Recent content by astroman707

  1. astroman707

    I Solve Vector Equation: iy + jx & (i + j)/√2

    I'm reading div grad curl for my math methods class, and I came across this question: "Using arrows of the proper magnitude and direction, sketch each of the following vector functions: (a) iy + jx, (b) (i + j)/√2 I don't understand the notation. Why is there an y and x next to the i and j in...
  2. astroman707

    For astronomers, what software/languages do you use to handle data?

    For all the astronomers and astrophysicists out there, what are your preferred methods of dealing with large swaths of data? What are your go to programming languages, and software?
  3. astroman707

    Courses What undergrad topics do astronomy grad programs expect you to have taken?

    I was speaking with my prof about the requirements for the applied physics major track offered at my school, and she said some very surprising things. Just for context, I’m interested in pursuing observational astrophysics/astronomy in grad school later. She said that I can skip diff equations...
  4. astroman707

    B How prevalent is the R language in astronomy research?

    I’ve heard that C++, python, and IDL are most commonly used in observational astronomy research, but how common is R in the field?
  5. astroman707

    Programs What is the likelihood of a physics major getting an engineering job?

    I’ve been told that physics majors are looked at favorably when applying for entry-level engineering jobs. Is this true? How qualified are they when compared to engineering majors? Are applied physics majors looked at any differently? Do employers care about an undergraduate thesis?
  6. astroman707

    Do petroleum engineers struggle with ethical dilemmas?

    You’re right. I don’t want that. I’ll cut that from the post.
  7. astroman707

    Do petroleum engineers struggle with ethical dilemmas?

    Of course not. But it is well known that oil companies use their financial power to try and spread misinformation about climate change, and influence politicians.
  8. astroman707

    Do petroleum engineers struggle with ethical dilemmas?

    Petroleum engineers are smart, educated individuals. Therefore, I’d assume they’re well aware of the environmental impacts caused by the work they do. Do they ever struggle with any ethical issues regarding the matter? Is it the money? Is it the possibility of making oil drilling processes more...
  9. astroman707

    Studying What's the best way to apply the concepts learned in physics 2?

    That makes sense. I wasn't very clear. I wasn't necessarily looking for one project that encompasses everything. But perhaps, a few projects that cover a fair spread of the material I learned.
  10. astroman707

    Studying What's the best way to apply the concepts learned in physics 2?

    I've updated the post to reflect all the topics we learned. I actually haven't built anything, but I do know how to solder. I really want to learn more about electronics, but I want to tie it into the material I learned in phys 2. Basically, I'm looking for a way to combine the theory I learned...
  11. astroman707

    Intro Physics Suggested outline/syllabus for Feynman lectures?

    I just finished the intro physics sequence at my college, and I wanted to work through the Feyman lecture Vol.1, with the workbook, over the summer. Does anyone know of any sample curriculum used for this book? Or perhaps, knows a good way to work through the book?
  12. astroman707

    Studying What's the best way to apply the concepts learned in physics 2?

    I'm finishing up physics 2(intro E&M) at my college, and I'd like to apply the concepts I learned in it over the summer. I was considering working through an electronics book, or building a radio, etc. What kind of projects or books do you recommend to cement some of the topics I learned in a...
  13. astroman707

    Courses What undergrad electives should be taken when pursuing astrophysics?

    Sorry, I should have clarified. I meant courses in addition to the usual core courses, ie; E&M, QM, optics, etc.
  14. astroman707

    Courses What undergrad electives should be taken when pursuing astrophysics?

    Anything that’s not theory. I’m not sure what area of astrophysics yet, but I want to make the most of my undergrad.
  15. astroman707

    Courses What undergrad electives should be taken when pursuing astrophysics?

    [Q50, post: 6158161, member: 110252"] Maybe you should tell us what the options are, unless you want replies like "Shakespearean cooking" Any option. Tutorials can be made for virtually any upper level physics topic from undergrad level to grad level. I’m looking for valuable topics to learn...