What is Curve: Definition and 1000 Discussions

In mathematics, a curve (also called a curved line in older texts) is an object similar to a line, but that does not have to be straight.
Intuitively, a curve may be thought of as the trace left by a moving point. This is the definition that appeared more than 2000 years ago in Euclid's Elements: "The [curved] line is […] the first species of quantity, which has only one dimension, namely length, without any width nor depth, and is nothing else than the flow or run of the point which […] will leave from its imaginary moving some vestige in length, exempt of any width."This definition of a curve has been formalized in modern mathematics as: A curve is the image of an interval to a topological space by a continuous function. In some contexts, the function that defines the curve is called a parametrization, and the curve is a parametric curve. In this article, these curves are sometimes called topological curves to distinguish them from more constrained curves such as differentiable curves. This definition encompasses most curves that are studied in mathematics; notable exceptions are level curves (which are unions of curves and isolated points), and algebraic curves (see below). Level curves and algebraic curves are sometimes called implicit curves, since they are generally defined by implicit equations.
Nevertheless, the class of topological curves is very broad, and contains some curves that do not look as one may expect for a curve, or even cannot be drawn. This is the case of space-filling curves and fractal curves. For ensuring more regularity, the function that defines a curve is often supposed to be differentiable, and the curve is then said to be a differentiable curve.
A plane algebraic curve is the zero set of a polynomial in two indeterminates. More generally, an algebraic curve is the zero set of a finite set of polynomials, which satisfies the further condition of being an algebraic variety of dimension one. If the coefficients of the polynomials belong to a field k, the curve is said to be defined over k. In the common case of a real algebraic curve, where k is the field of real numbers, an algebraic curve is a finite union of topological curves. When complex zeros are considered, one has a complex algebraic curve, which, from the topological point of view, is not a curve, but a surface, and is often called a Riemann surface. Although not being curves in the common sense, algebraic curves defined over other fields have been widely studied. In particular, algebraic curves over a finite field are widely used in modern cryptography.

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  1. D

    What is the name for a curve similar to a blackbody radiation curve?

    I was plotting some data and got a curve that was instantly recognizable as a blackbody radiation curve. The data has nothing to do with blackbody radiation though, and I was wondering if there was a more general name for this type of curve? To be clear, I mean a curve like these...
  2. L

    Integrating the area under a curve

    Hey everyone, I had a recent post similar to this one, and everyone may have not understood it because I didn't use LaTeX, so here it is. Homework Statement Integrate the area under \frac{x}{3x} and above \frac{x}{3x^.5} between x=1 and x=4. Same as: \int \frac{x}{3x} - \frac{x}{3x^.5}...
  3. P

    Leas squares curve fit problem

    The main problem is that I have no idea what I am doing. But second to that I am attempting to fit a curve to some data using the equation y = ((1/A(x-B)^(C+1))+D)^-1 if that makes sense I need to get the values for A,B,C and D and so have been looking into lsqnonlin but I am having...
  4. M

    Find the length of the curve r = cos^2(theta/2)

    Find the length of the curve r = cos^2(theta/2) I'm hopelessly lost.
  5. R

    What does it mean when the second derivative has no real solutions?

    Homework Statement Y=\frac{\sqrt{1-x^2}}{(2x+1)} Homework Equations I took the first derivative which I believe to be: \frac{(-x-2)}{(2x+1)^2\sqrt{1-x^2}} I also took the third which I believe to be: \frac{4x^3+12^2-7}{(2x+1)^3(1-x^2)^(3/2)} I am trying to find zeros of the...
  6. H

    Which software for a stress-strain curve?

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to draw a stress-strain curve with data collected from the test itself. I have no problem plotting the points obtained, but I can't figure out how to graphically or at least with some kind of software aid, to get results (σ0.2, σmax, σ0.5, and so on). I tryed with...
  7. F

    Find an equation to the tangent line to a curve and parrallel

    Homework Statement Find an equation of the tangent line to the curve y = x√x that is parallel to the line y = 1+3x. Homework Equations m = 3 The Attempt at a Solution Here is my attempt: dy/dx(x) * dy/dx(x^(1/2)) = (1) * (1/2x^(-1/2)) = (1/2x^(-1/2)) (1/2x^(-1/2)) = 3 →...
  8. B

    Curve Sketching: Solving for b and d: f(x)=x^3+bx^2+d

    Homework Statement f(x)=x^3+bx^2+d given a critical point of (2,-4), solve for b and d Homework Equations f'(x)=3x^2+2bx ? The Attempt at a Solution I wasn't really sure where to go with this. So I know that a critical point happens when f'(x)=0, and this point can be either...
  9. O

    Question about parameterizing curve of intersection.

    I couldn't find any resources in my book or online dedicated to this subject. I honestly don't even know where to begin for this problem. Homework Statement Let f(x,y) = 4 / (1+ x^2 + y^2) and let S be the surface given by the graph of f(x,y) b) Let C2 denote the curve in the xy-plane...
  10. A

    Integrals as the area under a curve

    I have always seen the integral as the area under a curve. So for instance, if you integrated over the upper arc of a circle you would get ½\piR2. But then, I learned to do integrals in spherical coordinates and something confuses me. If you do the integral from 0 to 2\pi, you don't get the...
  11. E

    Curve fitting and Plane fitting

    If I have a set of n numbers, (n=0,1,2, ... n-1), what is the maximum number coefficients in a series I would need in order to find y=f(n) true on the integers up to n-1? Or is that something I just have to check after fitting it? ( does it need an nth degree polynomial?) Another question...
  12. T

    Help with a Geometry Problem - Calculating The Radius of a Curve

    Hello all I work in transport engineering. i have come across what seems to be a simple maths problem but i do not understand it. The problem relates to geometry i.e. calculating the radius of a curve using a chord and a versine. The problem is this:- " a general rule of thumb is as...
  13. E

    Curve fitting of summed normal distributions

    Hi, I have a dataset of a random variable whose probability density function can be fitted/modelled as a sum of N probability density functions of normal distributions: F_X(x) = p(\mu_1,\sigma_1^2)+p(\mu_2,\sigma_2^2)+\ldots+p({\mu}_x,\sigma_x^2) I am interested in a fitting method can...
  14. A

    Light Curve Space: Can Light Beams Attract?

    is energy(with photonic mass)of a light beam capable of gravitationally attracting other light beam in absence of other gravity sources..
  15. D

    Circular motion- banked curve, show that friction is necessary

    Homework Statement A 1200 kg car rounds a banked curve of radius 70 m. If the banked angle is 12° and the car is traveling at 90 km/h, show that friction is necessary in order for the car to safely make the turn. Homework Equations Force of gravity: Fg=m*g to calculate the normal...
  16. G

    Finding Fan Curve w/ Orifice Plates & Fixed RPM

    If I had a fan sitting in a small duct, and used several different sized orifice plates to create different restrictions, how would I find the fan curve? I run the fan at the same RPM each test. The problem I run into is using the equation for orifice flow that relates pressure drop, area...
  17. Darth Frodo

    Integrating for area under a curve.

    So, as you can see in the attached pictures, I needed to find the common area bound by the 2 curves. Is the method I have outlined correct because according to the marking scheme it just says \int g(x) - \int f(x) (The limits are the same, -3/2 to 1) The way I see it, this does not account...
  18. R

    Convergence of Circle Areas in a Boundary Defined by y=1/x and x=0, y=0

    I thought of a problem a few days ago and I have no idea as to its solution. I posted this on Reddit and xkcd forums earlier but not much has been solved apart from the area of one circle. Suppose you have a boundary formed by the curve y=e^(-x), and the lines x=0 and y=0. In this boundary you...
  19. J

    I need an algorithm to best-fit a curve

    I'm making an applet for distance runners that predicts their finish time for any distance, using recent race times for any distance. For example, a user might enter 3 recent race times which are 16:37 for a 5k (5:21 min/mile pace), 27:42 for an 8k (5:34 min/mile pace), and 35:18 for a 10k (5:41...
  20. A

    Find area of surface obtained by rotating the curve, ?

    Find area of surface obtained by rotating the curve, URGENT? Using Simpson's rule n=10, find the area of the surface obtained by rotating the curve y=x+sqrt(x), 1 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 2, about the x-axis. Include at least five decimal places in your answer. Area = ...
  21. Drakkith

    Transiting Exoplanet Light Curve

    Well, I just made my first light curve of a transiting exoplanet, TRES-3B, the graph is here. It's my first time ever doing any photometry, but seeing as how the light curve matches the expected transit pretty much spot on it looks like I was successful. It's got me wanting to get more or...
  22. J

    Developing a General Formula for a family of Curve Shapes

    I have a process that requires an operational profile that follows one of the curves in the diagram which follows. I wish to program into the device a general equation that will give me a family of curves of this general shape. The goal is to adjust the parameters of the equation so that I can...
  23. I

    Is the School Definition of a Tangent Line Always Accurate in Calculus?

    When i was at school i used to think that any line that touches a curve at only one point is called as the tangent at that point to the curve! But after reading derivative i think this definition of tangent is not correct at all conditions! For example, x-axis cannot be called as tangent at...
  24. C

    Rational Bezier Curve to Polynomial Bezier Curve Conversion?

    Is there a way to convert a rational bezier curve to a piecewise series of one or more polynomial bezier curves with minimal loss in accuracy, specially cubic ones? I've already tried searching the internet for pre-existing algorithms, but I haven't been able to find any usable results despite...
  25. K

    Calculating the length of a tangent curve

    Considering f(x) = tan(x) * 5 / 8 ... how can I find the length of the curve, specifically, between (0, 0) and (1, 1) ? if anyone can help I would be happy. Thanks Keeaga
  26. sunrah

    Fitting a Gauss curve to lab data

    I have 100 data points that I want to fit in Excel I can do this with NORMDIST no problem but I'm also trying to do it without it to no avail! I'v tried plotting the data using the Gauss function: y(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi \sigma^{2}}}e^{\frac{-(x - x_{0})^2}{2\sigma^{2}}} where x is a data...
  27. C

    Line Integral of a parametric curve

    Homework Statement Evaluate the line integral over the curve C \int_{C}^{}e^xdx where C is the arc of the curve x=y^3 from (-1,-1) to (1,1) Homework Equations \int_{C}^{}f(x,y)ds=\int_{a}^{b}f(x(t),y(t))\sqrt((\frac{dx}{dt})^2+(\frac{dy}{dt})^2)dt The Attempt at a Solution I tried...
  28. P

    F has a primitive on D ⊂ ℂ ⇒ ∫f = 0 along any closed curve in D?

    Given the domain ℂ\[-1,1] and the function, f(z)=\frac{z}{(z-1)(z+1)}, defined on this domain, the Residue Theorem shows that for \alpha a positive parametrization of the circle of radius two centered at the origin, that: \int_{\alpha}f(z)=\int_{\alpha}\frac{z}{(z-1)(z+1)} = 2\pi i Can I...
  29. D

    What is the best approach for finding the equation of a pursuit curve?

    I am trying to find out the equation for a curve: http://shandeepthi.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/target-curve.html I have tried some equations e.g. http://shandeepthi.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/trials.html However, I cannot get it sufficiently accurate. Can you please help? At least a pointer...
  30. M

    Does the speed of moving object curve spacetime?

    Please consider the following scenario: Assume we have an object (o) at rest with a mass = m. Hence, we can calculate by general relativity the gravitational force (g) on this mass. Now, assume we remain stationary, at the origin, and a velocity (v) is imparted to the mass along the...
  31. J

    Angular displacement of a curve ball

    1. A pitcher throws a curveball that reaches the catcher in .60s. The ball is spinning at an average angular velocity of 330 rev/min, (assumed constant) on the path to the catcher's mitt. Find angular displacement. 2. θ=ωt where t is time, ω is angular velocity, and θ is angular displacement...
  32. C

    Find the Exact length of the Polar Curve

    Homework Statement Find the Exact length of the Polar Curve for r=2(1+cosθ) No limits of Integration were given which I found to be odd. Homework Equations L= ∫√(r^2+(dr/dθ)^2)dθ The Attempt at a Solution r=2(1+cosθ) dr/dθ=-2sinθ L=∫√((2+2cosθ)^2+(-2sinθ)^2)dθ...
  33. B

    Can We Prove x1 Equals x2 When the Integral of a Positive Function Equals Zero?

    Consider the function F(x) where F(x) > 0 for all x. If we know that \int^{x_{2}}_{x_{1}}F(x)dx = 0 can we prove that x_{1}=x_{2} ? I can visually imagine that they are equal since the function is always positive, its integral must be monotically increasing, but I can't imagine how I...
  34. M

    Determining Tangent Slope w/Point Not On Curve

    How do you determine the equation of all possible tangents to a curve (say, a parabola) that pass through a given point that is not on said curve? This is more of a conceptual question, and it's not homework, so I thought it fit in this forum. I think there might be a question like this on the...
  35. Seydlitz

    Finding Tangent and Intersection for Parametric Curve

    Homework Statement A curve is defined by the parametric equations: x = 2t^3 y = 2t^2 t =/ 0 1)Prove that the equation of the tangent at the point with parameter t is 2x - 3ty + 2t^3 = 0. Proven, and I've no problem with this part. 2.)The tangent at the point t = 2 meets the curve...
  36. D

    Economics: Shift in Supply Curve

    Hello guys, I have a quick question: Would a leftward shift of the supply curve result in a shortage?
  37. R

    How Do You Plot Level Curves for the Function z=(x²-2y+6)/(3x²+y)?

    sketch the level curve z=(x^2-2y+6)/(3x^2+y) at heights z=0 and z=1 i have already compute the 2 equations for the 2 z values and drawn it in 2d but when it comes to plotting it with the extra z axis i don't know what to do. please help...
  38. A

    Finding the Area Enclosed by a Polar Curve

    Can someone please help me on this question. I tried to solve it by integrating 0.5*(1-3sin(θ)^2 from -Pi/2 to 0 but I didnt get the answer.
  39. F

    Paramaterizing a Curve: Understand Motion w/ Exponential Speed

    Hello. I had always been annoyed when dealing with parametric equations but it finally dawned on me how awesome the concept it. I want to make sure I understand things properly. So say I have a regular straight line given by rectangular equation y=2x+1 Now I can graph this. Now say...
  40. 1

    Find Length of Sine Curve using Calculus

    I tried to find the length of a sine curve using calculus.I got stuck in the integral of integral(sqrt(cos(x)^2+1), x, 0, a). Limits are from 0 to point a,i.e. length of curve from 0 to any point a.With some approximations I found out the length of sine curve as a result.I have attached the...
  41. R

    Area of Surface of Revolution of Plane Curve - Use 1/2 Interval?

    Homework Statement Find the area of the surface generated by revolving the curve Homework Equations x = 5(cos3t), y = 5(sin3t), 0 ≤ t ≤ \pi, about the y axis. The Attempt at a Solution x' = -15(cos2t)(sin t) y' = 15(sin2t)(cos t) (I think this forms the top part of an astroid)...
  42. J

    Curve Fitting Data: Motion Analysis, Bouncing Ball, Excel Graph

    Homework Statement This is not homework, just a personal project. I do not know if this is the correct section to post, sorry if it's not. I'm using a motion analysis software to track the position of a bouncing ball (y vs t). I imported the data into Excel and the graph is attached. What type...
  43. B

    Volume under curve z=1-x^2-2y^2

    Homework Statement z=1-x^2-2y^2 find volume under curve bounded by the xy plane. is the answer sheet wrong? (see below) why am i struggling so much with this?! how do i do it? Homework Equations according to other answer sheet, it is pi/sqrt 2 The Attempt at a Solution i did...
  44. H

    Why does the nuclear binding energy curve rise and fall?

    If the total nuclear binding energy of a nucleus increases whenever the number of nucleons increase, why does the nuclear binding energy curve rise and then fall? Don't protons and neutrons 'bring in' the same amount of binding energy every time one of them is added? Please explain. In addition...
  45. H

    Rotating a Curve & Line Around the X Axis: A Math Problem

    Homework Statement The curve x=y^(2) and the line x=4 is rotated about the x axis. Homework Equations pi* integral from a to b of Radius^(2) The Attempt at a Solution pi* integral from 0 to 4 of (square root of x)^(2) dx. My teacher has this answer as 8pi but I think that that...
  46. F

    The relation between two terminology cusp (group & algebraic curve)

    The relation between two terminology "cusp" (group & algebraic curve) Dear Folks: I come across the word "cusp" in two different fields and I think they are related. Could anyone specify their relationship for me?? Many thanks! the cusp of an algebraic curve: for example: (0,0)...
  47. R

    How can a curve be one dimensional?

    I've heard of curves being described as one dimensional but I don't understand how anything other than a straight line can be one dimensional as surely once the curve becomes, well, curved it is now in two dimensions? I have illustrated this in the above diagram with the curve and...
  48. B

    Ln sigma vs 1/T curve for p-type semiconductor

    Homework Statement a) Sketch a schematic band structure diagram for a p-type semiconductor. Mark the energy of the top of the valence band, the bottom of the conduction band and the impurity level on the diagram. b) Sketch the ln (σ) versus 1/T curve for a p-type semiconductor, where σ is...
  49. F

    Finding point where slope of line equals curve

    Homework Statement At what point on the curve y=2(x-cosx) is the tangent parallel to the line 3x-y=5. The Attempt at a Solution 1. rewrite 3x-y=5 as y-3x-5 2. equate 2(x-cosx) = y-3x-5 3. differentiate: 2+2sinx = 3 4. solve for x: sin^-1(,5) = 0.524 5. plug into y=2(x-cosx) to get...
  50. S

    Why Does Base Current Start at 20uA at the Bottom in NPN Curve Tracers?

    Hello, Hoping this can be cleared up quickly as I have my final exam in 1 hour. My question is for the attached image. I know for pnp transistors that ic=0, and Vce=0 at top right hand corner. However, one thing I don't understand is why the base current starts at 20uA at the bottom, rather...