Applied Definition and 1000 Threads

Applied science is the use of the scientific method and knowledge obtained via conclusions from the method to attain practical goals. It includes a broad range of disciplines such as engineering and medicine. Applied science is often contrasted with basic science, which is focused on advancing scientific theories and laws that explain and predict events in the natural world.
Applied science can also apply formal science, such as statistics and probability theory, as in epidemiology. Genetic epidemiology is an applied science applying both biological and statistical methods.

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  1. I

    Programs "Back door" into physics for a math major

    I have a BA in math. Took no physics courses. In the few years since I graduated I've self studied a lot of physics in my spare time and have a desire to pursue a formal education in it. I understand it would be almost impossible for me to get into a masters in physics unless I went back and...
  2. U

    B Some questions while I self-learn Applied Calculus

    In free time I start to solve differentials and integrals, I am doing fine, I just follow rules and solve the tasks. I start solve some applied calculus tasks, but I dont really understand why for exmple second derivative represent acceleration, why first is speed, why I need to derivate...
  3. Theo2907

    How Can an Applied Physics Student Benefit from Academic Discussions?

    Hi All, My name's Théo I am currently finishing up my Bachelor's thesis at TU Delft and working on some other projects in a research group. I will be posting some questions I have on here and try to participate in as many conversations as I can. I want to build experience in academic...
  4. nicolegeogery

    What is physical applied mathematics?

    What is physical applied mathematics?
  5. paulimerci

    Three equal forces applied to a rectangle, find net torque direction?

    This is how I interpreted the problem, a) The net torque about point A is zero. This is because the forces F1 and F2 are equal and opposite, and they act at the same distance from point A. Therefore, they produce torques that cancel each other out.. The force F3 doesn’t does not produce any...
  6. T

    Residue Theorem applied to a keyhole contour

    I'm really struggling with this one. A newbie to using the residue theorem. I'm trying to solve this by factorising the denominator to find values for z0 and I have: ##z=\frac{-\sqrt{2}+i\sqrt{2}}{2}## and ##z=\frac{-\sqrt{2}-i\sqrt{2}}{2}## I also know that sin(3π/8)=...
  7. C

    I Calculating Force Applied to an Object of 100kg Moved 1m in 5s

    if an object of 100kg is moved or lifted to a distance of 1m taken 5s, then how can i find the amount of force applied to the object. in every problem i noticed, force value is given to find the Workdone and the Power. I think it is simple problem, but i can't find it simple. can anyone clear...
  8. T

    B F=ma Applied to a Billiards Cue

    Many years ago, I was asked if the weight of a billiards cue matters when breaking a rack of billiards balls. I.e. does a heavier cue apply more force to the cue ball. (typically the range of a break cue is 18-25 oz.) So, probably obviously, I used the formula F=MA as an explanation. RecentlyI...
  9. bigmike94

    Prerequisites for Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics by Fawwaz T. Ulaby

    I would like to tackle E&M from a more applied perspective, my maths background is calculus 1, 2 & 3, basic differential equations, basic linear algebra etc. physics background i have completed intro physics that involved very basic circuits etc but nothing major in the sense of applied...
  10. B

    A Time dependent perturbation theory applied to energy levels

    Hello! I am reading this paper and in deriving equations 6/7 and 11/12 they claim to use second oder time dependent perturbation theory (TDPT) in order to get the correction to the energy levels. Can someone point me towards some reading about that? In the QM textbooks I used, for TDPT they just...
  11. paulimerci

    For which case would the applied force be greater?

    If F is applied at an angle above the horizontal, it decreases the normal force and vice versa. So in case A, net force along X = F applied cos theta - friction since the object is moving with constant velocity, a = 0 and so the above equation becomes F applied cos theta = friction Now along...
  12. fluidistic

    A Neumann's principle (group theory applied to crystals), Seebeck tensor

    I am reading about symmetries in crystals, and my knowledge in the field of group theory is almost nill. I am reading that, in the worst case, the electrical and thermal conductivity tensors can possess, at maximum, 6 different entries rather than 9, thanks to Neumann's principle which states...
  13. S

    Tetrahedron with 3 points fixed, and force applied to 4th

    My approach to this problem is to recognize that the tetrahedron being still means that net torque is zero and net force is zero. Fd is given Fa + Fb + Fc = -Fd Fa X a + Fb X b + Fc X c = <0,0,0> This can be split up into a series of 6 equations, 2 for each component. However, this is where I...
  14. M

    I What do applied mathematicians deal with?

    Hello. I have this question in my mind many years. I need to clarify my confused mind. I wonder how applied mathematicians differ from pure mathematicians and physicists. Many years ago I read that applied mathematicians and pure mathematicians do not like each other. Is this true? To me, as...
  15. mopit_011

    B Equivalence of Frictional and Applied Force

    The following passage is from Halliday Resnick Krane in Chapter 3 which is about dynamics in one dimension. "We can measure frictional forces. By placing the body on a horizontal surface where it experiences a frictional force, we could attach a spring and pull the body with just the right...
  16. lucky31501

    Programs What courses would best benefit an Applied Mathematics degree?

    Hi everyone! I am looking for advice on what courses I should take to better flush out my degree/be more versatile. Currently, I am going into my sophomore year in Applied Mathematics. I originally wanted to change into a Math/CS degree, but it was full, so I had to settle with taking the...
  17. A

    Math Applied math work opportunities for high school students?

    Hi. I'm a high school student interested in applied math, including but not limited to climate modelling, auto differentiation, and simulations. It'd be really nice if I could get some experience in those fields in a structured learning environment, like an internship, with mentors if possible...
  18. C

    I Off center torque applied to a rotating body

    Hello everyone! So I've been studying gyroscopes, and see that a torque about the shaft alters the momentum, we can find the new momentum vector by finding the torque, multiplying by a small amount of time, and finally adding that vector to the momentum vector. This will create a precession for...
  19. MidgetDwarf

    Analysis Book needed for Applied Linear Analysis Course

    The course description is as follows: Description Function spaces, convergence, inner product, bounded linear operators, integral operators and integral equations, adjoint operators, expansion in eigenfunctions, resolvent, kernel The instructor is on sabbatical, until the start of the class...
  20. Ian_at_YorkU

    Math Applied math with physics or applied math with comp sci?

    I'm currently pursuing B.Sc degree with major applied math and minor physics. Do you guys think is it worth to switch to comp sci as my minor in terms of employability?
  21. wnvl2

    I Applying Reisenbach Transf. to EM Wave in Microwave Oven

    There is no possible measurement, no matter how clever, that can measure the one way speed of light. It is a synchronization convention. In this topic I would like to apply this idea on a specific case. I have a microwave oven with width L. In this oven I have a standing wave. $$E(t,x)=E...
  22. A

    I If there is no force being applied can there still be a net force?

    If there is no force being applied can there still be a net force? For example, supposed you apply a force F forward on an object on a frictionless plane, the moment you stop applying the force, the object may still be accelerating towards its final velocity but there is no applied force. So if...
  23. K

    Analyzing applied torque to one of lug nuts instead of wheel center

    We all know that torque consists of force and distance. If we apply torque to the center of a car wheel, the force that the tire exerts to the ground can be calculated by dividing the torque by tire radius but what about applying torque to one of lug nuts which is off center? In the above...
  24. Y

    Forces applied to a block on a ramp

    hey I am really hope for some help becuase i don't know what I am doing wrong, the angle of the first part is 21.801. here is my solution i would like to know what I am doing wrong
  25. J

    Gauss' Law applied to this Charged Spherical Shell with a small hole

    First draw a gaussian shape outside of the sphere (a larger sphere) with radius R. The total charge from the (inner) sphere will be: $$Q = \sigma A$$ $$A = 4\pi r^2$$ $$Q = \sigma 4\pi r^2$$ Use Gauss's Law to derive electric field magnitude $$\oint_{}^{} E \cdot dA = \frac{q_e}{\epsilon_o}$$...
  26. R

    Calculating the mechanical index of applied ultrasound

    On the surface, the equation is simply the peak rarefractional pressure divided by the root of the applied frequency: ##MI = \frac{P_{ra}}{\sqrt{f}}## But the pressure is reduced/derated by an attenuation factor/coefficient that is dependent on depth and frequency e.g. ##0.3 \ dB / (cm \cdot...
  27. kara123

    Finding Friction Force & Work with No Applied Force

    -i had begun by finding the normal force =147 N -then found the force of friction=99.96 N -found the work of friction=-799.68 J after that I am unsure of where to go since I don't have a force applied
  28. vibha_ganji

    B What Happens When The Applied Force Equals the Static Friction Force?

    In my teacher’s notes, it said that when the applied force on an object equals the maximum static frictional force, the object begins to move at constant velocity. My question is if both the applied force and the frictional force cancel as they are equal in magnitude, what force accelerates the...
  29. A

    Problem understanding the forces applied to a threaded fastner

    Greeting I have a problem understanding the forces applied to a threaded fastner I really don't understand from where they got Pr or PL because for me the only applied force is F thank you!
  30. D

    Maximum force applied to prevent block from sliding up ramp

    I tried using Newton's first law as the net force in both the x and y directions should be zero in this case. In the free body diagram you need to consider weight, friction, normal force, and the horizontal force. I got a result that said that the horizontal force F you apply is at most W(mu_s +...
  31. T

    Engineering Data Science applied to Aerospace Engineering without AE background

    Apparently, DS can be applied to the Aero industry, but how is a question that I still can't find an answer, and which proves to be incredibly elusive online. I don't mean the Business Intelligence positions, I want to get more involved with the engineering team. Can a Data Scientist be useful...
  32. R

    Physics How to start a career in physics having a degree in applied math?

    Hello, I have a Bachelor's degree in mathematics and I want to pursue a career in physics. I have a good understanding of physics and have the ability to learn very advanced topics by myself just by reading college books and solving the exercises. I am more attracted to experimental physics but...
  33. I

    Courses Preparation for an applied math career

    I'm a current math major and I'm interested pursuing a graduate degree in applied math. My question: Is it better to take as many pure undergrad math classes (real analysis, abstract algebra, topology, etc.) as possible for preparation? Or should I focus on classes like differential equations...
  34. crudux_cruo

    B Torque applied by a continuous mass instead of point particle

    I came across this 'problem' when I was trying to think about how a torsion spring would apply torque in something like a miniature catapult. I understand that in the context of something like turning a wrench, we can find the net torque on the wrench by treating the hand applying the force as...
  35. M

    Engineering Torque applied on a vise screw (problem includes friction)

    Hello all, I need some help with a problem at statics, friction applied on threads. A threaded screw is given a ("horizontal") force of 100 N at the end of the handle. As the exercise states, they ask to calculate the force which occurs at the tube as well as the force needed to vise handle to...
  36. yucheng

    Engineering What to read for applied physics (engineering, inventions, designs, patents)?

    I am looking books that are similar to many books/magazines that introduce 'inventions, how things work', but what I am interested is the physics and mathematics behind (specifically formulas, measurements, applied physics, patents?) From the course page of an applied electrodynamics course, it...
  37. H

    The magnitudes of the applied force F and the frictional force f of a wheel

    I calculate in this way as follows and get a correct answer. Howere I am not sure if I am using the right way. F R = (½ MR^2 + MR^2 ) a/R F = 3/2 Ma F - f = Ma f = 3/2 Ma - Ma = Ma/2
  38. octopus26

    Admissions Bachelors in physics to masters in applied math

    Hi all, so I am currently finishing a double major in physics and chemistry. I want to change paths here slightly and do a masters in applied math. My undergraduate math classes consisted of the usual calc 1, 2, and 3, differential equations, and linear algebra and a semester of math physics...
  39. S

    I The adjective "finite" applied to algebraic structures

    The adjective "finite" applied to many algebraic structures (e.g. groups, fields) indicates a set with a finite number of elements. However, (as I understand it) "finite algebra" refers to a finitely generated algebra. Are there other examples where "finite" means finite in some respect but...
  40. I

    Horizontal force F applied so the relative postion stays constant

    g=9.81 m2g=m1a, a=(m2/m1)g=0.8g F=0.8g x (M+m1+m2)= 0.8g x (21+5+4)= 0.8g x 30= 235.44 N. The answer key however indicate that the answer is 392N. This made me think that the tilt of m2 has something to do with it, but I can't see how much it will make F larger than the above answer.
  41. J

    Schools Applied Physics MS Programs in New England

    I am looking for masters programs in applied physics / engineering physics in ideally New England but also just the northeast of the U.S.. I am trying to create a list of all the universities that offer the degree because it is not particularly common. In New England I only know of Northeastern...
  42. J

    Left Hand Rule Applied to a Winding

    All illustrations of direction of force in motor has this form. For the following specifically the rotor. I'm confused where is the direction of force. It uses winding and there seems to be current and force in every side of the winding (applying left hand rule). So where does the principal...
  43. Y

    I How Gauss’ Law is applied to cylinders

    If I understand correctly, Gauss’ Law is (roughly) derived as follows: Part A Electric Flux = EA E = q / (∈4πr^2) A of the surface of a sphere is 4πr^2 They cancel out and therefore EA =q/∈ Line 4 seems to only apply to a sphere, as it is based on line 3. Now, Gauss’ Law is applied to...
  44. Y

    Programs Associate of Applied Science Degree in non-career related field?

    Hello All, Does anyone here have degrees that aren't related to their careers? I was thinking of maybe taking some automotive courses at a community college towards an associates. This is merely for my own interests, and to allow me to work on my own car, knowing that I did the job correctly...
  45. S

    Wood/Glass/Metal Why are two-part wood bleaches mixed before being applied?

    Wood Magazine descibes the chemistry of two-part wood bleaches as follows: Since they neutralize each other, why are the two parts mixed before being applied to wood?
  46. S

    Binnig's fractal evolution applied to multiple universes?

    Gerd Binnig, Nobel laureate in physics in 1986, proposed in his article "The fractal structure of evolution" [1] that everything in the universe, including its laws, had changed and became what we have got today through a process which mixes some concepts from darwinian evolution and fractal...
  47. GreenOlive

    Change in acceleration with change of angle of applied force

    Let ##μ_k## = 0.5 ##F_a## = 10 Newtons ##\theta## is the angel of the Applied force. How will the acceleration of the block change if the angle of the applied force is increase by ##5^o##? Write Increase, Decrease or Stay the same. Recently we were discussing a question similar to this in...
  48. obstinatus

    Programs Choice of Master's degree program, Physics vs. Applied Math

    Hi All, I finished my BS in physics last year and currently work full-time in engineering. I want to pursue my dream of being a research physicist, but I wasn't a stellar undergraduate student, so I'll have to be a self-funded, part-time masters student at first, and I chose to live near the...