Recent content by EngTechno

  1. E

    Discovering Solid State Electronics: Devices and Their Applications

    What are the solid state electronics devices? What are they used for?
  2. E

    What's the Distinction Between Electrical and Electronics?

    What is the difference between the words " electrical " and " electronics"?
  3. E

    Transferring to new school with bad grades

    Thanks for your advice. By the way, I have 3 Ws, 2 Ds and my current GPA is only 2.26. I am looking forward to transferring to Cal Poly,SLO that is competitive or Cal Poly,Pomona or San Jose State University. But, I will still have to take 80 more units before transferring. Do you think that I...
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    Transferring to new school with bad grades

    I have taken courses for 3 semesters at the community college of my home town. My problem is about my acedemic record. My current GPA is just above 2.2 and some "W"s. This is a problem for my hope of transferring to Good Universities. So, I would like to close current acedamic record and to open...
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    Programs Difference between Degree of Engineer and Doctor of Philosophy

    What is the difference between Degree of Engineer and Doctor of Philosophy ( Ph.D )? How many more years does a Master Degree holder need to take one of each?
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    Navigating Transferring to University with Academic Challenges

    Hi everyone, I am studying at the 2 year community college and look forward to transfering to 4-year-University after the next semester. But, I have one problem. I have 3Ws ( withdraw ) in my acedamic record. I think it will be a barrier when I apply to University. What do you...
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    Dogfight: Is Air-to-Air Combat Still Relevant?

    What is dogfight? Is it still important for air-to-air combat ?
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    The Soviet Union's Collapse: A Blessing or Curse for Science and Technology?

    "The collapse of Soviet Union hit World's Science and Technology Development hard." What do you think of this remark?
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    Thrust Vectoring: Explained & Applications

    What is Thrust Vectoring and its applications? Does anyone who can explain it ?
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    Large Aircraft Take-Off: How Much Space is Needed?

    Does Larger aircraft need longer way (space) than smaller aircraft to take off?And why?
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    NASA Aerospace Engineer Positions at NASA: Challenges and Opportunities

    Is it very difficult for an aerospace engineer to get a position at NASA?
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    U.S. vs Japan in WW2: Why Did Japan Lose?

    Which side is better in fighting spirit and strategy during Second World War, United States or Japan? Why did Japan lose to the United States? Because of intelligence?
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    What Can You Discover on the Russian Aviation Forum?

    Here is a Russian-based aviation forum:
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    DVD vs. VCD: How Do They Compare in Quality?

    What is the difference in quality between DVD and VCD? I don't notice that the main difference in image clearence quality.
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    Programs How long does it take to complete a B.S double major in Aero and Mechanical?

    How many more years does a student need to take to finish his B.S degree in Aero and Mechanical (double major) after sophomore year?