What is Inclined: Definition and 1000 Discussions

An inclined plane, also known as a ramp, is a flat supporting surface tilted at an angle, with one end higher than the other, used as an aid for raising or lowering a load. The inclined plane is one of the six classical simple machines defined by Renaissance scientists. Inclined planes are widely used to move heavy loads over vertical obstacles; examples vary from a ramp used to load goods into a truck, to a person walking up a pedestrian ramp, to an automobile or railroad train climbing a grade.Moving an object up an inclined plane requires less force than lifting it straight up, at a cost of an increase in the distance moved. The mechanical advantage of an inclined plane, the factor by which the force is reduced, is equal to the ratio of the length of the sloped surface to the height it spans. Due to conservation of energy, the same amount of mechanical energy (work) is required to lift a given object by a given vertical distance, disregarding losses from friction, but the inclined plane allows the same work to be done with a smaller force exerted over a greater distance.The angle of friction, also sometimes called the angle of repose, is the maximum angle at which a load can rest motionless on an inclined plane due to friction, without sliding down. This angle is equal to the arctangent of the coefficient of static friction μs between the surfaces.Two other simple machines are often considered to be derived from the inclined plane. The wedge can be considered a moving inclined plane or two inclined planes connected at the base. The screw consists of a narrow inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder.The term may also refer to a specific implementation; a straight ramp cut into a steep hillside for transporting goods up and down the hill. It may include cars on rails or pulled up by a cable system; a funicular or cable railway, such as the Johnstown Inclined Plane.

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  1. M

    Force of Friction on an Inclined Plane

    Homework Statement The diagram shows a 5kg block of lead released from rest at the top of an incline. The block has a speed of 6 m/s when it reaches the bottom. The angle between the slope and the ground is 40° and the slope is 10 m long. a) What is its PE at the top? b) What is...
  2. F

    Sliding blocks on an inclined plane

    Homework Statement Two blocks of mass m1 = 1kg and m2 = 2kg, connected through a rope, slide across an inclined plane with inclination of \theta = \frac{\pi}{6} The friction coefficient equals 0.5 3.1 Calculate the total work done by the friction force that acts on the first block after it...
  3. R

    2 blocks, each on an inclined plane

    Homework Statement Two 2kg blocks are joined by a massless cord and pulley, ignoring friction, determine each block's acceleration using a free body diagram for each. Picture for visual aid: http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/2653/86460048.png or a link...
  4. S

    Calculating the Torque of a Cubical Block on an Inclined Plane

    Homework Statement cubical block of mass m ,edge a,slides down the inclined plane of inclination \varphi with uniform velocity. torque of normal reaction on the block about its centre is? The Attempt at a Solution Torque=mgcos\varphi X a/2 mgcos\varphisin\varphia/2 Book says...
  5. I

    Work done by friction on an inclined plane

    Homework Statement A worker pushes a crate weighing 93 N up an inclined plane. The worker pushes the crate horizontally, parallel to the ground. a. The worker exerts a force of 85 N, how much work does he do? (A: 340 J) b. How much work is done by gravity? (A: -280 J) c. The coefficient...
  6. L

    Sled placed at an inclined plane ( Newtons law)

    Homework Statement * This is for my project. The sled is placed at an inclined surface at an angle of theta. The sled is attatched to a rope, which i will be pulling to find out the minimum force to start the sled moving. i would assume that when I am tryin to find the jusssttt jussst...
  7. H

    Work done by gravity on a object on an inclined plane

    Homework Statement A 11.0 kg crate is pulled up a rough incline with an initial speed of 1.3 m/s. The pulling force is 121.0 N parallel to the incline, which makes an angle of 12.6◦ with the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.31 and the crate is pulled a distance of 8.0 m...
  8. L

    Analyzing Force & Motion on an Inclined Plane

    1. A 5kg block rests on a smooth plane inclined at an angle of 20degrees to the horizontal. The block is now pulled up the plane by a rope with a tension of 300N parallel to the plane for 10s. a) What is the acceleration during this period? b) What is its speed at the end of this period? c)...
  9. O

    2 masses on an inclined plane, one unknown mass needs to be found

    Homework Statement see attached diagram, one mass is given at 10 kg while the other is unknown. The friction is given an (mu)=0.25 for both masses Homework Equations i need to find Magnitude of M for when the 10KG Mass slides down the plane and again for when the 10KG mass slides up the...
  10. Wellesley

    Rotational Motion Find g - Inclined Plane

    Rotational Motion Find g - Galileo Inclined Plane Homework Statement Galileo measured the acceleration of gravity by rolling a sphere down an inclined plane. Suppose that, starting from rest, a sphere takes 1.6s to roll a distance distance of 3.00 m down a 20 degree inclined plane. What value...
  11. Z

    Mechanics Question: Block on inclined plane

    Homework Statement The situation given in the following question doesn't look possible to me. A 1kg block situated on a rough incline is connected to a spring of spring constant 100 N/m. The block is released from rest with the spring in the unstretched position. The block moves 10cm down...
  12. L

    Modified Atwood's Machine on an Inclined Plane

    Homework Statement Block B with a mass of (.75kg) is on an inclined plane attatched by a pulley to Block A which has a mass of (1.5kg). The angle given is 40 degrees. The coefficient of friction of Block B on the ramp is .29. What is the acceleration? Homework Equations Fnet=m*a...
  13. X

    General Friction Info& Inclined Planes

    I'm wondering about general info on friction and how to find it. Also equations that are related to it also. And I want to know how to draw inclined planes at an angle. Thanks!
  14. Y

    Fricition: Block on inclined plane

    Homework Statement What is the maximum angle (theta) for which the block of mass m in (figure) will not slide down the incline if the coefficient of static friction is 0.30 and ||P|| = 0? Figure: Homework Equations I know this isn't a hard problem, but I just seem to be stuck on...
  15. M

    Homework help? [ block on inclined plane ]

    Homework help?? [ block on inclined plane ] Homework Statement 002 (part 1 of 3) 10.0 points A 3.86 kg block slides down a smooth, fric- tionless plane having an inclination of 28◦ . The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . Find the acceleration of the block. Answer in units of m/s2...
  16. A

    Equal Speeds at y = 0 for Frictionless Slides?

    Homework Statement Consider 4 frictionless slides described by the equations (1) y = sqrt(x), (2) y = x, (3) y = 2x, (4) y = x2. If you start at rest at y = h and slide down to y = 0, which statement regarding your speed v at y = 0 is correct? Homework Equations (1/2)mv2 = KE mgh =...
  17. J

    Velocity of a block on an inclined plane with pulleys

    Hey all. I'm new to this forum and by the looks of it, a lot of you really know your physics. I was hoping for some help on this problem I can't figure out. I think I haven't fully grasped all the concepts involved in this question. Homework Statement Determine the velocity of the 51-lb block...
  18. K

    Mass on an inclined plane with friction as a function of distance

    Homework Statement A small body starts sliding down an inclined plane. The angle between the plane and the horizon is \alpha. The coefficient of friction depends on the distance s that the body travels according to \mu = \beta s. Find the distance that the body travels until coming to a...
  19. P

    When A Mass is Falling from an Inclined Plane

    A mass M is released from rest on a smooth plane inclined to the horizontal at 14 degrees. Find the time taken for the mass to travel 1m down the incline and the velocit attained at the end of that time. I had no trouble with the first part - measuring the velocity and time for the part where...
  20. E

    Product moment of inertia of an inclined section of a beam

    Hi guys, I would like to derive the Ixy equation from simple integration and I can't seem to get the right answer (third equation down the picture). I seem to be able to derive Ixx and Iyy easily but product moment of area requires first moment of area to be calculated and I just don't know...
  21. C

    Estimating Distance Travelled by Inclined Pendulum Homework

    Homework Statement A train is traveling at 30m/s and decelerates and stops. During this process a passenger notices that a penduum is inclined by 10 degrees to the vertical. Estimate how far the train travels before coming to rest Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I...
  22. brainpushups

    Block on inclined plane acceleration without rotating coordinates

    Homework Statement I was doing this for fun, but this seemed like the right place to post. Typically inclined plane problems are solved by rotating the coordinate system so the x-axis is along the plane. I decided to try solving the problem without rotating the coordinates. In this case...
  23. I

    Force Needed to Slide Trunk Down Inclined Plane with Constant Velocity

    Homework Statement "You push a 325-N trunk up a 20.0 degree inclined plane at a constant velocity by exerting a 211-N force parallel to the plane's surface." What force must be exerted on said trunk so that it would slide down the plane with a constant velocity? In which direction should the...
  24. M

    Newton's 2nd Law & Inclined Ramp

    Well these two problems were from my quiz, and if I don't find out how to solve them soon, I'm going to spend my whole weekend thinking about them. D8 I'll try to remember the problems as best I can. 1) An astronaut is in space, in the midpoint of two stars that have the same mass. If all...
  25. E

    Friction/Movement of Blocks down inclined plane

    Homework Statement The given diagram is an inclined plane with a 15 degree angle. There are three boxes, A, B, and C all weighing 4 kg. The three packages are touching, but B is in the middle and larger than A and C, which are the same size. The coefficients of friction for A and C are...
  26. B

    Hard inclined plane problem

    Homework Statement so a block of mass m slides on a frictionless surface of an inclined plane of angle theta which itself has mass M and can slide on a horizontal surface. Assuming no friction, find the accel of the block and the inclined plane.. The Attempt at a Solution well...
  27. R

    Regarding a block and an inclined plane

    Homework Statement Person pushing a block with mass m on an inclined plane with angle [theta]. The friction coefficient is u. If the force applied is constant and parallel to the slope of the plane, show that the acceleration ax of the block in the direction of motion can be expressed as ...
  28. J

    Calculating Efficiency of an Inclined Plane

    Homework Statement A washing machine that weighs 1400N must be put into a delivery truck bed that is 1.2 m off the ground. A worker uses a force of 450N to push the machine up a ramp that is 4.3m long. What is the efficiency of the inclined plane?Homework Equations e=(MA/IMA)100---- efficiency...
  29. P

    Friction on an inclined plane

    I am having problems with a simple problem with a mass (m) stationary on an inclined plane of angle θ. I have obtained the equations for the reaction/normal force and the force acting on the mass parallel to the plane: Reaction force / normal force (R) = mgcosθ Parallel force = mgsinθ...
  30. A

    Inclined Pulley system, little information given.

    Homework Statement I have dutifully reproduced the problem in OODraw please forgive the poor aesthetic quality but I believe all the important information is visible. Homework Equations mgL-Lsin(\theta)m'g = \frac{mv^2}{2} + \frac{m'v'^2}{2} T=T' v=v' \therefore v^2 =...
  31. D

    Static friction on inclined surface

    Hello all. I'm having issues trying to figure out the following problem. A boy with a mass of 52 kg and on a 56-degree slope is hanging on to a cord with a breaking strength of 152 Newtons. What must be the coefficient of static friction between the boy and the surface?
  32. N

    Forces on an inclined plane, kinetic friction How is this wrong?

    Homework Statement In the figure below, m1 = 3.8 kg, m2 = 5.5 kg, and the coefficient of kinetic friction between the inclined plane and the 3.8-kg block is μk = 0.26. Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the masses and the tension in the cord...
  33. M

    Static friction on an inclined plane.

    Homework Statement http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/9997/problem3.jpg Homework Equations f=mgcos theta The Attempt at a Solution I am thinking the answer is f = mgcos theta because gravity only acts on y-component but the answer is f=mgsin theta . Can anyone explain?
  34. M

    Two objects of different masses slide up an inclined plane.

    Homework Statement A lightweight object and a very heavy object are sliding with equal speeds along a level frictionless surface. They both slide up the same frictionless hill. Which rises to a greater height? A) The heavy object, because it has greater kinetic energy. B) The light...
  35. S

    Additional Force Required for Inclined Planes

    I'm trying to calculate what additional force would be required if a load was to be moved up an inclined plane of 6.5 degrees instead of simply moving it laterally. My question actually relates to "turning" an object up an inclined plane but I really just want to understand the % increase in...
  36. K

    Help Needed - Two bodies, inclined plane, some friction, and pulley problem

    Homework Statement Block A has mass m = 4.0 kg, and block B has mass m= 2.0 kg. The coefficient of kinetic friction between block B and the horizontal plane is 0.50. The inclined plane is frictionless at the angle 30 degrees and Block A sits on it. The pulley serves only to change the...
  37. P

    Inclined plane w/ friction problem

    Homework Statement A 5-kg block is sliding down an inclined plane. The angle between the incline and the horizontal is 23 degrees. The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.20. What is the acceleration of the block, in m/s2? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Here's the...
  38. K

    Help Needed for Two-Body Inclined Plane and Pulley Problem please

    Homework Statement Two blocks are connected over a pulley. The mass of block A is 10 kg, and the coefficient of kinetic friction between A and the incline is 0.20. Angle theta of the incline is 30 degrees. Block A slides down the incline at constant speed. What is the mass of Block B...
  39. Y

    How Does Friction Affect Velocity on an Inclined Plane?

    Homework Statement A block of mass m = 39 kg is slid over a horizontal frictionless surface at some constant velocity. It then encounters a inclined plane which has a coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.39. The inclination angle for the incline is x = 34.6 degrees and the height of the...
  40. Y

    Inclined Plane Force w/ Friction

    Homework Statement A mass of m = 11 kg is placed on incline plane with friction. A force with a magnitude of F = 59 Newtons is applied downward, perpendicular to the plane at all times. As the angle of the incline is increased from zero degrees it remains static until it reaches an angle of...
  41. A

    Calculating Mechanical Energy Lost Due to Friction on Inclined Plane

    Ok so the rpoblem is A 2.20kg box slides down a rough incline plane from a height h of 1.63m. The box had a speed of 2.33m/s at the top and a speed of 1.90m/s at the bottom. Calculate the mechanical energy lost due to friction (as heat, etc.). and I am not sure where to even begin with this...
  42. S

    Calculate Weight Component on Inclined Plane

    Homework Statement the weight of a box on a plane inclined at 30 def is represented by the vector W. What is the magnitude of the component of the weight that acts parallel to the incline. Answer is given in terms of W possible anwsers .5W 1.5W .87W and W Homework Equations The...
  43. C

    Inclined Plane(s) Involving Forces

    Homework Statement Literally #19 from this link: http://physics.ucsd.edu/students/courses/summer2007/managed/physics2a/documents/chp6.pdf The figure is not within the .pdf file, so I recreated the figure it references: http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/5701/figurephysics.png Homework...
  44. X

    Graphs that result after the tickertape timer - cart - inclined plane experiment

    Homework Statement Plot a displacement-time, velocity-time, and acceleration-time graph for a wheeled cart that rolls down an inclined plane. Already finished the displacement-time graph, but am questioning the correctness of the v-t and a-t graphs. What should they look like? (Like d-t...
  45. J

    Block sliding on an inclined plane

    Homework Statement A 2.0 kg wood block is launched up a wooden ramp that is inclined at a 30 ^\circ angle. The block's initial speed is 10\;{\rm m}/{\rm s}. The coefficient of kinetic friction of wood on wood is \mu_k=.200. What speed does it have when it slides back down to its starting...
  46. E

    Inclined Blocks Connected By a String

    Homework Statement The mass of block a or Ma is equal to 3.00 kg and the mass of block b or Mb is equal to 1.50 kg. The two blocks are connected by a string and are sitting on an incline of 38\circ with block b being the higher on the incline than block a. The string between them is taut. I...
  47. P

    Physics: Inclined Plane With Wheels

    Homework Statement A 4 kg block rests on 37 degrees inclined plane with wheels, held in place by a light rope which is parallel to the plane. The coefficient of static friction is 0.3 and the coefficient of sliding friction is 0.2. The mass of the inclined plane (with wheels) is 16 kg...
  48. F

    Distance covered by a moving object versus friction in an inclined plane

    Homework Statement A 5 kg object is pushed up along a plane inclined 30 degrees from the horizontal by a force of 20.25 N. If the velocity is 2.0 m/s at the foot of the plane and the coefficient of kinetic friction between the plane and the object is 0.25, how far up the plane will the object...
  49. G

    Solving for x-Displacement of a Rolling Ball on an Inclined Track

    Homework Statement a track is inclined in such way that the velocity of the metal ball is 60 cm/s at 25 degree below the horizontal. mathematically determine the total x displacement of the metal ball. weight of ball: 65grams height from floor to the end of the track: 76.15cm velocity of the...
  50. Y

    Exploring the Relation of Theta in Inclined Planes

    Homework Statement By what relation/reasoning are these two angles, theta, the same? http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/6273/inclinedplane.jpg