What is Feynman: Definition and 647 Discussions

Richard Phillips Feynman (; May 11, 1918 – February 15, 1988) was an American theoretical physicist, known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics, the physics of the superfluidity of supercooled liquid helium, as well as his work in particle physics for which he proposed the parton model. For contributions to the development of quantum electrodynamics, Feynman received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965 jointly with Julian Schwinger and Shin'ichirō Tomonaga.
Feynman developed a widely used pictorial representation scheme for the mathematical expressions describing the behavior of subatomic particles, which later became known as Feynman diagrams. During his lifetime, Feynman became one of the best-known scientists in the world. In a 1999 poll of 130 leading physicists worldwide by the British journal Physics World, he was ranked the seventh greatest physicist of all time.He assisted in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II and became known to a wide public in the 1980s as a member of the Rogers Commission, the panel that investigated the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. Along with his work in theoretical physics, Feynman has been credited with pioneering the field of quantum computing and introducing the concept of nanotechnology. He held the Richard C. Tolman professorship in theoretical physics at the California Institute of Technology.
Feynman was a keen popularizer of physics through both books and lectures, including a 1959 talk on top-down nanotechnology called There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom and the three-volume publication of his undergraduate lectures, The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Feynman also became known through his semi-autobiographical books Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! and What Do You Care What Other People Think?, and books written about him such as Tuva or Bust! by Ralph Leighton and the biography Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman by James Gleick.

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  1. J

    Symmetry factors for Feynman diagrams

    Hello I have to calculate symmetry factors for the following feynman diagrams for my qft class, and would be hugely grateful if anyone could point out any mistakes (I'm sure there are lots!) that I've made. http://picasaweb.google.com/jessicagreerstanley/Physics#5259179071440262450"...
  2. T

    Did Feynman Believe in the Quick Draw Myth in Cowboy Duels?

    Hello nerds. I was discussing Richard Feymnan the other day and his generally low opinion of psychologists (not unreasonable, at least when he was around). However I remembered a story of his about how he thought that in cowboy movies the guy who draws his weapon first (usually the bad...
  3. T

    Question about conservation laws & Feynman Lectures

    I just got a copy of Feynman's lectures on Physics the other week. They are very interesting. Near the end of the 4th chapter, he begins discussing conservation laws. One of the laws he gives is the conservation of baryons. I noticed early in the first volume, the lectures were published in...
  4. T

    Exploring Feynman Diagrams: The Concept of Time Reversibility

    what does Feynman's diagram prove? i know it deals with something "going back in time"
  5. X

    Is self-study with Feynman's Lectures enough for UnderGrad physics?

    Well, I have got hold of Feynman's Lectures Volume 1,2,3... I am trying to understand UnderGrad physics through self-study at home... Are those 3 books enough to understand (at least conceptually) UnderGrad level physics?
  6. Shaun Culver

    Inserting Feynman Slash Notation in Mathematica

    I need to insert the slash notation, A\!\!\!/ , into a Mathematica document. I have searched high and low, but find nothing on this.
  7. S

    Disconnected diagram Feynman rules momentum space

    Hi! I wonder if the Feynman rules in momentum space can also be applied to disconnected diagrams. So aussume I have a disconnected Feynman diagram 1 , i.e. the product of two connected Feynman diagrams 2 and 3. I can translate my diagrams with the position space Feynman rules to explicit...
  8. A

    Feynman rule involving derivative of a field.

    Can anybody help me by explaining how to write down the Feynman rule corresponding to a term like ieA^{\mu}\phi^{\ast}\partial_{\mu}\phi I am confused about the presence of the derivative term. Terms have usual meaning.
  9. B

    "Was Feynman's license plate ARW 357 a subtle physicist joke?

    "You know, the most amazing thing happened to me tonight. I was coming here, on the way to the lecture, and I came in through the parking lot. And you won't believe what happened. I saw a car with the license plate ARW 357. Can you imagine? Of all the millions of license plates in the state...
  10. G

    How to read the Feynman Lectures (Question)

    I intend to refresh my knowledge in physics, and exercise a great deal of math. I will do some heavy calculus, dif, linear algebra work with some quantum mechanics added onto it. The thing is I also want to read the feynman lectures I bought long ago. Do you think that it is reasonable to...
  11. M

    Feynman Lectures: Is It Worth The Money?

    Okay I've just paid £50 for the feynman lectures on ebay, waiting for it in the post. Anyone here have it and can tell me whether I've wasted my money (i'm 17 and havn't even started learning particle physics yet, I've just finished AS levels). Am I going to understand it or not? Also is...
  12. I

    Connecting n-Point Functions, Feynman Diagrams & S-Matrix

    I would like to clearify the connection between n-point functions, Feynman diagrams and S-matrix. I do not want ( yet) to understand the detailed derivation of the LSZ reduction formula, just the rough connection between the n-point function on the one side and the S- matrix on the other...
  13. D

    Quantum Mechanics: Fitzpatrick's Online Grad Course vs. Feynman & Sakurai

    Just out of curiosity, how hard is Fitzpatrick's online Graduate version of quantum mechanics compared to the Feynman lectures and Sakurai's book?
  14. A

    What is the Force of Radiation Resistance?

    Hi, I was just reading feynman's nobel lecture the other day ("The Development of the Space-time view of qed") where he discusses the problems associated with his initial view that an electron does not act on itself but merely acts on other electrons. He talks about the "force of radiation...
  15. V

    When can we ignore the delta function in th Feynman rules?

    in peskin-schroeder and http://www.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/batley/particles/handout_04.pdf" the amplitude for e^-e^+\rightarrow \mu^- \mu^+ is written using feynman rules as follows -iM=[\bar{v}(p_2)(-ie\gamma^\mu )u(p_1)] \frac{-ig_{\mu\nu}}{q^2}[\bar{u}(k_1)(-ie\gamma^\nu )v(k_2)] but what...
  16. I

    Learning Feynman Diagrams from Peskin & Schroeder

    Homework Statement I’m trying to learn Feynman diagrams from Peskin and Schroeder. I’m stuck right now on page 91-93, especially about constant factors and symmetry factors. Equation 4.44 and the two constants 3 and 12 in it make perfect sense to me. The trouble starts with 4.45. I understand...
  17. B

    Renormalization - a dippy process - R. Feynman

    Feynman refers to "renormalization" as a dippy process on p.128 of his book "QED - The Strange Theory of Light and Matter". His words are: "The shell game that we play to find n and j is technically called renormalization. But no matter how clever the word, it is what I would call a dippy...
  18. B

    the observed masses of the particles R. Feynman

    "...the observed masses of the particles.." R. Feynman Feynman wrote: "Throughout this entire story there remains one especially unsatisfactory features: the observed masses of the particles, m. There is no theory that adequately explains these numbers. We use these numbers in all our...
  19. T

    Virtual Work - Magnetostatics - Feynman?

    In reading Feynman's "Lectures on Physics", volume 2 I have a question and have included a scan of a small section from the book. Feynman was a big fan of using the Principle of Virtual Work, but his explanation, as least insofar as how he used it is wanting, at least for me. The attached...
  20. R

    Electromagnetism and Feynman diagrams

    1. Feynman says all of electromagnetism follows from Maxwell equations. 2. Somebody (Pointing to a Feynman diagram of a photon/electron reaction) said all of electromagnetism is in that one diagram. So, can anyone help me with these two questions: how does point 1 come from point 2. And, how...
  21. S

    Feynman propagator as distribution

    Hi, This question is quite relevant to some other posts at the end of the very long "very simple QFT questions" thread, but I've decided to start a new thread with a heading which is more indicative of what I wish to ask the group. As a question, it's a fairly concise, but the analysis is...
  22. T

    Feynman integration trick - textbooks?

    "Feynman integration trick" - textbooks? I was quite impressed by the use of the parametric differentiation e.g. in integrating sin(x)/x in https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=80735. Can anyone recommend textbooks that cover this use as a strategy in evaluating integrals? Ideally...
  23. E

    Understanding Feynman Rules for ABC Theory

    [SOLVED] feynman rules Hi , It is a simple question from the book of david j .griffiths :"introduction to elementary particles" (6.11) Homework Statement (a) Is A--->B+B a possible process in the ABC theory (feynman rules for a toy theory) (b)Suppose a diagram has nA external A lines , nB...
  24. I

    Can You Generate Feynman Diagrams for Specific Perturbation Orders?

    is there any program that can generate the feynman diagram for a specific perturbation of n-order contributions to Green function?
  25. S

    Feynman lectures volume II - how is it?

    I'll be studying electromagnetism next sem (January) and I thought reading Feynman before the proper start of course will be useful, but Feynman himself said( in the preface) that he did not do much creation in vol II. So, is there any other Feynman sort of book on electromagnetism or I should...
  26. P

    What's the maths equivalent of the Feynman Lectures?

    Hi, I've got a Masters in Physics, but always feel that I'm missing out slightly by not knowing and appreciating the beauty that there is in all the maths I never had cause to study in my physics degree. Is there a book (or set of books) that does for maths what the Feynman Lectures do for...
  27. G

    How Does Quantum Theory Explain Repulsion Between Charged Balloons?

    Hello all. Firstly, know that I need a little handholding. We are told that in the detail, the actual behavior of matter is better modeled with quantum theory concepts, apparently to a impressively proven accuracy, even if the mathematical aids involve counterintuitive, though useful, notions...
  28. J

    Does Light Ever Travel Faster or Slower Than Speed C?

    I read from 'strange theory of light and matter' by feynman that light also travels faster and slower than C but on an average it travels at C..can anyone explain the reason behind or give me some links..
  29. H

    Drawing Feynman Diagrams with Feynmf

    Hi everybody, I am a MAC OS X user, and I have a trouble with feynmf package in latex. I have downloaded the package from CTAN website and followed the instructions for installation. Then in my latex file I coded a generic 2-body scattering process labeled as "generic", after typesetting...
  30. S

    LaTeX Draw Feynman Diagrams w/ Latex for Beginners

    Hi! I need some help with latex. I need to draw Feynman diagrams and it seems that the package feynmfm relies on Metafont, which I really don't even have the slightest idea as how to use it. Anyway, I tried to find a good tutorial on the subject (metafont) but it looks like i will need some...
  31. T

    Feynman Lectures: Worth Reading for Fundamental Concepts?

    Has anyone read the Feynman Lectues? Is it worth getting if you are looking to further establish a good grasp of the fundamentals?
  32. N

    Drawing Feynman diagrams with Feynmf

    I have posted a question on the Tutorial subforum because there was already a thread on that subject but I figured that people here may be more likely to be able to help me out https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?p=1313121#post1313121 Thanks! Patrick
  33. L

    Principle of Virtual Work and Feynman

    I was just reading the Feynman Lectures on Physics when Feynman discussed virtual work. Unfortunately, I found his explanation somewhat confusing. The following are the three examples Feynman uses in order to illustrate the principle of virtual work. 1. 2. 3. I'm trying to...
  34. R

    Download Feynman Lectures: Where to Find

    Does anyone know where to download the Feynman lectures at? Thanks
  35. M

    Have anyone read Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman ?

    Have anyone read "Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman"?? Have anyone read "Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman"?? What did you think of it? I only read about half and the the library wanted it back.. But I thought the first half was good, and a little bit funny too..
  36. K

    Solve Feynman Calculus Homework: Collision 1+2 -> 3+4

    Homework Statement I am pretty sure it's been done many times before, but I can't seem to figure it out: Consider the collision 1 + 2 -> 3 + 4 in the lab frame (2 at rest), with particles 3 and 4 massless. Derive the forumla for the differential cross section Homework Equations We have...
  37. C

    Who is the father of QED and where can you find his lectures and eBooks?

    Greetings all, If you are like me you have a profound respect and admiration for Richard Feynman, the father of QED. Rarely does humanity produce such a brilliant mind and with such an affable personality to boot. Below is a link where you will find several Caltech lectures, eBooks and...
  38. N

    Interesting quotes by Feynman, da Vinci and Davies

    I have some quotes from various books I have read recently, that I would love to hear your thoughts on: Richard Feynman: "All these [chemical] rules were ultimately explained in principle by quantum mechanics, so that theoretical chemistry is in fact physics. On the other hand, it must be...
  39. D

    The Feynman Lectures Over my head?

    I have always seen these books in the stores, and such, and they're 100 on amazon (which is a heck of a lot better than B&N) and i want them, but then again they'll probably shoot right over my head. I'm working through my first year of high-school physics. I have read quite a few books on...
  40. N

    Problem with Feynman Rule for Vertices

    Dear PF, I would like to thank you for existence of Physics forums since it appears very helpful. Dear PF, I was reading one paper and trying to derive Feynman rules for some vertices, but I could not get the same result as given in paper, as a guideline I use ‘t Hooft’s diagrammar and the...
  41. marcus

    What fraction of physics bestsellers are Feynman?

    Amazon has a list of 100 bestseller books in physics category. this includes popularizations, biographies, textbooks, Carl Sagan, Brian Greene, intelligent design, iffy-physics-of-the-supernatural, physics cartoons and comedy, ANYTHING if it has a connection with physics*. So the competition is...
  42. N

    Buy Feynman Posters: Think Different & More!

    OK. I've googled for about an hour yesterday and couldn't find where to get "Think different " poster feat. Feynman. :frown: there are two actually, the one where Feynman is in his sixties is really hard to find. :mad: any ideas on where I can buy it?
  43. F

    Is it possible to find a copy of Feynman and Hibbs?

    I swear this book does not actually exist. Well, unless I'm willing to spend between $300 and $1200 (no, that's not a typo). Am I correct in my suspicion that there was only a single printing of the text back in '65? Does anyone actually have a copy?
  44. E

    QED Feynman (coupling number called j)

    On page 92 (Figure 58) Feynman states: "The amplitude for a coupling is a number that I will call j; it is about negative .1 for the electron (this number is sometimes called the "charge"). Charge?? I don't get it. Would appreciate an explanation?
  45. marcus

    Baratin-Freidel: Hidden Quantum Gravity in 4d Feynman diagrams

    http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-th/0611042 Hidden Quantum Gravity in 4d Feynman diagrams: Emergence of spin foams Aristide Baratin, Laurent Freidel 28 pages, 7 figures "We show how Feynman amplitudes of standard QFT on flat and homogeneous space can naturally be recast as the evaluation of...
  46. A

    Deriving Feynman rules from Lagrangian

    I've been given a small project to ease me into life as a PhD student and part of it involves working out Feynman rules for scalar bosons coupling to gauge bosons. I've been reading through Peskin and Schroder Chapter 9 and want to clarify if I've got my understanding right of how to do it...
  47. D

    Naive Feynman diagram question

    I'm far from well versed in physics, but I'm trying to understand something about a Feynman diagram I saw. The diagram shows an electron and positron annihilating, and producing a quark/anti-quark pair and a gluon. I recently saw a special on the discovery channel that said matter/anti-matter...
  48. E

    Feynman lectures on physics

    Hello! The next academical year I am going to study physics on the university and I want to prepare for the challege. I am planing to buy the Feynman lectures of physics. At amazon.com there is three sets avalible, from 2005, form 1989 and from 1970. I can't choose, I don't know which is the...
  49. J

    Where Can I Find Feynman on PBS/BBC Special?

    does anyone know where i can get a copy of this? i saw it a few years ago but didnt think to record it.