So I am trying to find the amount of energy needed to break apart stone into different sized chunks (when either punching it or blowing it up) and I'm using this method to estimate it:
Assume the object got broken up into cubes of the desired diameter
Find the surface area of all the cubes...
From Stress-Strain curves in static loading conditions, we know the stress in force/cross-sectional area that's needed to deform a material. So with a bigger specimen, there's also a bigger cross-sectional area so you need a bigger force to generate the necessary stress. This same concept should...
Hello, I have seen some pictures about hydraulic fracturing, which is injecting water into the ground under high pressure, and when people draw the schematic, it looks like this
I am wondering why the fracture will be branched. Thanks!
This is a bit of a multi-part question on impact engineering and FEA usage.
I am working on making my Alumina ceramic model as accurate as possible in ANSYS for impact simulations. But I am noticing a common theme, while using model parameters in scientific journals I am not getting any...
Toughness is defined as ability of material to absorb energy when deforming before fracture. Materials with high ductility and strength will have high toughness.
What is meant by ability of material to absorb energy? What is connection between strength, ductility and ability to absorb energy so...
I did my derivation for a beam as shown with Young's Modulus ##E##, width ##w##, crack length ##a##, and surface energy density ##\gamma##.
I understand that a crack will propagate when the free energy ##G## decreases with increase crack length ##a##. Free energy is the combination of the...
How did you find PF?: Google search
How we can differentiate failure and fracture using Stress Strain Curve
[Mentor Note -- thread moved from the New Member Introduction forum]
Hello everybody
We saw a fracture in a switch rail, now we're trying to find the reason, may be you can help us.
This rail is made of R260 steel.
Let me know if any other information is needed.
I have attached pictures of this rail.
Thanks in advance
I've been giving this some thought. It's clear that the stiffners will increase the resistance of the material so that the energy release is no longer high enough to cause further fracture. I'm just not sure what formula I can use to take into account the new resistance. I suspect part 1 of the...
I am trying to prove the superposition principle of stress intensity factors (SIFs). The superposition principle states that the stress intensity factors obtained from the boundary loading are equal to those obtained from the crack face traction loading.
I used a flat plate model with the size...
(If this is posted in the wrong area, please feel free to move it.)
If I take Scotch tape (using the product name), pull out a long strand and then, beginning at the free end, tear it down along its length (to get two strips of the same length, but thinner), the "fracture" (if I may call it...
My question here is regarding fracture of materials. I have problems in understanding some concepts. Now, for static loading, there is a property called KIC (fracture toughness). By equating our stress from the static load to this KIC, we get the maximum length of the crack which does not...
I am trying to simulate concrete material under three-point bending in Ansys Workbench 16.0. The concrete beam (unnotched) will be under displacement load at the center while as the both ends will be fixed. The design geometry is simple which I have already completed. I ran the simulation using...
Why are materials whose yield stresses are highly strain-rate dependent
more susceptible to brittle fracture than those materials whose yield stresses
do not exhibit marked strain-rate dependence
Will, I have weird question , when the glass is broken for example, its take some shap like
So Why this happen , I mean if i throw a ball on glass does the weakest place are broken ,does this right?
I'm trying to talk science to anthropologists and hope an academic physicist will let me quote him. Here is the data and my purpose is to prove that wood can't slice a skull the way a sword does . good grief ...
" On this basis, the boomerang is the most probable candidate for the main trauma...
I am new to COMSOL and I want to model fluid flow in stress field. As starting point I want a simple 2D box having a fracture from right to left while pressure gradient vertically. I want to know the threshold value of that pressure from top which allows flow of fluid in fracture. Can anyone...
I had posted this in the General Engineering forum but perhaps it is a better question for mechanical engineering forum:
1) Consider a centre crack specimen subjected to a wedge load a shown in the figure: In such a...
Seriously, why?
Bone is a composite, of apatite that provides rigidity and collagen which provides toughness.
Bones of children are soft. They do fracture under excessive forces, but are liable to greenstick fractures.
So soft bones of children may deform plastically, as in rickets.
Let's assume I have a large block of crystalline diamond, with reported compressive strength of 110 GPa. If the cross-sectional area of the block is 1 m2, then obviously if I apply a force of 110x10^9 N the material will begin to fracture. But what if the pressure of 110 GPa is applied locally...
Is it true that quenching will decrease the toughness of material and tempering the quenched material will then increase the toughness?
I need an explanation in term of the effect of quenching and tempering on the structure of the material.
Good day everyone! i have a problem dealing with the fracture analysis. We all know that the work done per unit volume is equal to the area under the curve of stress-strain curve or we can express it in terms of integral form, and if we're looking at necking point stress can be express in this...
I have recently been fortunate and clumsy enough to suffer an acute injury leading to a break in my foot which ultimately might be diagnosed today as a "Jones Fracture".
The demeanor of the AP that treated it last week was less than reassuring. Anybody have any anecdotal contributions of...
My tutor only knows how to do it with APDL and I seek for a more up to date Workbench solution. How do I evaluate stress concentration factor for a surface plate with a fracture going straight through it (like a slit - no crack width, only length)?
I know the units of measurement for this are: MPa m^0.5
However a question I am working on has it as MPa m^-0.5
What is the difference and does it affect the way I calculate the answer?
Would appreciate your insight.
Homework Statement
When the thigh is fractured, the patient's leg must be kept under traction. One method of doing so is a variation on the Russell traction apparatus. If the physical therapist specifies that the traction force directed along the leg must be 25N, what must W be?
I am looking to determine fracture toughness for aluminium, from a punch test. I have the dimensions of the specimen and the load-displacement curve of the test. I have seen how to calculate Kic for brittle materials from a punch test but am struggling to find a formula for ductile materials...
Homework Statement
Brittle materials as glass and ceramics have generally a much lower tensile strength than compressive strength. A rigid mass impacts the end of a bar (free-free) of such a material and a piece of the other end drops off. Is there a relation between the length of the piece...
Homework Statement
A tensile load F is to be applied to a tie bar. The tie bar is 50 mm diameter. The surface of the bar has defects resulting from the manufacturing process, these have a maximum depth of 1.5 mm and have a shape factor of 1.4.
If the fracture toughness of the material...
When a bolt is pulled in tension and eventually fractures, is all the built up strain energy dissipated in the formation of the new surfaces? Does any energy do into accelerating the broken halves of the bolt?
Imagine that two plates are bolted together. As the two plates are forced apart...
I don't know if this is the right forum to be asking this question... Please feel free to redirect me if not.
I want to calculate how far a fracture can propagate as part of a project I'm doing. The system is not so simple and I have never dealt with stress analysis and fracturing before. I...
Any experts on Griffith's fracture theory?
I am studying the subject and I am having hard time finding out if the theory is valid for all possible initial crack lengths. I have heard from pretty reliable source that we must assume small crack length compared to the macroscopic length of the...
Material: PVC
E-modulus: 1300 N/mm^2
Poisson's ratio: 0.35
Applied shear force: 100 N
Resisting area: 28 mm^2
Shear modulus: E = 2G(1+v) --> G = E/(2(1+v)) = 1300/(2(1+0.35) = 481 N/mm^2
Does this mean that a force which can be applied to the area without fracturing is 481 N/mm^2 * 28 mm^2?
Hi,I have thought about this question for the whole night but I couldn't solve it.
I want to ask why we need at least 2 forces(they are in opposite direction) to separatre an object.
1 force or several forces act at the same direction could never divide an object.(but the object will accelerate)...
Hi, I was wondering what the equation is to calculate theoretical fracture strength if you know the elastic modulus and flexural fracture stress?
Homework Statement
The flexural fracture stress for ordinary (i.e., soda-lime) glass is around 30–70 MPa. Based
purely on the elastic...
Homework Statement
Falls result in hip fractures are a major cause of injury and even death to the elderly. Typically, the hip's speed at impact is about 2.0 m/s. If this can be reduced to 1.3 m/s or less, the hip will usually not fracture. One way to do this is by wearing elastic hip pads. If...
Polycarbonate fracture toughness?
I am doing a project in which I have to make a cd case out of a material which is transparent, has a young's modulus not too different to polystyrene, can't cost more than twice polystyrene and has a fracture toughness better than polystyrene!
Hi everyone,
I have a problem that I hope someone can help me with, the question is.
A mass of 500kg induces a tensile stress in a glass sheet restrained at the top. Given that the fracture strength of sound glass is 170MPa what is the maximum length of slit that can be tolerated without...
Homework Statement
The question is: calculate the total amount of strain at fracture? How much of this is recoverable strain? Explain your answer
Homework Equations
strain = (change in length)/ (initial length)
The Attempt at a Solution
I'm not sure about my answer but i just...
heeeeeelp please.
I am new here and hope to find a solution and an easy to understand explanation to my problem:confused:. Thank you all :smile:
a. A specimen corresponding to a finite plate of width W = 65 mm is made from a steel with a yield strength of 650 MN m^-2 and contains an edge...
Hey everyone,
Im having some major trouble with an assignment that I just can't figure out what to do with it.
we have been given a pump jack similar to below:
Ignore the belt attachment and gearbox, ours just has motor to...
I have a simple question about thin-film peeling physics.
A lot of papers say that the potential energy term in peeling off a tape is F(1-cos@)del c in the picture attached. It says that the potential energy term arises due to the movement of the applied force, which i don't really...
Hi, why does fracture toughness decrease when a material increases in strength?
How do one explain this relationship? Does it have to do with stress vs. strain curve?
Reference is to the formula for stress intensity factor :
K_I(mode I) = beta*nominal stress*(pi*crack dimension)^1/2
now the question is that
if I use the value of fracture toughness K_c in place of K_I and yield strength in place of nominal stress what will the value of...
The Question I'm Trying to Solve Is:
Aluminum alloy (7075-T651) is used for aircraft wing. The largest flaw size monitored in the wing was 9mm. What is the maximum allowable loading so that any catastrophic failure can be avoided? The fracture toughness of aluminum is 26MPa*m^0.5. Assume the...
Stress and Strain...fracture and flow
If a material has a maximum tensile fracture stress of S, and a maximum shear stress of T which causes plastic flow, how will it deform:
If T=S
and if 3T=S ??
Its not an important question, but I am just curious? I can't get my head...
Homework Statement
i have been told i can use the equation potential energy/cross sectional area to work out fracture energy of ice after dropping weights on it till it breaks. is this true?
Homework Equations
fracture energy = potential energy/cross sectional area
The Attempt at a...