What is Non uniform: Definition and 64 Discussions

Non-uniform memory access (NUMA) is a computer memory design used in multiprocessing, where the memory access time depends on the memory location relative to the processor. Under NUMA, a processor can access its own local memory faster than non-local memory (memory local to another processor or memory shared between processors). The benefits of NUMA are limited to particular workloads, notably on servers where the data is often associated strongly with certain tasks or users.NUMA architectures logically follow in scaling from symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) architectures. They were developed commercially during the 1990s by Unisys, Convex Computer (later Hewlett-Packard), Honeywell Information Systems Italy (HISI) (later Groupe Bull), Silicon Graphics (later Silicon Graphics International), Sequent Computer Systems (later IBM), Data General (later EMC), and Digital (later Compaq, then HP, now HPE). Techniques developed by these companies later featured in a variety of Unix-like operating systems, and to an extent in Windows NT.
The first commercial implementation of a NUMA-based Unix system was the Symmetrical Multi Processing XPS-100 family of servers, designed by Dan Gielan of VAST Corporation for Honeywell Information Systems Italy.

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  1. Shreya

    Force on a dipole in a non uniform electric field

    I have figured out how the force is towards left in the first case. I think it is due to the larger force on - charge. Please help me out with the second and third case.
  2. A

    Capacitance of a parallel-plate Capacitor with non uniform dielectric

    Hey guys! I'm having trouble with the solution that I arrived at. Through boundary conditions I'm able to determine ##\vec{D}## as $$\vec{D}=-\frac{4Q}{R_0^2}\hat{e_z}$$ (In CGS units) Trough that I'm able to get the electric field as $$\vec{E}=-\frac{1}{\epsilon(r)}\frac{4Q}{R_0^2}\hat{e_z}$$...
  3. G

    Pure rolling of sphere having non uniform mass density ?

    in case of rolling without slipping of a solid sphere having uniform mass density the condition is Vcm (velocity of center of mass ) = Rω or [a][/cm] = Rα ,which comes from the fact that if an object that rolls without slipping the geometric center of the body travels 1 circumference along...
  4. A

    Non uniform circular motion acceleration

    In uniform curved motion , I can get the acceleration from the equation : A = v2/r , but in non uniform the velocity is changing , so will the certipetal acceleration also change ?
  5. R

    Moment of inertia of a non uniform disc

    Homework Statement A non uniform disc of radius R has a mass of M. Its centre of gravity is located at a distance x from the centre. Find the moment of inertia of mass (moi) around the axis perpendicular to the surface passinf through the centre of gravity. Homework Equations Parallel axis...
  6. Andrew VanFossen

    Moment of Inertia: Non Uniform Rod

    Homework Statement Hello, I am looking to determine the moment of inertia for the cantilever beam pictured below. I want I to be a function of L1 and T1. Known variables: L, D, P, t Dependent variables: T2, L2 Design variables: T1, L1 Homework Equations L2 = L - L1 T2 = T1 - t Standard...
  7. C

    Average velocity vector of non-uniform circular motion?

    Homework Statement A particle starting from rest revolves with uniformly increasing speed in a clockwise circle in an xy plane. The center of the circle is at the origin of an xy coordinate system. At t=0, the particle is at x=0.0m, y=2.0m. At t=2.0s, it has made one-quarter of a revolution and...
  8. F

    How Does an Electron Move in Non-Uniform Magnetostatic Fields?

    Homework Statement Describe semiquantitatively the motion of an electron under the presence of a constant electric field in the x direction, E =E0x^ and a space varying magnetic field given by B = B0 a(x + z)x^ + B0 [1 + a(x - z)]z^ where Eo, Bo, and a are...
  9. T

    Electric field inside a non uniform spherical distribution.

    Homework Statement Let ρ(r)= Qr/πR4 be the charge density distribution for a solid sphere of radius R and total charge Q.For a point 'P' inside the sphere at distance r1 from the centre of the sphere, the magnitude of electric field is ? A) 0 B) Q/4πε°(r1)2 C) Q(r1)2/4πε°R4 D)...
  10. S

    Astronomical source extraction in non uniform background

    I have been working with some Herschel images and I am finding it difficult to extract the astronomical sources from the image. The image background is extremely non uniform so i am not able to differentiate between the background and the source. I used some tasks in HIPE like source extractor...
  11. M

    What are the equations for calculating velocity with varying acceleration?

    I thought i would do some digging into the wonderful world of magnets, and I found some things that... well are real head scratchers... I was wondering if anyone here could help me wrap my brain around non uniform acceleration. I'm trying to calculate velocity using distance and varying...
  12. J

    Distribution of Non-Gaussian Data: Analysis & Presentation

    Any help would be much appreciated. The problem lies in the non-Gaussian distribution of the sample. If we take the entire data set of total fish catch, the skewness statistic equals 7.463 with a std. error of skewness of 0.39. Accordingly, the Z dist. (7.463/0.39)=19.14. Overall, the...
  13. A

    Non Uniform Electric Field Lines Problem

    Ok we know that the electric field(uniform or non uniform) is a conservative field. Imagine three horizontal electric field lines in '+X' direction separated by unequal distances let's say line 1 and 2 is separated by distance 'a' and line 2 and 3 is separted by some distance 'b' such that...
  14. S

    Calculating Distance with Non-Uniform Acceleration

    Homework Statement A particle is moving along a straight line such that when it is at the origin it has a velocity of 5m/s. If it begins to decelerate at a rate of a=(-2.5v^(1/2)) m/s^2, where v is in m/s, determine the distance it travels before it stops Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a...
  15. F

    Finding E Field at Point from non uniform charge density

    1. Portion of z-axis for which |z| < 2 carries a non uniform charge density of 10|z| (nC/m). Using cylindrical coordinates, determine E in free space at P(0,0,4). Explicitly show your integration.Homework Equations E = (1/4πε0) ∫ dQ*aR/(R2)The Attempt at a Solution...
  16. N

    Electric field of line charge with non uniform charge densit

    Homework Statement A thin line of charge is on the x-axis from x = -L/2 to L/2. The charge density is non uniform and given by λ = ax where x are the points on the charge distribution. Calculate the electric field for all points along the y axis. Homework Equations E = kQ/r^2 The Attempt at...
  17. H

    Centripetal Acceleration for non uniform speed

    Homework Statement An airplane flies in a loop (a circular path in a vertical plane) of radius 120m . The pilot's head always points toward the center of the loop. The speed of the airplane is not constant; the airplane goes slowest at the top of the loop and fastest at the bottom. At the top...
  18. loops496

    Electric field of a circular plate with non uniform charge density.

    Hey! I need to calculate the electric field on the axis of a circular plate of radius a with the following charge distribution: \sigma_0 \frac{r^2}{a^2} \delta (z), \; r\leq a0, \; r>a where \sigma_0 is a constant. I've already calculated the potential and taken its gradient to get the...
  19. amjad-sh

    Non uniform surface charge density

    hello. The problem is : A metallic horizontal disk of radius R has been charged on its top surface with a total charge Q such that its surface charge density is "non uniform" and governed by the expression σ=q|cosθ|*r where r and θ are the polar coordinates measured from the center O of the...
  20. matineesuxxx

    When Does Radial Acceleration Equal Tangential Acceleration in Circular Motion?

    Here is the problem I am working on: A steel ball is accelerated around a circular track of radius 72 cm from rest. after 3 circuits the ball reaches a speed of 4.00 m/s, assuming tangential acceleration, a_{T} , is constant, how long after the ball starts moving is radial acceleration, a_r ...
  21. G

    What is the normal acceleration of body in non uniform circular motion

    when the body rotates with uniform motion then the normal acceleration is V^2/r. but what is the normal acceleration when the motion is in non uniform circular motion let's say when body has uniform tangential acceleration.
  22. PhysicoRaj

    Electrostatic force in a medium of non uniform permittivity

    Homework Statement Two point charges, +4 μC and -10 μC are placed 10 cm apart in air. A dielectric slab of large area and thickness 5 cm is placed between the charges. Find the force of attraction between the charges, if the dielectric has a dielectric constant of 9. Homework Equations...
  23. T

    Electric field of a non uniform charge of a cylinder

    Homework Statement A very long solid cylinder of radius R = 4.2 cm has a non-uniform volume charge density along its radial dimension, given by the function ρ = Ar2, where A = +2.2 µC/m5. a)How much total charge is contained on a 1 m length of this cylinder? b)Outside: What is the...
  24. Duderonimous

    Gaussian sphere problem, non uniform charge

    Homework Statement A solid non conducting sphere of radius R=5.60 cm has a nonuniform charge ditribution ρ=(14.1 pC/m^3)r/R, where r is the radial distance from the spheres center. (a) What is the sphere's total charge? What is the magnitude E of the electric field at (b) r=0, (c) r=R/2.00...
  25. S

    Propagating waves along a non uniform string.

    Homework Statement The linear mass density of a non uniform wire under constant tension decreases gradually along the wire so that the incedent wave is transmitted without reflection. the wire is uniform for* -∞≤x≤0 In this region, a transverse wave has the form y(x,t) = 0.003cos(30x − 60t)...
  26. P

    Calculating Acceleration in Non-Uniform Circular Motion

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution So I just want to ask any of you who know physics pretty well if I am on the right track on this question, so it is asking for the magnitude of the acceleration of the car, and the direction. The magnitude of acceleration is (v^2/R) v = velocity and...
  27. N

    Gauss Law for non uniform spherical shell

    So i can see by symmetry arguments why The electric field inside a uniformly charged spherical shell would be zero inside. But what about a non uniformly charged spherical shell. Say most of the charge is located on one side, why is the electric field still zero? I can see that the flux...
  28. C

    Non-Uniform Waveguide: Simplifying Problem Solutions

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to solve a problem but I want to find a simpler way if possible. The basic idea is that I would have one waveguide, for simplicity I will just take a slab waveguide. However instead of being constant there is a point at which the distance between the slab suddenly...
  29. L

    Mass Conservation and Reynold Transport theorem for Non Uniform flow

    Homework Statement I will honestly be so grateful if someone can explain this to me. I am studying the Reynolds transport theorem, particularly mass conservation. I have read over my notes and I really do not understand how to calculate the mass flow rate through the control surface if it...
  30. C

    Calculating the mass of a beam of non uniform density.

    Been doing some physics problems from my mechanics class. This is the first time I've attempted a problem like this and am not so confident with solving it, I could be correct and just being paranoid but I just have a feeling I've made a mistake somewhere, would appreciate if someone who is...
  31. H

    Non uniform circular acceleration

    Homework Statement A car is moving with a speed of 30m/s on a circular path of radius 500m. It's speed is increasing at a rate of 2m/s2. What is the acceleration of the car.Homework Equations That is my problem.The Attempt at a Solution Well i know equations for uniform circular motion but this...
  32. L

    Electric field for non uniform line charge

    Homework Statement Find the Electric field at distance z above the mid point of a length L straight line segment, carrying a non-uniform line charge \lambda = \frac{1}{C} |x| where C is a constant 2. The attempt at a solution I note that the horizontal component cancels out...
  33. H

    Non Uniform Acceleration - Formula Help

    Homework Statement I'm working on a summer project dealing with high altitude balloons and I am trying to come up with a way to calculate the altitude at any given time, but I have not dealt with non uniform acceleration before. The formula I have for acceleration deals with both pressure...
  34. A

    Non Uniform Acceleration as a function of distance and not time

    There are two point masses in space, each 1kg and one metre apart from each other. The only Force acting on the masses is the gravitational force between them. After what time do they collide? Gravitational Force F = Gm1m2/(2s)2 where m is the mass and s the distance to the center of both...
  35. U

    Non uniform charge density and electric potential

    As shown in the figure, a rod of length 9.8 m lies along the x-axis, with its left end at the origin. The rod has a non-uniform linear charge density λ = αx, where α = 0.009 C/m2 and x is the position. Point A lies on the x-axis a distance 3.59 m to the left of the rod, as shown in the figure...
  36. C

    Centre of mass problem; Non uniform rod with ball weights

    Homework Statement A non uniform rod of length L=1m and linear mass density: λ(x)=λo(1-(x/2L)) with λo=1Kg/m. It is supported at it's midpoint and initially tips over so that it's left end lies on the ground. Part a: Find the position of the centre of mass along the rod when it is in it's...
  37. T

    Help with the non uniform circular motion ?

    I am given the moment of inertia of the system ( a fan) and the question asks for me to find the angular acceleration "after the fan is turned on, it takes t = 3.6 s and a total of 12 revolutions to accelerate up to its full speed" ? How I went about solving is that.. I simply converted the rev...
  38. A

    How to Find Radial and Tangential Acceleration in Non-Uniform Circular Motion?

    Homework Statement car travels in a flat circle of radius r. at certain point instantaeous velocity is 24 m/s west and the total acceleration is 2.5 m/s2 53 degrees north of west. find radial and tangential acceleration. and periodHomework Equations ar= 2.5cos37 at=2.5sin37 r=24 x 24/ar T=...
  39. R

    Non Uniform Circular Motion w/ Calculus and Vectors

    Hello! I have a problem which is solvable using simpler methods, but I'm trying to use it as a bridge to understanding how to do these problems in a more rigorous setting. Homework Statement A train slows down as it rounds a sharp horizontal turn, slowing from 90 km/hr to 50 km/hr in the...
  40. S

    Electromagnetism: Finding Electric Field of non Uniform Charged Rod

    Homework Statement Here is the question: Thin rod AB has length l=100 cm and total charge q=37 nC that is distributed in such a way that its line density ? is proportional to the square of the distance from the end A, i.e. ?(x) =kx^2. Determine electric field E at the end A of the rod. ...
  41. C

    How Do You Calculate the Center of Mass for a Non-Uniform Object?

    Could anyone help me figure out a formula to calculate a Center of mass for a non uniform object. In my case it would be a "shell" that would go over a body of a solar car. If anyone could help me that would be great.
  42. M

    Non uniform temperature in a gas

    Hi all, Supposed if I have an air tight container, containing air with an initial pressure p0 and temperature T0. If I heat up the container from its bottom, and assuming its volume does not change, the temperature in the constainer will become non-uniform (highest at the bottom and lowest at...
  43. M

    Non Uniform Circular Motion Problem

    A new car is tested on a 200m diameter track. If the car speeds up at a steady 1.5 m/s^2, how long after starting is the magnitude of its centripetal acceleration equal to the tangental acceleration? So we know that our acceleration is equal to 1.5 m/s^2, our radius of our circle is 100m. I...
  44. D

    Electric field over a non uniform surface charge

    Homework Statement A non-uniform surface charge lies in the xz-plane. At the origin, the surface charge density is (sigma)=3.01C/m^2; other charges are present in the vicinity as well. Just to the right of the origin the y-component of the electric field is 520,000N/C. What is the y-component...
  45. V

    Non uniform charge distribution on conductor surface

    Hey everyone! I need some help. Can a non uniform charge distribution exist on a conductor's surface due to some external influence? Please explain bearing in mind that a conductor's surface is equipotential.
  46. A

    Most effective non uniform mesh, composite trapezoidal rule. help pleaseee

    Hi guys, I'm using a composite trapezoidal rule to approximate the integral of functions. Up till now I have been using a uniform composite mesh, ie, there are J intervals, each interval being 1/J wide (since the integral is between 0 and 1). How do I find the most efficient non-uniform mesh...
  47. S

    Is the Bottom Velocity of a Ferris Wheel Really Twice That of the Top?

    I see in the description of non-uniform circular motion in a textbook, referring to a ferris wheel, that the velocity of an object at the bottom must be twice the velocity at the top, but it is not mathematically shown and it is not immediately obvious to me. Can someone show a simple...
  48. T

    Is the Relation v=rw Valid for Non Uniform Circular Motion?

    1. we can derive that v=r\omega for uniform circular motion as v=2\pir/T and \omega=2\pi/T but does the relation v=r\omega also hold for non uniform circular motion where \omega is a variable quantity
  49. D

    Non uniform circular motion of a disc

    Homework Statement When powered up, a disk drive starts at rest and spins up with non-uniform acceleration. this lasts for 1.66 seconds after which it does not accelerate any more. how fast is it spinning at .87 seconds? alpha(i)=605 rad/s^2 B=1.89 Radius=2.03 cmHomework Equations...