Double slit interference Definition and 49 Threads

In modern physics, the double-slit experiment is a demonstration that light and matter can display characteristics of both classically defined waves and particles; moreover, it displays the fundamentally probabilistic nature of quantum mechanical phenomena. This type of experiment was first performed, using light, by Thomas Young in 1801, as a demonstration of the wave behavior of light. At that time it was thought that light consisted of either waves or particles. With the beginning of modern physics, about a hundred years later, it was realized that light could in fact show behavior characteristic of both waves and particles. In 1927, Davisson and Germer demonstrated that electrons show the same behavior, which was later extended to atoms and molecules. Thomas Young's experiment with light was part of classical physics long before the development of quantum mechanics and the concept of wave-particle duality. He believed it demonstrated that the wave theory of light was correct, and his experiment is sometimes referred to as Young's experiment or Young's slits.

The experiment belongs to a general class of "double path" experiments, in which a wave is split into two separate waves that later combine into a single wave. Changes in the path-lengths of both waves result in a phase shift, creating an interference pattern. Another version is the Mach–Zehnder interferometer, which splits the beam with a beam splitter.In the basic version of this experiment, a coherent light source, such as a laser beam, illuminates a plate pierced by two parallel slits, and the light passing through the slits is observed on a screen behind the plate. The wave nature of light causes the light waves passing through the two slits to interfere, producing bright and dark bands on the screen – a result that would not be expected if light consisted of classical particles. However, the light is always found to be absorbed at the screen at discrete points, as individual particles (not waves); the interference pattern appears via the varying density of these particle hits on the screen. Furthermore, versions of the experiment that include detectors at the slits find that each detected photon passes through one slit (as would a classical particle), and not through both slits (as would a wave). However, such experiments demonstrate that particles do not form the interference pattern if one detects which slit they pass through. These results demonstrate the principle of wave–particle duality.Other atomic-scale entities, such as electrons, are found to exhibit the same behavior when fired towards a double slit. Additionally, the detection of individual discrete impacts is observed to be inherently probabilistic, which is inexplicable using classical mechanics.The experiment can be done with entities much larger than electrons and photons, although it becomes more difficult as size increases. The largest entities for which the double-slit experiment has been performed were molecules that each comprised 2000 atoms (whose total mass was 25,000 atomic mass units).The double-slit experiment (and its variations) has become a classic for its clarity in expressing the central puzzles of quantum mechanics. Because it demonstrates the fundamental limitation of the ability of the observer to predict experimental results, Richard Feynman called it "a phenomenon which is impossible […] to explain in any classical way, and which has in it the heart of quantum mechanics. In reality, it contains the only mystery [of quantum mechanics]."

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  1. elou

    I Why is there no single slit interference when one slit is closed in a double slit experiment?

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  2. Samina

    B View double slit from other end

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  3. David Charles

    I Double Slit Interference Question II

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  4. David Charles

    I Double Slit Interference Question

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  5. Y

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  6. S

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  8. A

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  9. P

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  10. John Morrell

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  11. O

    B Basic question about double slit interferance

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  12. CricK0es

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  16. H

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  17. D

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  18. F

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  19. P

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  20. P

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  21. P

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  22. PsychonautQQ

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  23. H

    Double slit interference experiment

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  24. P

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  25. S

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  26. K

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  27. L

    Very confused: why is the path difference in double slit interference dsinθ?

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  28. J

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  29. M

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  30. I

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  31. A

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  32. S

    Double slit interference pattern

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  33. P

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  34. morrobay

    Double slit interference destroyed by observer or by photons

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  35. V

    Alternative Explanation for Double Slit Interference

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  36. L

    Understanding Double Slit Interference: How Do We Count Fringes?

    Homework Statement When they say the first and third bright fringe, do they mean m=1 and we count m=0? And likewise for when they say first and third dark fringe, is it m=1.5 and m=3.5? How would we know when to count m=0? Thanks Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  37. R

    Double Slit Interference and linear distance

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  38. T

    Double Slit Interference (nonzero slit width)

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  39. H

    How to Calculate Angle in Double Slit Interference with Given Variables?

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  40. A

    DOUBLE slit interference experiment

    the double slit interference experiment is set up and the fringes are displayed on screen. Then the whole apparatus is immersed in the nearest swimming pool. How does the fringe pattern change?? Which website I can get information?? Thanks.
  41. N

    Understanding Double Slit Interference in Electron Diffraction

    This might sound very basic but... when the electron passes through the two slits and we see the 'pretty' interference pattern on the opposite side what causes the dark fringes to be seen, how does an electron, after acting as a wave and then as an electron when it is recieved, interfere with...
  42. Y

    Find Lambda_2 for Double Slit Interference Pattern

    Homework Statement A laser with wavelength d/8 is shining light on a double slit with slit separation d. This results in an interference pattern on a screen a distance L away from the slits. We wish to shine a second laser, with a different wavelength, through the same slits. What is the...
  43. W

    An Alternative Model of the Double Slit Interference Experiment

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  44. P

    Diffraction and double slit interference

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  45. B

    Double Slit Interference Pattern

    It is said that even if we were to send single electrons through a double slit or a single slit we would see an interference pattern on the screen (as long as we don't setup a detector to tell us which path the electron took). How do you send SINGLE electrons into a slit? There are electrons...
  46. D

    Light double slit interference - at home

    Hello Physics Forums Gurus! I am wondering if it would be possible to set up a double slit interference pattern for light at home? Well, I know its possible... but I am just an uneducated student. What kind of dimensions would I need for the slits? I think I would need the light to hit...
  47. G01

    How Does a Thin Glass Affect the Double Slit Interference Pattern?

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  48. A

    What is the maths behind single electron double slit interference please?

    Basically I'm looking to find a mathematical treatment of the single electron double slit interference phenomenom,, presumably someone has already done the maths for it but I can't seem to find it,, can you point me to an article, paper or book which has it? [preferably online] Thanks a lot =)
  49. S

    How Does Tilting the Screen Affect the Double Slit Interference Pattern?

    A vertical screen has two narrow slits separated by distance d. A second screen, parallel to the first, is a distance L away (L>>d) and displays the first minimum of the two slit interference pattern a height h above the horizontal line drawn from the center of the slits to the second...