What is Geometry: Definition and 999 Discussions

Geometry (from the Ancient Greek: γεωμετρία; geo- "earth", -metron "measurement") is, with arithmetic, one of the oldest branches of mathematics. It is concerned with properties of space that are related with distance, shape, size, and relative position of figures. A mathematician who works in the field of geometry is called a geometer.
Until the 19th century, geometry was almost exclusively devoted to Euclidean geometry, which includes the notions of point, line, plane, distance, angle, surface, and curve, as fundamental concepts.During the 19th century several discoveries enlarged dramatically the scope of geometry. One of the oldest such discoveries is Gauss' Theorema Egregium ("remarkable theorem") that asserts roughly that the Gaussian curvature of a surface is independent from any specific embedding in an Euclidean space. This implies that surfaces can be studied intrinsically, that is as stand alone spaces, and has been expanded into the theory of manifolds and Riemannian geometry.
Later in the 19th century, it appeared that geometries without the parallel postulate (non-Euclidean geometries) can be developed without introducing any contradiction. The geometry that underlies general relativity is a famous application of non-Euclidean geometry.
Since then, the scope of geometry has been greatly expanded, and the field has been split in many subfields that depend on the underlying methods—differential geometry, algebraic geometry, computational geometry, algebraic topology, discrete geometry (also known as combinatorial geometry), etc.—or on the properties of Euclidean spaces that are disregarded—projective geometry that consider only alignment of points but not distance and parallelism, affine geometry that omits the concept of angle and distance, finite geometry that omits continuity, etc.
Originally developed to model the physical world, geometry has applications in almost all sciences, and also in art, architecture, and other activities that are related to graphics. Geometry also has applications in areas of mathematics that are apparently unrelated. For example, methods of algebraic geometry are fundamental in Wiles's proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, a problem that was stated in terms of elementary arithmetic, and remained unsolved for several centuries.

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  1. M

    How Is the Mass of Schwarzschild Geometry Calculated?

    Homework Statement Find the Mass of the Schwarzschild geometry by calculating, \frac{1}{4\pi}\int_{S}n^{\alpha}\sigma_{\beta}\nabla_{\alpha}\xi^{\beta}dA in a Schwarzschild spacetime and for S a large sphere of coordinate radius R. Here ζ is the Killing vector corresponding to time...
  2. D

    Where Can I Find Good Analytic Geometry Textbooks Online?

    Hello! I'm looking for a good analytic geometry textbook. I'm studying circumferences and sphere and I'm using the book Analytic Geometry: A vector approach from Wexler but I find this book quite bad. I want some suggestions! Thank you.
  3. M

    Noncommutative geometry in leaf spaces of classical physics

    I was trying to think of natural physical reasons to want to study noncommutative geometry, and it seems to me that it should be relevant even in a classical scenario. Let me know what you think of this as I am no expert. I'm not being terribly precise, either, so let me know if I should...
  4. JeremyEbert

    What is the Klein Four-Group Geometry and Its Applications?

    I think this a map of the Klein four-group geometry. Comments? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13155084/prime-%20square-klein%20four%20group.png
  5. C

    Complex Analysis or Differential Geometry first

    I have to choose which math course I'm going to take next term. I want to take both but I'm already taking two physics courses and my college's distribution requirements require that I take an English next term... bleh... I could audit one of the physics and then take both math courses, but that...
  6. O

    Geometry of Inflationary Universe?

    According to the Inflation Theory our Observable Universe is but a small part of the total universe created in the Big Bang. Our observable universe appears to be flat (just like Earth at sea level may appear flat), while the total universe may be shaped like a balloon. If we assume our...
  7. D

    2 Inscribed Angle Geometry Problems

    I want to find x for (1) and x and y for (2). I am not sure how to put the images directly into the thread so I apologize if you do not like having to click on them. On the first one, I do not know how we can find this without knowing that XW is a diameter (it is not given as one in the...
  8. D

    Can we ever escape the pull of a black hole's singularity?

    I'm taking general relativity and I understand how things work mathematically, but I'm trying to find ways of describing black holes to a general audience. Would it be fair to say that inside a black hole, space is curved in such a way that all possible paths lead to the singularity? Or, put...
  9. Z

    A flat-torus as the geometry of space-time

    New thread continuing a topic raised in https://www.physicsforums.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=3865854 Okay, so I saw on wikipedia that you can have a 'flat torus' --- at least a 2 dimensional torus inbedded in 4-space. So you can also have a 3-torus, that's flat? And would time just be...
  10. C

    Calc-Physics 212: Charge Distribution Geometry of a Circle

    Homework Statement Hey guys. As you can see, there are 5 questions to answer regarding this question. I'm working through it and need some help regarding a few of the questions. I have A.) The electric potential at the center of the circle is Zero. B.) The value of the electric...
  11. P

    Simple Geometry problem is stumping me

    Homework Statement A cylindrical tank of gas with a radius is viewed from the side (so that it looks like a circle, not a rectangle) and has a radius of 1m. Through a hole in the top, a vertical rod is lowered to touch the bottom of the tank. When the rod is removed, the gasoline level in the...
  12. N

    Planar geometry, orthognal projections of a piece of a plane

    Homework Statement I have a piece of a plane in 3 dimensions (imagine holding an enevelope in the air), and two orthognal projections which form quadrilaterals, one on the xy plane (i.e. looking at the enevelope from above) and one on the xz plane (looking at it from the side). We know the...
  13. marcus

    Feynmans of geometry: computable trans. amps. by K+Le+P algorithm

    Kisielowski Lewandowski Puchta have made a significant advance in calculating the transition amplitudes between quantum states of geometry. They have found a systematic algorithm that enumerates the (generalized) spinfoam-like histories by which one state evolves into another. And in this case...
  14. Math Amateur

    Reflections and Reflection Groups - Basic Geometry

    I am reading Kane's book on Reflections and Reflection Groups and am having difficulties with some basic geometric notions - see attachment Kane paes 6-7. On page 6 in section 1-1 Reflections and Reflection Groups (see attachment) we read: " We can define reflections either with respect to...
  15. R

    How to find the geometry of singlet/triplet states?

    I am completely lost with this question... for example for 2 electrons coupling that results in a singlet state with a spin momentum of 0 or a triplet state with spin momentum √2h-bar. How would you go to find the geometry of these states?
  16. P

    Understanding Basic Geometric Equations in Robotics Kinematics Analysis

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/66943862@N06/6868453382/in/photostream/lightbox/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/66943862@N06/6868453382/in/photostream/lightbox/ I was looking at a robotics kinematics analysis & there is one geometric equation assumed in the analysis which I can't seem to...
  17. marcus

    Testable quantum geometry - recent Loop rivals?

    Which do you think are the main quantum geometry (QG) lines recently appearing to rival Loop? Do any look especially promising to you? Any favorites? Here are some to consider. The authors shown aren't a complete list! Just enough for an arxiv search: [Colored] tensor models (e.g. Gurau, Ryan...
  18. T

    How Can Railroads Implement Design Alignment with Tangential Track Movements?

    Hello all I was hoping someone could help me with the following problem. I work on the railroads and my task is to improve the alignment of a curve. I have surveyed the existing geometry by going along the track and recording x, y, z co-ordinates at approx 1m intervals. I have...
  19. Islam Hassan

    Is Symmetry Limited in Geometry?

    Given the complete classification of finite simple groups, can one say that the number of all conceivable 2D/3D symmetrical geometric objects/arrangement is limited? Is spatial symmetry limited in our 3D world? IH
  20. D

    When Einstein knew gravity is geometry and not force

    no gut? well, from GR or LQG as well, gravity is not force but geometry right? When einstein knew gravity is geometry and not force, why did he try to unify them? Will we have 3 fundamental forces. Is gut ruled out?
  21. A

    Surface Area of Hollowed Hemisphere - Basic Geometry

    I need to find the total surface area of the hollowed out hemisphere (picture attached), with an inner diameter of 1.86 cm and what looks like an outer radius (also what I am assuming as height) of 1.25 cm. Surface area of a sphere is 4∏r2, so half the sphere is 2∏r2. Since the outer...
  22. S

    Analytic Geometry World Problem

    Homework Statement Points S and T lie on the line 2x+y=3. If the length ST is 13 units, and the coordinates of S are (2, -1), determine all possible coordinate pairs for T, correct to two decimal places. For simplicity, determine the coordinates for T, relative to S from the left.Homework...
  23. S

    A problem I should be able to solve (geometry)

    A problem I should be able to solve :( (geometry) This is a random problem I discovered on the internet: If the area of a rectangle is diminished by 36%, what are the sides of the original rectangle if the sides of the diminished one are 36mm and 48mm? My answer: Let a and b be the...
  24. F

    Really odd problem in geometry?

    I'm not sure why but I can't seem to figure this problem out at all... You have a slice of a banked circular track... Find the angle theta. See attachment, My first guess was to use the pythagorean theorem + the fact that the two lengths are both equal to angle/360* 2 * pi * r where r is...
  25. I

    Importance of Lie algebra in differential geometry

    Hi all, I've been wondering about this for some time. While I am only familiar with the basics of differential geometry, I have come across the Lie bracket commutator in a few places. Firstly, what is the intuitive explanation of the Lie bracket [X,Y] of two vectors, if there is one? In...
  26. binbagsss

    Geometry: Planes, x+y+z=0 - How Does It Work?

    I do not understnad how x+y+z=0 can be a plane, I thought a plane has 2 dimensions, this is all :) thanks.
  27. F

    What math background for algebraic geometry?

    So I'm currently a sophomore math/CS major. I'm interesting in taking the algebraic geometry sequence next year; however I don't have the formal prereqs for the class, first year graduate algebra, which I would be taking simultaneously with the algebraic geometry class. I'm wondering if this...
  28. R

    Geometry Intersections Problem

    Homework Statement Let A, B, C be three points on a plane and O be the origin point on this plane. Put a = OA and b = OB, and c = OC, (a,b and c are vectors). P is a point inside the triangle ABC. Suppose that the ratio of the areas of the triangles PAB, PBC and PCA is 2:3:5 (i) The...
  29. K

    Vector geometry - Intersection of lines

    Homework Statement I have 2 parametric vector equations (of a line) r(t) = (2,-4,4) + t(1,-3,4) s(t) = (1,-1,0) + t(2,-1,1) how do i find the coordinates for which they intersect each other? The answers is (1,-1,0) Homework Equations x=a+λv, for some λ in ℝ (parametric vector...
  30. T

    Geometry, logic and sun angles: help

    I am trying to figure out what size eaves we need for our house extension. I've tried a few calculations and now I'm posting here in the hope that a logical thinker will be able to tell me what I'm doing wrong. We live in Adelaide, Australia, and we want to put in glass double-doors on a...
  31. N

    Geometry problem: How to show that the ray is well-defined?

    Show that the ray is well defined / independent of ruler placement. Ruler placement postulate says Given two points P and Q of a line, the coordinate system can be chosen in such a way that the coordinate of P is zero and the coordinate of Q is positive. I know you can place ray AB where B can...
  32. Matterwave

    Good treatment of Affine Geometry?

    Hey guys, I'm looking for a good treatment (good = concise, and clear) of affine geometry. Connections, parallel transport, etc. I'm looking for this from a mathematical P.O.V. Most of the differential geometry books I have deal only with the exterior forms, and general manifolds without this...
  33. B

    Schools Geometry in High School: Is it Worthwhile Studying?

    Hello, I never took Geometry in high school, and I am currently in college studying both math and physics. Consequently, I decided to pick up a basic geometry textbook to try and learn it on my own; but I have found I have limited time due to my college studies. I am wondering, is it even...
  34. L

    Geometry - Can a trapezoid ever be a kite, and vice versa?

    Homework Statement Can a trapezoid ever be a kite? Can a kite be a trapezoid? 2. The attempt at a solution I believe that the answer to both is no. 1. If a trapezoid was a kite, wouldn't the pair of parallel sides, along with the congruent consecutive sides, imply that it was a...
  35. B

    Isosceles Triangle Geometry Problem

    Homework Statement The measure of the sides of an isosceles triangle are represented by x + 5, 3x +13, and 4x + 11. What are the measures of the sides? Two answers are possible. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Well, I set up three different triangles, to account for the...
  36. B

    Equilateral Triangle Side Lengths

    Homework Statement Th measure of the sides of an equilateral triangle are represented by x + 12, 3x - 8, and 2x + 2. What is the measure of each side of the triangle. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Well, I know that each side of this triangle are equal, resulting...
  37. A

    How important is geometry if I want to study theoretical physics

    First, let me apologize for my bad English, it's not my native language. Most areas of math for me aren't really an issue. I'm actually quite good at it. But there's one thing I absolutely despise and also something I'm very bad at: geometry. I was planning on studying theoretical physics...
  38. J

    Computer Vision Geometry - Collinear Points In A Pinhole Camera Model

    Homework Statement Prove that a line in 3D space is imaged to a line on the image plane in a pinhole camera model. Homework Equations A 3D point give by (X,Y,Z) will be imaged on the image plane at x = f(\frac{X}{Z}) and y = f(\frac{Y}{Z}) where f is the focal point. The Attempt at...
  39. M

    Coordinate based vs non-coordinate based differential geometry

    Hello Everyone, I am just wondering what the difference in these is. Could someone please give a brief example of non-coordinate based differential geometry vs the equivalent in coordinate based, or explain the difference (whichever is easier)? Also, what advantages does one have over the...
  40. B

    Calculating Vertices & Edges on a Cube - Geometry for Beginners

    Hi, I was wondering how to calculate, mathematically, the number of vertices on a cube, rather than just count them? Also, in a cube, how many edges are shared by a face? By counting the number of edges, there comes out to be 24, but since it face shares four edges, shouldn't there be 6 edges...
  41. ShayanJ

    Different approches to Geometry

    I read somewhere that a Geometry is a non Empty set and a subset of its power set which has subsets with at least two elements.The elements of the first set are called points and the elements of the second set are called lines.With specifying these two sets and considering some axioms,you will...
  42. S

    Dual geometry with 5 points question

    Okay so I am given a 3D figure with 5 points. Keep in mind this model has the hyperbolic parallel property and satisfies the incidence axioms. The question is to construct the dual geometry and then to prove or disprove that it is an incidence geometry. My question is how do I go about...
  43. G

    Euclidean geometry and complex plane

    Can someone please describe to me how Euclidean Geometry is connected to the complex plane? Angles preservations, distance, Mobius Transformations, isometries, anything would be nice. Also, how can hyperbolic geometry be described with complex numbers?
  44. L

    Geometry Triangle Congruence - Should be easy?

    Geometry Triangle Congruence - **Edited to include diagram** Homework Statement Hi! The three simple geometry problems are in the attached photo. Sorry if they're difficult to read. I haven't seen this information in so long, and could use some help. :D Can you use the given information...
  45. V

    Basic diff. geometry question - Gradient of F

    Hi folks, I have a basic question I would like to ask. I ll start from the Euclidean analogue to try to explain what I want. Suppose we have a smooth function (real valued scalar field) F(x,y)=x^2+y^2, with x,y \in ℝ. We also have the gradient \nabla F=\left( \frac{\partial F}{\partial...
  46. C

    Chemistry Electron Geometry and Molecular Geometry

    Homework Statement Determine the electron geometry and molecular geometry or the underlined carbon in CH3CN. A) tetrahedral/tetrahedral B) linear/trigonal planar C) trigonal planar/bent D)linear/linear E)trigonal planar/trigonal planar I'm not really sure how to structure this...
  47. Z

    Confused about Duality in Projective Geometry

    So I'm studying projective geometry and I'm confused about duality. In particular, I'm confused about drawing dual pictures. If you look at Menelaus's Theorem and Ceva's Theorem, they are supposedly dual diagrams. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menelaus'_theorem...
  48. R

    Prereq for Differential Geometry

    I am an Astrophysics undergrad, and will be taking Classical Differential Geometry I & II. Are there any classes that will make understanding Differential Geometry easier. I can chose from: -Introduction To Abstract Algebra -Introduction To Mathematical Analysis -Introduction To Real...
  49. H

    What are the contents of the Differential Geometry Library?

    http://digi-area.com/DifferentialGeometryLibrary/ includes over 580 objects for differential geometry and its applications. Moreover here is 380 Exact Solutions of Einstein's Field Equations. The formulas are represented in different forms: metric from, Contravariant Newman–Penrose Tetrad...
  50. M

    Finding the Major Axis Angle of an Ellipse Given Rotated Equations

    Homework Statement Prove that the equations x=acos(\theta) and y=bcos(\theta +\delta ) is the equation of an ellipse and what angle does this ellipse's major axis make with the x axis? Homework Equations Equation of an ellipse is x=acos\theta, y=asin\theta Rotation matrix is for a rotation...