What is Graduate: Definition and 1000 Discussions

A graduate school (sometimes shortened to grad school) is a school that awards advanced academic degrees (e.g., master's and doctoral degrees) with the general requirement that students must have earned a previous undergraduate (bachelor's) degree. A distinction is typically made between graduate schools (where courses of study vary in the degree to which they provide training for a particular profession) and professional schools, which offer specialized advanced degrees in professional fields such as medicine, nursing, business, engineering, speech–language pathology, or law. The distinction between graduate schools and professional schools is not absolute since various professional schools offer graduate degrees and vice versa.
Many universities award graduate degrees; a graduate school is not necessarily a separate institution. While the term "graduate school" is typical in the United States and often used elsewhere (e.g., Canada), "postgraduate education" is also used in English-speaking countries (Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, and the UK) to refer to the spectrum of education beyond a bachelor's degree. Those attending graduate schools are called "graduate students" (in both American and British English), or often in British English as "postgraduate students" and, colloquially, "postgraduates" and "postgrads". Degrees awarded to graduate students include master's degrees, doctoral degrees, and other postgraduate qualifications such as graduate certificates and professional degrees.
Producing original research is a significant component of graduate studies in the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences. This research typically leads to the writing and defense of a thesis or dissertation. In graduate programs that are oriented toward professional training (e.g., MPA, MBA, MHA), the degrees may consist solely of coursework, without an original research or thesis component. The term "graduate school" is primarily North American. Additionally, in North America, the term does not usually refer to medical school (whose students are called "medical students"), and only occasionally refers to law school or business school; these are often collectively termed professional schools. Graduate students in the humanities, sciences and social sciences often receive funding from the school (e.g., fellowships or scholarships) or a teaching assistant position or other job; in the profession-oriented grad programs, students are less likely to get funding, and the fees are typically much higher.
Although graduate school programs are distinct from undergraduate degree programs, graduate instruction (in the US, Australia, and other countries) is often offered by some of the same senior academic staff and departments who teach undergraduate courses. Unlike in undergraduate programs, however, it is less common for graduate students to take coursework outside their specific field of study at graduate or graduate entry level. At the Ph.D. level, though, it is quite common to take courses from a wider range of study, for which some fixed portion of coursework, sometimes known as a residency, is typically required to be taken from outside the department and college of the degree-seeking candidate, to broaden the research abilities of the student. Some institutions designate separate graduate versus undergraduate staff and denote other divisions.

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  1. P

    Schools Graduate School Advice: Aerospace or Mechanical Engineering?

    Hello, Sorry for the longer post, but I would appreciate any advice offered. I have been reading this site ever since starting my undergrad in physics, first time posting. I am posting as I have been having trouble gather info/opinions on a situation I find myself in and am looking for...
  2. K

    Programs Graduate Program in QM: Researching Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

    What are strong graduate programs for researching foundations of quantum mechanics?
  3. B

    Courses Regarding the Difficulty of Math Graduate Courses

    Dear Physics Forum personnel, I will be taking my first graduate course (as an undergraduate) in mathematics starting on this Fall Semester. The course is about the algebraic topology (Hatcher, Spanier, Massey, etc.), which I am very excited to take as I love the topology. I am curious about...
  4. jacquelineg

    Advice on Pursuing a Career in Physics After Graduating

    Hello all- I'm looking for some general advice and thought this would be a good forum. I fell in love with physics after my sophomore year of undergrad. As a Psychology major who hadn't even taken a math class since my junior year of high school, the Physics department cautioned me against...
  5. DeathbyGreen

    Admissions Optimizing Your Graduate Application: Importance of Early Submission

    Hi! I have a question related to graduate (PhD admission). I am about to finish my MS in Europe and am applying to a university in Canada for my PhD. The university requires 2 reference letters. Two people have said that they will write me letters, and I can see on my application account when...
  6. A

    Programs Which European Master's Programs Are Best for Theoretical Particle Physics?

    hello everyone, i am currently a physics undergraduate in europe and i am thinking about possible graduate studies either in usa or europe.i want to study theoretical particle physics(string theory,quantum fileds,cosmpology etc.). my first choice is a phd in usa. but as an alternative i am...
  7. S

    Courses Are graduate classes worth the cost?

    Hello all, I am a rising sophomore physics undergraduate and I have a few questions regarding taking graduate courses as an undergraduate. Currently I am signed up to take Quantum Field Theory and a graduate classical mechanics course in the fall. Now graduate courses are expensive, about $1000...
  8. O

    Other Question on graduate level math

    Does learning graduate level math make one better understand undergrad math? For example, after taking real analysis, does one better understand calculus?
  9. J

    Schools Graduate Schools that do Turbomachinery Research

    Hi, I have a Bachelors in Aeronautical Engineering and am looking forward to getting a Masters Degree in Engineering. But the catch is that I have not been able to find schools that conduct the research I am interested in. I am particularly interested in Gas Turbine Research, specifically...
  10. K

    Schools Graduate schools for a PhD in Physics

    Hello, I could use some objective feedback on what tier/rank of graduate schools that I should apply to. I am looking to do a PhD in Physics. About me: I have worked in 3 research labs, obtained a 3.0 GPA at a top 30 school, and published a paper. Thank you for the help. :)
  11. Julianmm95

    Schools Applying to Study CFT in Graduate School

    I am going to be applying to graduate programs for theory in the fall, and after discussing research with a few of my professors, my top research topic choice is Conformal Field Theories. Are CFT's a large enough area of study to be the focus of research for a graduate student? Also, will saying...
  12. B

    Math Career Advice -- Wanting to become a data scientist

    Hi, so currently I am stuck in a situation where I currently accepted a job offer and had 5 other interviews which I never heard back from any yet. (I will have to say no if I hear back I guess and there was one I really was hoping to get but its going to be too late now). These were for data...
  13. mertcan

    Studying Semiconductors for undergraduate and graduate

    hi, I would like to be bursting with semiconductors' topic, I aim to know all it's theory and applications, also see all derivations of it's formulas, so Could you give me some suggestions to comprehend this topic well?
  14. A

    Schools Anybody graduate from Yale's astronomy program?

    How hard was it to get in? How was your experience? I currently study finance(1 year done) and I got accepted to the University of New Haven on scholarship. I plan on taking extra classes in math and physics, so if I decide to pursue a degree in astronomy I will have the pre reqs done...
  15. P

    Schools How to know a graduate program's strength?

    So, I've heard that rankings do matter if you want to go to academia; however, I've also heard that a PhD from the University of Hawaii in observational astronomy will be more valuable than one from MIT. So, where can I find universities' rankings by program (for example, cosmology or...
  16. A

    Schools Am I too sensitive for graduate school?

    This is silly, you can say it's silly and I respect that. It also seems like a thread that I would roll my eyes at and say "if you have to ask this, you probably are." The situation is as follows. I'm a second-year graduate student working in an experimental lab. There is a postdoc here who is...
  17. A

    Courses Graduate Level Course Selection

    Hi all, I'm starting my grad work in September and I'm trying to decide which courses to take. I'll be doing an M. Sc. in Chemical Physics, and potentially a Ph. D. My undergrad was in Chemistry, with minors in Physics and Math. My tentative choice of thesis topic is coherent control...
  18. B

    Programs Transferring Math PhD Programs?

    Math grad student here. I'm currently finishing up my first year in a PhD program, and I based on my experiences so far I can definitely say graduate school is something I want to continue. I spent my first year taking courses in preparation for prelims rather than doing research, but I did well...
  19. Dishsoap

    Schools Leaving graduate school for a semester?

    Hello everyone, I have a couple of questions. I'm an incoming graduate student starting in the fall, and working with a group at my future graduate school this summer. I do not want the pity of anyone in my department (especially as a new student) so I'm aware that the answers I get here may be...
  20. A

    Schools What are some factors to consider when applying to graduate school in physics?

    Hi, Little about me: I'm a fourth year physics major(graduating fall 2017). I currently have a 3.6 gpa with 164(verbal) and 165(math) . I took the physics GRE and got a 800 which sucks and I would like to score above a 920 which I am studying for next year. Two publications with a fair amount of...
  21. VoloD

    Engineering Job Hunting Concerns of a Physics to Engineering Graduate

    Hey Everybody, A while back I made a thread about being a BS Physics graduate trying to go back to school. After changing universities, I finally graduated this May with my MS in Engineering (Electrical). While searching for jobs, I noticed there is a dilemma regarding specific jobs. I don't...
  22. Sam I Am

    Other Peace Corps after graduate school?

    This may be a silly (and, as a first year grad student, premature!) question, but I am wondering about the possibility of going into the Peace Corps after getting my Ph.D. in physics. My field of study is condensed matter physics, and I have begun working with a group doing some nanotechnology...
  23. P

    Schools Is It Acceptable to Extend Undergraduate Studies for Financial Aid Eligibility?

    I have transferred from community college, so I am supposed to finish in two years. However, some people can petition to stay for three years I believe. I'm an undergraduate physics major thinking of staying for three years, where there is guaranteed financial aid during that time frame, to take...
  24. P

    Schools Graduate School Advice: Need Help and Guidance

    Hello, I am in a situation and need some guidance and help and would appreciate your input. So I graduated May 2015 from a state school with Astrophysics bachelors and applied for graduate school for Fall 2016. Here are all my scores - Overall GPA - Less than 3.3 PGRE - Less than 600 GRE...
  25. CaptainAtom1996

    Schools Engineering Technology to Engineering graduate school?

    Hello all, a friend of mine is considering switching to an engineering technology degree but still plans to attend graduate school for engineering. This just got me thinking, what would the draw backs be? How easy or hard would it be for someone in a engineering technology program to go to...
  26. H

    Physics Paying to Work? 24 Yr Old Physics Grad Struggling for Fulfillment

    Hello, I'll try to keep this quick and to the point. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. I'm 24 years old now. I finished my physics B.S. last year. I studied in Utah and did research for my university for 8.50$ per hour. I've been living in poverty since I was 18 trying to become a...
  27. I

    Fresh graduate career advice in Chip Design

    I have recently passed the Electronics Engineering Licensure exam in the philippines and I'm plannning to pursue a career in chip design preferably mixed signal or digital. I have applied at different semiconductor companies. The problem is they don't design the IC's here, they only conduct...
  28. M

    Admissions Accept Offer from Safety School or Reapply?

    I've been accepted by the PhD program at my safety school (where I am completing my undergrad), and have been declined admission at my reach schools. While my safety school's offer is solid, I would prefer to attend a better school in a different city. I am still completing research for my...
  29. G

    Studying Can I Take Multiple Physics Courses During a Masters Program in Astrophysics?

    If I opt for a programme eg astrophysics in a uni for masters can I also take classes and have credit for some other course eg quantum mechanics during the same ?
  30. Sam I Am

    Schools "Catching Up" before graduate school

    Can anyone recommend good study resources before entering graduate school? I'm going from an "unknown" state school to Cornell, and I'm worried about being underprepared for courses. I have taken two semesters of E&M and Quantum (Griffiths), one semester of mechanics (Fowles & Cassiday) plus...
  31. S

    Programs How Do These Theoretical Physics Programs Rank in High Energy/String Theory?

    Would you be able to provide an assessment of the high energy/string theory theoretical physics ranking of the four programs below: Graduate program in University of Florida Graduate program in University of Alberta Graduate program in UC Davis ICTP Postgraduate Diploma (High Energy, Cosmology...
  32. P

    Schools How to get into a top graduate school from an unknown university?

    I am an international student and I was admitted to UT Arlington with 100% tuition scholarship for fall 2016. The reasons why I couldn't make it to a better university are lack of guidance and lack of funds. But now, I will have all the guidance in the world since I'm going to an American...
  33. C

    Schools Uncertainty about graduate school

    Hello, my name is Charles and I am experiencing some doubts about my physics career; I am hoping that other people here have felt the same and can give me some advice. I am presently at a crossroads career-wise and am rather lost. I have just accepted an admissions offer with very good funding...
  34. M

    Quantum Mechanics (finding the Hamiltonian of a quantum top)

    Hello, This was part of my midterm exam that i couldn't solve. Any help is extremely appreciated. Problem: The K.E. of a rotating top is given as L^2/2I where L is its angular momentum and I is its moment of inertia. Consider a charged top placed at a constant magnetic field. Assume that the...
  35. Peter25samaha

    Schools MIT university -- Good for both undergrad and graduate physics?

    MIT University is good for taking both graduated and undergraduated physics courses ?
  36. Dishsoap

    Schools Seminar about applying to graduate school - tips?

    Here's a long shot... I go to a very small school with only ~8 graduates per year. Of those 8, 4 or 5 will apply to graduate school, and every year only 1 or so will be accepted. I'm preparing to approach the chair of the department to propose a one-hour seminar every year (or semester) to...
  37. D

    Admissions Inquiring admissions about graduate decisions

    Hi PF, I have applied to several graduate schools and heard back from all but 3, and it is getting pretty late in the game as far as my decision is concerned. That being said I want to know whether or not I have been accepted to these 3 schools ASAP in order to reach my final decision. So my...
  38. Junaid Aftab

    Schools Graduate School for a non-Physics (Econ and Math) major

    Hi everyone, I'm currently a third year Economics major hoping to switch to the Economics and Mathematics by the end of this year. Considering I should have been a Physics major in the first place, I have started taking Physics course starting from my third year in an attempt to eventually go...
  39. B

    Schools Grad School Abroad: Pros and Cons for Physics Major | GPA 3.98 | REU Experience

    Hi everyone! I'm brand new to this, but hopefully I'll pick it up quickly... I had a very general question about going to graduate school for physics. I'm a junior undergraduate going for my B.S. in general physics, so naturally I'm thinking about grad schools at this point. I've got a 3.98...
  40. H

    Programs A graduate degree in physics with a bachelor's degree in engineering

    So, next year I will attend college for B.S in aerospace engineering with a minor in Astrophysics. I would very much like to continue and do graduate studies in physics, not engineering, and I was wondering if this was possible? Thank you very much for your time.
  41. T

    Nuclear Engineering PhD or Physics PhD for research

    Hello, I've seen lots of friendly people giving good advice here and wanted share my current graduate school situation with you guys and see what your opinions/advice are. I recently graduated with a Physics B.S. and loved it. I have a strong interest in atomic physics and radiation interaction...
  42. F

    Other Opportunities for a Geoscience graduate?

    Hi everyone, I recently graduated with a Geo-science degree and I am currently working towards a GIS certificate. I expected to be able to access lots of new jobs, but this has not been the case. I expected to work in the Oil and Gas industry after college, but that industry is enduring massive...
  43. LyleJr

    Schools Is a Master's Degree Required for PhD Programs in the UK?

    Hi, When I finish my undergraduate physics degree here in the USA, I would like to go on to get a PhD abroad, in particular in the United Kingdom. I have noticed that a lot of Universities in the US have programs that allow a BS in physics to go directly into a PhD program, rather than getting...
  44. S

    Admissions Graduate Admissions and Supervisor Selection

    I am a final year undergrad and applied for graduate programs in various universities for Fall'16 admission. I recently got an admission offer from one of the programs. The admissions chair cc'd the offer email to potential supervisors I mentioned in my application. Here's the email from one of...
  45. Q

    College Sophomore, Advice on Path to Graduate School

    Hi all, I'm a college sophomore studying physics and computer science, and I was hoping to get a bit of perspective on graduate school and careers with respect to physics. In high school, I was very much a slacker, who would slide by in the "Honors Classes", but would occasionally do quite well...
  46. Dishsoap

    Schools Dropping out of graduate school, re-admission?

    Greetings, So first of all, I am not in this situation. I am just wanting to know about a hypothetical scenario. Yesterday I heard that I've been admitted to an Ivy League and though I couldn't be more thrilled, I'm also terrified to the highest degree since I'm not sure that I have the...
  47. RJLiberator

    Schools Major early in Mathematics, Graduate school for physics?

    My Current Situation: I am currently a second semester sophomore at university going for a double major (BS in Physics and BS in mathematics). I went to college to get a physics degree . The mathematics degree is added on because I love mathematics and due to my strange circumstances had quite a...
  48. J

    Schools Grad School Dilemma: Is Risking a Gap Year Worth It?

    Hello, I'm a senior undergrad at a liberal arts institution. I'm pursuing two majors one in studio art and the other in physics (BA). I just finished my [revolutionary] research project in cosmology and my grades are all over (everywhere from A to C+ in math+science, no comp sci classes). I am...
  49. Rick Bosley

    Schools Graduate school admission timeline question....

    I have been asked to interview for a job that entails no access to internet for a few months. I am also currently in the application process for engineering graduate school phD programs. I have applied to the schools I am interested in, but have not began the interview process yet for those...
  50. Boolean Boogey

    Developing Essential Skills for Entry-Level Work in Computer Engineering

    What skills should I focus on developing for when I graduate? I have experience with various controllers, PID loop tuning, PLC programming, I have a lot of experience with excel, etc. I'm also learning how to program in Python so that I can write custom programs to help out with mathematics...