Linear algebra Definition and 999 Threads

Linear algebra is the branch of mathematics concerning linear equations such as:












{\displaystyle a_{1}x_{1}+\cdots +a_{n}x_{n}=b,}
linear maps such as:




















{\displaystyle (x_{1},\ldots ,x_{n})\mapsto a_{1}x_{1}+\cdots +a_{n}x_{n},}
and their representations in vector spaces and through matrices.Linear algebra is central to almost all areas of mathematics. For instance, linear algebra is fundamental in modern presentations of geometry, including for defining basic objects such as lines, planes and rotations. Also, functional analysis, a branch of mathematical analysis, may be viewed as the application of linear algebra to spaces of functions.
Linear algebra is also used in most sciences and fields of engineering, because it allows modeling many natural phenomena, and computing efficiently with such models. For nonlinear systems, which cannot be modeled with linear algebra, it is often used for dealing with first-order approximations, using the fact that the differential of a multivariate function at a point is the linear map that best approximates the function near that point.

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  1. M

    I A regular matrix <=> mA isomorphism

    Hello all Let ##m_A: \mathbb{K^n} \rightarrow \mathbb{K^n}: X \mapsto AX## and ##A \in M_{m,n}(\mathbb{K})## (I already proved that this function is linear) I want to prove that: A regular matrix ##\iff m_A## is an isomorphism. So, here is my approach. Can someone verify whether this is...
  2. E

    Courses What Math Course is Best Paired with Linear Algebra?

    I'm currently an applied math major. I'm creating a schedule for my next semester and I have the choice to take either complex variables or vector analysis with linear algebra and a college geometry course(elective of choice), but I don't know which pairing will be less stressful. I am currently...
  3. Euler2718

    Linear Dependence and Non-Zero Coefficients

    Homework Statement True or False: If u, v, and w are linearly dependent, then au+bv+cw=0 implies at least one of the coefficients a, b, c is not zero Homework Equations Definition of Linear Dependence: Vectors are linearly dependent if they are not linearly independent; that is there is an...
  4. A

    Comparing direct and iterative solution of linear equations

    I want to understand which of these is computationally expensive (in the sense of computational time) which is more accurate. Also I want to understand which of these two problems (computations time + accuracy) of iterative methods are addressed by multi-grid methods?
  5. TheSodesa

    A real parameter guaranteeing subspace invariance

    Homework Statement Let ##A## and ##B## be square matrices, such that ##AB = \alpha BA##. Investigate, with which value of ##\alpha \in \mathbb{R}## the subspace ##N(B)## is ##A##-invariant. Homework Equations If ##S## is a subspace and ##A \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times n}##, we define multiplying...
  6. jamalkoiyess

    Linear Algebra How Does Linear Algebra Help with Differential Equations?

    Hello PF, I have just finished my first semester in college and did Calc. 3. Now for the spring semester i have to take differential equations and i have been given the advice that linear algebra comes in handy when dealing with DEs. So can anyone recommend a good introduction for linear algebra...
  7. R

    Stuck on expressing a complex number in the form (a+bi)

    Homework Statement Express the complex number (−3 +4i)3 in the form a + bi Homework Equations z = r(cos(θ) + isin(θ)) The Attempt at a Solution z = -3 + 4i z3 = r3(cos(3θ) + isin(3θ)) r = sqrt ((-3)2 + 42) = 5 θ = arcsin(4/5) = 0.9273 ∴ z3 = 53(cos(3⋅0.9273) + isin(3⋅0.9273)) a = -117 b...
  8. T

    Compare these two Linear Algebra courses

    Hi! First off, I am actually a math / econ major. I hope I'm still welcome here I am trying to figure out if it's worth it to take both of these courses or just one of them. I have not taken LA before. Course 1: Addition, subtraction and scalar multiplication of vectors, length of vector...
  9. M

    I Is the set {e^x, x^2} linearly independent?

    Hello all. I have a question about linear dependency. Suppose we have a set ##S## of functions defined on ##\mathbb{R}##. ##S = \{e^x, x^2\}##. It seems very intuitive that this set is linear independent. But, we did something in class I'm unsure about. Proof: Let ##\alpha, \beta \in...
  10. BiGyElLoWhAt

    Help with coefficients matrix in spring system

    Homework Statement The system is a spring with constant 3k hanging from a ceiling with a mass m attached to it, then attached to that mass another spring with constant 2k and another mass m attached to that. So spring -> mass -> spring ->mass. Find the normal modes and characteristic system...
  11. M

    MHB Finding B^-1 in 3x3 Matrices with Linear Algebra

    if A and B are 3x3 matrices such that: ABC = I, |3A|=81 and |C^T|= 2 , how to find |B^-1| I couldn't solve this because there is not much given.
  12. Rectifier

    Linear algebra - linear equation for a plane

    The problem I am trying to write the equation for the plane on the following form ## ax + by + cz + d = 0 ## $$ \begin{cases} x = 1 + s - t \\ y = 2 - s \\ z = -1 + 2s \end{cases} $$ The attempt ## s, t ## are the parameters for the two directional vectors which "support" the plane. $$...
  13. C

    Courses Course suggestion for student interested in Condensed Matter

    I'm a bachelor student in Physics and I would like to continue with a MSc in the field of Condensed Matter Physics. I have to choose between some courses at my university and, since I'm not already an expert in Condensed Matter I would like to have a suggestion. If you were in my situation and...
  14. M

    I Is Every Isomorphism in Vector Spaces Reflexive?

    Hello all. I have a question about a reflexive relation. Consider ##1_V : V \rightarrow V## with ##V## a vector space. Obviously, this is an isomorphism. My book uses this example to show that V is isomorphic with V (reflexive relationship). However, suppose I have a function ##f: V\rightarrow...
  15. Mr Davis 97

    Showing that "zero vector space" is a vector space

    Homework Statement Let ## \mathbb{V} = \{0 \}## consist of a single vector ##0## and define ##0 + 0 = 0## and ##c0 = 0## for each scalar in ##\mathbb{F}##. Prove that ##\mathbb{V}## is a vector space. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Proving that the first six axioms of a vector...
  16. M

    I Proof that every basis has the same cardinality

    Hello all. I have a question concerning following proof, Lemma 1., we suppose that A and B are finite and then we construct a new basis ##B_1## for V by removing an element. So they choose ##a_1 \in A## and add it to...
  17. M

    Proving Vector Space Property: αa = 0 ⟹ α = 0 or a = 0

    Homework Statement Prove that in any vector space V, we have: ##\alpha \overrightarrow a = \overrightarrow 0 \Rightarrow \alpha = 0 \lor \overrightarrow a = \overrightarrow 0## Homework Equations I already proved: ##\alpha \overrightarrow 0 = \overrightarrow 0## ##0 \overrightarrow a =...
  18. G

    Row space of a transformation matrix

    Homework Statement We're given some linear transformations, and asked what the null space, column space and row space of the matrix representations tell us Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I know what information the column space and null space contain, but what does the row space of...
  19. M

    I Linear least-squares method and row multiplication of matrix

    Suppose that I have an overdetermined equation system in matrix form: Ax = b Where x and b are column vectors, and A has the same number of rows as b, and x has less rows than both. The least-squares method could be used here to obtain the best possible approximative solution. Let's call this...
  20. kyphysics

    Linear Algebra Any Great Linear Algebra Books for First-Time Learners?

    What are the best ones and why for a first-timer like myself (doing self-study)? Thanks very much everyone.
  21. R

    Quick question on intro to linear algebra book

    I'm looking at purchasing Algebra (2nd Edition) by Michael Artin, is this a good book to purchase as my first intro to linear algebra book for self learning?
  22. J

    I What's the geometric interpretation of the trace of a matrix

    Hello, I was just wondering if there is a geometric interpretation of the trace in the same way that the determinant is the volume of the vectors that make up a parallelepiped. Thanks!
  23. almarpa

    Algebra Similar book to Kleppner's Quick Caculus for linear algebra

    So anyone of you know a book that provides a gentle and quick refresher for linear algera, in the spirit of the book "Quick Calculus" by Kleppner and Ramsey? Now that I am studying quantum mechanics, I feel I need to review the linear algebra I studied during my engineering degree. Thanks.
  24. binbagsss

    QM Bra & Ket Linear Algebra Hermitian operator proof -- quick question

    Homework Statement Hi, Just watching Susskind's quantum mechanics lecture notes, I have a couple of questions from his third lecture: Homework Equations [/B] 1) At 25:20 he says that ## <A|\hat{H}|A>=<A|\hat{H}|A>^*## [1] ##<=>## ##<B|\hat{H}|A>=<A|\hat{H}|B>^*=## [2] where ##A## and ##B##...
  25. Mr Davis 97

    I Difference between vectors in physics and abstract vectors

    I am taking a linear algebra course and an introductory physics course simultaneously, so I am curious about the connections between the two when it comes to vectors. In beginning linear algebra, you typically study vectors in ## \Re^{2}## and ## \Re^{3}##. Are these the same vector spaces used...
  26. T

    Linear Algebra, subset of R2 not closed under scalar multipl

    Homework Statement Construct a subset of the x-y plane R2 that is (a) closed under vector addition and subtraction, but not scalar multiplication. Hint: Starting with u and v, add and subtract for (a). Try cu and cv Homework Equations vector addition, subtraction and multiplication The...
  27. D

    Linear Algebra with Proof by Contradiction

    This is a linear algebra question which I am confused. 1. Homework Statement Prove that "if the union of two subspaces of ##V## is a subspace of ##V##, then one of the subspaces is contained in the other". The Attempt at a Solution Suppose ##U##, ##W## are subspaces of ##V##. ##U \cup W##...
  28. M

    Wrong answer on Linear Algebra and Its Applications 4th Ed.

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution \left[ \begin{array}{cccc} 1 & 0 & 5 & 2 \\ -2 & 1 & -6 & -1 \\ 0 & 2 & 8 & 6 \end{array} \right] \sim \left[ \begin{array}{cccc} 1 & 0 & 5 & 2 \\ 0 & 1 & 4 & 3 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \end{array} \right] From the RREF it is...
  29. T

    Linear Algebra, forcing a row exchange.

    the answer key said d is supposed to be 10. but there's a way to evade that row exchange. 1st picture is the question and the 2nd picture is the elimination steps.
  30. peasqueeze

    I Use Lorentz Force to Find Magnetic Field Components

    So I am constructing an analogy between the self replicating fracturing effect on thin films and the path of a charged particle. (Qualitatively, several cracks have similar shapes to charged particle motion) I won't go into the details of the fracture mechanics, so I will only use E+M...
  31. Jeffack

    I Hessian of least squares estimate behaving strangely

    I am doing a nonlinear least squares estimation on a function of 14 variables (meaning that, to estimate ##y=f(x)##, I minimize ##\Sigma_i(y_i-(\hat x_i))^2## ). I do this using the quasi-Newton algorithm in MATLAB. This also gives the Hessian (matrix of second derivatives) at the minimizing...
  32. D

    Determining the Max. Set of Linearly Independent Vectors

    (sorry for the horrible butchered thread title... should say "determination", not "determining") 1. Homework Statement In "Principles of Quantum Mechanics", by R. Shankar, a vector space is defined as having dimension n if it can accommodate a maximum of n linearly independent vectors (here is...
  33. icesalmon

    Independent study for linear algebra

    Hello, I just completed a first course in linear algebra and really enjoyed my studies. So much so that I want to pursue it more in the fall as an independent study, i am a EE major in college and was curious what directions might be useful for applications in that field.
  34. F

    I Vector components, scalars & coordinate independence

    This question really pertains to motivating why vectors have components whereas scalar functions do not, and why the components of a given vector transform under a coordinate transformation/ change of basis, while scalar functions transform trivially (i.e. ##\phi'(x')=\phi(x)##). In my more...
  35. R

    [Linear Algebra] Closed formula for recursive sequence

    Homework Statement Homework Equations a) the one given b) det(A-λI) = 0 find λ values using A c)use λ values to find eigenvectors The Attempt at a Solution This wasn't explained well enough so I can understand it in class. So far, I made the matrix being multiplied to A have the following...
  36. Delta what

    [Linear Algebra] rotational matrices

    Homework Statement Prove Rθ+φ =Rθ+Rφ Where Rθ is equal to the 2x2 rotational matrix [cos(θ) sin(θ), -sin(θ) cos(θ)] Homework Equations I am having a hard time trying figure our what is being asked. My question is can anyone put this into words? I am having trouble understanding what the phi...
  37. M

    [Linear Algebra] Kernel and range

    Homework Statement Let P2 be the vector space of all polynomials of a degree at most 2 with real coefficients. Let T: P2→ℝ be the functioned defined by: ##T(p(t)) = p(2) - p(1)## a) Find a non-zero element of the Kernel of T. (I think I figured this one out, but I'm not too sure). b) Find a...
  38. J

    Can You Solve for the Positive Definite Matrix with Eigenvalues 1 and 2?

    Homework Statement a positive definite matrix has eigenvalues λ=1 and λ=2. find the matrix Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I've used a 2x2 matrix with entries a0,a1,a2,a3 as the unknown matrix but no use. (As little as i know a0 and a3 should be 1 and 2 respectively...
  39. M

    Linear Algebra: 2x2 matrix raised to the power of n

    Homework Statement If n is a positive integer, then 2x2 matrix [-32,252] [-4,32] raised to the power of n is... Homework Equations I know that first I should diagonalize the given matrix, something I also seem to have a hard time with. The Attempt at a Solution I determined the eigenvalues...
  40. M

    Linear Algebra: Matrix Transformation

    Homework Statement Find the matrix that represents a rotation counterclockwise around the origin by 75 degrees followed by a reflection about the x-axis Homework Equations I know that for A rotated counter clockwise you use the 2x2 matirx [cos(theta), -sin(theta)] [sin(theta, cos(theta)] and...
  41. M

    Courses Should I take linear algebra over the summer?

    Current schedule: Summer: Elective Fall: -not important, but it can't be changed in any way- Spring: Differential Eqs., Classical Mechanics & Mathematical Methods 1 (Physics), Linear Algebra, Chemistry Lab, Elective I'm thinking that since the spring schedule looks kinda heavy I can switch up...
  42. DavideGenoa

    I Lebesgue measure under orthogonal transofrmation

    Hello, friends! Let us define the external measure of the set ##A\subset \mathbb{R}^n## as $$\mu^{\ast}(A):=\inf_{A\subset \bigcup_k P_k}\sum_k m(P_k)$$where the infimum is extended to all the possible covers of ##A## by finite or countable families of ##n##-paralleliped ##P_k=\prod_{i=1}^n...
  43. kelvin490

    I Same vector space for arbitrary independent vectors?

    If we use n linearly independent vectors x1,x2...xn to form a vector space V and use another set of n linearly independent vectors y1,y2...yn to form a vector space S, is it necessary that V and S are the same? Why? If we have a vector space Q that the dimension is n, can we say that any set of...
  44. arpon

    Linear Algebra Problem: Constraints for Filling a Dashed Triangle

    Homework Statement Under what restrictions on ##c, d, e##, will the combinations ##c\vec u + d\vec v + e\vec w## fill in the dashed triangle? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Clearly, ##\vec w + a (\vec v - \vec w) + b(\vec u - \vec v)## will be in the triangle when ##0 \leq b...
  45. B

    MHB Linear Algebra Expert Requested For Discussion

    I was wondering if there was anyone comfortable enough about basic to advanced linear algebra concepts who would be willing to participate in a chat/whiteboard based platform to discuss or answer questions concerning such concepts. I need clarification on a few things
  46. Danielm

    Proving Linear Independence and Spanning in Vector Spaces

    Homework Statement Prove the following: Let V be a vector space and assume there is an integer n such that if (v1, . . . , vk) is a linearly independent sequence from V then k ≤ n. Prove is (v1, . . . , vk) is a maximal linearly independent sequence from V then (v1, . . . , vk) spans V and is...
  47. Danielm

    Proof: Linear Dependence of Vectors in a Vector Space

    Homework Statement Prove the following theorem: Let (v1, . . . , vk) be a sequence of vectors from a vector space V . Prove that the sequence if linearly dependent if and only if for some j, 1 ≤ j ≤ k, vj is a linear combination of (v1, . . . , vk) − (vj ). Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a...
  48. S

    MHB Exploring Linear Algebra as a Computer Science Major

    Computer science major here. I recently completed calculus I, II, III. Now I know that I'll probably be required to take linear algebra. So far, I expect to do some Gaussian elimination (assuming I know what a row echelon is). What else should I expect from linear algebra?
  49. odietrich

    I General form of symmetric 3x3 matrix with only 2 eigenvalues

    I'm looking for the general form of a symmetric 3×3 matrix (or tensor) ##\textbf{A}## with only two different eigenvalues, i.e. of a matrix with the diagonalized form ##\textbf{D}=\begin{pmatrix}a& 0 & 0\\0 & b & 0\\0 & 0 & b\end{pmatrix} = \text{diag}(a,b,b)##. In general, such a matrix can be...
  50. S

    Does V Qualify as a Subspace of ℝ3?

    Homework Statement Let X=ℝ3 and let V={(a,b,c) such that a2+b2=c2}. Is V a subspace of X? If so, what dimensions? Homework Equations A vector space V exists over a field F if V is an abelian group under addition, and if for each a ∈ F and v ∈ V, there is an element av ∈ V such that all of...