What is Uniform convergence: Definition and 163 Discussions

In the mathematical field of analysis, uniform convergence is a mode of convergence of functions stronger than pointwise convergence. A sequence of functions





{\displaystyle (f_{n})}
converges uniformly to a limiting function


{\displaystyle f}
on a set


{\displaystyle E}
if, given any arbitrarily small positive number


{\displaystyle \epsilon }
, a number


{\displaystyle N}
can be found such that each of the functions










{\displaystyle f_{N},f_{N+1},f_{N+2},\ldots }
differ from


{\displaystyle f}
by no more than


{\displaystyle \epsilon }
at every point


{\displaystyle x}


{\displaystyle E}
. Described in an informal way, if



{\displaystyle f_{n}}
converges to


{\displaystyle f}
uniformly, then the rate at which




{\displaystyle f_{n}(x)}


{\displaystyle f(x)}
is "uniform" throughout its domain in the following sense: in order to guarantee that




{\displaystyle f_{n}(x)}
falls within a certain distance


{\displaystyle \epsilon }


{\displaystyle f(x)}
, we do not need to know the value of



{\displaystyle x\in E}
in question — there can be found a single value of


{\displaystyle N=N(\epsilon )}
independent of


{\displaystyle x}
, such that choosing



{\displaystyle n\geq N}
will ensure that




{\displaystyle f_{n}(x)}
is within


{\displaystyle \epsilon }


{\displaystyle f(x)}
for all



{\displaystyle x\in E}
. In contrast, pointwise convergence of



{\displaystyle f_{n}}


{\displaystyle f}
merely guarantees that for any



{\displaystyle x\in E}
given in advance, we can find


{\displaystyle N=N(\epsilon ,x)}


{\displaystyle N}
can depend on the value of


{\displaystyle x}
) so that, for that particular


{\displaystyle x}




{\displaystyle f_{n}(x)}
falls within


{\displaystyle \epsilon }


{\displaystyle f(x)}



{\displaystyle n\geq N}
The difference between uniform convergence and pointwise convergence was not fully appreciated early in the history of calculus, leading to instances of faulty reasoning. The concept, which was first formalized by Karl Weierstrass, is important because several properties of the functions



{\displaystyle f_{n}}
, such as continuity, Riemann integrability, and, with additional hypotheses, differentiability, are transferred to the limit


{\displaystyle f}
if the convergence is uniform, but not necessarily if the convergence is not uniform.

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  1. nomadreid

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  15. S

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  17. M

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  39. stripes

    Uniform convergence for heat kernel on unit circle

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  40. P

    MHB Families of holomorphic functions and uniform convergence on compact sets

    Consider the sequence $\{f_n\}$ of complex valued functions, where $f_n=tan(nz)$, $n=1,2,3\ldots$ and $z$ is in the upper half plane $Im(z)>0$. I want to show two facts about this sequence: 1) it's uniformly locally bounded: for every $z_0=x_0+iy_0$ in the upper half plane, ther exist...
  41. J

    Uniform Convergence and the Uniform Metric

    Let X be a set, and let fn : X---> R be a sequence of functions. Let ρ be the uniform metric on the space RX. Show that the sequence (fn) converges uniformly to the function f:X--> R if and only if the sequence (fn) converges to f as elements of the metric space (RX, ρ). [Note: the ρ's should...
  42. A

    A question about uniform convergence

    Homework Statement For question 25.15 in this link: http://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~johnsonb/Welcome_files/104/104hw9sum06.pdf I have some questions about pointwise convergence and uniform convergence... Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Our textbook says...
  43. S

    Uniform convergence integration

    f is a continuous function on [0,infinity) such that 0<=f(x)<=Cx^(-1-p) where C,p >0 f_k(x) = kf(kx) I want to show that lim k->infinity ∫from 0 to 1 of f_k(x) dx exists so my idea is if I have that f_k(x) converges to f(x)=0 uniformly which I was able to show and that f_k(x) are all...
  44. S

    Uniform Convergence: Intuitive Explanation

    I'm wondering about uniform convergence. We're looking at it in my complex analysis class. We are using uniform convergence of a series of functions, to say that we can interchange integration of the sum, that is: \int\sum b_{j}z^{j}dz=\sum\int b_{j}z^{j}dz=\int f(z)dz On an intuitive level I...
  45. S

    Prove Uniform Convergence of f_n=sin(z/n) to 0

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  46. M

    Uniform Convergence of Power Series

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  47. H

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  49. H

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  50. N

    Need to find if a sequence of functions has uniform convergence

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