What is Degree: Definition and 1000 Discussions

An academic degree is a qualification awarded to students upon successful completion of a course of study in higher education, usually at a college or university. These institutions commonly offer degrees at various levels, usually including bachelor's, master's and doctorates, often alongside other academic certificates and professional degrees. The most common undergraduate degree is the bachelor's degree, although in some countries there are lower level higher education qualifications that are also titled degrees (e.g. associate degrees and foundation degrees).

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  1. D

    Math To what degree can mathematicians research physics and vice versa

    indeed, this is the question: "to what degree can mathematicians research physics and vice versa ?" also, say you're in the analysis department of math for instance, to what degree is your research confined to the branch of analysis? thanks
  2. R

    Physics Do i have to get a physics degree to pursue astrophysics?

    i have a bachelor's degree in math...and after working some years in the music industry, I've decided to pursue another passion of mine, astrophysics...after looking at the GRE physics practice test, i realized i really don't know much about physics in general...and there aren't any good...
  3. S

    Programs Really behind in my degree. Looking for advice and/or comments

    Hi everyone this is my first time posting on this site. I'm feeling really crappy about where I am in school, and I thought I would see what you people think. So anyways, my first semester in college I was a music major at a pretty good conservatory. I was a good musician and I really...
  4. L

    Can somebody help me decide which degree will be a better fit for me?

    Ok so i can't decide between civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and aerospace engineering. what things about you and what interests you helps to figure out which is the best fit for what you want? also a little bit of info on each one would be helpful as well ty.
  5. M

    Finding the kinematic degree of indeterminacy?

    I am currently looking at this website: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~fanous/ce332/displ/homepage.html And this example that they went through: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~fanous/ce332/displ/homepage.html Why does that structure only have one degree of kinematic indeterminacy? I...
  6. D

    What is the ideal degree for gas exit in a rifle barrel?

    Going to crown a rifle barrel and need to know what degree does gas exit? Was told they are using this as per NASA information as opposed to a 90 degree crown. Dan
  7. P

    Programs What do you do with a degree in theory?

    I've just started graduate school and have long had the intent of specializing in high-energy experiment, but lately I'm giving some thought to theory. First, here are some provisos. I know that academia is a very competitive game to begin with and that the competition in theory is absurd...
  8. L

    Programs Exploring Astrophysics: Preparing for a Masters Degree

    Well, Astrophysics has interested me for quite a few years now and I was wondering where to go next. I'm currently just hitting year 13, studying Physics, Chemistry and Maths. I was just looking at ways to get a masters in Astrophysics, maybe abroad apprenticeships, other ways or even just the...
  9. N

    Programs Have I chosen the wrong degree?

    A month ago I started a MSc Chemical Engineering program at Norway's technical university.. http://www.ntnu.edu/studies/mtkj I liked chemistry and math from high school, but I loved physics. I wanted to study physics, but I was nervous that if I did, i'd be unable to get B average or more...
  10. T

    Programs Will my degree transfer to a masters in physics

    i am currently enrolled in engineering physics and want to be an experimental physicist.
  11. S

    Programs The devaluation of my degree (free gold for everyone)

    In May of this year I received a First Class Honours degree in physics with astrophysics (UK system which is roughly equivelent to 4.0GPA). I thought this was not a bad acheivement - although I knew that there were 2 other members of the class who had done much better than me. Today my...
  12. B

    Is a Nuclear Engineering Degree Necessary for Graduate School?

    Hello. I am wondering how imperative or useful it is to attain your undergraduate degree in Nuclear Engineering for those who hope to go on to do Nuclear Engineering in graduate school? Are there any other engineering fields that would transition well into a Nuclear Engineering grad program?
  13. E

    Programs Job outlook for a physics degree

    Hello, My name is John and I live in the cincinnati area in Ohio. I am a senior this year and I am going through the process of finding a college and choosing a major. Initially, I was dead set on a biochemistry degree. However, through research and looking at facts and figures the salary...
  14. M

    Engineering Just got my Electrical engineering degree in Canada - what to do next

    Hi, I just graduated from electrical engineering from University of Toronto. I am interested in Hardware and robotics mostly. Most of the courses I took are in Analog and digital hardware and a little bit of power. I was wondering about job perspective in Western Canada where the jobs have...
  15. S

    Programs Math & Computer Science Double Major - What Graduate Degree?

    I am heading into my Freshman year in college. I know it's going to be far in the future, but I want to start brainstorming what my 5-10 year goal is. Any help is appreciated. With these majors, I'm planning on getting a masters in Computer Science, but what should I do with the math degree...
  16. E

    Programs Grad School Admissions from UW-Eau Claire: Is It Possible?

    I enrolled at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire with the intent of finishing their dual degree program with UW-Madison for physics and nuclear engineering (http://www.uwec.edu/admissions/facts/dualdegree.htm). Heading into my sophomore year, it has become apparent that such a program may...
  17. M

    Why does ice cool liquid more than 32 degree aluminum cubes?

    (that's Fahrenheit of course) For that matter...0 degree F aluminum cubes doesn't cool a room temp liquid as much. frozen H2O cools liquid off much much much much faster and more (in total temp drop terms) than equal surface area "cubes" of aluminum, cooled to -20C. (I've done the...
  18. B

    Programs Will taking a gap year during my degree hurt much?

    Hi, I'm going into my junior year and I was thinking of taking a gap year to do something entirely different than Physics. Do grad schools look down on people who took a gap year during the progress of their degree? Will they require you to explain what happened during that year? Thanks! :smile:
  19. H

    Specific Heat: Bond or Freedom of Degree Based, Or Size?

    Specific Heat: Bond or Freedom of Degree Based, Or Size?? Okay so I've been trying to understand what causes one substance to have a higher specific heat then other but I've read quite a few conflicting sources in which one says its due to the freedom of degree, while another says the weight of...
  20. H

    Specific Heat: Degree of Freedom & Energy Storage

    Homework Statement Okay I have to write an EEI (Extended Experimental Investigation) for physics in relation to which radiator coolant is best from a thermodynamics point of view, thus the specific heat of the coolant is the main focus. But to incorporate more depth into the report, I was going...
  21. O

    Programs What does 'Industrial Physics' look like as a degree program?

    Hello, I've known for some time that I wanted physics to be the core of my education but I wasn't sure what branch to go into to meet the goals that I wanted to meet. I ran across industrial physics and it hit the spot. I'm pretty confident at this point that's what I want but I have no...
  22. S

    Engineering To acquire a P.Eng. designation, do I need an undergrad degree in engineering?

    Like many other posters here, I am interested in pure mathematics and physics who wants to open postgrad school options in engineering. It would be so nice if I can do a double degree in engineering and mathematics or physics, but my school won't allow it due to the heavy course load of their...
  23. C

    Programs Pursuing Physics Degree (in the Evening): Is It Possible?

    Ok let me preface this a little without getting lauged at. I posted on here twice before. I am a banker, with an undergrad degree in business/economics (total joke). I am mostly interested in physics because 1) I am always curious about how everything works 2) my girlfriend is a chemistry...
  24. A

    Why do we study right triangles in trigonometry?

    Why do we study so much about right triangles like trigonometry. We could define sin and cos like functions in a 70 degree triangle too. I also know right triangle is something special but i don't know what is it. Also why won't trigonometry on other type of triangles be not so good
  25. S

    Schools University Degree Choosing Help. (Engineering vs Theoretical)

    I'm leaving high school to choose a degree and I'm having a hard time choosing and I thought I wouldn't loose anything by asking here for opinions and maybe similar experiences. I have mediocre grades overall, though I get very good physics and maths sometimes, others I get average (14/20...
  26. J

    Programs Laptop to be used in Aeronautics Engineering degree

    In the end of September I will be starting my MSc in Aeronautics and since my laptop has stopped working, I will be needing a new one. Is there a laptop that most suits my specific course? Or engineering in general? I had a laptop in mind because it looked pretty good at first sight, but I...
  27. A

    Wavefunction and degree of localization

    Homework Statement Suppose that there is a wavefunction \Psi (x,0) where 0 is referring to t. Let us also say that a(k) = (C\alpha/\sqrt \pi )exp(-\alpha^2k^2) is the spectral contents (spectral amplitudes) where k is defined as wavenumber k. \alpha and C is some constant My question is, why...
  28. J

    Programs Are degree concentrations worth it?

    Hey, I just have a quick question about whether degree concentrations are worth the time. I am currently a math major double concentrating in General Math and Mathematics of Information. I plan on going to grad school once I graduate so will that double concentration even matter then? Let's...
  29. A

    Programs Prior military thinking of physics/engineering degree

    So, about 3 years ago I was on these forums getting an idea of what I wanted to do after I got out of the military. My how time flys because my military service is almost up as I have a little more than a year left. My job in the Air Force is an avionics tech on fighter jets. I love my job...
  30. N

    How do you solve a 4th degree equation?

    Homework Statement From the higher order linear homogeneous differential equation, I get the characteristic equation: r^4 + r^3 -7r^2 -r + 6 = 0 solve for r. Homework Equations how do you do this? The Attempt at a Solution Even if I factor out the r from the first 4 terms on the...
  31. S

    Becoming a Space Scientist: Which Masters Degree is Best?

    I would like to be a space scientist.Right now i have completed my Bachelors in physics with 97%.Whether an MSc in Physics or Theoretical physics would be more good?Reply soon
  32. H

    Degree of coherence of light from a red semiconductor laser

    I would like to have at least a vague idea how coherent is light from an inexpensive 1 mW red semiconductor laser which I have. I tried to find the manufacturer using Google, but I haven't found it. I would like to know the coherence length and the degree of spatial coherence. Is there...
  33. S

    Programs Is a double major in Physics and Mathematics the right choice for me?

    I'm planning on going into Physics and Mathematics. Should I get a double major in: 1. Physics & Applied Mathematics 2. Physics & Pure Mathematics - How would Applied/Pure affect my career? What minor should I get?: 1. Computer Science 2. Chemistry 3. Other? I am planning on...
  34. V

    Programs Pursuing Post Grad in Physics with E&E Degree?

    Im about to finish my undergraduation degree in Electronics and communication engineering.. I love physics, which is the fundamental aspect of all science and math helping it hand in hand and hence i wish to carry on my career wrt quantum mechanics field.. My doubt is, i don't have a profound...
  35. marellasunny

    The Degree of the Zero Polynomial: Why is it Defined as -∞?

    I understand that mathematicians have had to define the number '0' also as a polynomial because it acts as the additive identity for the additive group of poly's.What I do not understand is why they define the degree of the zero polynomial as [ tex ]-\infty[ /tex ]. An explanation on planetMath...
  36. C

    Charting My Way to an Engineering Degree: A First Generation Student's Story

    Hello, I'm a first generation student, and I'm attending college for the first time. I created a course map by semester. I would like to get some input from you guys regarding its arrangement. Fall 2012 ENC 1101 Freshman Composition Skills I SPC 2608 Effective Speaking HUM 1020...
  37. Sigurdsson

    How Does First-Order Coherence Degree Relate to Signal Visibility?

    Homework Statement Hi guys, appreciate all the help I can get. This has been bugging me for 24 hours now. I'm starting to think I'm missing something in the question. We are exploring first-order coherence degree. That is, exploring the coherence of two separate signals (wave packets) by...
  38. T

    Showing a finite field has an extension of degree n

    Homework Statement Suppose F is a finite field and n > 0. Show that F has a field extension of degree n Homework Equations Tower Law. The Attempt at a Solution Let p^m be the size of F It's trivial to note by characterization that there exists a finite field G' of size...
  39. A

    General relativity for a master degree?

    What aspects of general relativity one could study for a master degree?
  40. A

    Physics What is the annual salary for a Physicist with a degree or Master's degree?

    Hi, I will be starting college (grade 11 and 12 in the UK) in September 2012. I am very interested in Physics and Maths. I have always showed brilliance in those two subjects even in my early childhood. So I am planning to go for a Physics Master's Degree. I have a lot of family to support and I...
  41. I

    Programs Which degree for a future entrepreneur?

    Hello people, I'm going to have to choose a major sometime soon, and I'm still not quite sure. Basically, I'm thinking about choosing between applied physics, business economics, and technological business management (more about that in a bit). One of my dreams - if you can call it that - is...
  42. S

    Programs Physics vs Technical Physics (Bachelor's degree)

    Simply put - which one would you choose and why? I have a physics spot in the University of Tartu, i'll probably acquire a spot for technical physics in the near future in the Tallinn's University of Technology. The way i see it, technical physics is all about application, but I'm worried...
  43. G

    Engineering Engineering Job with a Physics Degree

    I am an incoming high school senior in the greater Pittsburgh area who is interested in studying physics at the collegiate level. My plan is to eventually get a PhD in Physics and work at a research position at a university. That is a PLAN. I am aware that academic/research jobs are not...
  44. J

    Physics Is it too late to begin pursuing a degree in astrophysics at 26?

    In a nutshell, I'm a 26 y/o currently active duty military member with 8 years in (as a Aviation Ordnance Aircraft Mechanic), and plan on getting out honorably late next year. I've always been interested in the universe (black holes especially) (and the fact we are literally a way for the...
  45. A

    Programs Starting a degree all over again

    Hello, I am new to this forum. My question regards pursuing a second undergraduate degree. As a brief introduction, I am due to graduate with an undergraduate degree in physics. Unfortunately though, due to various circumstances, the classification is insufficient for the entry requirements...
  46. K

    Programs Do you need a masters degree in Physics to be a Professor?

    Will not having a masters degree lower my chances to be a professor in physics.
  47. U

    Seeking Advice on Physics Grad-Schools with EE Degree

    Hi, everyone~ I majored in EE in college, to be more precise, signal processing and communication network. And I just graduated a week ago. But I've always wanted to be a researcher in physics, especially in cosmology or astronomy. Since almost every physics grad-school in US require their...
  48. W

    What would happen if you try to fit 'n' degree polynomial to (n+1) data points?

    I couldn't get these lines from my book. I will reproduce it here. Warning: In step 1, if you use computer to fit a polynomial to the data , it could lead to disaster. For example, consider fitting a sixth degree polynomial to the seven data points, or, an (n-1) degree polynomial to n...
  49. O

    Engineering Degree recommendations to be a weapons engineer

    Hello Fellow physicist. I have a vision to be an aspiring weapons engineer, not just any form of weapons engineering though. But state of the art military weaponry or something along those lines. As of now, I'm applying to a double degree course in the following specialisations...
  50. N

    Programs Physics PhD in USA with a Master's Degree?

    Normally students in America start a PhD degree after their undergrad, since there the so-called "Master level education" is glued together to the "Doctorate" (correct me if I'm wrong!). So what is the usual track for students from Europe who have done their Master degrees in Europe but would...