What is Dark matter: Definition and 930 Discussions

Dark matter is believed to be a form of matter thought to account for approximately 85% of the matter in the universe and about 27% of its total mass–energy density or about 2.241×10−27 kg/m3. Its presence is implied in a variety of astrophysical observations, including gravitational effects that cannot be explained by accepted theories of gravity unless more matter is present than can be seen. For this reason, most experts think that dark matter is abundant in the universe and that it has had a strong influence on its structure and evolution. Dark matter is called dark because it does not appear to interact with the electromagnetic field, which means it does not absorb, reflect or emit electromagnetic radiation, and is therefore difficult to detect.Primary evidence for dark matter comes from calculations showing that many galaxies would fly apart, or that they would not have formed or would not move as they do, if they did not contain a large amount of unseen matter. Other lines of evidence include observations in gravitational lensing and in the cosmic microwave background, along with astronomical observations of the observable universe's current structure, the formation and evolution of galaxies, mass location during galactic collisions, and the motion of galaxies within galaxy clusters. In the standard Lambda-CDM model of cosmology, the total mass–energy of the universe contains 5% ordinary matter and energy, 27% dark matter and 68% of a form of energy known as dark energy. Thus, dark matter constitutes 85% of total mass, while dark energy plus dark matter constitute 95% of total mass–energy content.Because dark matter has not yet been observed directly, if it exists, it must barely interact with ordinary baryonic matter and radiation, except through gravity. Most dark matter is thought to be non-baryonic in nature; it may be composed of some as-yet undiscovered subatomic particles. The primary candidate for dark matter is some new kind of elementary particle that has not yet been discovered, in particular, weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). Many experiments to directly detect and study dark matter particles are being actively undertaken, but none have yet succeeded. Dark matter is classified as "cold", "warm", or "hot" according to its velocity (more precisely, its free streaming length). Current models favor a cold dark matter scenario, in which structures emerge by gradual accumulation of particles.
Although the existence of dark matter is generally accepted by the scientific community, some astrophysicists, intrigued by certain observations which are not well-explained by standard dark matter, argue for various modifications of the standard laws of general relativity, such as modified Newtonian dynamics, tensor–vector–scalar gravity, or entropic gravity. These models attempt to account for all observations without invoking supplemental non-baryonic matter.

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  1. Z

    Is Dark matter an optical illusion?

    The main evidence for the existence of dark matter is the flat rotation curve of galaxies, and high peculiar velocities of galaxies in galaxy clusters. The mass eclosed in a radius R is derived from the Keplerian equation M(R) = v2R/G . Also we know about the existence of gravitational...
  2. wolram

    Do Dark matter and Dark energy interact?

    This paper seems to be saying so. can the universe be logotripic, whatever that is? arXiv:1504.08355 [pdf, other] Is the Universe logotropic? Pierre-Henri Chavanis Comments: Submitted to EPJPlus Subjects: Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO); General Relativity and Quantum...
  3. Silenus

    Dark Matter is baryonic matter passed through a black hole?

    Wouldn't this explain why galaxies with no black holes are so small?
  4. Quarlep

    Mass of a galaxy without dark matter and with dark matter

    I am curious about mass of a galaxy without dark matter and with dark matter.I searched but I couldn't found.I ll be happy If you help me. Thanks
  5. P

    Re. Dark matter. Concept of nothing

    "Why do so many physicists believe there has to be a structure to the vast voids in space" ? Surely, Their thinking defies the basic principles of physics, i.e. in order to have something there has to be nothing ! to have a positive there also has to be a negative, so as for the positive to...
  6. M

    Flat galaxy rotation curves without dark matter

    I need someone with more experience in the field who has knowledge of excel to check over my work. Given the gravitational attraction between two bodies is F = (GMm)/r^2, and the centripetal force required to keep a body in orbit is F = (mv^2)/r, therefore (mv^2)/r = (GMm)/r^2 therefore...
  7. Dr.ahmad adnan

    From what dark matter in space consist of?

    From what dark matter in space consist of?
  8. wolram

    Scientists observe potential signs of dark matter

    http://phys.org/news/2015-04-potential-interacting-dark.html An international team of scientists, led by researchers at Durham University, UK, made the discovery using the Hubble Space Telescope and the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope to view the simultaneous collision of...
  9. V

    Dark matter annihilation into gamma rays

    This question straddles this forum and the "Beyond the Standard Model" one a bit, so if a mentor thinks it belongs better elsewhere, please feel free to move it. I've seen references in the "popular science" press about the possibility of indirectly detecting dark matter by looking for gamma...
  10. wolram

    Dark Matter Particle: Is Axion the Answer?

    Is there a non hypothetical particle [aka axion] that can be the make up of Dark Matter?
  11. jim mcnamara

    NASA pictures of dark matter collisions

    http://www.nasa.gov/press/2015/march/nasa-s-hubble-chandra-find-clues-that-may-help-identify-dark-matter/index.html The take away seems to be that some ideas about dark matter may have problems. The possibilities checklist of dark matter interactions has been shortened. There are some really...
  12. A

    Question on possible dark matter classification

    Hello It is my understanding that the matter originally contained in a dying star which formed a black hole has been entirely converted to energy in the form of space time curvature. In other words the matter no longer exists and all that is left is the curvature of spacetime. Aside from my...
  13. L

    The average density of halo of non-baryonic dark matter?

    I've got a homework question that I'm particularly stuck on: Suppose that the halo, assumed spherical, of non-baryonic dark matter surrounding our galaxy has mass ~ 5 x10^12 M solar and radius 0.1 Mpc. What it its average density in Kg m-3? I think that I need to use the formula...
  14. E

    Can Dark Matter Be Explained by a High School Senior's Theory?

    Hello there my name is Frank Pelsue. I am currently a senior in high school that is fascinated with physics. I have what I think is an interesting theory on dark matter that I would like to present to all of you. It is unsupported currently but I am just brain storming.
  15. M

    Elastic scattering of WIMPs off nuclei

    Hello, My problem is as follows I've tried differentiating to find the maximum and I've tried plotting E against m_{\chi} for a range of values and this did not suggest a maximum at m_N = m_{\chi}. Could someone explain why it is the case that the energy transfer is maximum when these masses...
  16. Michaelcomputer

    Is it possible that black holes create dark matter/energy?

    Wondering if it's possible that black holes create dark matter and dark energy from the matter and energy they consume. Then, inflation might slow when supply is low. This would support author Tarō Gomi's theory that "everyone poops." What role would time dilation play if that's what's...
  17. V

    Dark Matter: Could It Form Structures?

    Could dark matter form structures the way matter does?
  18. jim mcnamara

    Reticulum 2 - gamma ray emissions

    http://arxiv.org/pdf/1503.02320v1.pdf This paper discusses the emission of gamma rays from a neighboring dwarf galaxy. My understanding is that there is no conventional explanation of gamma ray emission. So there is interest in pursuing a possibility that these emissions are from dark matter...
  19. T

    Interesting article about dark matter

    I thought this was an interesting article on dark matter, what might this kind of DM be made from? I also wondered could DM help explain in some way where all the anti matter ended up? http://www.space.com/27794-dark-matter-destroying-neutron-stars.html
  20. Delta2

    Is Dark Matter Truly Dark or Invisible and Can it Form Crystalline Structures?

    If we could observe a piece of dark matter with naked eye would it appear dark or invisible? Dark matter doesn't emit photons at all but it neither absorbs photons (it doesn't interact at all with photons right?) so it would appear invisible?
  21. James S

    Dark Matter Black Holes: Is it Possible?

    is a dark matter black hole possible, and what would it be like ?
  22. O

    Simulating dark matter by assuming stable solution

    Hey, I've a short question. Is there any research attempting to constrain models of dark matter by assuming stable solution for the universe? I'm interested in knowing whether this gives any sensible constraints on the dark matter models. I'm still fairly new to studying dark matter but as I...
  23. E

    Why did Dark Matter have less of an Impact on the Universe

    Why did Dark Matter have less of an Impact on the Universe than Dark Energy? Under a different set of universal laws, do you think it would be possible for Dark Matter to have more of an impact than Dark Energy during an alternate big bang to create a infinitely dense point as a universe?
  24. E

    Why did dark energy overcome dark matter to create the expanding Universe?

    Why did dark energy overcome dark matter to create the expanding universe we live in today?
  25. T

    Galaxy lensing and dark matter

    When we observe galaxy lensing of background objects taking place, is it possible to estimate the total mass of the galaxy carrying out the lensing and from that confirm that dark matter is needed to be present to provide sufficient mass to bend the light by the amount observed? Is there...
  26. C

    Dark matter -- particles or modified gravity?

    What is the evidence for dark matter being new particles as opposed to some modified form of gravity?
  27. L

    Is the gravitational constant actually a variable?

    Hi, as an engineer i don't have much formal training in theoretical physics so bare with me. As most of you know, we can only understand 4% of our universe with the current models we have. The rest of the 96% is dark matter and dark energy (23% and 73%, respectively). Could these unexplained...
  28. edpell

    How massive do neutrinos need to be to account for all dark matter?

    How massive would the neutrinos have to be so that relic neutrino from the big bang would account for all dark matter?
  29. Gary Boothe

    Could Dark Matter and Dark Energy Be Illusions of Imperfect Physics?

    Dark Matter, Dark Energy. Is it possible that dark matter and dark energy are illusions caused by the fact that the equations of physics are only approximations? For example, in the falling body equation, F = mg, F (the initial weight of an object) is assumed to be constant, but in fact the...
  30. TerranIV

    Could Dark Matter be composed of neutrons?

    I was thinking about the properties of dark matter - how it doesn't seem to interact with any of the forces of the universe except gravity and I was thinking about how neutrinos also don't have any charge and they don't interact with any other forces except the weak force and gravity. I thought...
  31. P_Ravensorow

    Percentage of Matter, Dark Matter and Baryonic Matter

    How do we know that out of 100 percent, 4.96% is Matter, 0.42% is Neutrinos, approx 25% Dark matter and rest 70% is dark energy. How do we know about these percentages if we don't know how large the universe is? Or are these calculations based on the spaces of the VISIBLE universe? Are Dark...
  32. jim mcnamara

    Dark Matter and X-ray emissions

    This is a video by the two of the researchers who found anomalous xray emissions. These emissions may be related to dark mater, needs further verification. Edit 12/14/14 : preprint http://arxiv.org/abs/1402.4119
  33. J

    Disappearance of dark matter since the Big Bang

    Can someone explain the disappearance of 57% of dark matter since the Big Bang? Is dark energy eating dark matter?
  34. CaptDude

    Dark Matter and extra dimensions

    I have considered the possibility that dark matter is so hard to find because it exists in extra dimensions. Before posting here I googled this, and found that some scientists postulate this exact possibility, while others consider that extra dimensions themselves cause the effects that are...
  35. V

    Speed of Dark Matter: Exploring Universe Creation

    I have been wondering about how the universe created itself from nothing and it seems in spacetime, the time dimension must have come first followed by multidimensional space. Following this, matter and dark matter must have been created. While matter and dark matter both underwent timelike...
  36. Q

    Is there any evidence for MACHOs or WIMPs being Dark Matter?

    I know MACHOS and WIMPs are leading candidates for Dark Matter, but is there any convincing evidence to support them?
  37. I

    Excluding a simple dark matter candidate

    With http://xxx.lanl.gov/pdf/0705.4298v2.pdf and http://arxiv.org/pdf/1410.2236.pdf I have found some interesting information that there is a lot of empirical evidence to exclude a lot of CDM candidates. All what is necessary is some cross section for interaction with standard matter and the...
  38. A

    Why two terms "Dark Energy" and "Dark Matter"

    As I understand "Dark Matter" is an _assumption_ of existence of matter in certain space, to explain gravitational effects on the matter around that space. But when it comes to "Dark Energy" it is another assumption to explain why universe is expanding. But by Einstein's theory, mass and energy...
  39. K

    Dark Matter Worlds - Explore the Possibilities

    It seems like most sci-fi hasn't really touched much upon dark matter. Instead of making up all sorts of fantastical new dimensions or universes, why not focus on dark matter, something we legitimately don't understand and really exists? There's far more dark matter than baryonic matter. Is it...
  40. Shing Ernst

    Recent important observations on dark matter for an undergrad research

    I would love some suggestions about my undergraduate research, thought it may be improper to ask here. I apology if I break the group rules. My undergraduate research topic is dark matter. My plan so far is to study important observations before making other progress. I have found an...
  41. T

    Dark matter possibly explained by axions?

    I saw an interesting article on dark matter possibly explained by axions and wondered what others thought of this? http://io9.com/curious-signal-could-be-dark-matter-pouring-from-the-su-1647581644
  42. C

    Dark Matter: Why doesnt dark matter coalesce 'into' Ordinary Matter - Repost

    Note: this is a re-post because my initial post had problems, no one could reply to it. Ok this is my second in the series about dark matter. In a previous thread I asked where is dark matter https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/where-on-earth-is-dark-matter.764693/ The main response to my...
  43. C

    Is Dark Matter Only Interacting Through Gravity or Are There Other Theories?

    What theories attempt to explain the dark matter today? The force of gravity is the only thing that interacts with dark matter, the fundamental force "weaker" is gravity however, if she is not weak just reach dimensions that do not have access, dark matter could not be these heavenly bodies...
  44. G

    Unraveling the Mysteries of Dark Energy and Dark Matter in the Universe

    Dear Friends! I have read that in early universe in the inflationary phase the average density of matter was equal to critical density and now it is 10 percent of that due to which it is probably inferred that there must be hidden dark matter. Please correct the information if wrong or...
  45. wolram

    Dark Matter does not exist, what do you think?

    http://arxiv.org/pdf/1409.6302.p It is argued in this paper that Dark Matter does not exist, what do you think.
  46. X

    Mathematical Analysis on Cold Dark Matter

    Hi Guys, Can anyone provide links, books which explain the mathematical background of the field theory that explains the current accepted ^CDM model of the universe? Thanks Adarsh
  47. L

    Dark matter, entropy and gravity

    If dark matter affects normal matter (by gravity), does that mean that normal matter also affects dark matter? I think it does... In which case; Black holes could attract BOTH dark and normal matter? Does this give any opportunity to "information loss"? What if some information in normal...
  48. S

    Why does the amount of dark matter increase the further away from the

    Why isn't the dark matter just randomly distributed? How does it know where to go? Why does the amount of dark matter increase the further away from the galaxy's center?
  49. Z

    NFW Dark Matter Halos and Virial Radius

    I've been working with NFW Dark Matter Halos recently. This is a particular density model for the halo developed by Navarro, Frenk, & White (NFW). The density structure has the form \rho (r) = \frac{\delta_c \rho_c}{(r/r_s)(1+r/r_s)^2} where \delta_c = \frac{200}{3}...
  50. L

    Dark matter -best introductory books

    Hello fellows, Properly introducing myself into dark matter so in the quest for book suggestions from those of you who are into the topic. Thanks in advance