potential, how go from an angular distribution to an energy distribution? I have relationships on differential angular cross sections for neutron and proton elastic nuclear reations and I would like to transform them into differential...
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    I Can phase shifts δl be calculated in scattering theory?

    Thank you very much @highflyyer !
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    I Can phase shifts δl be calculated in scattering theory?

    Hello, My question is about the calculation of phase shifts δl in scattering theory. Some article mention that we can obtain phase shifts by numerically solving the radial Schrodinger equation but I'm not sure how to do it. Do you know how to proceed? is there any code (python, c ++, ...)...
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    I Difference between binding energy and ionization energy

    Hi! I wonder since some time why ionization energies are not equal to binding energies. For instance, take the case of aluminum in the following configuration [Ne]3s²3p Ionization energy ~ 6 eV Binding energy ~ 5 eV Where does this difference come from ? Thanks in advance
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    How Can I Integrate with Dirac Delta in this Expression?

    You are right rude man, thank's for your help :)
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    How Can I Integrate with Dirac Delta in this Expression?

    Homework Statement I need to integrate this expression : P(k, w) = A * δ(w-k*v) * f(k, w) A is constant and δ, Dirac Delta.Homework Equations [/B] There is double integration : I = ∫0∞ dk ∫0∞ P(k,w) dw = A ∫∫0∞ δ(w-k*v) * f(k, w) dw dk The Attempt at a Solution [/B] I'm confused with...
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    Fourier transform of the ground state hydrogen wave function

    Thanks a lot for your explication mjc123 and thanks for your help!
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    Fourier transform of the ground state hydrogen wave function

    Thanks for your reply mjc123 ! I had applied your recommendation and I find the result in (1.3) :wink: If I used the substitution u = cosθ, I must then integrate between 1 and -1 (cos(0) = 1 and cos(pi) = -1). I put du = -sinθdθ, so : exp(-i pr cos(θ) ) sin(θ) dθ = -exp(-i pr u) du = -...
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    Fourier transform of the ground state hydrogen wave function

    Hi! 1. Homework Statement From the website we can see the Fourier transform of the ground state hydrogenic wave function : Φ(p) = ∫ ∫ ∫ exp(-i p r) (Z3/π )1/2 exp(-Zr) sin(θ) dθ dφ r² dr (1.1) After intregation...
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    Integration of an inverse polynomial

    Never mind! ;) Thanks for your replies!