Hydrogen bond Definition and 20 Threads

A hydrogen bond (or H-bond) is a primarily electrostatic force of attraction between a hydrogen (H) atom which is covalently bound to a more electronegative atom or group, and another electronegative atom bearing a lone pair of electrons—the hydrogen bond acceptor (Ac). Such an interacting system is generally denoted Dn–H···Ac, where the solid line denotes a polar covalent bond, and the dotted or dashed line indicates the hydrogen bond. The most frequent donor and acceptor atoms are the second-row elements nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), and fluorine (F)
Hydrogen bonds can be intermolecular (occurring between separate molecules) or intramolecular (occurring among parts of the same molecule). Depending on the nature of the donor and acceptor atoms which constitute the bond, their geometry, and environment, the energy of a hydrogen bond can vary between 1 and 40 kcal/mol. This makes them somewhat stronger than a van der Waals interaction, and weaker than fully covalent or ionic bonds. This type of bond can occur in inorganic molecules such as water and in organic molecules like DNA and proteins. Hydrogen bonds are responsible for holding such materials as paper and felted wool together, and for causing separate sheets of paper to stick together after becoming wet and subsequently drying.
The hydrogen bond is responsible for many of the anomalous physical and chemical properties of compounds of N, O, and F. In particular, intermolecular hydrogen bonding is responsible for the high boiling point of water (100 °C) compared to the other group 16 hydrides that have much weaker hydrogen bonds. Intramolecular hydrogen bonding is partly responsible for the secondary and tertiary structures of proteins and nucleic acids. It also plays an important role in the structure of polymers, both synthetic and natural.

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  1. user366312

    How can I calculate hydrogen bonds in a specific direction w.r.t. a C-

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  2. P

    Why Doesn't Hydrogen Bonding Occur Through Skin Contact?

    if the human skin consists of hydrogen, then why does not happen hydrogen bond through contact with something or with another person?
  3. D

    What is Hydrogen Bond Auto-correlation function?

    Can somebody explain the Hydrogen bond Auto-correlation function in Computational Chemistry (Molecular Dynamics and Simulations) and what does Intermittent and Continuous Hydrogen bond means? Why the graph decays over time? and it's applications?
  4. S

    Van der Waals vs. Hydrogen bonds

    I know that the two are different thing, that vdW appears in inert gas crystals and alike while hydrogen bond bonds molecules of water. My question is, how does the potential look for hydrogen bond? For vdWaals we have the two terms proportional to 1/R^6 that describes attraction and 1/R^12...
  5. D

    Why does the potential energy get lower as atoms get closer?

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  6. S

    I Bond length of a hydrogen bond

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  7. HelloCthulhu

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  8. S

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  9. P

    Does acidity and hydrogen bond strength go hand in hand?

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  10. P

    Hydrogen Bond Strength: Strengthen & Weaken in Water

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  11. D

    Why Can't Acyl Chloride Form Hydrogen Bonds?

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  12. gauss44

    Can sulfur participate in a hydrogen bond?

    I googled it and got both answers, "yes" and "no." What I mean is: O-H-S, F-H-S, N-H-S, etc. Ex.'s of "yes": http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19089987 [PLAIN]http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/artic.../ce/c0ce00760a[/URL] Ex. of "no": http://www.nature.com/nature/journal.../149218a0.html
  13. D

    Hydrogen bond between tetrafluoromethane and water

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  14. J

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  15. K

    Hydrogen bond big problems in my mind

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  16. L

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  17. J

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  18. B

    How can something hydrophobic hydrogen bond?

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  19. M

    Why Does Water Expand When it Freezes?

    I read that water expands when it freezes due to it's hydrogen bond. What on Earth (or ocean, for that matter) does a hydrogen bond have to do with becoming less dense with freezing :confused: ? Please explain taking into consideration that I haven't taken chem. since 10th grade. Thanks!
  20. denian

    Hydrogen Bonding in CH3-C=O-CH3 and Its Role in Intermolecular Interactions

    just a simple question. can CH3- C=O - CH3 molecules form hydrogen bond with H2O?