What is Course: Definition and 981 Discussions

A full-course dinner is a dinner consisting of multiple dishes, or courses. In its simplest form, it can consist of three or four courses; for example: first course, a main course, and dessert.

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  1. S

    Which text? Second course in linear algebra

    Hi! I am signing up to take a second course in linear algebra this upcoming semester at my university. Among the professors with whom I would like to take the class, one is using one book and the rest another. The one is using Linear Algebra & It's Applications 4th edition by Gilbert Strang...
  2. A

    Help with course electives/hottest engineering topics

    Hi, I will be starting my third year as an engineering science major at UCSD. Fall quarter starts in a few months so I need to know my course electives so I can take necessary preqrequisites. I would like to know what areas in applied mechanics/mechanical engineering/engineering science is...
  3. I

    Courses Choosing Institute: A or B for Course?

    Institute to course?? This is my situation.(I am making it very general). I am in the process of taking admission in my First Year Engineering(undergraduate). I sat for one of the examinations down here(BITSAT) and scored a 339/450. When this score is compared to last years cut-off's i...
  4. A

    Building a Toy Car to Navigate a Course

    Hello, I need to build a toy car, that will perform the following task: Go in a staight line for 5 meters, then follow a semi-circunference (or just turn 180 degrees, but not a about-turn) and go back another 5meters, the turning is around a cone: _____________________________________ --->...
  5. M

    Courses What is the Linear Algebra course offered at BYU and should I take it?

    Have any of you heard of this online Linear Algebra course offered at BYU? Has anyone here taken it? I believe it's called Math 343 - Elementary Linear Algebra. I'm thinking about it taking it alongside my other classes next semester.
  6. O

    Courses Should i take this Calculus course or is it too risky?

    ok I am planning on taking a calculus and Anaylytic Gemometry 1 course at a community college during the summer and its 31 days long, 4 days a week, eah day being 4 hours in the classroom learning the material so do you guys think the professor might teach the course real fast and how...
  7. RyanSchw

    Self-Study Calculus Course Outline to Pacing and Topics

    Greetings everyone. I’m interested in spending some of my free time this summer trying to teach myself Calculus in preparation for college this fall. I spent a great deal of time searching for used textbooks on amazon.com and decided to go with “Calculus” 7th edition by Larson Hostetler and...
  8. O

    Courses How should I prepare myself for a proof-orientated linear algebra course?

    Hello all, I am taking a linear algebra course at my university this fall. This course is used as a transition to more proof-orientated courses. From what I hear, this course is one where students generally do poorly if they lack the ability to construct proofs. I don't have much experience...
  9. B

    Pulse jets and ram jets as part of my course on jet propulsion

    i was reading about pulse jets and ram jets as part of my course on jet propulsion. all i was told was that they are aero-thermo-dynamic-ducts. couldn't understand what they mean. checked google, but the articles i got were vague. could someone explain what aero-thermo-dynamic-ducts are?
  10. L

    Courses Should I Withdraw from My Proofs Course?

    I'm in a bit of a dilemma. Should I withdraw from my proofs course or risk failure of the course by doing terrible in the final exam. It's a pass/fail course. Does withdrawing look bad?
  11. K

    Courses Would an accelerated course hurt academics?

    My school district has finally opened up the option to us of taking a summer course (not remedial) in order to get ahead a level, and if you take a math class over the summer, you will be given a math placement test at the end to see if you will stay on track with the rest of the peopl who...
  12. B

    How Should I Structure a High School Course on Experiment Design and Statistics?

    the course is for high school upperclassmen, it is a design of experiments/ statistics class. i am a biologist with a math minor, so i need to brush up on my stats, specifically statistics with respect to testing, i am interested in anyone with any kind of advice for helping me to hit the ground...
  13. M

    Courses Should I take a course in Java?

    Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions. Well I should be graduating this spring if every went to plan. But of course it didn't. I started going to school in 2003 as a Software Engineering major, got hurt took a year off for recovery, went back to school as a computer...
  14. L

    Courses Summer online calculus course?

    Is it possible to take calculus II online for college credit over the summer? If possible, could you you suggest some programs.
  15. T

    Stupid question about page 70 in a first course in GR

    Ok thhe follwoing questio is extremely silly. everything else that I've read in the book makes sense but this part doesn't. i just can't seem to udnerstand it because of a combination of stupidity and notation. Near the end of page 69 an identity is derived to show how the components of the...
  16. O

    Courses Just how much math do you need to know to take an introductory QM course?

    I am currently taking an introductory QM course...well, first...I find my prof is of no help at all...he's really bad at explaining concepts...and can't even speak English. So...I am basically learning on my own. I understand the stuffs he talk in his lectures, but when the assignments come...
  17. R

    A complete course in relativity.

    I was wondering what book would be useful in learning special relativity and basic general relativity. I know vector calculus, multivariable calculus, and a bit of variational calculus. I'm looking for something that takes an informal approach to the underlying mathematics(but still rigorous)...
  18. T

    Preparing for College Gen Chem: Should I Take a Prep Course?

    How difficult is a College Level General Chemistry I class? I took Honors Chem in 10th grade under a very good teacher (30+ years in Chemistry field) but don't have that fond of a memory of the field. My little brother is currently taking a Chemistry class so I have his notes/book to go over...
  19. C

    Courses Is College Matrix Algebra Worth It for Physics?

    I want to eventually do quantum physics (or some aspect of theoretical physics), so naturally I will be doing linear algebra after I finish my calc sequence, however, my school offers a course called 'College Matrix Algebra' and the only pre-req is Intermediate Algebra. Would this benefit me at...
  20. siddharth

    Student Denied Additional Course Due to Age: an Absurd Rule?

    Last week, I went to register myself for an additional course (graduate) in one of my free slots. I was given a form which required the consent of the professor teaching that course and my faculty advisor. Both of them had no objections with me attending the class. When I went to return the...
  21. T

    Deciding aerospace as my course

    hey, guys! im thinking of taking aerospace (or aeronautical) engineering as my course. but..can someone help me? need some info on the course.. mayB info about aerospace would be helpful jz to make sure i take the right course:biggrin:
  22. Q

    Where Can I Find Free Physics Courses from MIT?

  23. L

    Asteroid Collision Course and Sagging Backpack

    We recently had a study group to look over some problems we were given in preparation for our upcoming exam. There were two problems that gave us a little bit of difficulty. There's a lot of stuff here, but I tried to trim it up as much as possible so as not to scare off any help. If I need...
  24. dontdisturbmycircles

    Courses What is covered in a first year undergrad calculus course?

    What is covered in a typical first year undergrad calculus course? Is it just an in depth study of basic limits/integrals/derivatives? Or do they get into multiple integrals/vector calculus and stuff? Thanks.
  25. L

    Courses A nuclear engineering course as a substitute for nuclear physics?

    a nuclear engineering course as a substitute for nuclear physics?? I am a dual major in electrical engineering and physics and I missed my shot at taking nuclear physics, and likely will never get the chance to take it again. It isn't required for my degree but I still want to know something...
  26. C

    UW 1st Year Course Notes and Problem Assingments + Solutions

    I thought that these courses notes and problem assingments (midterm also) might be useful for anyone looking for extra material. I'm still a first-year student so I'm getting these as we go, and I'll update this post when we cover new material. Lecture Set 0: Introduction To Physics Lecture Set...
  27. C

    Courses Optimal Course Selection for Math and Physics Students

    Would it make more sense to take multivariable calculus before linear algebra and differential equations? Or would it be okay to take linear algebra and differential equations before multivariable calculus?
  28. edward

    News Bush claims it has never been stay the course

    Bush claims it has never been "stay the course" You could have fooled me.:rolleyes:
  29. B

    Introduction to Statics as Part of Mechanics

    Hello Where can I find a good introduction in (maybe in pdf) statica ? A part of mechanica? Thanks.
  30. R

    Online Course Work Question - Dynamics

    Hello everyone, I'm sorry if a question like this has been posted before, but I am trying to get my online work done for tonight and I have come across two problems that I just can't get past. I have gotten far into the problems but the website I enter values in on says theyre wrong. I...
  31. B

    Good course in training calculus skills?

    Hello, Where can I find a good course in training calculus skills? Thanks.
  32. B

    AS Physics course on units help

    I have just started the AS Physics course and we have been doing base units, base quanntities, derived units and drived quantities. This stuff completely baffles me, and cannot find a site which explains this stuff in bog standard english. Please could someone help me. Thanks, Ben
  33. T

    Programs Starting a physics degree course questions about direction of study.

    Hi, I'm a computer programmer who's just signed up for a physics degree with the Open University (UK) and I'm still undecided where to direct my study with regards choice of modules. Astronomy amazes me, the overwhelming size and age of the universe makes my head spin and excites my...
  34. C

    Courses Course schedule (yes, another one)

    I just registered for my freshman semester at the local community college. I think it should be a decent course load, but would like some oppinions on it. Calculus 3 (multivariable) physics 3 (thermodynamics and optics) Linear Algebra differential equations (I think it only covers ODE's...
  35. R

    Courses Need Help Choosing a 3rd year Math Course

    So here is the situation: I'm starting my third year this September in Applied Math..and I have to decide between 2 different math courses... 1. Algebra 1 An introduction to group theory, including Sylow theorems and structure of finitely generated Abelian groups; applications of group...
  36. C

    Courses Is a 20 credit course schedule manageable for a freshman?

    Hello Here are the courses I am planning to take for the fall semester of my freshman year: Introduction to the Science of Biology Film Aesthetics/Analysis FYS(freshman seminar): Women in Film and Literature Introduction to Proof Techniques Calculus 2They are all 4 credits, making a total of...
  37. I

    Courses Year 12 BSc Course Options: Monash vs UQ

    I'm currently in year 12 in Australia and wishing to go into a BSc course next year. While looking at my options I discovered a 'Bachelor of Science (Science Scholar Program)' and 'Bachelor of Science Advanced with Honours' being offered at Monash and I am achieving good results(mostly A's). So...
  38. L

    Courses Possible course substitutions?

    I am a double major in physics and EE and I am wondering about possible course substitutions to create more overlap in my dual major. I am NOT doing this to reduce the number of credit hours I need to take in order to graduate as I plan on taking the same amt of credits regardless of whether...
  39. K

    Studying Spivak's Calculus Textbook Course

    At UofT the first year math for the math and physics program is mat157, an introductory calculus analysis course where "Calculus" by Spivak is used. How can one prepare oneself for such a course? Where can one obtain a good knowldedge of proof techniques and anything else inorder to do well in...
  40. M

    Which Numerical Methods Resource is Best for This Course?

    Can anyone point me to a website or set of notes that I could read up on the topics of this course? course includes: solving for the roots of algebraic and transcendental equations, solution of simultaneous linear equations, least-squares curve fits to data, interpolation, numerical...
  41. P

    Courses Information regarding MSc Physics course in Cambride or oxford

    HI everyone, I'm a student from India . I would like to know the procedure to enter Msc physics course in Cambride(if at all its there). Is a three year degree valid in UK
  42. R

    Is Taking Three Evening Classes and Working Full Time Doable?

    I work a full time job. I attend school at night. For the fall semester I am considering taking three classes: Physics 1: 6:30pm -9:15 pm Monday and Wednesday Precalculus II 5:30pm-6:45pm Tuesday and Thursday Biology II: 7:00pm - 9:45pm Tuesday and Thursday I work until 6:00 - 2:00pm...
  43. L

    Courses Choice of course Phys-Math (McGill)

    Hi, I'm going into the Joint Honours Program in Mathematics and Physics @ McGill next session... I'm seeking for help on what course to take... (also how to take them...using minerva?) I'm new to all that university stuff... not too shure how it works... here is the list of class...
  44. N

    A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics [Peter Szekeres]

    Hi all I'm currently self-studying a relatively new book, "A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics", by Peter Szekeres, retired fellow at Uni of Adelaide (yes, he's the son of George Szekeres, of "Kruskal-Szekeres coordinates" fame :wink: ). I find it so far to be a totally great book! I...
  45. V

    Pulley Problem for Engineering Dynamics Course

    The cable at C is being pulled down at a velocity of 4 \frac{ft}{s}. The cable at C is also decelerating at a rate of 2 \frac{ft}{s^2}. At what velocity and acceleration is the block at A moving? http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/729/engr204problem121795wl.jpg I have the following...
  46. JasonRox

    Is Failing Your First Course a Sign of Bad Teaching?

    I never thought this day would happen. I'm writing the exam in about an hour and I'm clearly going to fail. If I pass, it's clearly a miracle. I don't deserve to pass either. I don't know anything literally. I worked on it over and over again, but the professor just flat out didn't teach...
  47. S

    Courses Advice Needed for Course Selection as Math Major

    Hello, I am a high school senior headed off to university in just 4 months or so. I am going to have to select my courses for my first year in the up and coming months, and was hoping to get some advice. I am pretty dead set on majoring in pure math (consequences be damned :rolleyes: ). Just...
  48. U

    Courses Retaking a Course: Is it Looked Down Upon?

    is retaking a course looked down upon? Say a student got a B as his final grade. would the student be better off in the long run to not have retaken the class and gotten an A?
  49. M

    First course in String THeory/Problem

    First course in String THeory/Problem! Hello I am new member. I am graduate student at the university of Athens(Greece) in the department of physics. I have a really big problem. ThIis semester normaly the department was going to offer a string course based on Zwiebach's book(I assume you know...
  50. M

    What is the acceleration of a particle at t=3s?

    Im trying to figure out in this question what to do and how to put the formula together. "A particle travels in a straight line such that for a short time 2s < t < 6s its motion is described by v=(4/a) ft/s, where a is in ft/s^2. If v=6ft/s when t=2s, determine the particle's acceleration...