Recent content by anorred

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    Pressure generated from gasoline combustion

    Yes please. I'm trying to build a tool that uses a blow of compressed air from a compressor (150 psi) but I would like to know if gasoline would work better.
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    Pressure generated from gasoline combustion

    how much pressure can be generated upon ignition of gasoline/air in an internal chamber at atmospheric pressure? I know that combustion engines can generate well over 1000 psi on the piston but this occurs when the air is compressed to begin with.
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    How do I mold an elastic part for cheap?

    Hello. I'm an engineering student so don't make fun of me. I'm trying to mold an elastic cylinder. My plan for doing this is to: 1. Print out a plastic mold. 2. Buy elastic material. 3. fill the mold with elastic material. 4. wait 24 hours. I'm trying to make the cylinder as elastic as...
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    Magnetic coercivity and relative permeability

    So when looking at a hysteresis loop, the x-axis is the magnitude of H-field, and the y-axis is the magnitude of B-field. H is in units of electricity and B is in units of magnetic flux density. My question relates to how coercivity is determined if the material being magnetized has a...
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    Current peak delay after voltage peak

    Hello. So when you apply a square wave of voltage to a circuit, there is a slight delay for the electrical current. I'm trying to understand this concept better. I'd like to know if this delay is shorter with wire diameter.. if higher voltage decreases the delay time.. etc. Is there a name for...
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    Maximum allowable current for ultra short pulse length

    Yes theoretically, I think it should be ok. I'll read the links you posted. Thank you very much.
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    Maximum allowable current for ultra short pulse length

    So I'm designing a system that requires an extremely high amount of current for an extremely short pulse lengths. These pulses would be consecutively spaced at relatively large intervals from one another. I'm just wondering if there is some sort of instantaneous power limit to wires, even if the...
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    Charge distribution inside an electron

    Is the charge distribution of an electron uniform, or is there more charge concentrated near the center or perimeter?
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    Particle collider imaging process

    How do particle colliders read the trajectories of particles in the collider? Are EM waves emitted from each of the particles? If some particles do not emit EM waves, does the "sensor" only read particles that emit EM waves? ...In other words, what bridges the gap between our pictorial data and...
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    Quantum Spin vs Spin - Understand the Difference

    Thanks! That makes sense. I'm trying to visualize electrons and it's pretty difficult haha.
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    Quantum Spin vs Spin - Understand the Difference

    well what is spin? haha
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    Creating Higgs Boson: Mass & Energy Needed?

    from what I understand, the higgs boson is basically a wave in the higgs field. I understand that they have a lot of mass, but are they hard to create? are there higgs bosons flying past us every time electrons moves through wires, or do they require intense energy to be created?
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    Is the Higgs Field Homogeneous or Does It Vary with Particle Interactions?

    is the higgs field always homogeneous, or do particles such as electrons cause it to be concentrated about certain points? Are there waves in the higgs field?
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    Quantum Spin vs Spin - Understand the Difference

    quantum spin vs ...spin I keep hearing people say, "comparing particle spin to a spinning top will lead you in the wrong direction." I'm curious.. what exactly is the difference between the two?
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    Particles moving through the higgs field

    I'm pretty new to quantum mechanics, but I find the idea of a higgs field very interesting. I'm not sure if I understand the phenomenon correctly. I was wondering what happens to the vectors of the field when a photon passes through a point in space. Is the potential of the field disturbed in...