Hi, I have a quick question about projectiles on an inclined plane. Specifically, when the projectile is launched down an inclined plane. Is it not possible to use your choice of sign convention? If the projectile is moving from left to right like so:
....__ V__
Could I not...
Homework Statement
Homework Equations
Projectile motion.
Vy = 0
Vx = V0The Attempt at a Solution
I integrate Vx to find d in terms of t
I found d = V0*√(2h/g)
Question: A kicker on a football team attempts to kick a field goal from 35 yards. The attempt just clears the goal post that is 10 feet high. The football lands 8 feet behind the plane of the goal. What speed and angle was the football initially kicked? (Use acceleration of gravity as 32...
I have a problem where I need to figure out the initial velocity vector \vec{v_0} of a projectile, in order for it to land at the final position \vec{r_f} = x_f\hat{x} + y_f\hat{y} + z_f\hat{z}, from initial position \vec{r_0}.
The only knowns in the problem are \vec{r_0} and \vec{r_f}...
[moderator note: Thread moved from General Physics so no template shown]
a) Considering X and Y velocities are independent of one another, simply getting the 300m it covered on the X axis and the total time it was in the air, 21.0s, it's easy to get an X velocity of 14.3 m/s to the right.
Homework Statement
A baseball player throws a ball at an initial velocity of 27m/s. It lands 140m away at 6.4 seconds.
(A) what is the angle he threw it at?
(B) what is the maximum height?
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
I found the angle to be 36 degrees using the formula...
With part (c) - initially I thought the upward acceleration would decrease as the tangerine goes past the windows because it is being acted upon by the force of gravity, but then I felt that the upward acceleration is not changing - it is fixed - and so is the downward acceleration due to...
Homework Statement
A baseball player hits a ball 200.0m home run. The ball travels at angle of 45° with the horizontal just after being hit. Determine the initial speed. Assume the ball lands the same height it was hit.
2. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
I am not sure how...
Dear Forum,
I am working on projectile motion and optimization these days. Projectile motion uses the kinematic equations of free fall for the vertical direction together with the equations of constant velocity in the horizontal direction.
Maximum Range: if an object is launched at a certain...
Homework Statement
A person throws a ball at a 45 degree angle and hits a given target. How much quicker does the ball get to the target if the person instead throws the ball with the same speed v0 but at the angle that makes the trajectory consist of two identical bumps, as shown (Assume...
Homework Statement
A ball is thrown horizontally from the top of the cliff of height H. It hits the ground a distance H from the bottom of the cliff. What was the initial speed?
X coordinate
v0 = ?
a = 0 m/s2
x0 = 0
xf = H
Y coordinate
a = -9.8 m/s2
y0 = H
yf = 0
Homework Equations
a(t) = a...
Homework Statement
A ball is tossed from an upper-story window of a building. The ball is given an initial velocity of 7.90m/s at an angle of 21.9deg below the horizontal. It strikes the ground 2.95s later.
Calculate the height from which the ball was thrown.
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a...
Homework Statement
An athlete stands at the peak of a hill that slopes downward uniformly at angle ##\phi##. At what angle ##\theta## from the horizontal should they throw a rock so that it has the greatest range?
Homework Equations
SUVAT equations and trig relations
The Attempt at a Solution...
Homework Statement
The drawing shows a skateboarder moving at 6.60 m/s along a horizontal section of a track that is slanted upward by θ = 48.0° above the horizontal at its end, which is 0.700 m above the ground. When she leaves the track, she follows the characteristic path of projectile...
I know that the centre of mass moves in the path (the parabola) that the intact projectile would have followed but does the answer change if the new (broken) masses also have a vertical component of velocity?
I need an equation that solves for the height of a projectile at a specific x position. The known variables are spin of the ball, initial position, initial velocity, initial launch angle and the drag and lift coefficients.
Homework Statement
A ball was placed in a frictionless circular track with radius R and given initial velocity of u.The ball went around the cricle ,left at some point,then arrived in the same initial position after undergoing projectile motion.
a.State the speed u in terms of R and g...
Homework Statement
A projectile is thrown at angle θ with an inclined plane of inclination 45o .
Find θ if projectile strikes the inclined the plane horizontal
Homework Equations
Taking x-axis along the incline and y-axis perpendicular to incline.[/B]
Vx=ucosθ - gsint(45)t
Vy=usinθ -...
I am writing a report where I am trying to investigate the effect of initial velocity on the range of a projectile. Does anyone know any graphs I could use to help me find the range?
Homework Statement
A projectile is launched at height h with velocity v with 0 degrees angle with respect to the ground from the bottom of an inclined plane with an angle of theta.Determine the particle's velocity so that it strikes the inclined plane perpendiculary.
Homework Equations...
I am in my final year of schooling in South Africa. For Physics, we do a module called Vertical Projectile Motion & Graphs. This section uses equations of motion etc.
I cannot seem to find the online resources for me to truly master this section.
The sites I have are of projectile motion...
Homework Statement
A projectile is launched from the top of a 200m tower upwards at a non-vertical angle above level horizontal ground with an initial velocity of 84m/s and rises to a maximum height of 240m above ground level. Determine the angle of projection and time and flights.
Answer is...
Homework Statement
A projectile was launched from the top of a 100m tower upward at an angle theta to the horizontal with an initial velocity of 36m/s. The time of flight of the projectile was 8 seconds.
i) The angle of projection
ii) The maximum height reached by the projectile...
Homework Statement
You jump straight upward off a trampoline with an initial velocity of 30 km/h. How high above the trampoline will you reach?
Homework Equations
v2=v1 + a x t & v2(square root)=v1(square root) + 2adThe Attempt at a Solution
I tried 30km/h into the...
Homework Statement
A projectile of mass m is fired from ground level with speed v0 and at angle ##\theta## with respect to the horizontal. Basically there is a projectile from start to finish, with an pivot starting at the x coordinate for the highest point on the projectile. The teacher wants...
Homework Statement
The speed of a projectile when it reaches its maximum height is one-half its speed when it is at half its maxi- mum height. What is the initial projection angle of the projectile?
Homework Equations
Vf2 = vi2 + 2axThe Attempt at a Solution
I know that the speed at the top...
Homework Statement
The current world-record motorcycle jump is 77.0 m,
set by Jason Renie. Assume that he left the take-off ramp at
12.0º to the horizontal and that the take-off and landing
heights are the same. Neglecting air drag, determine his take-off
Homework Equations
R =...
Homework Statement
A projectile is fired over level ground with an initial velocity that has a vertical component of 20 m/s and a horizontal component of 30 m/s. Using g = 10 m/s2, the distance from launching to landing points is:
Homework Equations
Vi(t) +0.5at^2
The Attempt at a Solution
If you have:
A Linear Induction Coilgun, basically like a series of Induction Furnaces, using copper coils with high AC current at a high frequency.
Where the projectile traveling inside those coils has a shorted superconducting coil around the outside of it, embedded in the ceramic projectile...
Homework Statement
A ball is shot from ground into the air. at height 8.3m, its velocity is 7.8i + 6.5j. Find Maximum height rise, horizontal distance traveled and magnitude of velocity just before the ball hits the ground.
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
So i got the total...
Homework Statement
A projectile is fired at an upward angle of 45 degrees from the top of a 165m Cliff with a speed of 175 m/s. what will be its speed when it strikes the ground below? (Use conservation of energy and neglect air resistance.)
Homework Equations
E= Ke +Pe
1/2 mv^2 + mgh =...
Homework Statement
I'm trying to come up with an equation to determine where a ball would land (basically the distance it moves) from a spring loaded projectile launcher set up on a table. I'm looking for "d", and I know the spring constant, compression, mass of the ball, height the ball starts...
As I understand it, satellites orbiting the Darth are constantly falling but keep missing. Why then is their speed constant? Why do they not tangentially accelerate like spaceships do when using a gravity assist?
I understand that the force of gravity is perpendicular to the satellites motion...
Is it possible to solve for the initial speed of projectile hitting a target given that we know the direction (vector) that it is released at and the point on a the surface that it is hitting? If so how would you go about finding an equation to solve for this?
I realize that this is a...
Homework Statement
Warren weights 70 kg and is shot out of a cannon at 25 degrees above the horizontal. the cannon barrel tip is 1.34m above the ground and the cannon has a mass of 203kg.
What is Warren's initial launch velocity?Homework Equations
I don't even knowThe Attempt at a Solution
Homework Statement
Calculate distance of a rock thrown at certain angle, velocity and wind speed/direction.
Homework Equations
I'm using this: 2(vi^2)sin(theta)cos(theta)/9.8 to calculate the distance of the throw. How could I implement a wind value and direction into this equation? This is...
Homework Statement
A water balloon is fired at 34.0 m/s from a water cannon, which is aimed at an angle of 18° above the ground. The centre of the cannon's target (which has a radius of 1.0m) is painted on the asphalt 42.0 m away from the water cannon. Will the balloon hit the target? Justify...
Homework Statement
With this problem I have to get the answer: cosθ = r/L * cosα - √(3)/2 * (1 - r/L)
which in other words mean I need to find angle θ with arccos[r/L * cosα - √(3)/2 * (1 - r/L)].
Here's the picture:
Lcosθ is the vertical length of the string at its lowest point.
rcosα is a...
Consider the problem of projectile motion where the angle to hit a target ##(x,y)## is asked, once given the initial velocity magnitude ##v_0##. The projectile is fired from the point ##(0,0)##.
Here is the final formula for theta, solving the equations of motion...
I've already completed the first question, but with number two, it's a different case. Here's my attempt:
\frac { d{ v }_{ y } }{ dt } \quad =\quad -g\quad -\quad \beta { v }_{ y }\\ \frac { d{ v }_{ y } }{ -g\quad -\quad \beta { v }_{ y } } \quad =\quad dt\\ \int { \frac { d{ v }_{ y } }{...
Homework Statement
Homework Equations
vx = 70*cos(α) + 8.333 (30 km/h = 8.333 m/s)
vy = 70*sin(α)
vx*t = 350
vy*t = 60
-(1/2)*g*t^2 + vy*t + 2.5 = 60
The Attempt at a Solution
This problem is conceptually very simple for me, but I can't solve it without using a solver like Wolfram Alpha...
Homework Statement
An athlete can cover 3.0 m for a standing long jump. Assuming that this athlete jumps at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal. calculate the speed at which the jumper can launch herself from a standing start.
Assume g =10 ms^-2
and no air resistance
Assume that horizontal...
Homework Statement
Jim stands with a ball at the rear of a diving board, 10 m above the
surface of a swimming pool. His friend Bob is swimming below, at a
horizontal distance of 6 m from the front of the board. Jim thinks it
would be funny to roll his ball along the diving board so that it...
Homework Statement
The objective is to code a working solver, but my question is specifically with the physics aspect. I am to find the θ value necessary to launch a projectile and hit a target. My problem is distinguishing between an overshoot and an undershoot. For example:
Both of these...
A group of elderly, hospital-hating street toughs fire a mortar at a local children's hospital 960m away. The projectile has a muzzle speed of 100m/s and is directed 53.13 degrees above the horizontal. At the same instant, a contingent of concerned physics enthusiasts, knowing full well that...
Homework Statement
A projectile launcher fires a projectile horizontally from a platform which rests on a flat, icy, frictionless surface. Just after the projectile is fired and while it is moving through the launcher, the projectile has an accelleration of 25m/s^2. At the same time, the...
Homework Statement
I have a test coming up in projectile motion, and I understand very little of it. Like calculating hang time, horizontal range, max height etc.
Homework Equations
Quadratic formula
There shouldn't be any math past Algebra I
The Attempt at a Solution
i was reading a golf simulator forum. i am actually interested in writing a code and make graphs to see how trajectory path looks like.For any given time (t) the distance traveled (x component) is
x(t) = (Vo cosm)t
and the height (y component) at any given time (t) is
y(t) = (Vo sinm)) -...
Homework Statement
A skateboarder in a death-defying stunt decides to launch herself from a ramp on a hill. The skateboarder leaves the ramp at a height of 1.4 m above the slope, traveling 15 m/s and at an angle of 40° to the horizontal. The slope is inclined at 45° to the horizontal. With what...