Harmonic oscillation Definition and 61 Threads

In classical mechanics, a harmonic oscillator is a system that, when displaced from its equilibrium position, experiences a restoring force F proportional to the displacement x:






{\displaystyle {\vec {F}}=-k{\vec {x}},}
where k is a positive constant.
If F is the only force acting on the system, the system is called a simple harmonic oscillator, and it undergoes simple harmonic motion: sinusoidal oscillations about the equilibrium point, with a constant amplitude and a constant frequency (which does not depend on the amplitude).
If a frictional force (damping) proportional to the velocity is also present, the harmonic oscillator is described as a damped oscillator. Depending on the friction coefficient, the system can:

Oscillate with a frequency lower than in the undamped case, and an amplitude decreasing with time (underdamped oscillator).
Decay to the equilibrium position, without oscillations (overdamped oscillator).The boundary solution between an underdamped oscillator and an overdamped oscillator occurs at a particular value of the friction coefficient and is called critically damped.
If an external time-dependent force is present, the harmonic oscillator is described as a driven oscillator.
Mechanical examples include pendulums (with small angles of displacement), masses connected to springs, and acoustical systems. Other analogous systems include electrical harmonic oscillators such as RLC circuits. The harmonic oscillator model is very important in physics, because any mass subject to a force in stable equilibrium acts as a harmonic oscillator for small vibrations. Harmonic oscillators occur widely in nature and are exploited in many manmade devices, such as clocks and radio circuits. They are the source of virtually all sinusoidal vibrations and waves.

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  1. Z

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  3. Z

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  8. A

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  10. M

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  13. K

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  15. E

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  16. K

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  18. D

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  19. S

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  21. L

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  23. M

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  25. L

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  29. A

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  31. 6c 6f 76 65

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  32. G

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  33. F

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  34. E

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  35. N

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  36. E

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  37. C

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  38. K

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  39. K

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  40. D

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  41. A

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  42. C

    Buoyancy and Harmonic Oscillation

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  43. C

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  44. D

    Harmonic Oscillation of two point masses

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  45. J

    Simple Harmonic Oscillation: Solving for Period, Frequency, Energy, and Velocity

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  46. E

    Simple Harmonic Oscillation frequency

    Homework Statement "A mass stands on a platform which executes simple harmonic oscillation in a vertical direction at a frequency of 5 Hz. Show that the mass loses contact with the platform when the displacement exceeds 10^-2 m." Homework Equations x(t) = a cos(wt - phi) frequecy =...
  47. F

    Neper frequency, damped harmonic oscillation

    Hi all I'm not sure if this question is better suited for the EE thread or diff eq, but I'm trying to understand what the neper frequency, \alpha, signifies. I know it's supposed to be the damping factor and that its units are rad/second, but I'm not sure what that implies. It would seem to...
  48. N

    Harmonic Oscillation: Proving Distance = 4A

    Homework Statement 1. A man's superelastic suspenders catch on a fence post, he flies back and forth, oscillating with an amplitude A. What distance does he movee in one period ? What is his displacement over 1 period Homework Equations x=Acos(wt) The Attempt at a Solution I...
  49. E

    What is Damped Harmonic Oscillation?

    I am not sure that I understand what damped harmonic oscillation is different from simple harmonic oscillation, can someone please explain that to me? I read wikipedia and still doesn't get it...
  50. S

    Simple Harmonic Oscillation Frequency in a Traveling Car

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