In my lectures, we have derived the dispersion relation
$$ |\vec k|^2 = \frac {n^2 \omega^2}{c^2}$$
by substituting in a plane wave solution for the electromagnetic wave, into the wave equation derived from the Maxwell equations
$$\Delta\vec E= \mu_0\epsilon_0 \frac {\partial^2 \vec...
hi guys
i would like to know what is the physical significance of the dispersion relation , i know that it relates the energy and momentum vector and correspondingly the energy and momentum with each other , but what does this tell me about the system , and why should i care that the dispersion...
We are using the textbook by Jin, "Theory and Comutation of Electromagnetic Fields".
In the section on metamaterialshe derives the dispersion relationship. He shows that when ε'= -ε & μ' = μ
then the dispersion equation γ =\sqrt{jωμ( jωε +σ )} = α + jβ goes to
γ = α = ω \sqrt{μ'ε'}...
I am trying to find equation of motion and its solutions for a 2D infinite lumped mass spring system as depicted in figure. All the masses are identical, All the springs are identical, and even the horizontal and vertical periodicity is the same n=a.
I need to try find dispersive relation...
After noting w=vk and differentiating with respect to k, and lots of simplifying, I get:
Vg = c/n +(2*pi*0.6)/(k*n)
This doesn't correspond to any numerical value though...
Homework Statement
ln the figure below you (b, which is taken from Jenö Sólyom Fundamentals of the physics of solids. Volume 2 chapter 19) see the Fermi sphere of radius k_F inside one section in two dimensions of the Brillouin zone of Na. Draw the dispersion relation E(k) from the I point in...
I'm in the process of learning special relativity (SR), and I'm a bit confused as to why the relativistic energy dispersion relation ##E^{2}=m^{2}c^{4}+p^{2}c^{2}## gives the energy for a free particle? I get that it is the sum of (relativistic) kinetic energy plus the rest mass term (a...
Homework Statement
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
## v = \frac { \omega } k ##
## \omega = \sqrt{ kg \tanh (k) } ##I have no idea to guess the graph.
I put g = 9.8 and tried to calculate ## \omega ## for different values of k.
## \omega (0 ) = 0,
\omega (30) =...
I may working through attached paper and really need help with deriving equation in appendix - A4 to give A10.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation (NSE) is presented as:
$$i\frac{∂A}{∂z} = \frac{1}{2}β_2\frac{∂^2A}{∂t^2}-\gamma|A^2|A$$
The steady state solution
Can be derived as an Ansatz given by:
$$ A(z) = \rho(z)e^{i\phi(z)}$$
By substituting and solving the ODE, the steady state...
i'm trying to understand the solution to this problem:
(link to the problem and the solution of it)
All my questions come from the partition function:
1) From where the term (2*pi)^d comes from?, I...
Hamiltonian of tight binding model in second quantization is given as H = -t \sum_{<i,j>} a_i^{\dagger} a_j
After changing basis it is H = \sum_{\vec{k}} E_{\vec{k}} a_{\vec{k}}^{\dagger} a_{\vec{k}}
where E_{\vec{k}} = -t \sum_{\vec{b}} e^{i \vec{k} \cdot \vec{b}}
where \vec{b} is a nearest...
Homework Statement
Which cannot be the structure of two acoustic branches, nor three acoustic branches?
Simple cubic, FCC, BCC, diamond cubic, NaCl lattice
Homework Equations
So I see them in the books labelled as accoustic and optical phonons but I don't seem to find a comprehensive treatment of the matter for a beginner who doesn't know a thing about the dispersion curves. I'd prefer not to dwell too much into the mechanical treatment if possible since I just need...
Hello everybody,
since I have to plan an experiment to map the energy-momentum dispersion of a bosonic excitation, I have a question related to the difference between the excitations probed by Inelastic X-ray Scattering (IXS) and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS). Both the techniques are...
I have transmission line with dispersion relation ω=sin(kx), so then means that for one value of ω I have two values of k. I apply voltage with some frequency with is allowed to move in the line. First question is, how can I influence what k will be generated inside the line. The another...
Homework Statement
I need to calculate the energy dispersion relation in the tight binding for simple cubic, base centered cubic and face centered cubic crystals. There are no values given, they just need the result depending on the lattice constant a.
Homework Equations
E (k) = alpha + beta *...
In class I learn that we can get the dispersion relation for particles by using E=hbar*w and p=hbar*k. The calculated phase velocity is w/k = hbar*k/2m, while the group velocity is dw/dk=hbar*k/m. All these make sense to me, except one thing: I always thought that E=hbar*w=hf is only applicable...
Hi. Here's the dispersion relation for a diatomic linear chain, where the distance is a/2 between each atom.
My issue here is that if you set m_1=m_2=m, i.e. set both atoms equal to each other, it doesn't automatically reduce to the old acoustic dispersion relation as the ± term doesn't...
I'm trying to get my head around what this means exactly. I've plotted the graph to help verse me with the functions that I've derived.
From the free electron model, the wavefunctions are treated as planewaves of the form
\psi_\mathbf{k}(\mathbf{r}) = e^{i\mathbf{k}\cdot\mathbf{r}}
Due to...
Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to understand dispersion relations in general.
I know that for a simple wave like a light wave there is a 'constant phase' so the dx/dt is equal to the ratio of the angular frequency (omega) by the wave vector (k).
However what does a 'constant phase' mean? How can I...
Hi. A very quick question. Why is it impossible for a wave to travel on a linear one-atomic chain if its wavelength equals the lattice constant? I.e. the lattice points vibrate with a wavelength equal to the distance between them? Here's what I mean...
Homework Statement
Pulsars are stars that have suffered gravitational collapse. They rotate rapidly and emit a narrow
beam of radiation. The pulse lengths, at the earth, are ∼1ms and the periods are ∼1s.
Within a few months of the discovery of pulsars distance estimates were obtained by...
I am learning some basic solid state physics idea, like density of state ...etc.
For particle in a 1D box,
E = n^2 (pi)^2 (h_bar)^2 / 2mL^2
But why it is written as
E = (h_bar)^2 k^2 /2m
does it means that energy eigenvalue E is related to momentum k ?
I guess it is not because momentum is...
Homework Statement
I've determined the dispersion relation for a particular traveling wave and have found that it contains both a real and an imaginary part. So, I let k=\alpha+i\beta and solved for \alpha and \beta
I found that there are \pm signs in the solutions for both \alpha and \beta...
Homework Statement
Using the Debye dispersion approximation, calculate the heat capacity of a harmonic, monatomic, 1D lattice. Next, find the temperature dependence in the low temperature limit. (Assume that the longitudinal mode has spring constant CL = C, and the two transverse modes both...
Hi guys,
I'm currently working on a project related to Faraday instability, and I of course came across the dispersion relation for capillary-gravity waves, i.e.
ω² = tanh(kh)(gk + σk³/ρ) .
Now I would need to numerically solve this relation for the wavenumber k as a function of depth h...
Homework Statement
problem statement is attached as problem.pdf
Homework Equations
eqn are given in the pdf file
The Attempt at a Solution
I have tried in vain to connect Fermi energy with dispersion relation. I just don't have any clue ,I also tried to determine the effective...
is there anyone who is familiar with surface wave plasma discharges?
I want to solve dispersion equation of surface waves in cylindrical plasma column,numerically,to obtain "phase diagram" and "attenuation diagram" from dispersion equation solving.
But this dispersion equation include...
Hi Guys,
I am learning some solid state physics.
I see a lot of pictures with Phonon Dispersion Relation, with
\omega (\vec{k}) on the y-axis and \Gamma, X, M, \Gamma, R on the x-axis.
I don't understand, why the angular frequenzy \omega (\vec{k}) is important.
Or why is this...
Homework Statement
I have seen case studies of the 3D Debye model where the vibrational modes of a solid is taken to be harmonic with dispersion relation \omega = c_sk. It is said that for temperatures much less than the Debye temperature, the heat capacity at constant volume C_V\sim T^3...
When making the transition from the dispersion relation for a beaded string to the relation for a continuous string, I'm confused about the following issue. Take a to be the spacing between beads, m the mass of each bead, and T the tension in the string. We assume these to be constant.
For the...
Homework Statement
Calculate the spin wave dispersion relation Ek for the ferromagnetic Heisenberg model with jtot = 1/2
Assume a 1d square lattice and interactions of strength J between nearest neighbours and zero elsewhere
Homework Equations
H|k> = [E0 +2jtot\sum J(r)(1-Exp(ik.r) ]...
May I know what is the difference between the dispersion relation for 100 and 001 on the E-K diagram?
Can i say 001 has lesser dispersion? But why is it so?
Can anyone explain to me why, concept wise (not from calculations that I get it), is the dispersion relation of magnons (spin waves) quadratic in k for small wavelengths?
Also, can you give me other examples where such behavior appears?
Thank you
Hi there,
Could anybody explain how the free electron dispersion relation would be modified by the presence of a periodic potential..? I'm struggling to get my head around it.
I have derived 2D dispersion relation which has the same atoms. But I also need to calculate this 2D dispersion relation with two different atoms. One atom is located at the center and the other type of atoms surrounds this atom. But I am not sure how ı should calculate it because only...
hello I am new in this forum.. and i would like to ask
first this is statement that i confused about
'At low values of k (i.e. long wavelengths), the dispersion relation is almost linear, and the speed of sound is approximately ω a, independent of the phonon frequency. As a result, packets of...
\imath\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} + \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}=0
\left(x,t\right) = \int^{\infty}_{-\infty}A\left(k\right)e^{\imath\left(kx-wt\right)}dk
This is what I am working with. I am supposed to find the dispersion relation. So far...
Hello there PF readers,
The group velocity for example of electron waves is given by the derivative of the dispersion relation: \frac{dE}{dp}=v (this is for free electrons) ^{1}. Now the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle has two forms, one for position and momentum and the other for energy...
I'm doing a literature review on dispersion relations, and I've been told that if i can derive the phonon dispersion relation, it would help my review. So i was wondering if anybody could help me with the derivation either through Quantum-mechanical approach or Semi-classical treatment of...
I am trying to find dispersion relation of amorphous material (using data obtained by molecular dynamics simulation). As it is not periodic system one can not find it by standard method of diagonalizing the force constant matrix. I think one can do it by taking Fourier transform of...
I was just looking at an expression (a dispersion relation, omega^2 = ...) similar to that of warm electron's in a plasma expect with an extra imaginary term, which I think comes out from the full derivation of the dispersion relation for warm...
Hello all,
What does it mean when two phonon branches get crossed in phonon dispersion relation ? Also, in certain high symmetry direction, one can find only one transverse branch and other direction two separate branches, what do these response mean?
(Ref. Solid state physics by...
Hi there
So I was looking into group velocity and related matters and found myself quite confused. So now I have a few questions which I feel I need to understand (primarily the first one). Any help with these would be awesome and I would be very grateful...
1) Why is the group...
Hi All,
In quantum mechanics, related to photon, we have these two equations as valid ones:
E = h x f
p = h / lambda
But we have in vacuum the dispersion relation c = lambda x f.
1) How these relations change when the dispersion relation change ?
2) Is it universally correct to...
Hi. What I'm trying to do is to obtain the energy spectrum from the following dispersion relation:
E^4-A·E^3+B·E^2-C·E+D-F·E^2·cos(k·a_0)^2+G·E·cos(k·a_0)^2-H·cos(k·a_0)^2 = 0
where E is the energy, k is the wave vector and a0 the distance between adjacent neighbors in a 1-Dimensional...