What is Free expansion: Definition and 36 Discussions

The Joule expansion (also called free expansion) is an irreversible process in thermodynamics in which a volume of gas is kept in one side of a thermally isolated container (via a small partition), with the other side of the container being evacuated. The partition between the two parts of the container is then opened, and the gas fills the whole container.
The Joule expansion, treated as a thought experiment involving ideal gases, is a useful exercise in classical thermodynamics. It provides a convenient example for calculating changes in thermodynamic quantities, including the resulting increase in entropy of the universe (entropy production) that results from this inherently irreversible process. An actual Joule expansion experiment necessarily involves real gases; the temperature change in such a process provides a measure of intermolecular forces.
This type of expansion is named after James Prescott Joule who used this expansion, in 1845, in his study for the mechanical equivalent of heat, but this expansion was known long before Joule e.g. by John Leslie, in the beginning of the 19th century, and studied by Joseph-Louis Gay-Lussac in 1807 with similar results as obtained by Joule.The Joule expansion should not be confused with the Joule–Thomson expansion or throttling process which refers to the steady flow of a gas from a region of higher pressure to one of lower pressure via a valve or porous plug.

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  1. C

    Free expansion of Real Gases - Dieterici EoS, Change in Temperature

    I proceeded in the usual manner in which we take ##dU = 0## in the case of free expansion because there is no heat transfer in the box, as well as no work is done. We can write, taking ## U ## as the function of ##V## and ##T##, $$ dU(V,T) = \left( \dfrac{\partial U}{\partial V} \right)_T ~...
  2. Ahmed1029

    A Free expansion of an ideal gas and changes in entropy

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  3. T

    A Understanding Free Expansion of Gas: Velocity Distribution Function Evolution

    Hey all. I'm trying to understand the evolution of the velocity distribution function of a gas undergoing free expansion. I know that at t=0, the velocity distribution function is given by ##u(t=0, x)=Ax^{1/2}##, where ##A## is a known constant. From the momentum equation, I have: ##du/dt+u...
  4. Ron19932017

    Euler's equation of thermodynamics in free expansion (Joule expansion)

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  5. A

    Is Entropy decreased for Free expansion of a Waals gas?

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  6. hnnhcmmngs

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  7. A

    I Free expansion of an ideal gas

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  8. A

    Free expansion process and temperature change

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  9. P

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  10. A

    B Free Expansion of Gas: Internal Energy & Work

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  11. D

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  12. Mayan Fung

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  13. V

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  14. S

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  15. kelvin490

    Why dU may not equals dW in free expansion?

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  16. S

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  17. MexChemE

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  18. fluidistic

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  19. K

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  20. brainpushups

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  21. N

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  22. X

    Semi-idealized atomic gas and it's free expansion in vacuum

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  23. S

    Mostly Free Expansion of Ideal Gas

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  24. A

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  25. M

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  26. A

    Entropy change in free expansion.

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  27. S

    Free expansion and adiabatic process

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  28. M

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  29. B

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  30. S

    Free expansion of an ideal gas.

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  31. F

    Work during free expansion of a gas

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  32. B

    Entropy variation during free expansion

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  33. M

    Van der waal gas in isothermal free expansion

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  34. A

    What Happens During Free Expansion?

    what happens in a free expansion?
  35. A

    Understanding the Limit of Irreversibility: Free Expansion Explanation

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  36. D

    Free expansion of an ideal gas

    For the free expansion of an ideal gas into an evacuated chamber, I know that Work=0 and Q=0. Correct? This implies that the change in internal energy dU also equals 0. Since U depends solely on T, this should mean that the final temperature of the chamber is equal to the temperature of the...