What is Graduate: Definition and 1000 Discussions

A graduate school (sometimes shortened to grad school) is a school that awards advanced academic degrees (e.g., master's and doctoral degrees) with the general requirement that students must have earned a previous undergraduate (bachelor's) degree. A distinction is typically made between graduate schools (where courses of study vary in the degree to which they provide training for a particular profession) and professional schools, which offer specialized advanced degrees in professional fields such as medicine, nursing, business, engineering, speech–language pathology, or law. The distinction between graduate schools and professional schools is not absolute since various professional schools offer graduate degrees and vice versa.
Many universities award graduate degrees; a graduate school is not necessarily a separate institution. While the term "graduate school" is typical in the United States and often used elsewhere (e.g., Canada), "postgraduate education" is also used in English-speaking countries (Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, and the UK) to refer to the spectrum of education beyond a bachelor's degree. Those attending graduate schools are called "graduate students" (in both American and British English), or often in British English as "postgraduate students" and, colloquially, "postgraduates" and "postgrads". Degrees awarded to graduate students include master's degrees, doctoral degrees, and other postgraduate qualifications such as graduate certificates and professional degrees.
Producing original research is a significant component of graduate studies in the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences. This research typically leads to the writing and defense of a thesis or dissertation. In graduate programs that are oriented toward professional training (e.g., MPA, MBA, MHA), the degrees may consist solely of coursework, without an original research or thesis component. The term "graduate school" is primarily North American. Additionally, in North America, the term does not usually refer to medical school (whose students are called "medical students"), and only occasionally refers to law school or business school; these are often collectively termed professional schools. Graduate students in the humanities, sciences and social sciences often receive funding from the school (e.g., fellowships or scholarships) or a teaching assistant position or other job; in the profession-oriented grad programs, students are less likely to get funding, and the fees are typically much higher.
Although graduate school programs are distinct from undergraduate degree programs, graduate instruction (in the US, Australia, and other countries) is often offered by some of the same senior academic staff and departments who teach undergraduate courses. Unlike in undergraduate programs, however, it is less common for graduate students to take coursework outside their specific field of study at graduate or graduate entry level. At the Ph.D. level, though, it is quite common to take courses from a wider range of study, for which some fixed portion of coursework, sometimes known as a residency, is typically required to be taken from outside the department and college of the degree-seeking candidate, to broaden the research abilities of the student. Some institutions designate separate graduate versus undergraduate staff and denote other divisions.

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  1. M

    Schools Graduate School Focus: 3 Years of Solar Plasma Physics Research

    Hey everyone, I'm entering my second undergraduate year as an astronomy and physics double major. I've always had an interest in black holes, high energy astrophysics, and cosmology; consequentially, I've planned to study one of these in graduate school. However, over the summer I've been...
  2. A

    What is 'Subjective Mathematics' on the GRE Exam?

    Need information about GRE subjective mathematics. can anyone help me in this regard
  3. W

    Schools Graduating in 3 years - less competitive for graduate school?

    Hi PFers! I'm physics major in a big state school and I plan to go to graduate school. Due to some financial difficulties, I'm seriously considering graduating in three years. I can finish the classes required in three years pretty easily, but I won't have chance to take some more...
  4. M

    Finding the Right Measure Theory Course for Graduate Studies in Economics

    Hi, I am pursuing graduate studies in economics, and I hear that "measure theory" is one of the classes that will impress admission commitees. I don't see anything by that name in my school's catalog. Does this class go by another name sometimes?
  5. C

    Engineering Graduate School Question for a Mechanical Engineer

    Hi, I was wondering if a graduate program exists for product design and development? I have searched google, but haven't found the results I wanted. Would there be another name for a program like this or does it not exist at all?
  6. L

    Schools Is Graduate School in the UK an Option for Me?

    Hello, I am interested in attending a graduate program in the UK after completion of my BS in physics but am unsure of the lay of the land. A few questions I have are: 1. Is it possible to get into the Ph.D. program in the UK w/o a masters? If it is difficult is it possible to do the masters...
  7. E

    Schools Math and Physics undergrad to EE Graduate school?

    Hi, I'm going to be entering my senior year of undergrad and I'm pursuing a math and physics degree. I've got a good, high GPA, and really enjoy all of the math classes I've been in. Physics, however (especially particle physics and classical mechanics) were not so enjoyable. With respect to...
  8. K

    Where to Pursue Graduate Studies in Theoretical and Particle Physics?

    So I am approaching my senior year. Studying right now for the GRE and all that standard business that we go through during the summer before senior year. I've got a dilemma though. I don't have a great idea of where I should aim for. I am pretty open to any location but I want to be sure that I...
  9. P

    Schools European Graduate Schools

    I recently obtained a Bachelors degree with majors in math and physics. My goal is to study mathematical physics in graduate school (a math or physics department). After doing some research, I discovered that my interests are more widely reflected in European graduate schools than in our...
  10. J

    Exploring Graduate Schools for Space Technology Research

    Hi, I am currently majoring in mechanical engineering and next year after I graduate I plan on going to graduate school to obtain my PhD. My interests are fluid mechanics, heat transfer and applied mathematics. I would really like to go to a school that will prepare me for a career in...
  11. M

    Schools Graduate School Odds: Increase Your Chances for Admissions to Top Schools

    I am now a senior and SUNY buffalo and a physics major, and my question is this. What are my chances of getting into a school such as Chicago or Colombia, maybe NYU or one of the UC schools. My scores are as follows GPA: 3.3 GRE Verbal: 620 GRE Quant: 780 GRE essay: don't have yet GRE...
  12. R

    Programs Getting an undergraduate and graduate degree at the same school?

    Often times I see people talk about getting their undergraduate degree but then transfering to a graduate school. UF has a 5 year program that awards a student with both their masters and bachelors degree in physics. From their its just a rout to a Ph.d..IS there something wrong with this? Why...
  13. Link

    Whats is the normal age to graduate with a MEng in the United States

    With normal I mean the age when most engineers receive their degree. I have a feeling that it is quite late compared to most other countries?
  14. D

    Electronics graduate , what field should I chose for MS (in US) ? Help.

    Hey! I am in the last year of my 5 year dual degree (which is B.E(Hons.)Electronics and Instrumentation with MSc(Hons)Physics ) from a highly reputed institute. I am currently doing intern at HP Global centre here in India , and I am yet to give GRE but I will be giving it in a two months...
  15. S

    Schools What to Consider When Choosing a Graduate Program

    Having recently finished grad school, I've put together a guide for new and prospective graduate students on picking a prof and a project, as well as pitfalls to watch out for: http://subversiveguidetoeng.blogspot.com/2009/05/guide-to-graduate-school.html" I thought it would be useful...
  16. W

    Grad Combinatorics Texts: Cameron & Van Lint-Wilson

    What's a good graduate level introductory combinatorics text. I've been looking at Cameron and Van Lint-Wilson, they seem like sound texts. Do you guys have any recommendations?
  17. A

    Schools Where to go for graduate school?

    Hi, I'm a student from the UK about to embark on a PhD in the area of String theory/QG. I have a couple of options in front of me and I am struggling to decide which would be the best path. 1) University of Southern California (USC). The PhD would be much more "stringy" here, and I get the...
  18. B

    Programs Importance of prestigious undergraduate degree for graduate degree.

    Hi - I am currently a high school junior so I basically have this summer to figure out where I am going to apply. I am thinking about computer engineering as a major. How much of a factor is going to "name brand" college going to be for getting into a "good" graduate school? Thanks for your time.
  19. D

    How much research is necessary to get into a good graduate program?

    I'm a biochemistry & molecular biology major... My university requires two semesters of research (one during the summer) to graduate with departmental honors. You also have to present your results/conclusions and have your presentation approved by faculty. Are these two semesters enough to...
  20. J

    Graduate School in Nuclear Engineering - Can I Make the Switch?

    Hi everyone, I am currently a junior in mechanical engineering. After I graduate I plan on going to graduate school to obtain my PhD, I hope to eventually get a career in research probably at a university because I also enjoy teaching. As a mechanical engineer my interests have been...
  21. U

    Grad Program: Arizona State vs Ohio University - Pros & Cons

    Which Grad program is best? Arizona state university or Ohio University? Please give me plus and cons of those. Thank you.
  22. N

    Schools Georgia Institute of Technology, graduate school question

    Hey guys, I was curious as to whether or not anyone here knows anything about the admission standards for GIT. I checked out their undergraduate requirements but I am not quite sure how that relates to their grad admissions. I was looking at their aerospace engineering program and from what...
  23. S

    UC vs. Cal Poly: Preparing for Graduate School

    Hi, I read online and people say that if you want to get into graduate school, pick UC over Cal Poly. Why is that? What is missing in Cal Poly that doesn't prepare students to transfer to graduate school after undergrad?
  24. K

    What are some considerations for pursuing graduate studies in China?

    Hi all, i plan to do a ph.d in neuroscience (i am working with functional connectivity in fmri data right now) and I've found some cool places in China, mainly institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and neural engineering research in the Tsinghua university. My question is, does...
  25. JasonRox

    Taking a Leave of Absence from Graduate Studies

    Has anyone done this? I've been thinking about it.
  26. D

    Schools How does the system work for graduate school?

    How does the "system" work for graduate school? Hello, I am currently an undergrad working on a long term research project with a professor at my university. My question is, as far as recommendations go, will his recs carry more weight at the university he graduated from? He is a Harvard PhD...
  27. N

    Admissions GPA Requirements for Strong Graduate Programs

    I am now a junior in physics and will be applying to graduate schools in the next year and a half. I've been curious about what kind of GPA that most strong graduate programs would consider to be a respectable GPA. Unfortunately, no one has been able to give me a straight answer to this question...
  28. O

    Caltech and mit graduate programs

    My goals are caltech and mit phd/ms programs. What must i do at the very least? Besides the tests of course...
  29. A

    Schools How does one fund graduate school?

    I got into graduate school! yay! I'll have a "Dr" in front of my name. Here's the problem: there is no funding associated with the offer. Thus, no TA/RA in return for tuition and a stipend,or any such thing. Does anyone know of any options or funding possibilites? or rather, how did everyone...
  30. E

    Schools Physics Graduate School Admission: GPA vs. NRC Rankings at Duke University

    I'm wondering how difficult it is to gain admission to PhD programs in physics. On Duke's website, they show that the average GPA of admitted students was 3.7 last year. Keeping that in mind, I looked at the NRC rankings in physics, and Duke is ranked like 42. At my school, the average GPA of...
  31. X

    Graduate Programs in Applied Math

    Hi all. I am trying to get a sense for applications to graduate programs in applied math. What are the general GPA requirements for top-25 programs? I am currently doubling majoring in Physics and Economics looking to do applied mathematical modeling of social science problems (game theory...
  32. I

    Schools Finding a graduate school in physics/what research fields can I go into?

    Recently I switched into physics from biochemistry after taking first semester of junior EM. Anyway I am graduating next year and fully plan on continuing physics in graduate school. In short I want to be a physicist and get my PhD. I have vague ideas of what I am interested in but I don't...
  33. S

    Math What Are the Options for Graduate Programs in Math?

    I was wondering what kind of graduate programs a math graduate can get into? Is it required that for example, programs in applied math or statistics need a large amount of applied math and statistics courses in the undergrad? Does having a pure math degree limit what you can do for...
  34. S

    Mechanical Engineering Junior: What Can I Achieve with a BS & MS?

    I'm currently a junior pursuing my BS in Mechanical Engineering. The workload is difficult but the material I'm studying is interesting, albeit some more than others. I am currently taking an introduction to materials science course and feel like I've found something I would possibly like to...
  35. S

    What's your Graduate Student Lounge like?

    Hey all, I'm in the process of pushing for a good graduate student lounge (in a physics department) at my university. I'm curious, what is your graduate student lounge like? Does one exist? Is it awful, mediocre, or pretty cool? What's in it? If you wouldn't mind including what...
  36. E

    Schools Functional Analysis & Math PhD Programs: Advice & Recommendations

    Hi. I'm a junior math and physics major. I'm hoping to go to grad school for a Ph.D. in math, and I'm trying to figure out some good schools to apply to. I found the math subject I enjoyed the most was functional analysis. I did a basic course in it using a book called Introductory Functional...
  37. H

    Admissions Reapplying to graduate programs

    Well, as the rejection letters start coming in, I can't help but wonder what it takes to reapply to graduate programs. I believe my application this time around was strong in all aspects except GRE scores (which were quite miserable). So my question is, if I improve my GRE scores significantly...
  38. S

    Is it too much worse to graduate in 5 years, instead of 4?

    Hey everyone, I happen to be at an interesting juncture in my education thus far. I am a third-year undergraduate student studying physics, mathematics, and astronomy at my (somewhat small) university, and the notion of attending graduate school is quickly approaching. I'm having trouble...
  39. P

    Why Require Graduate Core Classes in Math?

    This is a bit of an odd question, but it's been bothering me for a while. The graduate sequences at top universities (Algebra, Geometry/Topology, Analysis) have always been rather esoteric in nature. Most students entering top universities have a rather strong background in these topics and...
  40. W

    Discover the Top Graduate Textbook for Thermal Physics Studies

    What is the "standard" textbook for graduate studies in thermal physics?
  41. F

    Schools Which Universities have the best graduate programs for theoretical physics?

    I'm an UG right now, but I plan on doing research in theoretical physics (probably particle physics. I want to work on finding a TOE. Possibly QM or QED instead). Which schools are best for these pursuits? Thank you.
  42. A

    MET Graduate Programs: Find Your Own Path

    I'm currently an MET student at UMaine. I like what I'm doing a lot, I just feel like it is very technical and won't allow me to be accredited to do anything else but 'execute someone elses plans' instead of designing something of my own. Does anyone know of any graduate programs for MET? Or...
  43. H

    Is Quitting Grad School Over a Research Setback Justifiable?

    Hi all.. I am now a first-year graduate student in engineering. I have been working on a research problem for 3 months. I thought that I have solved the problem recently and wrote up a manuscript and was ready to submit that. However, suddenly, I found an error with my work and it cannot be...
  44. M

    Schools Meeting with graduate school director, what should I do?

    I am applying to graduate schools for next fall and one of the chairman of one of the programs is visiting my campus on next friday for academic reasons. He directs the program at a school across the country, so this turns out to be a very good chance to meet him. I have worked out an...
  45. D

    Improving My Chances: A Biophysics Graduate School Plan

    My GPA isn't all that great, it's a 2.507. I have another semester left to bring it up some, but it won't be much. But I still will like to take what I have left and bring as much into my favor as possible. My plan is to do good in my GRE and PGRE and apply for graduate school at my current...
  46. M

    Differences in majors in regards to graduate application.

    Hello, my name is Mark Murphy. I've kept tabs on this forum for a while, and was hoping I might garner some advice regarding my curriculum. I am currently a third year at my university, majoring in Engineering Physics. Our Engineering Physics program differs from our Physics graduate school...
  47. E

    Pursuing Mathematics at the post graduate level from a non maths background

    Hi everyone, I have recently been thinking about pursuing a mathematics degree at the Postgraduate level but unfortunately I feel I lack both the credentials and proper training/background and I was seeking some advice on how I might acquire it. My undergraduate degree is in Computer...
  48. JasonJo

    Admissions Fall 2009 Graduate Admissions Thread

    This is a thread for all us nervous Fall 2009 grad applicants. All my applications are in and all my letters of recommendation were sent in. I don't want to post any stats or profile data until I get my admissions decisions in. Where did you guys apply? What field do you want to pursue...
  49. A

    Schools Graduate School Statement of Purpose

    I need help with my Statement of Purpose. I have been doing research on experimental high energy particle physics for the past two years of my undergraduate career. However, I have discovered that there is no way I want to continue work in this field in grad school. In my personal statement...
  50. Q

    First-Time Poster: Worried About Physics Grades and Graduate School

    Hi all, first time poster, been registered for a while though. so i just finished the 3 semester introductory courses that my school requires of all physics major (so I'm a sophomore). i am a bit worried though because in physics 3 the class average was 73 and even though my average was...