Math gre Definition and 97 Threads

  1. P

    Testing Physics GRE or Math GRE for theoretical physics?

    I'm a student from the UK, completing a degree in theoretical physics. I'm interested in pursuing graduate opportunities in both the UK and the US. Of course, I am much more familiar with the 'UK standard' for graduate studies, in that the areas I want to pursue can fall into either the maths...
  2. S

    Testing Is the Math GRE Necessary for a Physics Program?

    Hello! I took my physics GRE and I got a good score on it. I am thinking to take the Math one, too (I looked over the problems and they seem ok). Do you think it worths? Like, if i apply to a physics program, would math GRE have any impact or they would completely ignore it? Thank you!
  3. PsychonautQQ

    Math GRE subject test question

    Let k be the number of real solutions to the equation e^x + x - 2 = 0 in the interval [0,1] and let n be the number of real solutions NOT on the interval [0,1]. Which of the following are true? A) k = 0 and n = 1 B) k = 1 and n = 0 C) k = n = 1 D) k > 1 E) n > 1 Can anyone help me understand...
  4. P

    GRE Math SUBJECT test for Oct. 6, 07 (or other months)

    hi everyone. i wanted to know what people scored for this month's test (or any other month if you feel like) and how they got the score (approximately how many questions answered correctly, incorrectly, skipped) so i have an idea of how well i need to do to do in the future in order to meet my...
  5. T

    Does the Limit of f'(x) Imply f''(x) Equals Zero?

    #34 on the much-discussed" : Suppose f is a differentiable function with \lim\limits_{x \to \infty }f(x)=K and \lim\limits_{x \to \infty }f'(x)=L for some K,L finite. Which must be true? L=0 \lim\limits_{x \to \infty }f''(x)=0 K=L f is constant. f' is...
  6. mattmns

    Prepare for GRE Math Subject Exam: Tips & Advice

    I am most likely going to take the GRE Math Subject exam in April '07, and so I am wondering about how I should prepare for the exam. For those that have taken the exam, how would you prepare if you were to take the exam again? Do you think tutoring math (mostly calculus) would be a great way...
  7. I

    Questions from the GRE Math Subject Test Practice Book

    Hello, I'm preparing for the GRE Math Subject Test, as such, I am using ETS's free practice book which can be downloaded from the website. The answers are given for the questions, but the solutions are not. I am having difficulty getting the solutions to the following questions. Help and...
  8. Duderonimous

    Help in choosing 4 upper division physics classes.

    Hello, I am a transfer student that has been admitted to CSU Long Beach in the Fall '14 for a BS in electrical engineering and I would also like to pursue a BA in physics. I reckon this will take me 4 years. A BA in physics consist of taking lower division CALC I/II/III and PHYS ABC. Also...
  9. dkotschessaa

    How Do You Cope with Miscarriage and Life Challenges While in College?

    I usually post on Random Thoughts, but I didn't want to hijack that thread with my sad news. It's been about 3 weeks, but my wife miscarried at 20 weeks. We're wanting to move on so we can try again in about 3 months, but we're very sad. She's having some of the after effects now and not...
  10. A

    Programs Self-Taught Undergraduate Physics Major

    All, Do you think that it would be possible for me design my own curriculum and teach myself all of undergraduate physics and the appropriate level math in a year potentially? I know that I will have to work lots of problems to become really good at the content. I was also thinking about taking...
  11. K

    Can Last-Minute SOP Reviews Enhance UCSB Application Success?

    Pretty unlike me, but I've waited until the last minute to put together my statement. Finals (and grant proposals and having to fly out of town for both GRE's (not offered at my school)) reallllly got the best of me this year, but it is what it is at this point. I was hoping that someone would...
  12. A

    Advice on research and being competitive

    Hi everyone, I am finishing up my first semester of my Masters program in Physics. I got my bachelors in Math. It's been very hard, but so very rewarding this semester. I don't go to a top school, but i feel like I'm getting a great education here. I'm the only female too, which makes me...
  13. P

    Schools Graduate School Applications and Health Problems

    I have been reading posts on PF for a while, but I have not signed up until now. I am applying to graduate programs this year. I have been told I have a very strong application. I have been doing theoretical physics research for 3 years, have taken 16 graduate courses in math and physics...
  14. P

    Is Taking a Gap Year a Good Idea for Math-Focused Students?

    Hello, I am currently in my senior year as an undergraduate and plan to apply to physics grad school in a year or two. I feel like taking some time off would help me become more focused and I don't have money to take the physics gre, or to apply for grad school. I also want to explore other...
  15. M

    Nuclear Engineering from Physics

    So I should be graduating next year with an AA, BS in Physics, minor in math ~3.4/3.6gpa. GRE 55% verbal 87% qualitative 4 in writing with a Physics GRE score of 710 (~55%). Undergrad research along with an REU. I can probably retake the GRE as I have another year of undergrad left. With this...
  16. S

    What Should a Math Major Do Before Applying for a Master's Program?

    Hi, I am an undergrad math major (minor in applied stats) set to graduate next month. I have been considering graduate school for a long time, and I know I want to pursue at least a Master's in the near future. For a while, I wanted to pursue a Master's in Applied Statistics and aim for...
  17. T

    Schools GPA, grades, C's, grad school (typical post probably)

    I am a junior physics and cognitive science major with hopes of going into grad school for physics. I have to stay 3-4 extra semesters to finish school- not enough time to do everything. The attached file shows my grades. PHY is physics, CSC is computer science, MAT is math- the rest are not...
  18. J

    What are my odds of getting into these math masters?

    I am a senior math major and my goal is to get into a top 20 PhD program. Right now I do not feel competitive enough to get into those schools, so I am pursuing a masters degree first. I'm applying to these schools: -University of Washington -Texas A&M - College Station -University...
  19. Hercuflea

    158 in GRE quant should I just give up on life

    I spent a whole year taking practice tests and I took an entire princeton review course. I have studied intermittently for the last 4 months. I memorized the entire formula sheet from the kaplan math book and more and maybe used 2 of the formulas on the test. I took 4 practice tests and...
  20. L

    Finding it hard to prove myself.

    A recap for those that missed my past threads: I am a physics major with 1 course requirement to graduate. Last year I applied to a few grad schools and several dozen internships, research programs and any and all remotely technical jobs that would assist me in getting experience, which would...
  21. I

    Studying Required books and knowledge to take physics GRE.

    Hi all, What math and physics books I need to read before I am able to score well in physics GRE. I just started with Apostol/Spivak for calculus. My question is what should I read next? Real analysis vs multivariable? or rather, Spivak should be enough to handle the required math for physics...
  22. I

    How can I prepare for the Physics GRE without a formal physics background?

    Hi all, I have a bit unusual story but I am serious about it and I would much appreciate any piece of advice. I am a medical doctor (28 yrs old) and I want to study physics (theoretical more than applied). I always wanted to study physics and had tremendous passion toward it and felt some...
  23. PsychonautQQ

    Confusing linear momentum GRE question

    Homework Statement Homework Equations p=mv The Attempt at a Solution Can somebody show me the math on why this is true? I feel like in my head if a particle hits the stick in the center of mass instead of at the end it would then make the center of...
  24. I

    Schools Should I even bother applying for grad school?

    Hey, I know there's a sticky on top of the page kind of about this but I read through the thread and I have a pretty particular case that which isn't really addressed. I just finished my undergrad studies, received a B.A. a few months ago in May, and I was thinking about going to school...
  25. S

    Schools Graduate school app - Do I have a shot?

    Hi! I am new to the board so let me first just say hello - Hello! :) To my question - you guys have more experience so your judgement is way more accurate when it comes to graduate physics studies, so I wanted to ask if I have a shot at any of the better (say top 50) physics institutions...
  26. S

    Asking for Research; Aloof Prof.

    Hello. I'm an undergraduate physics/applied math major hoping to go to grad school. I have a professor in my school who I'm interested in doing research under because the subject of his research is, well, interesting to me. Also I'm consider it in graduate school. I had him last semester...
  27. C

    EE/PHYS 3.2/3.4 With GRE what are my chances?

    Hey everybody, I am an electrical engineering and physics double major with a math minor coming out of a small liberal arts college. I take the GRE/PGRE in November and was curious about where I could realistically be accepted (I am aiming for physics graduate programs). I've heard extremely...
  28. M

    Advice for an EE grad intrested in physics

    I have a degree in electrical engineering, but I would like the opportunity to do physics in graduate school. A significant issue I have encountered is that I have no research experience, and seemingly no way to acquire it. It seems these opportunities are just for undergraduates; it seems there...
  29. D

    Schools Question about grad school; advisor; letter

    Advisor I am applying to graduate school and there is a professor I want to work with. According to the university, he is an active faculty. I checked his profile and all I could find was his name, the university's address and his research which tersely states: "geometry". So I looked him...
  30. DiracPool

    Applying to Universities: Dealing with GRE Anxiety

    I'm applying to two different universities, each of which has a top-notch department doing the type of research I'm interested in, neural network modeling. One is a DARPA funded program in an applied math department, and the other is a program in an electrical and computer engineering...
  31. M

    Physics study abroad or research?

    I am a sophomore physics major from a small liberal arts college in the US, with excellent placement services into study abroad programs. It's always been my dream to study abroad for a semester, and I have looked into physics study abroad programs that would fit into my schedule since freshman...
  32. S

    Schools Feeling Underprepared for Graduate School

    Hello! I'm an undergraduate physics and math major and I just finished up my third year at a small university. I plan on staying an extra year to fulfill all of my requirements, so I have over a year to figure out exactly what I want to do in the future. I'm pretty set on going to graduate...
  33. P

    Testing Best Way to Study for the Physics GRE?

    Hi all, sorry if this thread already exists. I am just wondering if going through a University Physics text cover to cover and doing all of the exercises is a good way to prepare for the physics GRE? I know I should also do many practice tests of course. I'm pretty worried about this test...
  34. D

    Is a 162 Verbal, 167 Math GRE Score Good Enough for Biology Grad School?

    I got 162 on verbal 167 on math and 4 on the analytical writing (49% for the writing). Is this good enough for graduate school? Is it worth it to try again? I would like to go into a biology related graduate school.
  35. J

    Schools Odds of getting into a top 30 math graduate school?

    My stats: -3.85 GPA in math from small state university -Honors graduate -Taken every undergraduate math class, including 2 abstract algebras, 3 analysis classes, 3 calculus classes, 1 differential equation, 2 geometries, 1 linear algebra, combinatorics, actuarial science, linear algebra, 3...
  36. S

    Master's Program ways to increase my chances of getting in?

    I'm a senior undergrad at the University of Michigan- Dearborn. I am a math major with a minor in applied statistics. Now that I'm near graduation (Fall 2013), I am considering my grad school options. I really want to get into the University Of Michigan's (Ann Arbor) Applied Statistics program...
  37. J

    Not sure about the strength of my grad application

    Not sure about the strength of my grad application (MATH)... Hi all, Sorry to post another typical grad application question, but I really need some guidance on appropriate math grad schools I should apply to. My advisors don't seem to know much. Could anyone give me a rough idea of where I...
  38. H

    GRE book reviews for: Physics: A Student Companion by Lowry Kirkby

    GRE book reviews for: "Physics: A Student Companion" by Lowry Kirkby Hey Everyone, First off I know you don't put book titles in quotes, but it makes the formatting more comprehensible. You can skip my sob story and read the last paragraph for the main gist of this post. My Background: I...
  39. P

    A Poor General GRE Score: Is It Okay for a Math/Physics Major?

    So I got a 160 (81%-tile) on the quantitative reasoning section of the general GRE which is embarrassing for a math\physics major! I've gotten straight A's including graduate classes like quantum field theory, differential geometry etc; I think I just made mindless arithmetic errors on the GRE...
  40. P

    Schools No REU Experience/Grad School Question

    Hi all, I'm a math/physics double major at a decent public university. I simply don't have time to do an REU this summer but I have really good credentials otherwise (I think :/). So I am the whole lack of REU experience going to kill my chances of getting into an...
  41. M

    Programs Maximizing Chances of Graduate School Admittance: Advice Needed

    Hi all, thank you in advance for reading this and potential advice :) I am an undergraduate at a tier 2 research university in the US. I am going for a combined chemistry (biochemistry emphasis) and applied mathematics degree (I am a year away from getting both degrees). For the chemistry I...
  42. Darth Frodo

    Schools Physics Grad school as an International student.

    Hi all, I'm studying Maths and Physics at a University in Europe and I have a few questions regarding going to Grad school in the U.S. and I would be ever so appreciative if you all could shed some light on these. Thanks! 1: The GRE I know that I must take the PGRE sometime in early 4th...
  43. C

    Lang's Basic Mathematics for General GRE Prep

    Lang's "Basic Mathematics" for General GRE Prep From what I've gathered, the math on the General GRE is made up of material primarily covered in high school mathematics. With that said, would working through Serge Lang's "Basic Mathematics" text be beneficial to prepping for the math portion...
  44. A

    Is a PhD in Physics the Right Path for Me?

    I am currently applying to graduate programs in physics. I have a strong application: solid grades, high physics gre, research experience, and good recommendations, so I think I have some pretty good chances of getting in. But when looking at grad programs, I am continually finding myself...
  45. Y

    Electrical Engineering After Physics Background

    I attend a small LAC. After having taking an electronics course this past semester, I am fascinated by it. While I am still interested in Physics, I would like to skew more towards EE while in grad school (maybe, Quantum Devices, Solid State, etc). Am I in good position to apply to such things...
  46. J

    Schools PGRE - A message to undergrads from physics grad school.

    I recently joined this forum because I wanted to provide a "physics grad student perspective" which I often felt was missing. (This is only possible because I have a little extra time lately; I will soon evaporate back into my research, but while I am here...) American students are not used...
  47. T

    Testing How Can I Effectively Prepare for the Physics GRE?

    Hi all, I am starting to plan my Physics GRE studying... I will probably take the test next September or October. I have a lot of reading to do between now and then. I would like to hear about any and all strategies that worked for you, what you believe was most important. I have tons of...
  48. A

    Preparing for Grad School: Tips for My Last 3 Semesters of College

    Hey all! I'm a little lost as to what I should get done in my last three semesters of college. I do plan on going to grad school and will take the GRE next spring, but I currently have no idea as to what else I should be getting done to prepare. I have passing interest in materials science and...
  49. V

    Engineering What are some top universities for nuclear engineering programs?

    Hey members, I've taken the GRE lately and scored 311 (Q-161). Well,I'm in my final year,doing Civil Engg. from Mumbai University and my acads are pretty much on the lower side(actually its pretty crap).And I wish to get into a nuclear engg. grad program.The thing is,I'm not sure what kind of...
  50. D

    Schools Low GRE scores, options for delaying graduate school?

    Hi all, So, I didn't do so hot on either the GRE or the Physics GRE. I've always been rubbish at standardized tests, and these proved no exception either, even with studying. I know I scored low on the GRE for math (for a physics major). It's not as if I don't know the material, but it's...