Why does the text saying that the Newton's framework doesn't require the two masses to be equal? If using f = ma give us inertial mass then how is f = Gm1m2/r² a different things? Isn't the law defined as the force is directionly proportional to the product of the masses and we calculated the...
I'm reading Carroll's GR book. I'm able to follow the introduction so far, but a couple of paragraphs are a bit hard to decipher:
What exactly does "couples to" mean? Right now that's just a vague phrase to me that implies gravitational field has something to do with EM - but what's the...
I've been thinking about how rotational speeds don't fall off high distances from galactic centers, for which dark matter is generally an explanation for the increase in acceleration
Speed = distance / time
But time is relative
What "time" is used in these calculations?
Wouldn't time be...
Imagine a tangran puzzle, in which an extra piece "y", identical to piece 'x', is maliciously added.
No matter how hard the player tries, he will never be able to restore the game's original form, that is: a perfect square.
This illustration has a clear purpose:
If gravitational mass and...
I would like to be sure that objects passing at high speed (half or more of the speed of light) have more gravitational attraction to each other than they would if their relative speed were forty miles per hour.
Thank you for your help.
Jim Adrian
It may be possible to detect by its gravity a gravitational mass traveling through space before it is detected by its light. At present we go entirely by light to tell us a mass's location in space. The problem with that is that the location light gives us is a location that [was] in that mass's...
I wish to know if this has been covered in a theory or something before so I can read it. It may be a dumb question so don't berate me for it.The time on earth goes at a certain rate. Do to its and other gravitational effects from other planets/sun. Now if we travel to a Diff solar system with...
This is based on "Concept Question 10.4" in Andrew Hamilton's General Relativity, Black Holes, and Cosmology. I have modified the question somewhat in order to focus on what seem to me to be the key issues.
Suppose we have a spherically symmetric ball of stress-energy surrounded by vacuum. More...
Is there any evidence that objects moving increasingly closer to light speed gain gravitational mass, in the sense of attracting surrounding (and not co-moving) masses more strongly, rather than solely possessing the increased inertial mass implied by the greater force necessary to...
In Newtonian mechanics, both gravitational mass and inertial mass is m. This principle is known as the principle of equivalence. However, I heard that in Relativity, gravitational mass is γm instead of m because total energy of the particle is γmc2. But in special relativity, it is widely known...
Homework Statement
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
I think the two masses , inertial and gravitational are equivalent and because of this fact , the ratio of the two masses is one . The correct option should be 1) .
But the answer given is 3) i.e A statement is true and R...
The equation for relativistic mass by special relativity tells us the relativistic mass for object in motion...but since inertia mass has same value as gravitational, does this formula also apply for gravitational mass?
Thank you!
Doesn't the postulation of the inertial and gravitational mass equivalence suggest that GR is not a complete theory? (since it also cannot be explained as a neccessity by the anthropic principle)
There is a video on YouTube where Sean Carroll says for Newton it was just an accident that inertial mass equals gravitational mass, but with the general theory of relativity it became obvious that it has to be so. How does one see that?
My own attempt has been consisting of transforming...
As I understand a photon has zero rest mass (as far as we can tell) but it does have a passive gravitational mass in order for it to be able to respond to gravity.
But I've been shown that passive gravitational mass should be equal to active gravitational mass, and if this is true and photons...
This is an unusual idea that I have been entertaining for some time, and I can't find anything about it online.
However, it is so simple that someone must have conceived it before.
First, I will elaborate my idea, then I will ask if it possible within the framework of General Relativity.
I know that this question has been asked many times before on this forum, but on every existing thread either the question or the answers, or both, were too vague. I understand that inertial mass is defined as the property of an object to resist change of its velocity, that is the mass that...
in nuclear physics we have a mass defect by the binding energy of the nuclides.
A similar effect appears in the theory of gravitation induced by the gravitational binding energy, which reduces the mass.
But for example at the ISCO of an Kerr black hole we have binding energys about...
Is there any credible hard evidence that this equivalence extends to all moving bodies? We accept on good grounds that the apparent mass of moving objects is enhanced by motion, to a measurable degree that increases indefinitely as observed speeds of relative motion approach c. Likewise...
I should preface this question by saying that I am not familiar with Einstein's general relativity, so I am trying to understand the relationship between gravitational and inertial mass from a purely classical standpoint.
Newton writes that the gravitational force exerted by an object is...
Hi everyone,
I read in a first year textbook (K&K) that the reason why "gravitational mass is proportional to inertial mass" is a big "mystery"...
Can someone please explain why this is a mystery?
Or stated otherwise:
Is it possible, due to other effects than mass for a non-spinning object with inertial mass n to exert a gravitational force characteristic of another non-spinning object with inertial mass different than n - theoretically or practically?
I hope that covers all the caveats...
Homework Statement
Hello noble physicists,
I am struggling to solve a problem with any sort of confidence whatsoever, so to you I turn in the hopes of guidance.
The problem refers to GRACE twin satellite convergence due to gravitational anomalies.
I’d like to estimate the...
An interesting idea that my physics teacher posed to us yesterday, and apparently one that scientists have been puzzling over for quite a while: why is the mass as a measure of inertia equal to the mass in terms of gravity in our universe? My teacher said that this doesn't need to be the case...
Hi everyone! In an university examination it was asked to:"Explain the difference between inertial and gravitational mass" but my physics book is not very exhaustive on these differences.
Which could it be a precise answer to this question ?
I'm trying to learn what is the difference between the inertial and gravitational mass.
According to: http://www.physlink.com/education/askexperts/ae305.cfm and https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=147282 there is practically no difference (as stated by the Equivalence principle)...
hello everyone,
following the book of Landau&Lifsitz I managed to understand the Schwarzschild solution.
At the end, it finds this formula for the mass of the spherical body generating the gravitational field:
M=\frac{4\pi}{c^2} \int^a_0 \epsilon(r) r^2 dr
in which \epsilon(r) is...
When a body collapses under gravity, its initial gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy and/or other forms of internal energy. At least that is how it is described in Newtonian gravity (not sure if this question is well-formed in GR, sorry).
Now say that the collapse...
If I understand right, GR says that internal motions in an object add to its gravitational mass, because there is associated kinetic energy. My question is, do all observers agree on the quantity of gravitational mass?
To an observer far away from the object, the object's internal motions...
Thought experiment:
You are sitting on a platform which is sitting on a frictionless surface. I am sitting on a similar platform on the same frictionless surface next to you. If I reach out and pull you toward me, we will meet at our center of mass. If you reach out and pull me toward you, we...
In Sean Carroll's lecture book is written:
"... if gravitation did not couple to itself, a "gravitation atom" (two particles bounded by their mutual gravitational attraction) would have a different intertial mass (due to negative binding energy) than gravitational mass..."
Would you please...
If we explain the origin of inertial mass with the Higgs mechanism, how do we explain the origin of gravitational mass? In other words, how does the Higgs mechanism contribute to the gravitational field of a particle?
(Note: the closest thread I've found to this is...
This is just a question out of curiosity.
When things are traveling at a faster relative speed they are supposed to have greater mass which makes it harder and harder to increase their speed relative to the observer due to if being harder to overcome momentum. (Correct that if it has...
Is there anything in the universe that doesn't have gravitational mass? My understanding is that both rest mass and "relativistic mass" are gravitational masses, i.e. both are subject to the force of gravity. Further everything must have at least one or the other (if not both). Anything that...
Gravitational mass is the property of objects that determines how they interact via gravity. For example how the Moon rotates around Earth.
Inertial mass is an object's property that determines how much the object "resists" acceleration when force is applied to it.
And it seems both are...
[SOLVED] What are the standard units for inertial mass and gravitational mass?
1. What are the standard units for inertial mass and gravitational mass? And also apparently gravitational mass can be measured without gravity how can it be done?
Thank you very much. My teacher said a hint is in...
On the basis that gravitational mass = inertial mass - does the gravitational mass of a particle increase along with its inertial mass when the particle is made to move?
Hey, first time here. I'm currently reading up on Physics, preparing for a selection test by myself. I need some help in understanding Newton's gravitational mass and inertial mass. Are they different? I read that there are some difference, and these masses ARE slightly different. Any reason...
Inertial mass can be understood as the resistance to change motion. Gravitational mass exerts a pull on every other object (and as a result of action-reaction force law also on itself). It has been shown by experiment that both mass concepts are the same. But it looks strange that one...
A simple pendulum has a length L. The inertial and gravitational masses of the bob are m1 and m2 respectively. Then the time period of the simple pendulum is given by
T = 2(pie)[m1L/m2g]^(1/2) {Read as 2 pie root m one L by m two g)
My question is that the...
In the past I've spoken about mass a kagillion times. There was one aspect that I had to hold off on until I taught myself the details and meaning to a good level of understanding. I've now come to that level and have made another web page to describe it. The aspect I'm speaking of is "active...
In SR, when an object starts moving quickly, it seems to have more mass in the sense that it requires more force to accelerate it at a given rate. Dose the object also behave as if it has more mass in the sense that other objects are more attracted to it gravitationaly?
gravitons ??
is the inertial mass proportinal to the gravitational mass in the graviton theory of gravitation ? I ask this because I can see easily how GR imply that the two masses must be equal since spacetime curvature acts at everypoint in the body. But with gravitons I can't understand how...