Bell inequalities Definition and 23 Threads

Bell's theorem proves that quantum physics is incompatible with local hidden-variable theories. It was introduced by physicist John Stewart Bell in a 1964 paper titled "On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox", referring to a 1935 thought experiment that Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen used to argue that quantum physics is an "incomplete" theory. By 1935, it was already recognized that the predictions of quantum physics are probabilistic. Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen presented a scenario that, in their view, indicated that quantum particles, like electrons and photons, must carry physical properties or attributes not included in quantum theory, and the uncertainties in quantum theory's predictions were due to ignorance of these properties, later termed "hidden variables". Their scenario involves a pair of widely separated physical objects, prepared in such a way that the quantum state of the pair is entangled.
Bell carried the analysis of quantum entanglement much further. He deduced that if measurements are performed independently on the two separated halves of a pair, then the assumption that the outcomes depend upon hidden variables within each half implies a constraint on how the outcomes on the two halves are correlated. This constraint would later be named the Bell inequality. Bell then showed that quantum physics predicts correlations that violate this inequality. Consequently, the only way that hidden variables could explain the predictions of quantum physics is if they are "nonlocal", somehow associated with both halves of the pair and able to carry influences instantly between them no matter how widely the two halves are separated. As Bell wrote later, "If [a hidden-variable theory] is local it will not agree with quantum mechanics, and if it agrees with quantum mechanics it will not be local."Multiple variations on Bell's theorem were proved in the following years, introducing other closely related conditions generally known as Bell (or "Bell-type") inequalities. These have been tested experimentally in physics laboratories many times since 1972. Often, these experiments have had the goal of ameliorating problems of experimental design or set-up that could in principle affect the validity of the findings of earlier Bell tests. This is known as "closing loopholes in Bell test experiments". To date, Bell tests have found that the hypothesis of local hidden variables is inconsistent with the way that physical systems do, in fact, behave.The exact nature of the assumptions required to prove a Bell-type constraint on correlations has been debated by physicists and by philosophers. While the significance of Bell's theorem is not in doubt, its full implications for the interpretation of quantum mechanics remain unresolved.

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  1. gohu

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  2. morrobay

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  3. A

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  4. golya

    I What Is Bell's Theorem and Why Does It Matter?

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  5. M

    I Do Bell Experiments Show Local Overlap of Wave Functions Before Measurement?

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  6. microsansfil

    A Bell inequalities demonstration

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  7. M

    I Model used to refute Bell's theorem

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  8. jambaugh

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  9. J

    B Thought Experiment: Exploring Violations of Bell Inequalities

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  10. L

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  11. zonde

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  12. H

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  14. N

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  15. G

    I Assuming nonlocal realism: What message would signal convey?

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  16. M

    B Why the "rush" to quantum spookiness

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  17. entropy1

    Understanding Bell's inequality

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  18. J

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  19. G

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  20. Z

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  21. zonde

    Can we violate Bell inequalities by giving up CFD?

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  22. P

    Binney's interpretation of Violation of Bell Inequalities

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  23. L

    What chronology of Bell inequalities testing ?

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