a) sinθ = y / L where y = 1.26 m and L = 1.29m
sinθ = 0.9767
β = (pi * a*sinθ) / λ where λ = 517.4 * 10^-9 m and a= 3.96 × 10^−6 m
β = 0.000012151 / 517.4 * 10^-9 = 23.485
I / Io = (sin(23.485) / 23.485)^2
I / Io = 0.0002879
which is 0.2879 * 10^-3
b) asinθ=mλ where m =...
Hello! I am building a bow-tie cavity and for some reason the peaks I see when scanning the laser frequency are extremely wide and with a very long tail to the right. However, if I put a 50 Ohm resistance in between the BNC cable from the diode and the oscilloscope (using a BNC T connector) the...
(1) In the book I am using the separation of bright fringes is indicated as being ##\Delta y=\frac{\lambda}{d}##, where ##d## is the separation of the slits so on a screen of width ##W## I would see ##\frac{W}{\frac{\lambda}{\frac{1}{N}}}## bright fringes. I don't see why the text of the...
When looking at a diffraction pattern made by two slits, and trying to calculate wavelength, what do we count as fringes? For example, in this picture are there five total fringes or, like, 25?
I've been trying to set up a lab for my high school physics 2 class and the math says that every...
I think the answer is E because each bright fringe is differed by a wavelength, in other words, one wavelength is equal to 2π.
(For example, the first bright fringe is d * Δy/L = 1*λ.)
I think the answer is E because each bright fringe is differed by a wavelength, in other words, one wavelength is equal to 2π.
(For example, the first bright fringe is d * Δy/L = 1*λ.)
It's straightforward to calculate the wavelength of the balls which is 20,000m. I said that because this is the case and then the pattern must not be a an interference pattern as with electrons.
The second question relies on the formula d = n(lambda)/2. Setting n = 1 for two golf balls will...
I have been preparing for a physics practical on diffraction. More specifically, we will use a CD as a transmission grating (by peeling off the reflective layer), and measure the distance between the fringes for a specific distance between the CD and the viewing wall. However, it is unclear...
Fabry-Perot Interferometer contains an etalon(an optical cavity created by 2 partially reflective mirrors placed parallel to each other separated by a small distance). When light enters the etalon it gets reflected back and forth between both the mirrors, being partially reflective, every time...
Is there an equation that gives you the number of interference fringes if you know the light wave length, size and separation of the slits, and length from the slits to the screen?
The conventional Young double slit experiment displays the interference fringes with the first intensity maxima at the center of the detection screen ('center' means aligned with the center between two slits of equal aperture). These are simply called 'fringes'. However, I'm wondering if and how...
Imagine a standard Young's Slit experiment using photons. We obtain large, distinct interference fringes on a target screen.
Then, we embed into the target screen a telescope focused on and capable of resolving the slits. The width of the lens must be greater than about one fringe to obtain...
Homework Statement
My question is at https://imgur.com/a/lDOUzjY . The de Broglie wavelength of the atoms in question is 45 pm. The distance from the slits to the detection plane is 1.95m. Each slit width is 1 micrometer. The distance between the slits is 8 micrometers.
2. Homework Equations...
Homework Statement
Light of wavelenghs 4.80x10^2 nm and 632nm passes through two slits 0.52 mm apart. How far apart are the second-order fringes on a screen 1.6m away?
λ₁ = 4.80x10^2 nm = 4.80x10^-7m
λ₂ = 6.32x10^-7m
d = 0.52mm = 5.2x10^-4m
n = 2
L = 1.6
Homework Equations
Hi all!
In Young's double slit experiment, there are two things I cannot explain. Any help is appreciated!
The first one is why the bright fringes get dimmer as you get further from the central/brightest spot. My theory, after looking in the two books I have, is that each single slit decreases...
In Feynman lectures on physics 26 Optics 5
Then put two fingers in front of one eye, so as to look through the crack, and squeeze the light to zero very gently. ... Also you will notice, if you are very careful, side maxima, a lot of fringes along the edges too. Furthermore, the whole thing...
Homework Statement
Light from a laser with a wavelength of 760nm is directed at diffraction grating of 1500 lines/cm. If the diffraction grating is located 15.m from the screen, calculate the distance between adjacent bring fringes.
Homework Equations
∆y = L λ/d
The Attempt at a Solution...
Homework Statement
Suppose a double-slit experiment is immersed in water (with an index of refraction of 1.33). When in the water, what happens to the interference fringes?
Homework Equations
λ = λ0 / n
y = (λmL) / d
d = distance between slits
L = distance to viewing screen
n = index of...
Homework Statement
Find number of fringes separated by 1 cm on a screen at a distance of 2mm from slits which are 0.2mm apart from each other.The wavelength of light used is 500nm.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I really don't know any way to solve it.I have tried putting unit...
Hello every one
I deposited TiO2 thin layers on glass conductive substrate and then i took there absorption spectra.
My question is why do i see interference fringes in the absorption spectra of my samples.
Hello All,
I would like to know why it´s so difficult to find information about the generation of fringes in a one slit interference experiment in a water tank.
Best Regards,
Homework Statement
At most, how many bright fringes can be formed on either side of the central bright fringe when light of wavelength 644 nm falls on a double slit whose slit separation is 3.64 × 10-6 m?
Homework Equations
m=dsintheta/lamdbaThe Attempt at a Solution...
i´ve got a question concerning Ramsey interferometry and fringes. Consindering the case we have 2 pi/2 pulses as usual. For this case it is easy to calculate the mean value of the Bloch component w by applying a rotation matrix, say rotating around the Bloch component v. Then applying a rotation...
Homework Statement
In a Michelson interferometer, as one of the mirrors is moved, 250 bright fringes disappear into the centre. If the light wavelength was 800nm, how far was the mirror moved?
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
My logic is:
If we were to count how many passing bright...
Hey everybody,
Homework Statement :
I came across a question discussing Young's Double Slit interference and was wondering how come when we diffract white light through the slits it gives us a central antinodal fringe that is also white?
The question itself came in parts firstly...
If we can slightly skew the optics in a HOM setup, so that the phase difference between Beam-1 and Beam-2 varies slowly across one of the detection planes, then would we see dark and bright regions in the cumulative pattern (assuming an array type i.e. spatially resolved detector) ??
For the sake of simplicity let's suppose I'm talking about the diffraction of light through one slit.
Are the distances between any two consecutive fringes (apart from the central maximum) exactly equal? Assuming the wavelength, slit width, and distance between slit and screen do not change...
Homework Statement
Laser light with a wavelength 633 nm is used to illuminate two slits separated by 0.125 mm. The width of each slit is 0.0150 mm. Assuming that only fringes between the first minima in the pattern are counted, how many bright fringes are visible?
lambda = 633nm
d = 0.125mm
Homework Statement
A thin piece of metal foil of thickness 0.0700 mm separates one end of two pieces of optically flat glass. The top sheet of glass is 12.0 cm long. Light of wavelength 529 nm is normally incident on the glass. How many interference fringes are observed per cm in the reflected...
Homework Statement
Light passing through a two-slit grating makes a pattern on a screen located 500 mm away. In this pattern, the fifth-order dark fringe is 45.0 mm from the central bright fringe. How far from the central bright fringe is the third-order bright fringe?
Homework Equations...
So, I'm about to take an Optics exam, and while I can easily do most of the last years' exam problems, there are some which I cannot solve for different reasons (perhaps some gross oversight?). Yesterday I stumbled upon this:
1. Homework Statement
(my own translation from Catalan)
We have a...
Homework Statement
Light from a laser with a wavelength of 760 nm is directed at a diffraction grating of 1500 lines/cm. If the diffraction grating is located 1.5 m from the screen, calculate the distance between adjacent bright fringes.
Homework Equations
Δx = Lλ / d
760 nm = 7.60 x 10^-7 m...
When there is a water wave in a ripple tank( not involving any interference experiment ) there will be a pattern on the bottom of the ripple tank , that is the the dark and bright fringes. How does the bright fringes and dark fringes form for only water waves experiment in ripple tanks ? It...
My question is simple: Why do the Fresnel fringes at the edge of a hole in a reticulated carbon film become larger and more widely spaced when the defocus is increased? This occurs whether you are over focused or under focused, right? But why?
Homework Statement
i can't understand part b ii) , i assume the resolving power of eyes is constant . so when the slit separation increase , the wavelength of the light should be decreased to keep the tetha ( here , tetha = resloving power of eyes in radian )...But the book give different ideas...
Dark spots are measured on a screen at +xm, +ym and +zm where z>y>x from the central axis.
since dark fringes are where (m+0.5)λ, would it be right for me to state that the dark spot z has an order of 3.5?
Since 2 splitted beams meet at ONE spot later on, we have just one beam which flows to the detector, therefore I expect to see just one light spot, where the BRIGHTNESS is changing depending on at which phase 2 beams meet. Pattern with fringes happens when we have multiple sources, like Young's...
Homework Statement
The questions is...
Coherent light with wavelength 597nm passes through two very narrow slits, and the interference pattern is observed on a screen a distance of 3.00 m from the slits. The first-order bright fringe is a distance of 4.84 mm from the center of the central...
Hello everyone!
I am trying to solve a large system of linear equations. The form of the matrix is A = T + F. T is basically a tridiagonal matrix and F has two "lines" of numbers running parallel to the diagonal but at some distance. Basically like this one, but not symmetric, nor is it...
Homework Statement
One glass plate sits flat and another is above it inclined on an angle(shown on diagram provided). monochromatic λ light shines on it. The fringes are spaced p apart, and the bottom plate is length d.
Between t1 and t2 there are three bright fringes.
What is (t1-t2) ...
Hi all
I am looking for the intensity of the fringes on the screen behind two slits with a given width.
I thought it would be easy to find with google but no.
just to be clear, this is single slit diffraction of light
if the slit width is made narrower, this would lead to more diffraction, so the fringe width would be wider, yeah?
but I'm a bit confused, because is this basically the same as saying the fringe separation would be wider?
Homework Statement
Blue light of wavelength 400 nm passes through two slits which are a distance
d = 1×10−4 m apart. This produces a double slit pattern on a screen L = 12 m away. (The
screen is parallel to the plane of the two slits.) If the central bright fringe is denoted the
Homework Statement
(this is high school level)
The pic below shows interference fringes observe in Young's fringes experiment:
Explain why wider slits at the same spacing could produce fringes at the outer edges brighter than some of the fringes nearer the centre.
Bear in mind there was a...
I'm not sure if I've understood my textbook correctly. Can you tell me if my current understanding is correct:
- in a single slit diffraction there's a wide central fringe which is twice as wide as all the other outer fringes
- if we had a double slit diffraction instead of a single slit...
Homework Statement
See attached image
Homework Equations
single wavelength
diffraction grating:
y/L = sinθ
The Attempt at a Solution
red = 656 nm
blue = 486 nm
L = 1.7 m
I really do not know what to do.
I tried 656-486 = 170 nm
See attachment please.
After that, please point out, the order of the dark fringes. I mean I can't see where is m=0 dark fringe? Where to start?
I want to know so I can know that radius enclosed by each fringe.