Let's say we want to calculate the two-point Green's function for a fermion to a given order for a two particle interaction of the form ##U(x,y)=U(y,x)##. For the first order calculation we have to do all contractions related to...
I am trying to understand Green's functions in many-body theory for condensed matter. After much struggle, I managed to calculate my first diagrammatic expansion. However I am perplexed by getting more of the usual results.
The Hartree–Fock energy result I know from second quantization can be...
I am trying to renormalise the following loop diagram in the Standard Model:
Using the Feynman rules, we can write the amplitude as follows:
$$ \Gamma_f \sim - tr \int \frac{i}{\displaystyle{\not}\ell -m_f}
\frac{i^2}{(\displaystyle{\not}\ell+ \displaystyle{\not}k -m_f)^2}
\frac{d^4 \ell}{(2...
In Feynman diagrams, I believe two like-charged particles will "blast" one another with a photon, thus pushing each other away because of the law of conservation of momentum. How would this work for electric attraction?
When it comes to scattering in QED it seems only scattering cross sections and decay rates are calculated. Why is that does anyone calculate the actual evolution of the field states or operators themselves like how the particles and fields evolve throughout a scattering process not just...
Hi !
In a Feynman diagram, can we consider that the propagator specifying the transition amplitude of a particle (let's say, of a "real" electron, or of a "virtual" photon) between two points or two vertices, is in fact itself the sum of a multiplicity of probability amplitudes, each one...
I am a 4th-yesr PhD student in Theoretical Particle Physics. My work frequently involves computational stuff so I feel like addicted to developing and using computational techniques for solving physics problems. I am aimed at some topics involving computers for my postdoc. My current project...
I've been trying to get Feynman Diagrams to work in my LaTeX code, however, the output is not what it is supposed to be. I'm using TeXMaker and TikZ-Feynman to draw the diagrams. My code looks like this:
\feynmandiagram [horizontal=a to b] {
i1 -- [fermion] a -- [fermion] i2,
a -- [photon] b...
We know that we need to go to 5th order in perturbation theory to match 10 decimals of g-2 for electron, theory vs. experiment. But let us not assume QED is pure and independent, but it's a lower energy limit of GSW (not Green-Schwartz-Witten from superstrings) electroweak theory. Has anyone...
Hi there. I'm trying to solve the problem mentioned above, the thing is I'm truly lost and I don't know how to start solving this problem. Sorry if I don't have a concrete attempt at a solution. How do I derive the Feynman rules for this Lagrangian? What I think happens is that in momentum...
We are discussing the introduction to Einstein field equation, so he start talk about the linearity in Newtonian gravity and the non linearity in GR. But there is somethings I am missing:
> " (...) in GR the gravitational field couples to itself (...) A nice way to think about this is provided...
Renormalization talk by Sean Carroll, "but then I could construct from that the following diagram with four lines in it":
In previous talks he explained about diagrams and told interaction can be represented by many (even infinite) number of diagrams, "in" line can be changed to antiparticle...
So I have just been studying Yang-Mills theory advanced quantum field theory.
In chapter 72 of Srednicki's book Quantum Field Theory they list the Feynman rules for non-abelian gauge theory.
I was asked if I could show some sample allowed diagrams but I could not.. In standard particle...
Summary:: What is (are) the best book(s) to understand the mathematics of Feynman diagram?
Can anyone recommend some books for the mathematics of Feynman diagram? (I don't mind if they also include the physics; in fact it may be better).
Ideally I would need books that are very...
In the following I will try to deduce the scattering amplitude for a specific interaction. My question is at the bottom, the entire rest is my reasoning to explain how I came to the results I present.
My working
Let's assume I would like to calculate the second order scattering amplitude in ##...
I'm currently working my way through Griffith's Elementary Particles text, and I'm looking to understand what's going on with the underlying Hilbert space of a system described using a Feynman diagram. I'm fairly well acquainted with non relativistic QM, but not much with QFT. In particular, I'd...
Does this mean that the expression for the above vertex is
$$ -\frac{g}{2}\epsilon^{abx}\epsilon^{cdx}\int d\tau \langle A_{a} (\tau) A_{c} (\tau)\rangle \langle Y^{i}_{b} (\tau)Y^{i}_{d}(\tau) \rangle $$
Since the primitive interactions after the big bang, particle dynamics have been representable by Feynman diagrams. The more fundamental actions, tending to occur earlier, are depicted by lower order terms of the expansion in question.So the single-virtual photon states were not only the first...
In Statistical Mechanics by Richard P. Feynman, there are graphs of certain dots arranged in triangles accounting for a quantity something in nature. I hate to say it, but Alexander just might be correct..."My arse beard has caused great disdain to noone!"-Becca Gucciardi
I'm working out the quark loop diagram and I've drawn it as follows:
where the greek letters are the Lorentz and Dirac indices for the gluon and quark respectively and the other letters are color indices.
For this diagram I've written...
So I’m trying to compute the probability amplitude of an electron with momentum p1 and a positron with momentum p2 annihilating into a photons with momenta q1 and q2.
My question is how do you use Feynman diagrams to calculate the first and second order expansions (seen in the third image)? I...
Hello everybody!
I have to write the Feynman diagrams for the process ##\pi^- + p \rightarrow \Lambda_c^+ + D^-##. It is a strong process since all the quantum numbers are conserved.
I have attached my attempt, is it correct?
Thank you all in advance!
I'm new to QED, so I want to have a general grasp of what's going on. I just want to understand it conceptually. Can anyone explain it in a way so a layman can understand?
Hello everybody!
I need a little help with FeynCalc. I think the problem is really simple but I can't find how to fix it.
I want to evaluate a trace coming from a Feynman diagram. Since the particles are all massless, I want to impose the condition on the momentum ##p^2=k^2=p'^2=0##.
The term which is relevant for the calculus is:
$$ \bar u(p) \gamma^\alpha \frac{1}{\displaystyle{\not}p+\not k} \gamma^\nu \frac{1}{\displaystyle{\not}p'-\not k} \gamma^\beta v(p') \frac{k_\alpha k_\beta}{k^2} $$
$$ \bar u(p) \displaystyle{\not}k \frac{1}{\displaystyle{\not}p+\not k}...
Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) has some observable effects such as the lamb shift, which is mainly caused by the vacuum polarization and the electron self-energy. These effects contribute to the "smearing" of the electron in an unpredictable manner, other than the uncertainty we already have...
I'm trying to go through Mattuck's book "A guide to Feynman diagrams in the many-body problem", the Dover's 2nd edition book.
I have read that apparently it has been criticized for being way too easy. I'm having an extremely hard time going through the 3rd chapter, let alone the 4th! I feel...
I assigned a work packet to my IB Physics students that guides them through how to make Feynman diagrams. This particular problem seems to have some issue, but perhaps it is something that myself and my class have all over looked.
Note: At the beginning of the packet it states that some...
I'm trying to work out the Feynman diagrams for scalar-scalar scattering using the Yukawa interaction, as given in Chapter 6 of Lahiri & Pal's A First Book of Quantum Field Theory. The interaction hamiltonian is $$\mathscr{H}_{I}=h:\overline{\psi}\psi\phi:$$ where ##\psi## is a fermion field and...
In Peskin's textbook section 7.3 The Optical Theorem for Feynman Diagrams(Page233), he said it is easy to check that the corresponding t- and u-channel diagrams have no branch cut singularities for s above threshold.
But I can't figure out how to prove it. Can angone help me? Thanks!
I learn quantum field theory using the book of " quantum field theory in a nutshell" by A. Zee. But I am confuse when I read the content about the "baby problem" at the beginning of "1.7 Feynman Diagrams". In that section, author get the term of order λ and [J][/4] by -(λ/4!)[(d/dJ)][/4]...
Homework Statement
Consider four real massive scalar fields, \phi_1,\phi_2,\phi_3, and \phi_4, with masses M_1,M_2,M_3,M_4.
Let these fields be coupled by the interaction lagrangian \mathcal{L}_{int}=\frac{-M_3}{2}\phi_1\phi_{3}^{2}-\frac{M_4}{2}\phi_2\phi_{4}^{2}.
Find the scattering amplitude...
In the first diagram above, if I understand it correctly, the photon turns into an electron positron pair and then back again to a photon. However, what exactly is happening in the second diagram at the bottom left hand corner? Is the electron being converted to an electron photon pair?
Griffith's Introduction to Elementary Particles, if I understand it correctly, states that in QED, the fine structure constant contributes less and less to the strength of the EM interaction as we add more and more vertices since the constant is so small (1/137). However, in QCD, since the...
In the first Feynman diagram, an electron comes in, emits a photon and then leaves. Is this an allowed process?
Because if you rotate the diagram by 90o, the diagram should be just as valid, but it doesn't seem to be since it would violate the law of conservation of momentum. So is the...
Hi. I'm self-studying particle physics.Just been looking at some questions where a reaction is listed and the questions asks to draw a Feynman diagram for the reaction and state which force is involved. I have the answers but they all seem so random and I would like to know how to decide which...
I'd appreciate it very much if someone told me if there is any free software to (draw and) calculate the amplitudes of simple (tree and one loop) Feynman diagrams.
I'm hesitating because I don't know if this is the right place to ask. If it's not, I apologize in advance.
I'm studying Quantum Field Theory and the main books I'm reading (Peskin and Schwartz) present Feynman diagrams something like this: one first derive how to express with perturbation theory the n-point correlation functions, and then represent each term by a diagram. It is then derived the...
I know QED and QCD as isolated theories but now I thought about particle interactions with QED and QCD processes (like fpr proton-antiproton scattering). But I'm not sure how to interpret this mathematically.
As I understood my Feynman diagrams are nothing more like pictures for the...
Hello everyone,
I am currently trying to understand how we can use feynman diagrams to estimate the matrix element of a process to be used in fermi's golden rule so that we can estimate decay rates. I am trying to learn by going through solved examples, but I am struggling to follow the logic...
The decay processes of the ##W## bosons are completely governed by the charged current interaction terms of the Standard model:
= ie_{W}\big[W_{\mu}^{+}(\bar{\nu}_{m}\gamma^{\mu}(1-\gamma_{5})e_{m} + V_{mn}\bar{u}_{m}\gamma^{\mu}(1-\gamma_{5})d_{n})\\...
Homework Statement
I am given the following interaction, $$\pi^-+p\rightarrow \pi^++\pi^-+n,$$ and asked to draw the Feynman (quark flow diagram).
Homework Equations
None; just baryon number conservation, quark flavor conservation, etc.
The Attempt at a Solution
First, as baryon number and...
I have some difficulty understanding how to go about with this problem:
I came up with several graphs, you can see them in the attached picture (they are up to ~g^4 order). I am not sure about the self-interaction diagrams, but I think they are considered in the connected graphs (they are not...
In order to compute the scattering probability that two particles of type 1 (associated to ##\phi_1(x)##) which come from the far past with the momenta ##p1## and## p2##, to scatter and evolve into two particles of type 2 (associated to ##\phi_2(x)##) with the momenta ##p3## and ##p4## , I am...
Hello everyone,
I am trying to compute the ΔF=2 box diagrams in SUSY with gluinos. The relevant diagrams are the following:
I want to use the Dirac formalism and NOT the Weyl one. So, the only reference that I have for Feynman rules with Majorana spinors is the old but good SUSY review from...
Consider the process of electron-positron annihilation into muons as given by
$$e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow \mu^{+}\mu^{-}.$$
The Feynman diagrams for this process to lowest-order are given by
This is an s-channel diagram.Why are there no t-channel or u-channel diagrams for this process?
Back again. This time I'm looking to build a small catalog of Feynman diagrams for my own use (and when I'm done to put it on the Internet in PDF format). I need your help to get a list of URLs together that I can download the required PDF's off the internet, bring them into Illustrator and have...