What is Graduate: Definition and 1000 Discussions

A graduate school (sometimes shortened to grad school) is a school that awards advanced academic degrees (e.g., master's and doctoral degrees) with the general requirement that students must have earned a previous undergraduate (bachelor's) degree. A distinction is typically made between graduate schools (where courses of study vary in the degree to which they provide training for a particular profession) and professional schools, which offer specialized advanced degrees in professional fields such as medicine, nursing, business, engineering, speech–language pathology, or law. The distinction between graduate schools and professional schools is not absolute since various professional schools offer graduate degrees and vice versa.
Many universities award graduate degrees; a graduate school is not necessarily a separate institution. While the term "graduate school" is typical in the United States and often used elsewhere (e.g., Canada), "postgraduate education" is also used in English-speaking countries (Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, and the UK) to refer to the spectrum of education beyond a bachelor's degree. Those attending graduate schools are called "graduate students" (in both American and British English), or often in British English as "postgraduate students" and, colloquially, "postgraduates" and "postgrads". Degrees awarded to graduate students include master's degrees, doctoral degrees, and other postgraduate qualifications such as graduate certificates and professional degrees.
Producing original research is a significant component of graduate studies in the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences. This research typically leads to the writing and defense of a thesis or dissertation. In graduate programs that are oriented toward professional training (e.g., MPA, MBA, MHA), the degrees may consist solely of coursework, without an original research or thesis component. The term "graduate school" is primarily North American. Additionally, in North America, the term does not usually refer to medical school (whose students are called "medical students"), and only occasionally refers to law school or business school; these are often collectively termed professional schools. Graduate students in the humanities, sciences and social sciences often receive funding from the school (e.g., fellowships or scholarships) or a teaching assistant position or other job; in the profession-oriented grad programs, students are less likely to get funding, and the fees are typically much higher.
Although graduate school programs are distinct from undergraduate degree programs, graduate instruction (in the US, Australia, and other countries) is often offered by some of the same senior academic staff and departments who teach undergraduate courses. Unlike in undergraduate programs, however, it is less common for graduate students to take coursework outside their specific field of study at graduate or graduate entry level. At the Ph.D. level, though, it is quite common to take courses from a wider range of study, for which some fixed portion of coursework, sometimes known as a residency, is typically required to be taken from outside the department and college of the degree-seeking candidate, to broaden the research abilities of the student. Some institutions designate separate graduate versus undergraduate staff and denote other divisions.

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  1. C

    Can love survive graduate school and long distance?

    I have been dating a girl for quite a while, we are both on our 2nd year of college majoring in maths. The other day while we were talking about ourselves I mentioned my intention to go study abroad for my masters and phD. I have really good chances to do that, I have very good grades and I am...
  2. A

    Graduate specialization; synergy in life science

    I am a undergraduate in an interdisciplinary life science/biochem/mol.bio/physical.chem degree thinking about which optionals to take. For this I have to consider what specialization I want to pick in my major. The two I am leaning towards are biophysics and biochem. There is also medical...
  3. C

    Graduate Programs Not Requiring the GRE Good or bad?

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  4. B

    Why did you leave graduate school?

    This question is geared towards anyone who started off graduate school, but decided not to continue. I especially want to hear from physics people, but anyone! After reading some threads and stumbling on an article that had short anecdotes of people who decided to leave graduate, I sort of...
  5. C

    Schools How out of luck am I for graduate school?

    Hi Guys, So I am in a pretty peculiar pickle, by the end of my junior year I will have completed all graduation requirements for both my majors (Physics and Mathematics) and all graduation requirements for the university to grant me my degree. I want to emphasize that I am not overloading on...
  6. O

    Schools Graduate School Personal Statement

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  7. B

    Theory -->Experiment for Graduate application.

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  8. S

    Schools Graduate school asking for a list of universities I apply to

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  9. P

    Programs Changing Major and Graduate Admission in Engineering

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  10. O

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  11. CopperNerves

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  12. P

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  13. W

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  14. X

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  15. C

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  16. L

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  17. W

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  18. P

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  19. _N3WTON_

    Applied Mathematics Graduate Degree

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  20. J

    Is 12 Graduate Hours Too Much for a Masters Degree in Physics?

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  21. Z

    Engineering Graduate school in Chemical Engineering good for career in industry?

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  22. M

    Graduate program while employed by National Lab

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  23. T

    Best Undergrad Program for Graduate Level Theoretical Physics?

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  24. Ravi Mohan

    Schools GPA issue for US graduate school

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  25. majormuss

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  26. T

    Schools Going to graduate school for physics or back to undergraduate for engineering?

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  27. S

    Taking graduate level courses as an undergraduate.

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  28. F

    Graduate school options outside of physics.

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  29. P

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  30. S

    Physics Graduate Degree In Quantum Mechanics?

    You've probably been asked a similar question countless times I presume but please just hear me out. I am currently in my junior year of undergraduate and majoring in physics. For some time now I have really loved doing physics and I enjoy it, mostly the theory. But is taking it further and...
  31. M

    Schools Research Opportunities and Graduate School

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  32. P

    Undergraduate or Graduate Quantum Mechanics?

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  33. J

    Physics Graduate Programs Involving Internships in Industry

    Hello PhysicsForums! I'm currently a senior undergraduate physics major looking at grad school options. I hope to pursue a future career in industry rather than academia. I've found a couple graduate programs that are very interesting to me. 1) Georgetown University Industrial Leadership...
  34. R

    Learning ODEs: Self-Teaching for a Graduate Degree

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  35. W

    Schools Getting into graduate school with average grades

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  36. QuantumCurt

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  37. Medicol

    Exam Prep to enter graduate course

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  38. A

    Schools Difference between Graduate Schools (ETH, KULeuven, TUM)

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  39. R

    Graduate level Laser-Plasma interaction

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  40. G

    Graduate work in Particle Theory and Biophysics ? Possible ?

    Hi, I am starting graduate work next fall in biophysics, mostly simulations. It's not that biophysics doesn't appeal to me, but my primary interests are in particle theory. Eventually, I would want to learn qft, gr, geometry and topology, the essentials for understanding superstring theory...
  41. M

    Admissions Will a poor undergraduate research topic affect graduate admission?

    I have a graduate admissions question for anyone who might have been part of a graduate admissions committee. How do you view undergraduate research projects that are not cutting edge or particularly interesting? My project is on the effect of ball milling on production of a bulk high-Tc...
  42. N

    At 30, I am a recent college graduate with no skills

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  43. dkotschessaa

    Schools First Year Math graduate school - Full of possibility

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  44. BiGyElLoWhAt

    What can I expect to be relevant when I graduate?

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  45. M

    Schools The summer between graduation and graduate school - Preparation?

    I'm just reaching out to fellow graduate students who have already been through this. I'm about one month out from starting classes for physics phD program. Here are my concerns/questions: There is a preliminary exam; if students do not reach a certain percentage they will recommend (and may...
  46. R

    Schools Graduate school for Materials Engineering? (Electrochemical?)

    Hello, I need some help trying to decide my future degree. Any comments would be appreciated! My History: I want to dedicate my career innovating Electrochemical technologies (Fuel Cells, Batteries, Solar Cells, etc...). Before entering college, I originally applied as a "Chemical...
  47. B

    Studying pure physics or astrophysics for cosmology graduate study

    Hi there, I need to choose my major in a week and it's between physics or astrophysics. Most of the courses are the same except a few: The different courses: Physics: statistical mechanics, solid state physics, and nuclear and particle physics Astrophysics: Intro to astro...
  48. 3

    Approaching potential graduate supervisors

    Hello, I am considering applying to graduate school for study in statistics in possibly a year or two. I know from studying both at residential universities and distance learning that I respond well to supervisors who provide good pastoral support and can have a chat about more than just...
  49. G

    Schools Focusing on multiple branches of physics for graduate school

    Hi, I finished my M.S. in Astronautical Engineering in 2010, B.S. in Aerospace Engineering in 2009 with a minor in physics, and am finding that the work I have been doing in the aerospace industry for the past 4 years is unfulfilling. I would like to focus on something more research...