Recent content by Marvin94

  1. M

    Understanding an electron's emission of electromagnetic waves

    Hm, ok I'm more confused. Can you change the fact that V1 > V0 remaining in the same inertial frame ?
  2. M

    Understanding an electron's emission of electromagnetic waves

    Hi to everybody ! I was thinking about something which confuses me about wave emission. The question is simply the following: Does an electron emit light when it accelerate? or just during its deceleration? or maybe when acceleration and deceleration alternates in some order? I'm not really...
  3. M

    Air chemical analysis "homemade"?

    I'm just worried about the steelwork near my home. Even if somebody measure emissions every once in a while, two problems can arise: 1) In some particular time frame (for example night) the steelwork could also emits more than usual pollution; it means that emissions control which are eventually...
  4. M

    Air chemical analysis "homemade"?

    Thanks for your reply. Do you know however, how it should be performed?
  5. M

    Air chemical analysis "homemade"?

    I have a steelworks nearby my home. Is it possible to perform an air analysis in order to know how much the air is polluted? Which instrument do I need ? Are there cheap possibilities? Thanks a lot in advance for your help!
  6. M

    Amplitude modulation of signals with [suppressed] carrier

    Good inputs to think about.. Thanks again !
  7. M

    Amplitude modulation of signals with [suppressed] carrier

    Hello everybody, I'm a little bit confused about two types of amplitude modulation. We distinguish here: Case I : Amplitude Modulation with suppressed carrier ( Case II : Amplitude modulation with carrier: Now...
  8. M

    Which length has to be taken to compute magnetic resistance?

    In general I read that: R_m =\frac{l}{\mu A} But considering for example the following transformer: I don't understand why the lengths taken from the sketch by the solution's procedure are the following: For the right and left part resistance: R_r = R_l = \frac{(\frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2}...
  9. M

    How Many Spanning Trees Can a Graph Have?

    How many trees are in a graph if the number of nodes and the number of branches (or meshes) is given? I refer to the trees which has to "walk" through the nodes along the given branches (so no tree between 2 nodes without a connecting branch between them)
  10. M

    Design theory problem with clearance fit

    Thanks for all the answers :)
  11. M

    Design theory problem with clearance fit

    Homework Statement Homework Equations I think it will make use of tables... The Attempt at a Solution Can someone tell me the solution step by step of this problem? Help me please :( Thanks in advance..
  12. M

    Load on a beam: More unknowns than equations?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations FBD and all forces and moments = 0 The Attempt at a Solution Sketched in the image. So, I don't know how to go on with my analysis of the load, since I can't determine the reaction forces. Can someone please help me? Thanks in advance!
  13. M

    Beam statics: continous load analysis

    Is it correct what I did till now?
  14. M

    Beam statics: continous load analysis

    My problem is, that I don't understand what keep the rigid lever and the flat bar together..