What is Atmoshpere: Definition and 18 Discussions

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  1. SamBiswas95

    If 95% of the atmosphere was SO2, how would the sky look?

    Taking into account the Rayleigh scattering phenomenon, assuming that the atmosphere is 1 bar, how would the light from the G2V-type star interact with this kind of environment? Could the colour of the sky even alter despite the fact that there is a significant amount of sulfur dioxide in the...
  2. G

    I What Could Cause the Earth's Rotation to Dramatically Slow Down?

    Hi everyone, I’ve been thinking about this for a while and have done a bit of research but can’t seem to get a straight answer. Aside from collision with another object in space, is there anything that could cause the Earth’s rotation to dramatically slow down? If a sufficiently massive object...
  3. B

    Changes in pressure, temp, & entropy of ideal gas in atmosphere

    So for a collection of particles each with mass m, the pressure beneath them, ##p(z)## should be higher than the pressure above them ##p(z + \Delta z)##. This is a change in force per unit area (force per unit volume I suppose) times a volume to equate with the gravitational force $$ \frac...
  4. Adesh

    Derivation of the change of air pressure with height

    If we take a slab of air with cross-sectional area of A and height dz in our atmosphere. Now, what we do is make an argument like this :- Pressure from below must balance both the weight and Pressure from above to keep the slab at rest. ( I have added an attachment for clarification) And...
  5. B

    Exploring Sound in Low Atmosphere: Speed, Intensity, and Frequency

    There is no sound in space because there are not enough particles to transmit the pressure wave. But what about really high in the atmosphere where there is just a little air? Would sound move faster, slower or at the same speed? Would the intensity (aka volume) go up, down, or stay the same...
  6. N

    What would happen if ozone, nitrogen and oxygen disappear?

    Hi everyone! I have some trouble figuring out the following question: If oxygen, nitrogen and ozone did not absorb UV radiation, what would you expect the temperature profile in the atmosphere to look like between the surface and top of the atmosphere? Specify the temperatures at Tropopause...
  7. Suppaman

    B Goldilocks zones of other parameters

    I understand the goldilocks zone but would like to know if there are similar limits with respect to supporting life as we know it for a planets gravitational force (min/max) and atmosphere pressure (min/max.) I understand gravity can affect pressure but so can the amount of atmosphere and do not...
  8. lomidrevo

    Introduction to Climatology: Resources to Get Started

    Hi guys, could you please recommend a valuable introduction to climatology and/or atmospheric physics? It could be a textbook, online book, article, tutorial, etc... Thanks in advance!
  9. Chatterton

    Guide to Inferring Colors on Alien Worlds: Star Class, Luminosity, Atmosphere

    Is there a guide, based on existing evidence, that I could use to infer realistically how color would be affected on alien worlds due to factors like star class, luminosity, atmospheric composition, etc? I'm planning to develop a not-too-too-distant future scenario where all the stars in...
  10. M

    I Who first developed the Rossby number and how was it derived?

    Hoping to get an intuitive idea of the derivation behind the Rossby number that isused in fluid mechanics(atmospheric and oceanographic sciences). I know what it is and how it is used but I want to know Rossby hit upon the idea of the number that is named after him...
  11. Borrah Campbell

    B Could Jet Engines Be Used for Space Travel?

    Here's a really complex & difficult question... Satellites orbit Earth in the upper thermosphere. Could a jet engine (not a rocket) produce enough thrust to move a small craft? The reason I'm asking is because it most certainly would produce "some" thrust in low orbit. The atmosphere extends...
  12. T

    How to calculate atmospheric pressure?

    Let's say I had the composition of an atmosphere, the mass of the planet it was on, and the diameter/density of said planet. First, what else, if anything, would I need to find the atmospheric pressure? Second, what would the equation for doing so be?
  13. curiousman

    Why are high frequencies bands chosen in satellite communication?

    Hi all, I'm an student of Physics so apologies if I'm just some silly questions here. The higher frequency bands typically give access to wider bandwidths (e.g wifi). Considering that higher frequencies bands (> 30 Ghz) are more susceptible to signal degradation due to ‘rain fade’...
  14. Kior

    Why has CO2 decreased in the history of the Earth?

    I noticed that the Co2 is actually decreasing in the Eon time. My guess is lush vegetations or forests began to grow which absorbed the Co2 by photosynthesis? Would anyone give me any clue?
  15. Kior

    What is the difference between a carbon sink and reservoir?

    I am trying to figure out the difference between a carbon sink and a carbon reservoir. The definition for a carbon sink from wikipedia is that “carbon sinkis a natural or artificial reservoir that accumulates and stores some carbon-containing chemical compound for an indefinite period. ” And the...
  16. D

    Escaping earth's atmosphere with a balloon

    Hi all, So my question is, could you use a weather balloon to assist with escaping the atmosphere and attaching a rocket to take it the rest of the way, and we're talking a really small payload obviously. Would the weight of the fuel/rocket weigh down the balloon enough to significantly...
  17. P

    Buoyancy of a vacuum-filled "space tower"?

    Hello everyone, I am thinking of a thought experiment about a so-called "space tower" but don't have enough information to estimate the numbers. I understand the material strength needed for such high structures is huge, because of the weight of the structure. But what if the "tower" would be...
  18. J

    Total power entering earth's atmoshpere

    Assuming the EarthÕs radius is 6378 km, the solar constant is 1370 W/m2 and our planetary albedo is 0.31 then a) Determine the total power (from solar energy) entering the EarthÕs atmosphere b) What power would be absorbed by the EarthÕs surface in the absence of an atmosphere...