Coriolis effect Definition and 60 Threads

  1. Rzbs

    Coriolis effect and water experiment

    Is the Uganda water experiment (that shows corilios effect on water drain) a scientific experiment or not? I searched but I couldn't find a final answer to this question. There are two opposite opinions, which one is correct? Or this argument is an open issue yet? Thanks for your replies...
  2. andyonassis

    Gyroscope (Coriolis Torque and Force)

    I know that to prove the total coriolis torque from the coriolis torque on a point mass is to express dm as a function of ##d\theta## and integrate from 0 to ##2\pi## and then the x component disappears due to orthogonality of sine and cosine. But i am stuck at other parts.
  3. A

    Is the Coriolis Effect an Illusion in a Tossed Ball's Motion?

    Does ball (in video)when flying ,going in straight line or in curve line,so if I am inside this ball, will I feel like I am in car which accelarate in straight line or car which accelare in curve? I think ball is going straight,curved path is just illusion..
  4. Moises

    I The solar system and the Coriolis effect

    After concluding an investigation about the coriolis effect, I wondered how this phenomenon affected the solar system and in particular the moon. Since the moon is a body that moves within the rotating system formed by the sun and the earth, an apparent deviation in the moon's path would be...
  5. rzyn

    Rotation and effective gravity on Earth

    I'm interested in calculating effective gravity for a point-mass in a spinning gyro or swinging pendulum bob on a rotating planet undergoing any translational velocities and/or accelerations. I want to investigate the theoretical effects of high-energy mechanical oscillation on orbital...
  6. Where Does River Water Go? - Numberphile

    Where Does River Water Go? - Numberphile

    Tom Crawford on the mathematics of where river water goes when it hits the sea.
  7. Like Tony Stark

    How Does the Coriolis Effect Influence Acceleration on a Merry-Go-Round?

    This is a tipical Coriolis effect example, and I know what the trajectory drawn by the ball looks like from the perspective of B, and from the perspective of someone outside. But the acceleration with respect to ##B## is 0, isn't it? Because the problem says "the ball has no horizontal...
  8. Hepper

    I Is the Sagnac Effect a Relativistic Phenomenon?

    Wikipedia explains the Sagnac effect as a result of the rotating disk, which moves the target so that one of the light beams has farther to travel and consequently, will arrive later than the other light beam which goes around the disc in the same angular direction as the rotating disc. However...
  9. Hepper

    Does the Coriolis force act on the propagation of light?

    Summary: Robert Sungenis explains the sagnac effect Robert Sungenis, a well-known proponent of geocentrism, has authored a in which he tries to explain the Sagnac effect as a result of Coriolis force (p.16-17), which he thinks...
  10. R

    How Does the Coriolis Force Affect Particle Motion in a Rotating System?

    m = Particles mass, Omega = Systems angular frequency, v' = particles velocity. Attempt at a Solution: $$ F_{C} = -2m \bar{\omega} \times \bar{v}^{'} = -2 \bar{\omega} \times \bar{p} = 2 \bar{p} \times \bar{\omega} $$ Let $$ \bar{\omega} = \frac {\bar{r} \times \bar{v}} {r^2}, \alpha = \frac...
  11. D

    Problem with Coriolis Acceleration

    Homework Statement Find the magnitude in g's of the Coriolis acceleration due to the Earth's rotation of a plane flying 600 mph due north over the location of latitude (37˚13'04"N), longitude (121˚50'39"W), at an elevation of 80 meters above mean sea level. Homework Equations aCor = 2Ω × vxy...
  12. warrenchu000

    Why do hurricanes rotate counter-clockwise?

    In the northern hemisphere, they rotate counter-clockwise. In the southern hemisphere, they rotate clockwise. This is often attributed to the Coriolis effect, an apparent deflection of moving objects in a rotating frame of reference. While this is true for deflected artillery shells, it is NOT...
  13. F

    Question about the Coriolis effect

    Homework Statement It's a question about the deviation of a bullet fired on Earth's surface: **I solved the question, but I can't figure out what exactly this deviation means, where is it on the following question's picture: The problem: A bullet is fired from a gun towards a target at...
  14. F

    Coriolis effect example: ball tossing on rotating carousel

    Hi all, I was reviewing the Coriolis effect and I came across the attached explanatory image (from the Italian version of a book on physics by Cutnell, Johnson, Young and Stadler). The idea is the following. two guys are facing each other on a rotating carousel; one of the guys on the throws...
  15. T

    B Claude Dechales anti-Copernican arguments question

    in the july 2017 edition of Physics today, there's an article on "Early Description of Coriolis Effect" which show Claude Dechales anti-copernican argument have shown the coriolis effect before Coriolis state the coriolis effect. LINK...
  16. D

    Coriolis effect on ballistics and old chart

    Hello, I was looking through an old Naval gunnery guide that tabulates deflections due to the Coriolis effect. I must be reading this wrong or I don't understand how they are reckoning direction. If I am at the equator and I shoot north, shouldn't the bullet deflect the the right of the...
  17. Z

    Coriolis effect, Conservation of Angular Momentium, Planes

    I have a couple of questions that i thougth this group could help me with. 1. A plane (SR71) takes off from the equator, with a lateral speed, relative to space of 1000mph. (earth rotational speed) say it takes an hour to get there so, its going 10,000mph or something. . Tt flys over the...
  18. ATY

    B What Causes a Particle to Move in a Circular Trajectory Due to Coriolis Force?

    Hello, I got a question about the coriolis force. It is probably super simple, but I am still not getting it: The coriolis force, forces my particle onto a circle trajectory, but I am not sure why (yes, I can show it mathematically, but I want to understand what is happening). When I am moving a...
  19. Avijit

    Does rotational motion affect the translational motion?

    A flying object is moving in 3D space having translational velocity and the object is also rotating. Consider a body frame (xb-yb-zb) attached to the C.G of the moving body. Hence the body attached frame is also translating and rotating (as the object is flying) with respect to a fixed inertial...
  20. Tom MS

    B Does the Coriolis Effect Occur When Wind Moves Horizontally?

    I'm trying to get an understanding of the Coriolis effect, and I understand it when the wind moves longitudinally (North-South). Basically, the wind has a certain horizontal component of its velocity due to the rotation of the Earth, and as it moves North or South the rotation of the Earth...
  21. S

    Coriolis effect causes in motion of a free falling object

    I don't understand what are the causes of the Coriolis effect for objects moving with respect to Earth. For istance consider an object free falling on the Earth from an height h. Its tangential velocity its greater than the velocity of an object on the surface of Earth, hence it moves eastward...
  22. H

    Coriolis effect deflects falling objects eastwards to westwards?

    According to (4.93), it should be eastwards. But intuitively, shouldn't it be westwards since the Earth is rotating from west to east?
  23. DrYassine

    Relationship between "Coriolis Effect" and "Gold Ratio"?

    A common claim that hurricanes and cyclones have geometrical proportions that resemble a logarithmic golden spiral. Knowing that cyclones and hurricanes rotate because of the well-known Coriolis Effect, is it possible that the Golden Ratio is just a natural manifestation of the Coriolis effect?
  24. E

    Classical Mechanics: Coriolis Effect Problem

    Homework Statement A bird of mass 2 kg is flying at 10 m/s in latitude of 60° N, heading due East. Find the horizontal and vertical components of the Coriolis force acting on it. Homework Equations The Coriolis Force, F = 2mw∧v. Where ∧ shows the cross product between angular frequency...
  25. K

    Does the Coriolis Effect Determine the Direction of Curl in Hemispheres?

    Two quick questions. Does the Coriolis effect mean that in the northern hemisphere the curl will always have a negative value and in the southern hemisphere a postive one? Is the curl in the eye of the cyclones equal to zero? Thanks.
  26. N

    Trying to Understand the Coriolis Effect: Why West-to-East Air Parcels Go South

    I am trying to understand the Coriolis effect from some time but i am unable to conceive the idea why the air parcel flowing from west to east on Earth would go southward. what I have understood till now is: " From the perspective of observer in inertial frame of reference, when the air...
  27. J

    Coriolis effect and base forces

    I wonder if anybody can point me to a good explication of the atmospheric Coriolis effect broken down into base forces. Most of the explanations I've seen are problematic, even flawed as far as I can tell, and they rarely talk about force vectors. I've seen demonstrations, for instance a...
  28. P

    What Does the Coriolis Effect Really Refer To?

    Does the term "Coriolis effect" refer to the phenomenon that causes the sheering of wind (or other objects) due to the difference in angular velocity encountered when moving from north to south or south to north, or . . . does it refer to the turning observed with a Foucault pendulum that is...
  29. U

    Coriolis effect on eastward\westward movement on earth

    Given an example of a rifle bullet traveling east or west, why does the bullet deviates HORIZONTALLY? (right on the northern hemisphere, left on the southern hemisphere) As rotation speed in the same latitude coordinates stays roughly the same, I wouldn't expect the bullet, or any other...
  30. H

    Coriolis Effect for a level surface on Earth

    Homework Statement A puck slides with speed v on a frictionless ice that is level in the sense that the surface is perpendicular to geff at all points. Show that the puck moves in a circle as viewed in the Earth's rotating frame. Determine the radius of the circle and the angular frequency of...
  31. G

    The coriolis effect and air travel

    Do aircraft need to factor in the coriolis effect when flying?
  32. Y

    Question on coriolis effect with drag force

    I really need help with this question. A small floating object initially moves with velocity v on the surface of a liquid at latitude λ. The drag force due to liquid is F=-αv. Find the shape of the trajectory of the object due to drag and Coriolis forces. What will be the trajectory if α=0 ?
  33. E

    Water Circling Drain Coriolis effect

    Lets say a cone shaped funnel was made as I was draining water (due to coriolis effect) and that there is a given circumferential velocity (lets say its 5m/s) at a certain radius of the cone (lets say 15 cm), also the cone's vertex is inside the drain and is a certain distance (lets say this is...
  34. Q

    Is This Really the Coriolis Effect or Just a Tourist Scam?

    Is this really Coriolis effect?
  35. G

    Coriolis effect vs common sense

    Hello, I've long thought that the coriolis effect was something quite logical (i.e., things luck funny when in a rotating frame of reference), but interested in the mathematical reasoning behind it (because it, being a ficticious force is more about geomtry than physics), found that it was...
  36. M

    Underwater projectile affected by Coriolis Effect

    If I am trying to fire a torpedo at another vehicle underwater do I need to worry about the Coriolis Effect? The speeds that torpedoes travel at are approximately 20 m/s and have a maximum range of around 10km.
  37. M

    Coriolis Effect - Vertical Shot, solution through integration?

    Hi, it's my first time on these forum, so I hope that I made this post correctly. I have an example solution to this problem using tensors and matrices ^^ but I wanted to solve the problem in a different way and would like some feedback on whether or not this solution is correct. Homework...
  38. C

    Coriolis Effect: Calculate Acceleration & Direction

    Homework Statement On its way to Paris the Eurostar train is traveling due South at 300 km/h at a point with latitude 49°. Assume the Earth is a perfect sphere of radius, RE, that rotates around its axis (North/South pole) once every 23 hrs 56 min. (a) Calculate the magnitude of the...
  39. M

    Where Will a Projectile Land When Fired Eastwards at Latitude θ?

    Homework Statement If you fire a projectile eastwards and upwards with a speed u=(uo,0,wo) at latitude theta, where will it land? You can neglect air resistance and (in the vertical momentum equation) the effects of rotation relative to a constant g. Sketch the solution(s). Find the landing...
  40. K

    Coriolis effect on a river flowing north-east?

    Homework Statement Consider a river of width 1000 m flowing 30 degrees east of north with a speed of 10m/s at latitude 50 degrees north. The river bottom is flat. On which side of the river is the water deeper and by how much?Homework Equations the only correction i need to use is -2m(omega...
  41. Telemachus

    Calculating the Distance of a Projectile's Movement via Coriolis Effect

    Hi there. I'm having some trouble to determine the distance determined by the Coriolis effect over a projectile. Let's suppose the projectile is fired from the north pole over the noth-south direction, with enough speed to get to the equator. How do I determine the distance that the projectile...
  42. G

    INS : Gyroscope errors : transport wander, apparent drift , coriolis effect ?

    can anyone please explain me following errors of gyroscopes used in inertial navigation systems of aircraft : a) what is transport wander , how actually it happens ? b) what is apparent drift in gyroscope ? c) what is coriolis effect and how it causes errors in gyroscopes ?
  43. J

    Displacement caused by Coriolis effect - The image above shows the question I'm stuck on. I've done the first part and got the force per unit mass to be -2wV'cos\lambda But I have no idea how to get the equation for the eastward displacement due to the Coreolis. Any...
  44. T

    Mechanics Projectile / Coriolis Effect

    Homework Statement [PLAIN] Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Where to start?
  45. T

    Projectile corrections due to the coriolis effect

    Homework Statement a projectile is launched at an angle \alpha above the horizontal, from the top of a vertical cliff of height h above the ocean. It strikes a distance d from teh base of the cliff. Show that its maximum height is given by H2 +(d2/4)tan2\alpha/(H+d tan\alpha) neglecting air...
  46. Q

    How Does the Coriolis Effect Influence Object Displacement at 31.3°S?

    Homework Statement An object is dropped from rest at height H = 40m above the ground at latitude 31.3^{o}S. Calculate the final displacement, in magnitude and direction, due to the Coriolis effect. Homework Equations \Omega = \omega \left( \begin{array}{cc} 0\\ \cos{\varphi}\\...
  47. B

    What Causes the Coriolis Effect in Constant Velocity Circular Motion?

    Hi, everyone We were told in class that the Coriolis Effect is due to the change in the radius in circular motion. But an objtct moving with constant velocity on the edje of the circular system, like on the equator still experiencing Coriolis force, because the cross product 2wXv is not...
  48. V

    How does the coriolis effect contribute to the precession of gyroscopes?

    How does the coriolis effect have role in the precession of gyroscopes?" In the torque-induced precession section, it says masses move due to the coriolis effect, but it happens only in rotating frames. I would want an explanation on why a torque...
  49. S

    Coriolis effect - time to ground

    Coriolis effect -- time to ground This is not a homework problem, I just have a conceptual question. Does the presence of the Coriolis effect, make a difference in how long it takes for a project tile to hit the ground. Obviously it makes a difference in its final location, but the time? Thanks!
  50. N

    Coriolis effect, a girl on holding a ball on a carousel

    A carousel going counter clockwise starts from rest and accelerates at a constant angular acceleration of 0.02 rev/s^2. A girl sitting on a bench on the platform 7 m from the center is holding a 3kg ball. Calculate the magnitude and the direction of the force she must exert to hold the ball 6s...